Пример #1
int test_10(char *base, char *tgt, int n)
   {int err;
    char datfile[MAXLINE], fname[MAXLINE];
    PDBfile *strm;
    FILE *fp;

/* target the file as asked */
    test_target(tgt, base, 100+n, fname, datfile, MAXLINE);

    fp = io_open(fname, "w");


    if (read_only == FALSE)

/* create the named file */
       {strm = PD_create(datfile);
	if (strm == NULL)
	   error(1, fp, "Test couldn't create file %s\r\n", datfile);
	PRINT(fp, "File %s created\n", datfile);

/* write the test data */

/* close the file */
	if (PD_close(strm) == FALSE)
	   error(1, fp, "Test couldn't close file %s\r\n", datfile);
	PRINT(fp, "File %s closed\n", datfile);};

/* reopen the file */
    strm = PD_open(datfile, "r");
    if (strm == NULL)
       error(1, fp, "Test couldn't open file %s\r\n", datfile);
    PRINT(fp, "File %s opened\n", datfile);

/* dump the symbol table */
    dump_test_symbol_table(fp, strm->symtab, 1);

/* read the data from the file */

/* compare the original data with that read in */
    err = compare_test_10_data(strm, fp);

/* close the file */
    if (PD_close(strm) == FALSE)
       error(1, fp, "Test couldn't close file %s\r\n", datfile);
    PRINT(fp, "File %s closed\n", datfile);

/* print it out to STDOUT */

    if (err)

Пример #2

    pdb = PD_open((char *)filename.c_str(), (char*)"r");

    // Should probably throw an exception here if pdb == 0.

    return pdb != 0;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  char *infile;
  char *outfile;
  gato_data data;
  PDBfile *fp;
  long ind[6];
  double **m;
  int i, j, ip, im;
  double dl, dr, dz;
  /* Set input file name */
  infile = DEFAULT_INPUT;
  if(argc > 1) {
    /* First argument is the input file */
    infile = argv[1];
  /* Set output file name */
  if(argc > 2) {
    outfile = argv[2];
  }else {
    /* Default output is input + ".pdb" */
    outfile = (char*) malloc(strlen(infile) + 5);
    sprintf(outfile, "%s.pdb", infile);

  /* Read the GATO data file */
  if(read_gato(infile, &data)) {

  if(!data.b_present) {
    /* Calculate Br and Bz from Bpol */
    data.Br = dmatrix(data.ntheta, data.npsi);
    data.Bz = dmatrix(data.ntheta, data.npsi);
    data.b_present = 1;

    for(i=0;i<data.ntheta;i++) {
      ip = (i == (data.ntheta-1)) ? 0 : i+1;
      im = (i == 0) ? data.ntheta-1 : i-1;

      for(j=0;j<data.npsi;j++) {
	dl = sqrt(SQ(data.xnorm[ip][j] - data.xnorm[im][j]) + SQ(data.znorm[ip][j] - data.znorm[im][j]));
	dr = data.xnorm[ip][j] - data.xnorm[im][j];
	dz = data.znorm[ip][j] - data.znorm[im][j];

	data.Br[i][j] = dr * data.Bpol[i][j] / dl;
	data.Bz[i][j] = dz * data.Bpol[i][j] / dl;
  /* Open PDB file */
  if((fp = PD_open(outfile, "w")) == (PDBfile*) NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not open '%s' for writing\n", outfile);
  /* Write to PDB file */
  ind[0] = 0L; ind[1] = data.npsi-1; ind[2] = 1L;
  ind[3] = 0L; ind[4] = data.ntheta-1; ind[5] = 1L;

  /* Size of the grid */
  if(!PD_write(fp, "nx", "integer", &data.npsi)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write to file '%s'\n", outfile);
  if(!PD_write(fp, "ny", "integer", &data.ntheta)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write to file '%s'\n", outfile);

