Пример #1
t_mdatoms *init_mdatoms(FILE *fp, gmx_mtop_t *mtop, gmx_bool bFreeEnergy)
    int                     mb, a, g, nmol;
    double                  tmA, tmB;
    t_atom                 *atom;
    t_mdatoms              *md;
    gmx_mtop_atomloop_all_t aloop;
    t_ilist                *ilist;

    snew(md, 1);

    md->nenergrp = mtop->groups.grps[egcENER].nr;
    md->bVCMgrps = FALSE;
    tmA          = 0.0;
    tmB          = 0.0;

    aloop = gmx_mtop_atomloop_all_init(mtop);
    while (gmx_mtop_atomloop_all_next(aloop, &a, &atom))
        if (ggrpnr(&mtop->groups, egcVCM, a) > 0)
            md->bVCMgrps = TRUE;

        if (bFreeEnergy && PERTURBED(*atom))
            if (atom->mB != atom->m)
            if (atom->qB != atom->q)
            if (atom->typeB != atom->type)

        tmA += atom->m;
        tmB += atom->mB;

    md->tmassA = tmA;
    md->tmassB = tmB;

    if (bFreeEnergy && fp)
                "There are %d atoms and %d charges for free energy perturbation\n",
                md->nPerturbed, md->nChargePerturbed);

    md->bOrires = gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop, F_ORIRES);

    return md;
Пример #2
void print_atoms(FILE *out, gpp_atomtype_t atype, t_atoms *at, int *cgnr,
                 gmx_bool bRTPresname)
    int         i, ri;
    int         tpA, tpB;
    const char *as;
    char       *tpnmA, *tpnmB;
    double      qres, qtot;

    as = dir2str(d_atoms);
    fprintf(out, "[ %s ]\n", as);
    fprintf(out, "; %4s %10s %6s %7s%6s %6s %10s %10s %6s %10s %10s\n",
            "nr", "type", "resnr", "residue", "atom", "cgnr", "charge", "mass", "typeB", "chargeB", "massB");

    qtot  = 0;

    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug, "This molecule has %d atoms and %d residues\n",
                at->nr, at->nres);

    if (at->nres)
        /* if the information is present... */
        for (i = 0; (i < at->nr); i++)
            ri = at->atom[i].resind;
            if ((i == 0 || ri != at->atom[i-1].resind) &&
                at->resinfo[ri].rtp != NULL)
                qres = get_residue_charge(at, i);
                fprintf(out, "; residue %3d %-3s rtp %-4s q ",
                if (fabs(qres) < 0.001)
                    fprintf(out, " %s", "0.0");
                    fprintf(out, "%+3.1f", qres);
                fprintf(out, "\n");
            tpA = at->atom[i].type;
            if ((tpnmA = get_atomtype_name(tpA, atype)) == NULL)
                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "tpA = %d, i= %d in print_atoms", tpA, i);

            fprintf(out, "%6d %10s %6d%c %5s %6s %6d %10g %10g",
                    i+1, tpnmA,
                    bRTPresname ?
                    *(at->resinfo[at->atom[i].resind].rtp) :
                    *(at->atomname[i]), cgnr[i],
                    at->atom[i].q, at->atom[i].m);
            if (PERTURBED(at->atom[i]))
                tpB = at->atom[i].typeB;
                if ((tpnmB = get_atomtype_name(tpB, atype)) == NULL)
                    gmx_fatal(FARGS, "tpB = %d, i= %d in print_atoms", tpB, i);
                fprintf(out, " %6s %10g %10g",
                        tpnmB, at->atom[i].qB, at->atom[i].mB);
            qtot += (double)at->atom[i].q;
            if (fabs(qtot) < 4*GMX_REAL_EPS)
                qtot = 0;
            fprintf(out, "   ; qtot %.4g\n", qtot);
    fprintf(out, "\n");
Пример #3
void atoms2md(const gmx_mtop_t *mtop, const t_inputrec *ir,
              int nindex, const int *index,
              int homenr,
              t_mdatoms *md)
    gmx_bool              bLJPME;
    gmx_mtop_atomlookup_t alook;
    int                   i;
    const t_grpopts      *opts;
    const gmx_groups_t   *groups;
    int                   nthreads gmx_unused;
    const real            oneOverSix = 1.0 / 6.0;

    bLJPME = EVDW_PME(ir->vdwtype);

    opts = &ir->opts;

    groups = &mtop->groups;

