TEST parg_getopt_long_optarg_missing(void) { struct parg_state ps; char *argv[] = { "app", "--optarg" }; int li = -1; parg_init(&ps); ASSERT_EQ('o', parg_getopt_long(&ps, ARRAY_SIZE(argv), argv, ":", po_def, &li)); ASSERT_EQ(1, li); ASSERT_EQ(NULL, ps.optarg); ASSERT_EQ(2, ps.optind); ASSERT_EQ(-1, parg_getopt_long(&ps, ARRAY_SIZE(argv), argv, ":", po_def, &li)); ASSERT_EQ(NULL, ps.optarg); ASSERT_EQ(2, ps.optind); PASS(); }
TEST basic_test_sadd_sunion(int _commit) { int retval; rlite *db = NULL; RL_CALL_VERBOSE(setup_db, RL_OK, &db, _commit, 1); unsigned char *key = UNSIGN("my key"); long keylen = strlen((char *)key); unsigned char *key2 = UNSIGN("my key2"); long key2len = strlen((char *)key2); unsigned char *datas[2] = {UNSIGN("my data"), UNSIGN("my data2")}; long dataslen[2] = {strlen((char *)datas[0]), strlen((char *)datas[1]) }; unsigned char *datas2[3] = {UNSIGN("other data2"), UNSIGN("yet another data"), UNSIGN("my data")}; long datas2len[3] = {strlen((char *)datas2[0]), strlen((char *)datas2[1]), strlen((char *)datas2[2])}; unsigned char *keys[2] = {key, key2}; long keyslen[2] = {keylen, key2len}; unsigned char **datasunion; long *datasunionlen, datasc, i; RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_sadd, RL_OK, db, key, keylen, 2, datas, dataslen, NULL); RL_BALANCED(); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_sadd, RL_OK, db, key2, key2len, 3, datas2, datas2len, NULL); RL_BALANCED(); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_sunion, RL_OK, db, 2, keys, keyslen, &datasc, &datasunion, &datasunionlen); EXPECT_LONG(datasc, 4); EXPECT_BYTES(datas[1], dataslen[1], datasunion[0], datasunionlen[0]); EXPECT_BYTES(datas[0], dataslen[0], datasunion[1], datasunionlen[1]); EXPECT_BYTES(datas2[1], datas2len[1], datasunion[2], datasunionlen[2]); EXPECT_BYTES(datas2[0], datas2len[0], datasunion[3], datasunionlen[3]); for (i = 0; i < datasc; i++) { rl_free(datasunion[i]); } rl_free(datasunion); rl_free(datasunionlen); rl_close(db); PASS(); }
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Test 6: Q(qr(A)).T * Q(qr(A)) == I * OK: ||I - Q.T*Q||_1 ~~ n*eps */ int test_build_identity(int M, int N, int K, int lb, int verbose) { char *blk = lb > 0 ? " blk" : "unblk"; char ct = M == K ? 'M' : 'K'; armas_x_dense_t A0, C0, tau0, D; int ok; DTYPE n0; armas_conf_t conf = *armas_conf_default(); armas_x_init(&A0, M, N); armas_x_init(&C0, M, M); armas_x_init(&tau0, imin(M, N), 1); // set source data armas_x_set_values(&A0, unitrand, ARMAS_ANY); // factorize conf.lb = lb; armas_x_rqfactor(&A0, &tau0, &conf); // compute Q = buildQ(rq(A)), K first columns conf.lb = lb; if (armas_x_rqbuild(&A0, &tau0, K, &conf) < 0) printf("build error: %d\n", conf.error); // C0 = Q.T*Q - I armas_x_mult(0.0, &C0, 1.0, &A0, &A0, ARMAS_TRANSB, &conf); armas_x_diag(&D, &C0, 0); armas_x_add(&D, -1.0, &conf); n0 = armas_x_mnorm(&C0, ARMAS_NORM_ONE, &conf); ok = isOK(n0, N); printf("%s: %s Q(rq(A),%c).T * Q(rq(A),%c) == I\n", PASS(ok), blk, ct, ct); if (verbose > 0) { printf(" || rel error ||_1: %e [%d]\n", n0, ndigits(n0)); } //armas_x_release(&A0); armas_x_release(&C0); armas_x_release(&tau0); return ok; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { void *fdt; int subnode1_offset, subnode2_offset; int subsubnode1_offset, subsubnode2_offset, subsubnode2_offset2; int ss12_off, ss21_off; test_init(argc, argv); fdt = load_blob_arg(argc, argv); subnode1_offset = check_subnode(fdt, 