  /* Write 1D flux surface functions */
  WRITE1D("psi",       data.psiflux);
  WRITE1D("f",         data.fnorm);
  WRITE1D("ffprime",   data.ffpnorm);
  WRITE1D("mu0p",      data.ponly);
  WRITE1D("mu0pprime", data.pponly);
  WRITE1D("qsafe",     data.qsf);
  WRITE1D("Ni",        data.d);
  /* Write 2D variables (Need to reverse indices) */
  m = dmatrix(data.npsi, data.ntheta);
  WRITE2D("Rxy", data.xnorm);
  WRITE2D("Zxy", data.znorm);

  WRITE2D("Brxy", data.Br);
  WRITE2D("Bzxy", data.Bz);
  WRITE2D("Bpxy", data.Bpol);
  WRITE2D("Btxy", data.Btor);


  free_gato(&data); /* Free data */

Пример #4
int main(int c, char **v)
   {int i;
    float nonew[24];   /* these are all half the size of the */
    float middlew[24]; /* space that will be defent for them */
    float allw[24];    /* which will be of dim [2][6][4] */
    float allwstep[48]; 
    float allrstep[48]; 
    float zerostep[48]; 
    float noner[24];   /* over the course of three cases we */
    float middler[24]; /* write and read back non-contiguously, */
    float allr[24];    /* partially contiguously, and contiguously */
    float zero[24];
    PDBfile *file;

    debug_mode = FALSE;
    for (i = 1; i < c; i++)
        {if (v[i][0] == '-')
            {switch (v[i][1])
                {case 'd' :
		      debug_mode  = TRUE;
		      SC_gs.mm_debug = TRUE;
                 case 'h' :
                 case 'v' :

    file = PD_open(DATA_FILE, "w+");
    if (file == NULL)
       {printf("Error creating %s\n", DATA_FILE);

/* initialize the write vars to some semi-arbitrary values */
    for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
        {nonew[i]   = (float) i;
         middlew[i] = (float) i;
         allw[i]    = (float) i;
         zero[i]    = 0.0;
         noner[i]   = 0.0;
         middler[i] = 0.0;
         allr[i]    = 0.0;}; 

/* step == 1 CASES */

/* first case: NONE of the dimension descriptor describe contiguity */
    if (!PD_defent(file, "none[2,6,4]", "float"))
       {printf("PD_defent failed\n");

/* write out one "physics" variable such that there
 * are no contiguous regions to optimize on
    if (!PD_write(file, "none[0:1, 0:5, 0:1]", "float", nonew))
       {printf("PD_write failed\n");

/* zero out the rest of it */
    if (!PD_write(file, "none[0:1, 0:5, 2:3]", "float", zero))
       {printf("PD_write failed\n");

/* read that variable back again such that there
 * are no contiguous regions to optimize on
    if (!PD_read(file, "none[0:1, 0:5, 0:1]", noner))
       {printf("PD_read failed\n");

/* check it to make sure it is correct */
    for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
        {if (fabsf(nonew[i] - noner[i]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE)
            {printf("Error in check %f != %f ", nonew[i], noner[i]);
             printf("at position none[%d]\n", i); 

/* second case: MIDDLE dimension contains contiguity */
    if (!PD_defent(file, "middle[2,6,4]", "float"))
       {printf("PD_defent failed\n");

/* write out on "physics" variable such that some 
 * partial contiguous regions exist to optimize upon
    if (!PD_write(file, "middle[0:1, 3:5, 0:3]", "float", middlew))
       {printf("PD_write failed\n");

    if (!PD_write(file, "middle[0:1, 0:2, 0:3]", "float", zero))
       {printf("PD_write failed\n");

/* read that variable back again */
    if (!PD_read(file, "middle[0:1, 3:5, 0:3]", middler))
       {printf("PD_read failed\n");

/* check it to make sure it is correct */
    for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
        {if (fabs(middlew[i] - middler[i]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE)
            {printf("Error in check %f != %f ", middlew[i], middler[i]);
             printf("at position middle[%d]\n", i);

/* third case: ALL of the region to write/read is contiguous */
    if (!PD_defent(file, "all[2,6,4]", "float"))
       {printf("PD_defent failed\n");

/* write out on "physics" variable such that the  
 * entire region is contiguous to check full optimization 
    if (!PD_write(file, "all[0:0, 0:5, 0:3]", "float", allw))
       {printf("PD_write failed\n");

    if (!PD_write(file, "all[1:1, 0:5, 0:3]", "float", zero))
       {printf("PD_write failed\n");