    /* Index==NULL indicates no DD (unless we have a DD node with no
     * atoms), so also check for homenr. This should be
     * signaled properly with an extra parameter or nindex==-1.
    if (index == NULL && (homenr > 0))
        md->nr = mtop->natoms;
        md->nr = nindex;

    if (md->nr > md->nalloc)
        md->nalloc = over_alloc_dd(md->nr);

        if (md->nMassPerturbed)
            srenew(md->massA, md->nalloc);
            srenew(md->massB, md->nalloc);
        srenew(md->massT, md->nalloc);
        srenew(md->invmass, md->nalloc);
        srenew(md->chargeA, md->nalloc);
        srenew(md->typeA, md->nalloc);
        if (md->nPerturbed)
            srenew(md->chargeB, md->nalloc);
            srenew(md->typeB, md->nalloc);
        if (bLJPME)
            srenew(md->sqrt_c6A, md->nalloc);
            srenew(md->sigmaA, md->nalloc);
            srenew(md->sigma3A, md->nalloc);
            if (md->nPerturbed)
                srenew(md->sqrt_c6B, md->nalloc);
                srenew(md->sigmaB, md->nalloc);
                srenew(md->sigma3B, md->nalloc);
        srenew(md->ptype, md->nalloc);
        if (opts->ngtc > 1)
            srenew(md->cTC, md->nalloc);
            /* We always copy cTC with domain decomposition */
        srenew(md->cENER, md->nalloc);
        if (opts->ngacc > 1)
            srenew(md->cACC, md->nalloc);
        if (opts->nFreeze &&
            (opts->ngfrz > 1 ||
             opts->nFreeze[0][XX] || opts->nFreeze[0][YY] || opts->nFreeze[0][ZZ]))
            srenew(md->cFREEZE, md->nalloc);
        if (md->bVCMgrps)
            srenew(md->cVCM, md->nalloc);
        if (md->bOrires)
            srenew(md->cORF, md->nalloc);
        if (md->nPerturbed)
            srenew(md->bPerturbed, md->nalloc);

        /* Note that these user t_mdatoms array pointers are NULL
         * when there is only one group present.
         * Therefore, when adding code, the user should use something like:
         * gprnrU1 = (md->cU1==NULL ? 0 : md->cU1[localatindex])
        if (mtop->groups.grpnr[egcUser1] != NULL)
            srenew(md->cU1, md->nalloc);
        if (mtop->groups.grpnr[egcUser2] != NULL)
            srenew(md->cU2, md->nalloc);

        if (ir->bQMMM)
            srenew(md->bQM, md->nalloc);
        if (ir->bAdress)
            srenew(md->wf, md->nalloc);
            srenew(md->tf_table_index, md->nalloc);

    alook = gmx_mtop_atomlookup_init(mtop);

    // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
    nthreads = gmx_omp_nthreads_get(emntDefault);
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads) schedule(static)
    for (i = 0; i < md->nr; i++)
            int      g, ag;
            real     mA, mB, fac;
            real     c6, c12;
            t_atom  *atom;

            if (index == NULL)
                ag = i;
                ag   = index[i];
            gmx_mtop_atomnr_to_atom(alook, ag, &atom);