0, "subnode@1"); subnode2_offset = check_subnode(fdt, 0, "subnode@2"); if (subnode1_offset == subnode2_offset) FAIL("Different subnodes have same offset"); check_property_cell(fdt, subnode1_offset, "prop-int", TEST_VALUE_1); check_property_cell(fdt, subnode2_offset, "prop-int", TEST_VALUE_2); subsubnode1_offset = check_subnode(fdt, subnode1_offset, "subsubnode"); subsubnode2_offset = check_subnode(fdt, subnode2_offset, "subsubnode@0"); subsubnode2_offset2 = check_subnode(fdt, subnode2_offset, "subsubnode"); check_property_cell(fdt, subsubnode1_offset, "prop-int", TEST_VALUE_1); check_property_cell(fdt, subsubnode2_offset, "prop-int", TEST_VALUE_2); check_property_cell(fdt, subsubnode2_offset2, "prop-int", TEST_VALUE_2); if (subsubnode2_offset != subsubnode2_offset2) FAIL("Different offsets with and without unit address"); check_subnode(fdt, subnode1_offset, "ss1"); ss21_off = fdt_subnode_offset(fdt, subnode2_offset, "ss1"); if (ss21_off != -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND) FAIL("Incorrectly found ss1 in subnode2"); ss12_off = fdt_subnode_offset(fdt, subnode1_offset, "ss2"); if (ss12_off != -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND) FAIL("Incorrectly found ss2 in subnode1"); check_subnode(fdt, subnode2_offset, "ss2"); PASS(); }
bool test_ascii_is_white_space (Test *test) { int i; TITLE (); for (i = SCHAR_MIN; i <= SCHAR_MAX; i++) { if ((char)i == ' ' || (char)i == '\f' || (char)i == '\n' || (char)i == '\r' || (char)i == '\t' || (char)i == '\v') { CATCH (!ascii_is_white_space ((char)i)); } else { CATCH (ascii_is_white_space ((char)i)); } } PASS (); }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { // tell dyld we want to know when images are mapped dyld_register_image_state_change_handler(dyld_image_state_dependents_mapped, true, batchMappedHandler); dyld_register_image_state_change_handler(dyld_image_state_mapped, false, singleMappedHandler); dyld_register_image_state_change_handler(dyld_image_state_terminated, false, singleUnmappedHandler); // with batch mode we get notified of existing images, but not with single mode, so re-sync counts batchMappedCount=0; loadAndUnLoad(); loadAndUnLoad(); if ( (singleMappedCount == batchMappedCount) && (singleMappedCount == singleUnMappedCount) ) PASS("image-state-change"); else FAIL("image-state-change: batch count=%d, single count=%d", batchMappedCount, singleMappedCount); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
bool test_file_writer_write_args_invalid_argument_2 (Test *test) { FileWriter *writer; char *path; TITLE (); CATCH (!(path = directory_current_path ())); CATCH (!string_append (&path, "/stage/file_writer/args")); if (file_exists (path)) { CATCH (!file_remove (path)); } CATCH (!(writer = file_writer_create (path, FileWriterModeTruncate))); CATCH (file_writer_write_args (writer, NULL, "test")); CATCH (error_count () == 0); CATCH (error_at (0).error != ErrorInvalidArgument); CATCH (error_at (0).code != 2); file_writer_destroy (writer); string_destroy (path); PASS (); }
TEST test_substr(long strsize, long start, long stop, long startindex, long expectedsize) { int retval; unsigned char *data = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * strsize), *data2; rlite *db = NULL; RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_open, RL_OK, ":memory:", &db, RLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | RLITE_OPEN_CREATE); long page, i, size2; for (i = 0; i < strsize; i++) { data[i] = i % 123; } RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_multi_string_set, RL_OK, db, &page, data, strsize); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_multi_string_getrange, RL_OK, db, page, &data2, &size2, start, stop); EXPECT_BYTES(&data[startindex], size2, data2, expectedsize); rl_free(data2); free(data); rl_close(db); PASS(); }