/* read that variable back again */
    if (!PD_read(file, "all[0:0, 0:5, 0:3]", allr))
       {printf("PD_read failed\n");

/* check it to make sure it is correct */
    for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
        {if (fabs(allw[i] - allr[i]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE)
            {printf("Error in check %f != %f ", allw[i], allr[i]);
             printf("at position all[%d]\n", i); 

/* step != 1 CASES */

/* first case: NONE of the dimension descriptor describe contiguity */
    if (!PD_defent(file, "nonestep[2,6,4]", "float"))
       {printf("PD_defent failed\n");

/* write out one "physics" variable such that there
 * are no contiguous regions to optimize on
    if (!PD_write(file, "nonestep[0:1, 0:5, 1:3:2]", "float", nonew))
       {printf("PD_write failed\n");

/* zero out the rest of it */
    if (!PD_write(file, "nonestep[0:1, 0:5, 0:2:2]", "float", zero))
       {printf("PD_write failed\n");

/* read that variable back again such that there
 * are no contiguous regions to optimize on
    if (!PD_read(file, "nonestep[0:1, 0:5, 1:3:2]", noner))
       {printf("PD_read failed\n");

/* check it to make sure it is correct */
    for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
        {if (fabs(nonew[i] - noner[i]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE)
            {printf("Error in check %f != %f ", nonew[i], noner[i]);
             printf("at position nonestep[%d]\n", i);

/* second case: MIDDLE dimension contains step; 3rd dim is contiguity */
    if (!PD_defent(file, "middlestep[2,6,4]", "float"))
       {printf("PD_defent failed\n");

/* write out on "physics" variable such that some
 * partial contiguous regions exist to optimize upon
    if (!PD_write(file, "middlestep[0:1, 1:5:2, 0:3]", "float", middlew))
       {printf("PD_write failed\n");

    if (!PD_write(file, "middlestep[0:1, 0:4:2, 0:3]", "float", zero))
       {printf("PD_write failed\n");

/* read that variable back again */
    if (!PD_read(file, "middlestep[0:1, 1:5:2, 0:3]", middler))
       {printf("PD_read failed\n");

/* check it to make sure it is correct */
    for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
        {if (fabs(middlew[i] - middler[i]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE)
            {printf("Error in check %f != %f ", middlew[i], middler[i]);
             printf("at position middlestep[%d]\n", i);

/* third case: OUTTER dim steps, hence only 2nd dim in is contiguous
 *             This is the only step != 1 case that causes optimization
    for (i = 0; i < 48; i++)
        {allwstep[i] = (float) i;
         allrstep[i] = 0.0; 
         zerostep[i] = 0.0;};

    if (!PD_defent(file, "allstep[4,6,4]", "float"))
       {printf("PD_defent failed\n");

/* write out on "physics" variable such that the
 * entire region is contiguous to check full optimization
    if (!PD_write(file, "allstep[0:2:2, 0:5, 0:3]", "float", allwstep))
       {printf("PD_write failed\n");

    if (!PD_write(file, "allstep[1:3:2, 0:5, 0:3]", "float", zerostep))
       {printf("PD_write failed\n");

/* read that variable back again */
    if (!PD_read(file, "allstep[0:2:2, 0:5, 0:3]", allrstep))
       {printf("PD_read failed\n");

/* check it to make sure it is correct */
    for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
        {if (fabs(allwstep[i] - allrstep[i]) > FLOAT_TOLERANCE)
            {printf("Error in check %f != %f ", allwstep[i], allrstep[i]);
             printf("at position allstep[%d]\n", i);



Пример #5
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  if(argc < 4) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Useage: %s <input file> <output file> <t stride>\n", argv[0]);
    return 1;

  int tstride;
  if(sscanf(argv[3], "%d", &tstride) != 1) {
    fprintf(stderr, "\tERROR: t stride must be an integer\n");
    return 1;

  // Open input file
  PDBfile *in;
  if((in = PD_open(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "\tERROR: Could not open input file '%s'\n", argv[1]);
    return 1;

