Пример #1
boolean setfilecomment (FSSpec *pfs, bigstring bscomment) {
	DTPBRec dt;
	clearbytes (&dt, longsizeof (dt));
	if (!hasdesktopmanager ((*pfs).vRefNum))
		return (false);
	dt.ioVRefNum = (*pfs).vRefNum;
	if (PBDTGetPath (&dt) != noErr)
		return (false);
	dt.ioNamePtr = (*pfs).name;
	dt.ioDirID = (*pfs).parID;
	dt.ioDTBuffer = (Ptr) bscomment + 1;
	dt.ioDTReqCount = stringlength (bscomment);
	if (PBDTSetCommentSync (&dt) != noErr)
		return (false);
	PBDTFlushSync (&dt);
	return (true);
	} /*setfilecomment*/
Пример #2
boolean getfilecomment (FSSpec *pfs, bigstring bscomment) {
	DTPBRec dt;
	clearbytes (&dt, longsizeof (dt));
	setemptystring (bscomment); /*default return*/
	if (!hasdesktopmanager ((*pfs).vRefNum))
		return (false);
	dt.ioVRefNum = (*pfs).vRefNum;
	if (PBDTGetPath (&dt) != noErr)
		return (false);
	dt.ioNamePtr = (*pfs).name;
	dt.ioDirID = (*pfs).parID;
	dt.ioDTBuffer = (Ptr) bscomment + 1;
	dt.ioDTReqCount = lenbigstring;
	if (PBDTGetCommentSync (&dt) != noErr)
		return (false);
	setstringlength (bscomment, dt.ioDTActCount);
	return (true);
	} /*getfilecomment*/
Пример #3
// We set the MacOS 9 Finder comment using the File Manager API's
// Desktop Database functions.
static OSErr OS9_SetComment (FSSpec *fileSpec, char *comment, bool *unsupported)
#if !__LP64__    
    OSErr	err = noErr;
    DTPBRec dt;
    dt.ioVRefNum = (*fileSpec).vRefNum;
    err = PBDTGetPath(&dt);
    if (err != noErr) {
        *unsupported = true;
        return err;
    //fill in the relevant fields (using parameters)
    dt.ioNamePtr = (*fileSpec).name;
    dt.ioDirID = (*fileSpec).parID;
    dt.ioDTBuffer = comment;
    dt.ioDTReqCount = strlen(comment);
    if (PBDTSetCommentSync (&dt) != noErr)
            return (err);
    err = PBDTSetCommentSync(&dt);
    if (err != noErr)
        return err; 
    err = PBDTFlushSync (&dt);
    return (noErr);
Пример #4
boolean findapplication (short vnum, OSType creator, boolean flappsonly, FSSpec *pfs) {
	dmb 9/21/93: keep looping until an APPL is found, or PBDTGetAPPLSync 
	returns an error. (it will eventually return afpItemNotFound.)
	dmb 9/24/93: added flappsonly parameter. a non-app, such as an extension 
	or desk accessory, can own a document type.
	DTPBRec dt;
	bigstring appname;
	tyfileinfo info;
	if (!hasdesktopmanager (vnum))
		return (false);
	clearbytes (&dt, longsizeof (dt));
	dt.ioVRefNum = vnum;
	if (PBDTGetPath (&dt) != noErr)
		return (false);
	dt.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr) &appname;
	dt.ioFileCreator = creator;
	for (dt.ioIndex = 0; ; ++dt.ioIndex) {
		if (PBDTGetAPPLSync (&dt) != noErr) 
			return (false);
		if (!filemakespec (vnum, dt.ioAPPLParID, appname, pfs))
		if (!fileexists (pfs))
		if (!filegetinfo (pfs, &info))
		if (!flappsonly) /*dmb 9/24/93: some callers don't require apps*/
			return (true);
		if (info.filetype == 'APPL') /*DW 9/16/93: desktop db can contain references to non-apps*/
			return (true);
	} /*findapplication*/
Пример #5
boolean findapponanydisk (OSType appid, FSSpec *fs) {
	find the app whose creator id is appid. return true if we found it, 
	false otherwise.
	DTPBRec dt;
	ParamBlockRec pb;
	Str255 appfname;
	clearbytes (&pb, (long) sizeof (pb));
	while (true) {
		if (PBGetVInfoSync (&pb) != noErr)
			return (false);
		if (!hasdesktopmanager (pb.volumeParam.ioVRefNum))
		dt.ioNamePtr = NULL;
		dt.ioVRefNum = pb.volumeParam.ioVRefNum;
		if (PBDTGetPath (&dt) != noErr)
			return (false);
		dt.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr) &appfname;
		dt.ioIndex = 0;
		dt.ioFileCreator = appid;
		if (PBDTGetAPPLSync (&dt) == noErr) {
			if (FSMakeFSSpec (pb.volumeParam.ioVRefNum, dt.ioAPPLParID, appfname, fs) == noErr)
				return (true);
		} /*while*/
	return (false);
	} /*findapponanydisk*/
Пример #6
pascal	OSErr	DTOpen(ConstStr255Param volName,
					   short vRefNum,
					   short *dtRefNum,
					   Boolean *newDTDatabase)
	OSErr error;
	GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParmsInfo;
	long infoSize;
	DTPBRec pb;
	/* Check for volume Desktop Manager support before calling */
	infoSize = sizeof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer);
	error = HGetVolParms(volName, vRefNum, &volParmsInfo, &infoSize);
	if ( error == noErr )
		if ( hasDesktopMgr(&volParmsInfo) )
			pb.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)volName;
			pb.ioVRefNum = vRefNum;
			error = PBDTOpenInform(&pb);
			/* PBDTOpenInform informs us if the desktop was just created */
			/* by leaving the low bit of ioTagInfo clear (0) */
			*newDTDatabase = ((pb.ioTagInfo & 1L) == 0);
			if ( error == paramErr )
				error = PBDTGetPath(&pb);
				/* PBDTGetPath doesn't tell us if the database is new */
				/* so assume it is not new */
				*newDTDatabase = false;
			*dtRefNum = pb.ioDTRefNum;
			error = paramErr;
	return ( error );
Пример #7
static void PrintFileComment (char *path)
#if !__LP64__
	OSErr	err = noErr;
    FSRef	fileRef;
    FSSpec	fileSpec;
	DTPBRec dt;
	char	buf[255] = "\0";
	char	comment[255] = "\0";