bool test_file_remove (Test *test) { char *path; FILE *file; TITLE (); CATCH (file_remove (NULL)); CATCH (file_remove ("badpathformat")); CATCH (!(path = directory_current_path ())); CATCH (!string_append (&path, "/stage/remove/file")); /* d stage/remove */ if (!file_exists (path)) { CATCH (!(file = fopen (path, "ab+"))); fclose (file); } CATCH (!file_remove (path)); CATCH (file_exists (path)); string_destroy (path); PASS (); }
TEST decoder_poll_should_expand_short_literal() { uint8_t input[] = {0xb3, 0x5b, 0xed, 0xe0 }; //"foo" uint8_t output[4]; heatshrink_decoder *hsd = heatshrink_decoder_alloc(256, 7, 3); uint16_t count = 0; HSD_sink_res sres = heatshrink_decoder_sink(hsd, input, sizeof(input), &count); ASSERT_EQ(HSDR_SINK_OK, sres); uint16_t out_sz = 0; HSD_poll_res pres = heatshrink_decoder_poll(hsd, output, 4, &out_sz); ASSERT_EQ(HSDR_POLL_EMPTY, pres); ASSERT_EQ(3, out_sz); ASSERT_EQ('f', output[0]); ASSERT_EQ('o', output[1]); ASSERT_EQ('o', output[2]); heatshrink_decoder_free(hsd); PASS(); }
bool test_big_int_mul_function_call_3 (Test *test) { BigInt *a, *b, *to; TITLE (); CATCH (!(a = big_int_create (10000000000000000000ULL))); CATCH (!(b = big_int_create (10000000000000000000ULL))); CATCH (!(to = big_int_create (0))); memory_commit_limit (memory_commit_size () + sizeof (size_t) + sizeof (BigInt) + sizeof (size_t) + 32 + sizeof (size_t) + sizeof (BigInt) + sizeof (size_t) + 32 + sizeof (size_t) + sizeof (BigInt) + sizeof (size_t) + 32 - 1); CATCH (big_int_mul (a, b, to)); CATCH (error_at (0).error != ErrorFunctionCall); CATCH (error_at (0).code != 3); big_int_destroy (a); big_int_destroy (b); big_int_destroy (to); PASS (); }
TEST parg_reorder_long(void) { char *argv[] = { "app", "first", "--reqarg", "--", "foo", "--unknown", "bar", "--optarg", "--", "--noarg", "last" }; char *argv_expected[] = { "app", "--reqarg", "--", "--unknown", "--optarg", "--", "first", "foo", "bar", "--noarg", "last" }; size_t i; ASSERT_EQ(6, parg_reorder(ARRAY_SIZE(argv), argv, "", po_def)); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(argv); ++i) { ASSERT_STR_EQ(argv_expected[i], argv[i]); } PASS(); }
TEST parg_reorder_short(void) { char *argv[] = { "app", "first", "-r", "--", "foo", "-u", "bar", "-o", "--", "-n", "last" }; char *argv_expected[] = { "app", "-r", "--", "-u", "-o", "--", "first", "foo", "bar", "-n", "last" }; size_t i; ASSERT_EQ(6, parg_reorder(ARRAY_SIZE(argv), argv, os_def, NULL)); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(argv); ++i) { ASSERT_STR_EQ(argv_expected[i], argv[i]); } PASS(); }
TEST update_float32_decimals() { TM_msg dummy; char topic[128] = "float32_decimals"; float buf = -64.1235; dummy.type = TM_float32; dummy.buffer = (void *)&buf; dummy.size = 1; dummy.topic = topic; float destination; if(!update_f32(&dummy, "float32_decimals", &destination)) { FAIL(); } ASSERT_EQ_FMT(buf, destination,"%u"); PASS(); }