  // Open output file
  PDBfile *out;
  if((out = PD_open(argv[2], "w")) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "\tERROR: Could not open output file '%s'\n", argv[2]);
    return 1;

  // Get list of variables
  int nvars;
  char **var_names = PD_ls(in, NULL, NULL, &nvars);
  if((var_names == (char**) NULL) || (nvars < 1)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "\tERROR: No variables\n");
    return 1;
  // Go through the variables
  char *varname;
  for(int var=0;var<nvars;var++) {
    varname = var_names[var];

    syment *ep;  // PDB query types
    dimdes* dims;

    // Query size of the variable    
    if((ep = PD_query_entry(in, varname, NULL)) == (syment*) NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\tError querying variable %s\n", varname);
      return 1;
    dims = PD_entry_dimensions(ep);
    int nd = 0; // Count number of dimensions
    int varsize = 1; // Number of elements
    long inds[12];
    while(dims != (dimdes*) NULL) {
      long min, max;
      min = dims->index_min;
      max = dims->index_max;
      if(nd > 3) {
	fprintf(stderr, "\tERROR: Can't handle variable '%s': more than 4D\n", varname);
	return 2;

      inds[3*nd] = min; inds[3*nd + 1] = max; inds[3*nd + 2] = 1L;
      varsize *= max - min + 1;

      dims = dims->next;
    // Get variable type
    char *typ;
    typ = PD_entry_type(ep);

    if((strcmp(varname, "t_array") == 0) && (nd == 1)) {
      float *fdata = new float[varsize];

      // Read the data from the PDB file

      inds[2] = tstride;
      int nread;
      if( (nread = PD_read_as_alt(in, varname, "float", fdata, inds)) == 0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: Could not read t_array. Ignoring\n");
	delete[] fdata;
      inds[0] = 0L;
      inds[1] = nread-1;
      inds[2] = 1L;
      if(PD_write_alt(out, varname, "float", fdata, 1, inds) == FALSE) {
	fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: Could not write '%s'. Ignoring\n", varname);

      delete[] fdata;

    }else if(nd == 4) {
      // Reducing time resolution
      if(strcasecmp(typ, "integer") == 0) {
	int *idata = new int[varsize];
	// Read the data from the PDB file
	inds[2] = tstride;
	int nread;
	if( (nread = PD_read_as_alt(in, varname, "integer", idata, inds)) == 0) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: Could not read '%s'. Ignoring\n", varname);
	  delete[] idata;
	if( nread % (varsize / (inds[1] - inds[0] + 1)) != 0 ) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Accounting error: (%ld, %ld), %d, %d\n", inds[0], inds[1], varsize, nread);
	  delete[] idata;
	nread = nread / (varsize / (inds[1] - inds[0] + 1));

	inds[0] = 0L; 
	inds[1] = nread - 1;
	inds[2] = 1L;
	if(PD_write_alt(out, varname, "integer", idata, 4, inds) == FALSE) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: Could not write '%s'. Ignoring\n", varname);
	delete[] idata;
      }else if( (strcasecmp(typ, "float") == 0) ||
		(strcasecmp(typ, "double") == 0) ) {
	// Convert doubles to floats
	float *fdata = new float[varsize];
	// Read the data from the PDB file
	inds[2] = tstride;
	int nread;
	if( (nread = PD_read_as_alt(in, varname, "float", fdata, inds)) == 0) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: Could not read '%s'. Ignoring\n", varname);
	  delete[] fdata;
	if( nread % (varsize / (inds[1] - inds[0] + 1)) != 0 ) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Accounting error: (%ld, %ld), %d, %d\n", inds[0], inds[1], varsize, nread);
	  delete[] fdata;
	nread = nread / (varsize / (inds[1] - inds[0] + 1));

