Пример #1
bool PangoFontInfo::GetSpacingProperties(const string& utf8_char,
                                         int* x_bearing, int* x_advance) const {
  // Convert to equivalent PangoFont structure
  PangoFont* font = ToPangoFont();
  // Find the glyph index in the font for the supplied utf8 character.
  int total_advance = 0;
  int min_bearing = 0;
  // Handle multi-unicode strings by reporting the left-most position of the
  // x-bearing, and right-most position of the x-advance if the string were to
  // be rendered.
  const UNICHAR::const_iterator it_begin = UNICHAR::begin(utf8_char.c_str(),
  const UNICHAR::const_iterator it_end = UNICHAR::end(utf8_char.c_str(),
  for (UNICHAR::const_iterator it = it_begin; it != it_end; ++it) {
    PangoGlyph glyph_index = pango_fc_font_get_glyph(
        reinterpret_cast<PangoFcFont*>(font), *it);
    if (!glyph_index) {
      // Glyph for given unicode character doesn't exist in font.
      return false;
    // Find the ink glyph extents for the glyph
    PangoRectangle ink_rect, logical_rect;
    pango_font_get_glyph_extents(font, glyph_index, &ink_rect, &logical_rect);
    pango_extents_to_pixels(&ink_rect, NULL);
    pango_extents_to_pixels(&logical_rect, NULL);

    int bearing = total_advance + PANGO_LBEARING(ink_rect);
    if (it == it_begin || bearing < min_bearing) {
      min_bearing = bearing;
    total_advance += PANGO_RBEARING(logical_rect);
  *x_bearing = min_bearing;
  *x_advance = total_advance;
  return true;
Пример #2
void render_glyph(
	cairo_t* cr,
	PangoFontDescription* font_desc,
	PangoFont* font,
	const guint code_point,
	const size_t cell_x,
	const size_t cell_y,
	const size_t cell_size,
	const double tex_size,
	const int ascent,
	const int descent,
	std::ostream& bgm_out
	PangoLayout *layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(cr);

	char str[6] = {'\0'};
	size_t len = 0;
	oglplus::aux::ConvertCodePointToUTF8(code_point, str, len);

	pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, font_desc);
	pango_layout_set_text(layout, str, len);

	const int baseline = pango_layout_get_baseline(layout);
	const double inv_ps = 1.0 / double(PANGO_SCALE);
	const double font_size = ascent+descent;

	PangoRectangle ink_rect, log_rect;

	// code point number
	bgm_out << code_point << std::endl;
	// hex representation of the number
	bgm_out	<< std::hex
		<< "0x"
		<< code_point
		<< std::dec
		<< std::endl;
	// the utf-8 sequence
	bgm_out << "'" << str << "'" << std::endl;
	// vertex[0] logical rectangle metrics
	// Left bearing (x)
	bgm_out << PANGO_LBEARING(log_rect)/font_size << std::endl;
	// Right bearing (x+width)
	bgm_out << PANGO_RBEARING(log_rect)/font_size << std::endl;
	// Ascent
	bgm_out << (baseline-log_rect.y)/font_size << std::endl;
	// Descent
	bgm_out << (log_rect.height+log_rect.y-baseline)/font_size << std::endl;
	// vertex[1] ink rectangle metrics
	// Left bearing (x)
	bgm_out << PANGO_LBEARING(ink_rect)/font_size << std::endl;
	// Right bearing (x+width)
	bgm_out << PANGO_RBEARING(ink_rect)/font_size << std::endl;
	// Ascent
	bgm_out << (baseline-ink_rect.y)/font_size << std::endl;
	// Descent
	bgm_out << (ink_rect.y+ink_rect.height-baseline)/font_size << std::endl;
	// vertex[2] texture coordinates
	// Origin X
	bgm_out << (cell_x*cell_size+ink_rect.x*inv_ps)/tex_size << std::endl;
	// Origin Y
	bgm_out << 1.0-(cell_y*cell_size+baseline*inv_ps)/tex_size << std::endl;
	// Width
	bgm_out << ((ink_rect.width)*inv_ps)/tex_size << std::endl;
	// Height
	bgm_out << ((ink_rect.height)*inv_ps)/tex_size << std::endl;

	// separating newline
	bgm_out << std::endl;

	cairo_move_to(cr, cell_x*cell_size, cell_y*cell_size);
	cairo_set_line_width(cr, 0.5);

	pango_cairo_update_layout(cr, layout);
	pango_cairo_layout_path(cr, layout);

Пример #3
static void
draw_string(DiaRenderer *self,
            const char *text,
            Point *pos, Alignment alignment,
            Color *color)
  DiaCairoRenderer *renderer = DIA_CAIRO_RENDERER (self);
  int len = strlen(text);

  DIAG_NOTE(g_message("draw_string(%d) %f,%f %s", 
            len, pos->x, pos->y, text));

  if (len < 1) return; /* shouldn't this be handled by Dia's core ? */

  cairo_set_source_rgba (renderer->cr, color->red, color->green, color->blue, 1.0);
  cairo_save (renderer->cr);
  /* alignment calculation done by pangocairo? */
  pango_layout_set_alignment (renderer->layout, alignment == ALIGN_CENTER ? PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER :
                                                alignment == ALIGN_RIGHT ? PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT : PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT);
  pango_layout_set_text (renderer->layout, text, len);
    PangoLayoutIter *iter = pango_layout_get_iter(renderer->layout);
    int bline = pango_layout_iter_get_baseline(iter);
    /* although we give the alignment above we need to adjust the start point */
    PangoRectangle extents;
    int shift;
    pango_layout_iter_get_line_extents (iter, NULL, &extents);
    shift = alignment == ALIGN_CENTER ? PANGO_RBEARING(extents)/2 :
            alignment == ALIGN_RIGHT ? PANGO_RBEARING(extents) : 0;
    cairo_move_to (renderer->cr, pos->x - (double)shift / PANGO_SCALE, pos->y - (double)bline / PANGO_SCALE);
    pango_layout_iter_free (iter);
  /* does this hide bug #341481? */
  pango_cairo_update_context (renderer->cr, pango_layout_get_context (renderer->layout));
  pango_layout_context_changed (renderer->layout);

  pango_cairo_show_layout (renderer->cr, renderer->layout);
  cairo_restore (renderer->cr);
  /* using the 'toy API' */
    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    double x = 0, y = 0;
    cairo_set_source_rgba (renderer->cr, color->red, color->green, color->blue, 1.0);
    cairo_text_extents (renderer->cr,

    y = pos->y; /* ?? */

    switch (alignment) {
    case ALIGN_LEFT:
      x = pos->x;
    case ALIGN_CENTER:
      x = pos->x - extents.width / 2 + +extents.x_bearing;
    case ALIGN_RIGHT:
      x = pos->x - extents.width + extents.x_bearing;
    cairo_move_to (renderer->cr, x, y);
    cairo_show_text (renderer->cr, text);