TEST parg_getopt_long_noarg_inline(void) { struct parg_state ps; char *argv[] = { "app", "--noarg=arg" }; int li = -1; parg_init(&ps); ASSERT_EQ(':', parg_getopt_long(&ps, ARRAY_SIZE(argv), argv, ":", po_def, &li)); ASSERT_EQ(0, li); ASSERT_EQ(NULL, ps.optarg); ASSERT_EQ('n', ps.optopt); ASSERT_EQ(2, ps.optind); ASSERT_EQ(-1, parg_getopt_long(&ps, ARRAY_SIZE(argv), argv, ":", po_def, &li)); ASSERT_EQ(NULL, ps.optarg); ASSERT_EQ(2, ps.optind); PASS(); }
TEST basic_test_sadd_smove(int _commit) { int retval; rlite *db = NULL; RL_CALL_VERBOSE(setup_db, RL_OK, &db, _commit, 1); unsigned char *key = UNSIGN("my key"); long keylen = strlen((char *)key); unsigned char *key2 = UNSIGN("my key2"); long key2len = strlen((char *)key2); unsigned char *data = UNSIGN("my data"); long datalen = strlen((char *)data); unsigned char *data2 = UNSIGN("other data2"); long data2len = strlen((char *)data2); unsigned char *datas[2] = {data, data2}; long dataslen[2] = {datalen, data2len}; RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_sadd, RL_OK, db, key, keylen, 2, datas, dataslen, NULL); RL_BALANCED(); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_smove, RL_NOT_FOUND, db, key, keylen, key2, key2len, (unsigned char *)"new data", 8); RL_BALANCED(); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_smove, RL_OK, db, key, keylen, key2, key2len, data, datalen); RL_BALANCED(); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_sismember, RL_NOT_FOUND, db, key, keylen, data, datalen); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_sismember, RL_FOUND, db, key2, key2len, data, datalen); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_smove, RL_OK, db, key, keylen, key2, key2len, data2, data2len); RL_BALANCED(); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_sismember, RL_NOT_FOUND, db, key, keylen, data2, data2len); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_sismember, RL_FOUND, db, key2, key2len, data2, data2len); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_smove, RL_NOT_FOUND, db, key, keylen, key2, key2len, data, datalen); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_key_get, RL_NOT_FOUND, db, key, keylen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); rl_close(db); PASS(); }
TEST test_boot_disk_cputrace() { const char *homedir = HOMEDIR; char *output = NULL; asprintf(&output, "%s/a2_cputrace.txt", homedir); if (output) { unlink(output); cpu65_trace_begin(output); } srandom(0); BOOT_TO_DOS(); cpu65_trace_end(); disk6_eject(0); do { uint8_t md[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; char mdstr0[(SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH*2)+1]; FILE *fp = fopen(output, "r"); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); long expectedSize = ftell(fp); ASSERT(expectedSize == EXPECTED_CPU_TRACE_FILE_SIZE); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); unsigned char *buf = malloc(EXPECTED_CPU_TRACE_FILE_SIZE); if (fread(buf, 1, EXPECTED_CPU_TRACE_FILE_SIZE, fp) != EXPECTED_CPU_TRACE_FILE_SIZE) { ASSERT(false); } fclose(fp); fp = NULL; SHA1(buf, EXPECTED_CPU_TRACE_FILE_SIZE, md); FREE(buf); sha1_to_str(md, mdstr0); ASSERT(strcmp(mdstr0, EXPECTED_CPU_TRACE_SHA) == 0); } while(0); unlink(output); FREE(output); PASS(); }