	inds[0] = 0L; 
	inds[1] = nread - 1;
	inds[2] = 1L;
	if(PD_write_alt(out, varname, "float", fdata, 4, inds) == FALSE) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: Could not write '%s'. Ignoring\n", varname);
	delete[] fdata;
      }else {
	fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: '%s' has unrecognised type '%s'. Ignoring\n", varname, typ);
    }else {
      // Just copy the data across
      if(strcasecmp(typ, "integer") == 0) {
	int *idata = new int[varsize];
	// Read the data from the PDB file
	if (PD_read_as(in, varname, "integer", idata) == 0) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "\t\tWARNING: Could not read variable. Ignoring\n");
	  delete[] idata;
	if(PD_write_alt(out, varname, "integer", idata, nd, inds) == FALSE) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: Could not write variable '%s'\n", varname);

	delete[] idata;
      }else if( (strcasecmp(typ, "float") == 0) ||
		(strcasecmp(typ, "double") == 0) ) {
	// Convert doubles to floats
	float *fdata = new float[varsize];
	// Read the data from the PDB file
	if (PD_read_as(in, varname, "float", fdata) == 0) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: Could not read variable '%s'. Ignoring\n", varname);
	  delete[] fdata;
	if(PD_write_alt(out, varname, "float", fdata, nd, inds) == FALSE) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "\tWARNING: Could not write variable '%s'\n", varname);

	delete[] fdata;
      }else {
	fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: '%s' has unrecognised type '%s'. Ignoring\n", varname, typ);
  return 0;
Пример #6
/** \b Usage: "dakota_restart_util to_pdb dakota.rst dakota.pdb"\n
              "dakota_restart_util to_tabular dakota.rst dakota.txt"

    Unrolls all data associated with a particular tag for all
    evaluations and then writes this data in a tabular format
    (e.g., to a PDB database or MATLAB/TECPLOT data file). */
void print_restart_tabular(int argc, char** argv, String print_dest)
  if (print_dest != "pdb_file" && print_dest != "text_file") {
    Cerr << "Error: bad print_dest in print_restart_tabular" << endl;
  else if (print_dest == "pdb_file" && argc != 4) {
    Cerr << "Usage: \"dakota_restart_util to_pdb <restart_file> <pdb_file>\"."
         << endl;
  else if (print_dest == "text_file" && argc != 4) {
    Cerr << "Usage: \"dakota_restart_util to_tabular <restart_file> "
	 << "<text_file>\"." << endl;

  std::ifstream restart_input_fs(argv[2], std::ios::binary);
  if (!restart_input_fs.good()) {
    Cerr << "Error: failed to open restart file " << argv[2] << endl;
  boost::archive::binary_iarchive restart_input_archive(restart_input_fs);

  extern PRPCache data_pairs;
  size_t records_read = 0;  // counter for restart records read
  size_t num_evals = 0;     // unique insertions to data_pairs
  while (restart_input_fs.good() && !restart_input_fs.eof()) {

    ParamResponsePair current_pair;
    try { 
      restart_input_archive & current_pair; 
    catch(const boost::archive::archive_exception& e) {
      Cerr << "\nError reading restart file (boost::archive exception):\n" 
	   << e.what() << std::endl;
    catch(const std::string& err_msg) {
      Cout << "\nWarning reading restart file: " << err_msg << std::endl;

    std::pair<PRPCacheCIter, bool> insert_result;
    insert_result = data_pairs.insert(current_pair);
    if (insert_result.second == false)
      Cout << "Warning: Restart record " << records_read << " (evaluation id " 
	   << current_pair.eval_id() << ") is a duplicate; ignoring." << std::endl;
      ++num_evals; // more efficient than evaluating data_pairs.size()?

    // peek to force EOF if the last restart record was read
  // size_t num_evals = data_pairs.size();

  size_t i, j;
  if (print_dest == "pdb_file") {
    PRPCacheCIter prp_iter = data_pairs.begin();
    StringMultiArrayConstView cv_labels
      = prp_iter->prp_parameters().continuous_variable_labels();
    StringMultiArrayConstView div_labels
      = prp_iter->prp_parameters().discrete_int_variable_labels();
    StringMultiArrayConstView drv_labels
      = prp_iter->prp_parameters().discrete_real_variable_labels();
    const StringArray& fn_labels
      = prp_iter->prp_response().function_labels();
    size_t num_cv = cv_labels.size(), num_div = div_labels.size(),
      num_drv = drv_labels.size(), num_fns = fn_labels.size();

