bool GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() { unsigned char newEntry[ENTRY_COUNT]; unsigned char codeSize; if (fInput->Read(&codeSize, 1) < 1) return false; if (codeSize > fPalette->size_in_bits) { if (debug) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() - " "Code_size should be %d, not %d, allowing it\n", fCodeSize, codeSize); } if (!InitFrame(codeSize)) return false; } else if (codeSize < fPalette->size_in_bits) { if (debug) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() - " "Code_size should be %d, not %d\n", fCodeSize, codeSize); } return false; } else if (!InitFrame(fPalette->size_in_bits)) return false; if (debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() - Starting LZW\n"); while ((fNewCode = NextCode()) != -1 && fNewCode != fEndCode) { if (fNewCode == fClearCode) { ResetTable(); fNewCode = NextCode(); fOldCode[0] = fNewCode; fOldCodeLength = 1; if (!OutputColor(fOldCode, 1)) goto bad_end; if (fNewCode == -1 || fNewCode == fEndCode) { if (debug) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() - " "Premature fEndCode or error reading fNewCode\n"); } goto bad_end; } continue; } // explicitly check for lack of clear code at start of file if (fOldCodeLength == 0) { fOldCode[0] = fNewCode; fOldCodeLength = 1; if (!OutputColor(fOldCode, 1)) goto bad_end; continue; } // error out if we're trying to access an out-of-bounds index if (fNextCode >= ENTRY_COUNT) goto bad_end; if (fTable[fNewCode] != NULL) { // exists in table if (!OutputColor(fTable[fNewCode], fEntrySize[fNewCode])) goto bad_end; //memcpy(newEntry, fOldCode, fOldCodeLength); for (unsigned int x = 0; x < fOldCodeLength; x++) newEntry[x] = fOldCode[x]; //memcpy(newEntry + fOldCodeLength, fTable[fNewCode], 1); newEntry[fOldCodeLength] = fTable[fNewCode][0]; } else { // does not exist in table //memcpy(newEntry, fOldCode, fOldCodeLength); for (unsigned int x = 0; x < fOldCodeLength; x++) newEntry[x] = fOldCode[x]; //memcpy(newEntry + fOldCodeLength, fOldCode, 1); newEntry[fOldCodeLength] = fOldCode[0]; if (!OutputColor(newEntry, fOldCodeLength + 1)) goto bad_end; } fTable[fNextCode] = MemblockAllocate(fOldCodeLength + 1); if (fTable[fNextCode] == NULL) goto bad_end; //memcpy(fTable[fNextCode], newEntry, fOldCodeLength + 1); for (unsigned int x = 0; x < fOldCodeLength + 1; x++) fTable[fNextCode][x] = newEntry[x]; fEntrySize[fNextCode] = fOldCodeLength + 1; //memcpy(fOldCode, fTable[fNewCode], fEntrySize[fNewCode]); for (int x = 0; x < fEntrySize[fNewCode]; x++) fOldCode[x] = fTable[fNewCode][x]; fOldCodeLength = fEntrySize[fNewCode]; fNextCode++; if (fNextCode > fMaxCode && fBits < LZ_MAX_BITS) { fBits++; fMaxCode = (1 << fBits) - 1; } } MemblockDeleteAll(); if (fNewCode == -1) return false; if (debug) syslog(LOG_INFO, "GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() - Done\n"); return true; bad_end: if (debug) syslog(LOG_ERR, "GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() - Reached a bad end\n"); MemblockDeleteAll(); return false; }
void Mesh::CreateSVG(const std::string& filename) const { std::ofstream ostr(filename.c_str()); ostr << "<body bgcolor=dddddd onLoad=\"render()\" >\n"; // a few checkboxes at the top of the page to control the visualization ostr << "<form name=\"orderForm\">\n"; ostr << " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"illegal\" checked " << " onClick=\"render()\">draw illegal (red) & next legal collapse (blue) edges<br>\n"; ostr << " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"wireframe\" " << " onClick=\"render()\">draw all edges<br>\n"; ostr << " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"black\" " << " onClick=\"render()\">toggle white vs. black<br>\n"; ostr << "</form>\n"; // javascript to actually change the visualization based on the checkboxes ostr << "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n"; ostr << " function render() {\n"; ostr << " var mysvg = document.getElementById(\"mesh\");\n"; ostr << " if (document.orderForm.wireframe.checked == false) {\n"; ostr << " var polys = mysvg.children;\n"; ostr << " for (var i = 0; i < polys.length; i++) {\n"; ostr << " if (polys[i].tagName.toUpperCase() == \"POLYGON\") {\n"; ostr << " polys[i].style[\"strokeWidth\"] = \"0\"\n"; ostr << " }\n"; ostr << " }\n"; ostr << " } else if ( == false) {\n"; ostr << " var polys = mysvg.children;\n"; ostr << " for (var i = 0; i < polys.length; i++) {\n"; ostr << " if (polys[i].tagName.toUpperCase() == \"POLYGON\") {\n"; ostr << " polys[i].style.stroke = \"#FFFFFF\"\n"; ostr << " polys[i].style[\"strokeWidth\"] = \"1\"\n"; ostr << " }\n"; ostr << " }\n"; ostr << " = \"white\"\n"; ostr << " } else {\n"; ostr << " var polys = mysvg.children;\n"; ostr << " for (var i = 0; i < polys.length; i++) {\n"; ostr << " if (polys[i].tagName.toUpperCase() == \"POLYGON\") {\n"; ostr << " polys[i].style.stroke = \"#000000\"\n"; ostr << " polys[i].style[\"strokeWidth\"] = \"2\"\n"; ostr << " }\n"; ostr << " }\n"; ostr << " = \"white\"\n"; ostr << " }\n"; ostr << " if (document.orderForm.illegal.checked == false) {\n"; ostr << " var polys = mysvg.children;\n"; ostr << " for (var i = 0; i < polys.length; i++) {\n"; ostr << " if (polys[i].tagName.toUpperCase() == \"LINE\") {\n"; ostr << " polys[i].style[\"strokeWidth\"] = \"0\"\n"; ostr << " }\n"; ostr << " }\n"; ostr << " } else {\n"; ostr << " var polys = mysvg.children;\n"; ostr << " for (var i = 0; i < polys.length; i++) {\n"; ostr << " if (polys[i].tagName.toUpperCase() == \"LINE\") {\n"; ostr << " polys[i].style[\"strokeWidth\"] = \"5\"\n"; ostr << " }\n"; ostr << " }\n"; ostr << " = \"white\"\n"; ostr << " }\n"; ostr << " }\n"; ostr << "</script>\n"; ostr << "<svg id=\"mesh\" height=\"" << height + 2*BORDER << "\" width=\"" << width + 2*BORDER << "\" style=\"background:white\" shape-rendering=\"crispEdges\">\n"; // draw the triangles with the average color of the vertices for (triangles_set::const_iterator itr = triangles.begin(); itr != triangles.end(); itr++) { Triangle *t = *itr; float r = (t->getVertex(0)->r() +t->getVertex(1)->r() +t->getVertex(2)->r()) / 3.0; float g = (t->getVertex(0)->g() +t->getVertex(1)->g() +t->getVertex(2)->g()) / 3.0; float b = (t->getVertex(0)->b() +t->getVertex(1)->b() +t->getVertex(2)->b()) / 3.0; ostr << "<polygon points=\"" << std::setw(8) << t->getVertex(0)->x() << "," << std::setw(8) << t->getVertex(0)->y() << " " << std::setw(8) << t->getVertex(1)->x() << "," << std::setw(8) << t->getVertex(1)->y() << " " << std::setw(8) << t->getVertex(2)->x() << "," << std::setw(8) << t->getVertex(2)->y() << "\" style=\"fill:#" << OutputColor(Vertex(0,0,r,g,b)) << ";stroke:#" << OutputColor(Vertex(0,0,r,g,b)) << ";stroke-width:1" << ";stroke-linecap:round\" " << ";stroke-linejoin:round\" " << "/>" << std::endl; } // draw the illegal edges in red for (edges_map::const_iterator itr = edges.begin(); itr != edges.end(); itr++) { const Edge *e = itr->second; assert (itr->first.first->getID() < itr->first.second->getID()); if (!e->isLegal()) { ostr << "<line " << "x1=\"" << std::setw(8) << e->getV1()->x() << "\" " << "y1=\"" << std::setw(8) << e->getV1()->y() << "\" " << "x2=\"" << std::setw(8) << e->getV2()->x() << "\" " << "y2=\"" << std::setw(8) << e->getV2()->y() << "\" " << " stroke=\"red\" " << " stroke-width=\"0\" " << " stroke-linecap=\"round\" " << "/>" << std::endl; } } // draw the next (legal) edge to collapse in blue Edge *e = FindEdge(); if (e != NULL) { ostr << "<line " << "x1=\"" << std::setw(8) << e->getV1()->x() << "\" " << "y1=\"" << std::setw(8) << e->getV1()->y() << "\" " << "x2=\"" << std::setw(8) << e->getV2()->x() << "\" " << "y2=\"" << std::setw(8) << e->getV2()->y() << "\" " << " stroke=\"blue\" " << " stroke-width=\"0\" " << " stroke-linecap=\"round\" " << "/>" << std::endl; } ostr << "</svg>\n"; // print some simple stats at the bottom of the page ostr << "<p>" << *this << "</p>" << std::endl; ostr << "</body>\n"; }
bool GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() { unsigned char newEntry[4096]; unsigned char cs; fInput->Read(&cs, 1); if (cs == fPalette->size_in_bits) { if (!InitFrame(fPalette->size_in_bits)) return false; } else if (cs > fPalette->size_in_bits) { if (debug) syslog(LOG_ERR, "GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() - Code_size should be %d, not " "%d, allowing it\n", fCodeSize, cs); if (!InitFrame(cs)) return false; } else if (cs < fPalette->size_in_bits) { if (debug) syslog(LOG_ERR, "GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() - Code_size should be %d, not " "%d\n", fCodeSize, cs); return false; } if (debug) syslog(LOG_ERR, "GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() - Starting LZW\n"); while ((fNewCode = NextCode()) != -1 && fNewCode != fEndCode) { if (fNewCode == fClearCode) { ResetTable(); fNewCode = NextCode(); fOldCode[0] = fNewCode; fOldCodeLength = 1; if (!OutputColor(fOldCode, 1)) goto bad_end; if (fNewCode == -1 || fNewCode == fEndCode) { if (debug) syslog(LOG_ERR, "GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() - Premature fEndCode " "or error\n"); goto bad_end; } continue; } // Explicitly check for lack of clear code at start of file if (fOldCodeLength == 0) { fOldCode[0] = fNewCode; fOldCodeLength = 1; if (!OutputColor(fOldCode, 1)) goto bad_end; continue; } if (fTable[fNewCode] != NULL) { // Does exist in table if (!OutputColor(fTable[fNewCode], fEntrySize[fNewCode])) goto bad_end; //memcpy(newEntry, fOldCode, fOldCodeLength); for (int x = 0; x < fOldCodeLength; x++) { newEntry[x] = fOldCode[x]; } //memcpy(newEntry + fOldCodeLength, fTable[fNewCode], 1); newEntry[fOldCodeLength] = *fTable[fNewCode]; } else { // Does not exist in table //memcpy(newEntry, fOldCode, fOldCodeLength); for (int x = 0; x < fOldCodeLength; x++) { newEntry[x] = fOldCode[x]; } //memcpy(newEntry + fOldCodeLength, fOldCode, 1); newEntry[fOldCodeLength] = *fOldCode; if (!OutputColor(newEntry, fOldCodeLength + 1)) goto bad_end; } fTable[fNextCode] = MemblockAllocate(fOldCodeLength + 1); //memcpy(fTable[fNextCode], newEntry, fOldCodeLength + 1); for (int x = 0; x < fOldCodeLength + 1; x++) { fTable[fNextCode][x] = newEntry[x]; } fEntrySize[fNextCode] = fOldCodeLength + 1; //memcpy(fOldCode, fTable[fNewCode], fEntrySize[fNewCode]); for (int x = 0; x < fEntrySize[fNewCode]; x++) { fOldCode[x] = fTable[fNewCode][x]; } fOldCodeLength = fEntrySize[fNewCode]; fNextCode++; if (fNextCode > fMaxCode && fBits != 12) { fBits++; fMaxCode = (1 << fBits) - 1; } } MemblockDeleteAll(); if (fNewCode == -1) return false; if (debug) syslog(LOG_ERR, "GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() - Done\n"); return true; bad_end: if (debug) syslog(LOG_ERR, "GIFLoad::ReadGIFImageData() - Reached a bad end\n"); MemblockDeleteAll(); return false; }