            if (md->cFREEZE)
                md->cFREEZE[i] = ggrpnr(groups, egcFREEZE, ag);
            if (EI_ENERGY_MINIMIZATION(ir->eI))
                /* Displacement is proportional to F, masses used for constraints */
                mA = 1.0;
                mB = 1.0;
            else if (ir->eI == eiBD)
                /* With BD the physical masses are irrelevant.
                 * To keep the code simple we use most of the normal MD code path
                 * for BD. Thus for constraining the masses should be proportional
                 * to the friction coefficient. We set the absolute value such that
                 * m/2<(dx/dt)^2> = m/2*2kT/fric*dt = kT/2 => m=fric*dt/2
                 * Then if we set the (meaningless) velocity to v=dx/dt, we get the
                 * correct kinetic energy and temperature using the usual code path.
                 * Thus with BD v*dt will give the displacement and the reported
                 * temperature can signal bad integration (too large time step).
                if (ir->bd_fric > 0)
                    mA = 0.5*ir->bd_fric*ir->delta_t;
                    mB = 0.5*ir->bd_fric*ir->delta_t;
                    /* The friction coefficient is mass/tau_t */
                    fac = ir->delta_t/opts->tau_t[md->cTC ? groups->grpnr[egcTC][ag] : 0];
                    mA  = 0.5*atom->m*fac;
                    mB  = 0.5*atom->mB*fac;
                mA = atom->m;
                mB = atom->mB;
            if (md->nMassPerturbed)
                md->massA[i]  = mA;
                md->massB[i]  = mB;
            md->massT[i]    = mA;
            if (mA == 0.0)
                md->invmass[i]    = 0;
            else if (md->cFREEZE)
                g = md->cFREEZE[i];
                if (opts->nFreeze[g][XX] && opts->nFreeze[g][YY] && opts->nFreeze[g][ZZ])
                    /* Set the mass of completely frozen particles to ALMOST_ZERO iso 0
                     * to avoid div by zero in lincs or shake.
                     * Note that constraints can still move a partially frozen particle.
                    md->invmass[i]  = ALMOST_ZERO;
                    md->invmass[i]  = 1.0/mA;
                md->invmass[i]    = 1.0/mA;
            md->chargeA[i]      = atom->q;
            md->typeA[i]        = atom->type;
            if (bLJPME)
                c6                = mtop->ffparams.iparams[atom->type*(mtop->ffparams.atnr+1)].lj.c6;
                c12               = mtop->ffparams.iparams[atom->type*(mtop->ffparams.atnr+1)].lj.c12;
                md->sqrt_c6A[i]   = sqrt(c6);
                if (c6 == 0.0 || c12 == 0)
                    md->sigmaA[i] = 1.0;
                    md->sigmaA[i] = pow(c12/c6, oneOverSix);
                md->sigma3A[i]    = 1/(md->sigmaA[i]*md->sigmaA[i]*md->sigmaA[i]);
            if (md->nPerturbed)
                md->bPerturbed[i] = PERTURBED(*atom);
                md->chargeB[i]    = atom->qB;
                md->typeB[i]      = atom->typeB;
                if (bLJPME)
                    c6                = mtop->ffparams.iparams[atom->typeB*(mtop->ffparams.atnr+1)].lj.c6;
                    c12               = mtop->ffparams.iparams[atom->typeB*(mtop->ffparams.atnr+1)].lj.c12;
                    md->sqrt_c6B[i]   = sqrt(c6);
                    if (c6 == 0.0 || c12 == 0)
                        md->sigmaB[i] = 1.0;
                        md->sigmaB[i] = pow(c12/c6, oneOverSix);
                    md->sigma3B[i]    = 1/(md->sigmaB[i]*md->sigmaB[i]*md->sigmaB[i]);
            md->ptype[i]    = atom->ptype;
            if (md->cTC)
                md->cTC[i]    = groups->grpnr[egcTC][ag];
            md->cENER[i]    =
                (groups->grpnr[egcENER] ? groups->grpnr[egcENER][ag] : 0);
            if (md->cACC)
                md->cACC[i]   = groups->grpnr[egcACC][ag];
            if (md->cVCM)
                md->cVCM[i]       = groups->grpnr[egcVCM][ag];
            if (md->cORF)
                md->cORF[i]       = groups->grpnr[egcORFIT][ag];

            if (md->cU1)
                md->cU1[i]        = groups->grpnr[egcUser1][ag];
            if (md->cU2)
                md->cU2[i]        = groups->grpnr[egcUser2][ag];

            if (ir->bQMMM)
                if (groups->grpnr[egcQMMM] == 0 ||
                    groups->grpnr[egcQMMM][ag] < groups->grps[egcQMMM].nr-1)
                    md->bQM[i]      = TRUE;
                    md->bQM[i]      = FALSE;
            /* Initialize AdResS weighting functions to adressw */
            if (ir->bAdress)
                md->wf[i]           = 1.0;
                /* if no tf table groups specified, use default table */
                md->tf_table_index[i] = DEFAULT_TF_TABLE;
                if (ir->adress->n_tf_grps > 0)
                    /* if tf table groups specified, tf is only applied to thoose energy groups*/
                    md->tf_table_index[i] = NO_TF_TABLE;
                    /* check wether atom is in one of the relevant energy groups and assign a table index */
                    for (g = 0; g < ir->adress->n_tf_grps; g++)
                        if (md->cENER[i] == ir->adress->tf_table_index[g])
                            md->tf_table_index[i] = g;


    md->homenr = homenr;
    md->lambda = 0;
Пример #4
void atoms2md(gmx_mtop_t *mtop,t_inputrec *ir,
	      int nindex,int *index,
	      int start,int homenr,
	      t_mdatoms *md)
  t_atoms   *atoms_mol;
  int       i,g,ag,as,ae,molb;
  real      mA,mB,fac;
  t_atom    *atom;
  t_grpopts *opts;
  gmx_groups_t *groups;
  gmx_molblock_t *molblock;

  opts = &ir->opts;

  groups = &mtop->groups;

  molblock = mtop->molblock;