    // pack up tabular data matrices (organized such that use of a single index 
    // returns the complete history for an attribute).
    RealVector      uninitialized_rv(num_evals, false);
    IntVector       uninitialized_iv(num_evals, false);
    RealVectorArray tabular_rdata(num_cv+num_drv+num_fns, uninitialized_rv);
    std::vector<IntVector> tabular_idata(num_div, uninitialized_iv);

    for (i=0; i<num_evals; ++i, ++prp_iter) {
      // Extract variables related data
      const Variables&  local_vars    = prp_iter->prp_parameters();
      const RealVector& local_c_vars  = local_vars.continuous_variables();
      const IntVector&  local_di_vars = local_vars.discrete_int_variables();
      const RealVector& local_dr_vars = local_vars.discrete_real_variables();
      for (j=0; j<num_cv; ++j)
	tabular_rdata[j][i] = local_c_vars[j];
      for (j=0; j<num_div; ++j)
	tabular_idata[j][i] = local_di_vars[j];
      for (j=0; j<num_drv; ++j)
	tabular_rdata[j+num_cv][i] = local_dr_vars[j];

      // Extract response related data
      const Response&   local_response = prp_iter->prp_response();
      const RealVector& local_fns      = local_response.function_values();
      //const ShortArray& local_asv =local_response.active_set_request_vector();
      //const RealMatrix& local_grads = local_response.function_gradients();
      //const RealMatrixArray& local_hessians
      //  = local_response.function_hessians();
      // NOTE: if any fns are inactive, they will appear as 0's in tabular_data
      for (j=0; j<num_fns; ++j)
	tabular_rdata[j+num_cv+num_drv][i] = local_fns[j];

#ifdef HAVE_PDB_H
    // open the PDB file
    cout << "Writing PDB file:" << argv[3] << '\n';
    PDBfile *fileID;
    if ((fileID = PD_open(argv[3], "w")) == NULL){
      cout << "Problem opening PDB file";

    // Note: tabular_rdata[j] returns the jth row vector from the matrix and
    //       values() returns the double* pointer to the data of this row
    //       vector.  const char* and const double* are passed to PDB_Write.

    char *tag, cdim[6];
    std::sprintf(cdim, "(%d)", num_evals);

    String tag_name, snum_evals(cdim);

    // write continuous variables
    for (j=0; j<num_cv; ++j){
      tag_name = cv_labels[j] + snum_evals;
      tag = const_cast<char *>(tag_name.data());
      if(!PD_write(fileID, tag, "double", (void *)tabular_rdata[j].values()))
	cout << "PD_write error=" << PD_err << '\n';

    // write discrete integer variables
    for (j=0; j<num_div; ++j){
      tag_name = div_labels[j] + snum_evals;
      tag = const_cast<char *>(tag_name.data());
      if(!PD_write(fileID, tag, "integer", (void *)tabular_idata[j].values()))
	cout << "PD_write error=" << PD_err << '\n';

    // write discrete real variables
    for (j=0; j<num_drv; ++j){
      tag_name = drv_labels[j] + snum_evals;
      tag = const_cast<char *>(tag_name.data());
      if(!PD_write(fileID, tag, "double",
		   (void *)tabular_rdata[j+num_cv].values()))
	cout << "PD_write error=" << PD_err << '\n';

    // write corresponding function values
    for (j=0; j<num_fns; ++j){
      tag_name = fn_labels[j] + snum_evals;
      tag = const_cast<char *>(tag_name.data());
      if(!PD_write(fileID, tag, "double",
		   (void *)tabular_rdata[j+num_cv+num_drv].values()))
	cout << "PD_write error=" << PD_err << '\n';
      cout << "Problem closing PDB file" << argv[3] << '\n';
    cout << "PDB utilities not available" << endl;
  else if (print_dest == "text_file") {
    cout << "Writing tabular text file " << argv[3] << '\n';
    std::ofstream tabular_text(argv[3]);