	//see if the file in question exists and we can write it
	if (access(path, R_OK|F_OK) == -1)

	//get file reference from path
	err = FSPathMakeRef(path, &fileRef, NULL);
	if (err != noErr)
		fprintf(stderr, "FSPathMakeRef: Error %d for file %s\n", err, path);

	//retrieve filespec from file ref
	err = FSGetCatalogInfo (&fileRef, NULL, NULL, NULL, &fileSpec, NULL);
	if (err != noErr)
		fprintf(stderr, "FSGetCatalogInfo(): Error %d getting file spec for %s\n", err, path);

    ///////////// oK, now we can go about getting the comment /////////////

	dt.ioVRefNum = fileSpec.vRefNum;

    err = PBDTGetPath(&dt);
	if (err != noErr)
		fprintf(stderr, "Can't get OS 9 comments for %s\n", path);

    //fill in the relevant fields (using parameters)
    dt.ioNamePtr = fileSpec.name;
    dt.ioDirID = fileSpec.parID;
    dt.ioDTBuffer = (char *)&buf;


	if (dt.ioDTActCount != 0) //if zero, that means no comment
		strncpy((char *)&comment, (char *)&buf, dt.ioDTActCount);
		if (!printFileName)
			printf("%s\n", (char *)&comment);
			printf("Comment for '%s':\n%s\n", path, (char *)&comment);