bool test_poll_close_2 (Test *test) { NetPoll *poll; NetServer *server; NetClientConnection connection; NetClient *client; TITLE (); monitor_success = false; close_success = false; poll_connection.closed = false; poll_connection.socket = 0; poll_connection.tag = NULL; CATCH (!(server = net_server_create ("", 8888, &server_on_connect, &server_on_error, NULL))); CATCH (!(client = net_client_create (&client_on_connect, &client_on_connect_error, &client_on_error, NULL))); connection.ip = ""; connection.port = 8888; net_client_connect (client, &connection); thread_signal_wait (&server_signal); CATCH (!(poll = net_poll_create (&on_monitor, &on_close, NULL, NULL))); poll_connection.socket = server_socket; CATCH (!net_poll_monitor (poll, &poll_connection)); thread_signal_wait (&monitor_signal); CATCH (!monitor_success); CATCH (!net_poll_close (poll, &poll_connection)); thread_signal_wait (&close_signal); CATCH (!close_success); net_poll_destroy (poll); close (server_socket); close (client_socket); net_server_destroy (server); net_client_destroy (client); CATCH (error_count () != 0); PASS (); }
/** \brief Signal handler for managing double clicks in multi-pass dialog. * \param view Pointer to the GtkTreeView object. * \param path The path of the row that was activated. * \param column The column where the activation occured. * \param data Pointer to the toplevel window. * * This function is called when the user double clicks on a pass in the * multi-pass dialog. This will cause the pass details to be shown. */ static void row_activated_cb (GtkTreeView *treeview, GtkTreePath *path, GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpointer data) { GtkTreeSelection *selection; GtkTreeModel *model; GtkTreeIter iter; GtkWidget *toplevel = GTK_WIDGET (data); guint rownum = 0; GSList *passes = NULL; pass_t *pass = NULL; qth_t *qth; (void) path; /* avoid unused parameter compiler warning */ (void) column; /* avoid unused parameter compiler warning */ /* get selected satellite */ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview)); if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &model, &iter)) { /* get data */ passes = (GSList *) g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (treeview), "passes"); qth = (qth_t *) g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (treeview), "qth"); gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, MULTI_PASS_COL_NUMBER, &rownum, -1); /* get selected pass */ pass = copy_pass (PASS (g_slist_nth_data (passes, rownum))); show_pass (pass->satname, qth, pass, toplevel); } else { sat_log_log (SAT_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, _("%s:%d: There is no selection; skip popup."), __FILE__, __LINE__); } }
TEST data_with_simple_repetition_should_match_with_absurdly_tiny_buffers() { heatshrink_encoder *hse = heatshrink_encoder_alloc(8, 3); heatshrink_decoder *hsd = heatshrink_decoder_alloc(256, 8, 3); uint8_t input[] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'}; uint8_t comp[60]; uint8_t decomp[60]; uint16_t count = 0; int log = 0; if (log) dump_buf("input", input, sizeof(input)); for (int i=0; i<sizeof(input); i++) { ASSERT(heatshrink_encoder_sink(hse, &input[i], 1, &count) >= 0); } ASSERT_EQ(HSER_FINISH_MORE, heatshrink_encoder_finish(hse)); uint16_t packed_count = 0; do { ASSERT(heatshrink_encoder_poll(hse, &comp[packed_count], 1, &count) >= 0); packed_count += count; } while (heatshrink_encoder_finish(hse) == HSER_FINISH_MORE); if (log) dump_buf("comp", comp, packed_count); for (int i=0; i<packed_count; i++) { HSD_sink_res sres = heatshrink_decoder_sink(hsd, &comp[i], 1, &count); //printf("sres is %d\n", sres); ASSERT(sres >= 0); } for (int i=0; i<sizeof(input); i++) { ASSERT(heatshrink_decoder_poll(hsd, &decomp[i], 1, &count) >= 0); } if (log) dump_buf("decomp", decomp, sizeof(input)); for (int i=0; i<sizeof(input); i++) ASSERT_EQ(input[i], decomp[i]); heatshrink_encoder_free(hse); heatshrink_decoder_free(hsd); PASS(); }