    String curr_interf;
    PRPCacheCIter prp_iter = data_pairs.begin();

    for (i=0; i<num_evals; ++i, ++prp_iter) {
      const String& new_interf = prp_iter->interface_id();
      if (i == 0 || new_interf != curr_interf) {
        curr_interf = new_interf;
        // Header (note: use matlab comment syntax "%"):
        StringMultiArrayConstView acv_labels
	  = prp_iter->prp_parameters().all_continuous_variable_labels();
        StringMultiArrayConstView adiv_labels
	  = prp_iter->prp_parameters().all_discrete_int_variable_labels();
        StringMultiArrayConstView adrv_labels
	  = prp_iter->prp_parameters().all_discrete_real_variable_labels();
        const StringArray& fn_labels
	  = prp_iter->prp_response().function_labels();
        size_t num_acv = acv_labels.size(), num_adiv = adiv_labels.size(),
	  num_adrv = adrv_labels.size(), num_fns = fn_labels.size();
	if (!curr_interf.empty())
	  tabular_text << "%Interface = " << curr_interf << '\n';
        tabular_text << "%eval_id ";
        for (j=0; j<num_acv; ++j)
          tabular_text << setw(14) << acv_labels[j].data() << ' ';
        for (j=0; j<num_adiv; ++j)
          tabular_text << setw(14) << adiv_labels[j].data() << ' ';
        for (j=0; j<num_adrv; ++j)
          tabular_text << setw(14) << adrv_labels[j].data() << ' ';
        for (j=0; j<num_fns; ++j)
          tabular_text << setw(14) << fn_labels[j].data() << ' ';
        tabular_text << '\n';
      // Data: (note: not maximum precision)

  cout << "Restart file processing completed: " << num_evals
       << " evaluations tabulated.\n";
Пример #7
static void _PA_init_time_plots(const char *ppname)
   {int itu, i, n_dom;
    char bf[MAXLINE], **labels, **members;
    PA_plot_request *pr, *nxt;
    PA_package *pck;

/* count the number of time plots */
    for (pr = PA_gs.plot_reqs; pr != NULL; pr = pr->next)
        {if (_PA_time_plotp(pr))
             pr->time_plot = TRUE;};};             

/* count the number of time plots on the packages (restart has this) */
    for (pck = PA_gs.packages; pck != NULL; pck = pck->next)
        for (pr = pck->pseudo_pr; pr != NULL; pr = pr->next)
	    {if (_PA_time_plotp(pr))
		 pr->time_plot = TRUE;};};             

    if (PA_gs.n_time_plots <= 0)

    if (ppname != NULL)
       {PA_gs.pp_file = PD_open(ppname, "w");
	PRINT(stdout, "Post processor file %s opened\n", ppname);

	PD_set_offset(PA_gs.pp_file, PA_get_default_offset());}
       PA_gs.pp_file = NULL;

    PA_gs.current_pp_cycle = -1;

/* allow for t in the data stripe */
    n_dom = 1;
    labels  = CMAKE_N(char *, PA_gs.n_time_plots);
    members = CMAKE_N(char *, PA_gs.n_time_plots+1);

    itu = n_dom;
    snprintf(bf, MAXLINE, "t");
    members[0] = CSTRSAVE(bf);

/* finish the curve arrays for the packages */
    for (pck = PA_gs.packages; pck != NULL; pck = pck->next)
        for (pr = pck->pseudo_pr; pr != NULL; pr = pr->next)
	    {if (pr->time_plot)
	        itu = _PA_init_time_plot(pr, members, labels, itu, FALSE);};

/* finish the curve arrays and fill in the name and number arrays */
    for (pr = PA_gs.plot_reqs; pr != NULL; pr = nxt)
        {nxt = pr->next;
         if (pr->time_plot)
	    itu = _PA_init_time_plot(pr, members, labels, itu, TRUE);};

    if (PA_gs.pp_file != NULL)
       PA_th_def_rec(PA_gs.pp_file, "time_data", "time_stripe",
                     itu, members, labels);


    for (i = 0; i < PA_gs.n_time_plots; i++)

    if (PA_gs.n_time_plots > 0)
       {PA_gs.n_unique_variables = itu;
        PA_gs.t_data = CMAKE_N(double, PA_gs.n_unique_variables);};