  if (index == NULL) {
    md->nr = mtop->natoms;
  } else {
    md->nr = nindex;

  if (md->nr > md->nalloc) {
    md->nalloc = over_alloc_dd(md->nr);

    if (md->nMassPerturbed) {
    if (md->nPerturbed) {
    if (md->nPerturbed) {
    if (opts->ngtc > 1) {
      /* We always copy cTC with domain decomposition */
    if (opts->ngacc > 1)
    if (opts->nFreeze &&
	(opts->ngfrz > 1 ||
	 opts->nFreeze[0][XX] || opts->nFreeze[0][YY] || opts->nFreeze[0][ZZ]))
    if (md->bVCMgrps)
    if (md->bOrires)
    if (md->nPerturbed)
    /* Note that these user t_mdatoms array pointers are NULL
     * when there is only one group present.
     * Therefore, when adding code, the user should use something like:
     * gprnrU1 = (md->cU1==NULL ? 0 : md->cU1[localatindex])
    if (mtop->groups.grpnr[egcUser1] != NULL)
    if (mtop->groups.grpnr[egcUser2] != NULL)
    if (ir->bQMMM)

  for(i=0; (i<md->nr); i++) {
    if (index == NULL) {
      ag = i;
    } else {
      ag   = index[i];
      molb = -1;
      ae   = 0;
      do {
	as = ae;
	ae = as + molblock[molb].nmol*molblock[molb].natoms_mol;
      } while (ag >= ae);
      atoms_mol = &mtop->moltype[molblock[molb].type].atoms;
      atom = &atoms_mol->atom[(ag - as) % atoms_mol->nr];

    if (md->cFREEZE) {
      md->cFREEZE[i] = ggrpnr(groups,egcFREEZE,ag);
      mA = 1.0;
      mB = 1.0;
    } else if (ir->eI == eiBD) {
      /* Make the mass proportional to the friction coefficient for BD.
       * This is necessary for the constraint algorithms.
      if (ir->bd_fric) {
	mA = ir->bd_fric*ir->delta_t;
	mB = ir->bd_fric*ir->delta_t;
      } else {
	fac = ir->delta_t/opts->tau_t[md->cTC ? groups->grpnr[egcTC][ag] : 0];
	mA = atom->m*fac;
	mB = atom->mB*fac;
    } else {
      mA = atom->m;
      mB = atom->mB;
    if (md->nMassPerturbed) {
      md->massA[i]	= mA;
      md->massB[i]	= mB;
    md->massT[i]	= mA;
    if (mA == 0.0) {
      md->invmass[i]    = 0;
    } else if (md->cFREEZE) {
      g = md->cFREEZE[i];
      if (opts->nFreeze[g][XX] && opts->nFreeze[g][YY] && opts->nFreeze[g][ZZ])
	/* Set the mass of completely frozen particles to ALMOST_ZERO iso 0
	 * to avoid div by zero in lincs or shake.
	 * Note that constraints can still move a partially frozen particle.
	md->invmass[i]	= ALMOST_ZERO;
	md->invmass[i]	= 1.0/mA;
    } else {
      md->invmass[i]	= 1.0/mA;
    md->chargeA[i]	= atom->q;
    md->typeA[i]	= atom->type;
    if (md->nPerturbed) {
      md->chargeB[i]	= atom->qB;
      md->typeB[i]	= atom->typeB;
      md->bPerturbed[i] = PERTURBED(*atom);
    md->ptype[i]	= atom->ptype;
    if (md->cTC)
      md->cTC[i]	= groups->grpnr[egcTC][ag];
    md->cENER[i]	=
      (groups->grpnr[egcENER] ? groups->grpnr[egcENER][ag] : 0);
    if (md->cACC)
      md->cACC[i]	= groups->grpnr[egcACC][ag];
    if (md->cVCM)
      md->cVCM[i]     	= groups->grpnr[egcVCM][ag];
    if (md->cORF)
      md->cORF[i]     	= groups->grpnr[egcORFIT][ag];

    if (md->cU1)
      md->cU1[i]     	= groups->grpnr[egcUser1][ag];
    if (md->cU2)
      md->cU2[i]     	= groups->grpnr[egcUser2][ag];

    if (ir->bQMMM) {
      if (groups->grpnr[egcQMMM] == 0 || 
	  groups->grpnr[egcQMMM][ag] < groups->grps[egcQMMM].nr-1) {
	md->bQM[i]      = TRUE;
      } else {
	md->bQM[i]      = FALSE;

  md->start  = start;
  md->homenr = homenr;
  md->lambda = 0;