TEST basic_test_sadd_sunionstore_empty(int _commit) { int retval; rlite *db = NULL; RL_CALL_VERBOSE(setup_db, RL_OK, &db, _commit, 1); unsigned char *key = UNSIGN("my key"); long keylen = strlen((char *)key); unsigned char *key2 = UNSIGN("my key2"); long key2len = strlen((char *)key2); long added; RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_sunionstore, RL_OK, db, key, keylen, 1, &key2, &key2len, &added); RL_BALANCED(); EXPECT_LONG(added, 0); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_key_get, RL_NOT_FOUND, db, key, keylen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); rl_close(db); PASS(); }
bool test_file_directory_sub_path (Test *test) { char *path; TITLE (); CATCH_CLEAN (!string_equals ((path = directory_sub_path ("/")), "/"), string_destroy (path)); string_destroy (path); CATCH_CLEAN (!string_equals ((path = directory_sub_path ("/a")), "/"), string_destroy (path)); string_destroy (path); CATCH_CLEAN (!string_equals ((path = directory_sub_path ("/a/b")), "/a"), string_destroy (path)); string_destroy (path); CATCH_CLEAN (!string_equals ((path = directory_sub_path ("/a/b/c")), "/a/b"), string_destroy (path)); string_destroy (path); CATCH_CLEAN (!string_equals ((path = directory_sub_path ("/aa")), "/"), string_destroy (path)); string_destroy (path); CATCH_CLEAN (!string_equals ((path = directory_sub_path ("/aa/bbb")), "/aa"), string_destroy (path)); string_destroy (path); CATCH_CLEAN (!string_equals ((path = directory_sub_path ("/aa/bbb/cccc")), "/aa/bbb"), string_destroy (path)); string_destroy (path); PASS (); }
TEST decoder_poll_should_expand_short_self_overlapping_backref() { /* "aaaaa" == (literal, 1), ('a'), (backref, 1 back, 4 bytes) */ uint8_t input[] = {0xb0, 0x80, 0x01, 0x80}; uint8_t output[6]; uint8_t expected[] = {'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a'}; heatshrink_decoder *hsd = heatshrink_decoder_alloc(256, 8, 7); uint16_t count = 0; HSD_sink_res sres = heatshrink_decoder_sink(hsd, input, sizeof(input), &count); ASSERT_EQ(HSDR_SINK_OK, sres); uint16_t out_sz = 0; (void)heatshrink_decoder_poll(hsd, output, sizeof(output), &out_sz); if (0) dump_buf("output", output, out_sz); ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(expected), out_sz); for (int i=0; i<sizeof(expected); i++) ASSERT_EQ(expected[i], output[i]); heatshrink_decoder_free(hsd); PASS(); }
bool test_file_close (Test *test) { Directory *directory; File *file; char *path; TITLE (); CATCH (!(path = directory_current_path ())); CATCH (!string_append (&path, "/stage/open")); /* d stage/open f f1 */ CATCH (!(directory = directory_open (path))); string_destroy (path); CATCH (!directory_read (directory)); CATCH (!(file = directory_find_file (directory, "f1"))); file_close (file); directory_close (directory); PASS (); }
TEST ble_adv_parse_scan_records(void) { size_t count = 0; int err = 0; err = ble_adv_parse_scan(adv0_scan, sizeof(adv0_scan), &count, NULL); ASSERT_EQ(err, 0); ASSERT_EQ(count, 3); ble_adv_record_t records[3]; memset(records, 0, sizeof(ble_adv_record_t) * 3); err = ble_adv_parse_scan(adv0_scan, sizeof(adv0_scan), &count, records); ble_adv_record_type_t expected_types[3] = { ADV_TYPE_FLAGS, ADV_TYPE_UUID_128, ADV_TYPE_MANUFACTURER_DATA }; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(records[i].type, expected_types[i]); } PASS(); }
TEST basic_test_lpush_llen(int maxsize, int _commit) { int retval; rlite *db = NULL; unsigned char *value = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * 2); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(setup_db, RL_OK, &db, _commit, 1); unsigned char *key = UNSIGN("my key"); long keylen = strlen((char *)key); value[1] = 0; long size; RL_CALL_VERBOSE(create, RL_OK, db, key, keylen, maxsize, _commit, 1); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_llen, RL_OK, db, key, keylen, &size); EXPECT_LONG(size, maxsize); free(value); rl_close(db); PASS(); }
int main() { for (int i=0; i < 100; ++i) { void* handle = dlopen("libfoo.dylib", RTLD_LAZY); if ( handle != NULL ) dlclose(handle); dlopen("libnotthere.dylib", RTLD_LAZY); } // execute leaks command on myself char cmd[512]; sprintf(cmd, "sudo leaks %u > /dev/null\n", getpid()); int result = system(cmd); if ( result == EXIT_SUCCESS ) PASS("dlopen-leak"); else FAIL("dlopen-leak"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
TEST test_has_key() { rlite *db = NULL; int retval; const char *filepath = "rlite-test.rld"; if (access(filepath, F_OK) == 0) { unlink(filepath); } RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_open, RL_OK, filepath, &db, RLITE_OPEN_CREATE | RLITE_OPEN_READWRITE); unsigned char type = 'C', type2; const unsigned char *key = (unsigned char *)"random key"; long keylen = strlen((char *) key); long value = 529, value2; RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_key_get, RL_NOT_FOUND, db, key, keylen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_key_set, RL_OK, db, key, keylen, type, value, 0, 0); RL_CALL_VERBOSE(rl_key_get, RL_FOUND, db, key, keylen, &type2, NULL, &value2, NULL, NULL); EXPECT_LONG(value, value2); EXPECT_INT(type, type2); rl_close(db); PASS(); }
TEST test_single_threaded_increment() { // Allocate new persistent atomic value persistent_atomic_value_t *pav = create_persistent_atomic_value(".", "test_persistent_atomic_value.str", PAV_DELETE_IF_EXISTS); uint32_t current_value = 0; // Test successful CAS for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INCREMENTS; i++) { ASSERT_EQ(pav->compare_and_swap(pav, current_value, current_value + 1), 0); ASSERT_EQ(pav->get_value(pav), current_value + 1); current_value++; } // Test failing CAS ASSERT_EQ(pav->compare_and_swap(pav, 0, current_value + 1), -1); ASSERT_EQ(pav->get_value(pav), current_value); // Cleanup pav->destroy(pav); PASS(); }
TEST unicode_case () { uint8_t utf8char[4] = {0}; ssize_t utf8char_len = tm_utf8_char_encode(0x1F4A9, (uint8_t*) &utf8char); ASSERT_EQm("utf8 encode", utf8char[0], 0xf0); ASSERT_EQm("utf8 encode", utf8char[1], 0x9f); ASSERT_EQm("utf8 encode", utf8char[2], 0x92); ASSERT_EQm("utf8 encode", utf8char[3], 0xa9); uint8_t* pileofuppercasepoo_cmp = NULL; tm_utf8_str_toupper(pileofpoo, -1, &pileofuppercasepoo_cmp); ASSERT_EQm("ucs2 length", tm_ucs2_str_length(pileofuppercasepoo_cmp, -1), 23); ASSERT_EQm("ucs2 charat", tm_ucs2_str_charat(pileofuppercasepoo_cmp, -1, 2), 'T'); for (int i = 0; i < strlen((char*) pileofuppercasepoo); i++) { ASSERT_EQm("ucs2 equal", pileofuppercasepoo[i], pileofuppercasepoo_cmp[i]); } ASSERT_EQm("ucs2 charat", tm_ucs2_str_charat(pileofuppercasepoo_cmp, -1, 21), 0xd83d); ASSERT_EQm("ucs2 charat", tm_ucs2_str_charat(pileofuppercasepoo_cmp, -1, 22), 0xdca9); PASS(); }