Пример #1
 * Handles method calls when a method is not implemented
 * @param string $method
 * @param array $arguments
 * @return mixed
PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_View_Engine, __call){

	zval *method, *args = NULL, method_name = {}, arguments = {}, *methods, func = {}, exception_message = {}, service_name = {}, service = {}, callback = {};

	phalcon_fetch_params(0, 1, 1, &method, &arguments);

	PHALCON_CPY_WRT(&method_name, method);

	if (!args) {
	} else {
		PHALCON_CPY_WRT(&arguments, args);

	methods = phalcon_read_property(getThis(), SL("_methods"), PH_NOISY);
	if (phalcon_array_isset_fetch(&func, methods, &method_name)) {
			PHALCON_CALL_USER_FUNC_ARRAYW(return_value, &func, &arguments);

	if (phalcon_compare_strict_string(&method_name, SL("get")) 
		|| phalcon_compare_strict_string(&method_name, SL("getPost"))
		|| phalcon_compare_strict_string(&method_name, SL("getPut"))
		|| phalcon_compare_strict_string(&method_name, SL("getQuery"))
		|| phalcon_compare_strict_string(&method_name, SL("getServer"))) {
		ZVAL_STRING(&service_name, ISV(request));
	} else if (phalcon_compare_strict_string(&method_name, SL("getSession"))) {
		ZVAL_STRING(&method_name, "get");
		ZVAL_STRING(&service_name, ISV(session));
	} else if (phalcon_compare_strict_string(&method_name, SL("getParam"))) {
		ZVAL_STRING(&service_name, ISV(dispatcher));

	PHALCON_CALL_METHODW(&service, getThis(), "getresolveservice", &service_name);

	if (Z_TYPE(service) != IS_OBJECT) {
		PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(&exception_message, "The injected service '", &service_name, "' is not valid");
		PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_ZVALW(phalcon_mvc_view_exception_ce, &exception_message);

	if (!phalcon_method_exists(&service, &method_name) == FAILURE) {
		PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(&exception_message, "The method \"", &method_name, "\" doesn't exist on view");
		PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_ZVALW(phalcon_mvc_view_exception_ce, &exception_message);

	phalcon_array_append(&callback, &service, PH_COPY);
	phalcon_array_append(&callback, &method_name, PH_COPY);

	PHALCON_CALL_USER_FUNC_ARRAYW(return_value, &callback, &arguments);
Пример #2
 * Initializes the internal handler, calling functions on it
 * @param string $method
 * @param array $arguments
 * @return mixed
PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Micro_LazyLoader, __call){

	zval *method, *arguments, handler = {}, definition = {}, call_handler = {};
	zend_class_entry *ce0;

	phalcon_fetch_params(0, 2, 0, &method, &arguments);

	phalcon_return_property(&handler, getThis(), SL("_handler"));
	if (Z_TYPE(handler) != IS_OBJECT) {
		phalcon_read_property(&definition, getThis(), SL("_definition"), PH_NOISY);
		ce0 = phalcon_fetch_class(&definition, ZEND_FETCH_CLASS_DEFAULT);

		PHALCON_OBJECT_INIT(&handler, ce0);
		if (phalcon_has_constructor(&handler)) {
			PHALCON_CALL_METHODW(NULL, &handler, "__construct");
		phalcon_update_property_zval(getThis(), SL("_handler"), &handler);

	array_init_size(&call_handler, 2);
	phalcon_array_append(&call_handler, &handler, PH_COPY);
	phalcon_array_append(&call_handler, method, PH_COPY);

	 * Call the handler
	PHALCON_CALL_USER_FUNC_ARRAYW(return_value, &call_handler, arguments);
Пример #3
 * Decrypts an encrypted text
 *	echo $crypt->decrypt($encrypted, "decrypt password");
 * @param string $text
 * @param string $key
 * @param int $options
 * @return string
PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Crypt, decrypt){

	zval *source, *key = NULL, *options = NULL, handler = {}, arguments = {}, value = {}, text = {}, encrypt_key = {}, encrypt_options = {};
	zval method = {}, iv_size = {}, iv = {}, text_to_decipher = {};

	phalcon_fetch_params(0, 1, 2, &source, &key, &options);

	if (phalcon_function_exists_ex(SL("openssl_encrypt")) == FAILURE) {
		PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STRW(phalcon_crypt_exception_ce, "openssl extension is required");

	phalcon_read_property(&handler, getThis(), SL("_beforeDecrypt"), PH_NOISY);

	if (phalcon_is_callable(&handler)) {

		array_init_size(&arguments, 1);
		phalcon_array_append(&arguments, source, PH_COPY);

		PHALCON_CALL_USER_FUNC_ARRAYW(&value, &handler, &arguments);

		source = &value;

	/* Do not use make_printable_zval() here: we need the conversion with type juggling */
	if (Z_TYPE_P(source) != IS_STRING) {
		phalcon_cast(&text, source, IS_STRING);
	} else {
		PHALCON_CPY_WRT_CTOR(&text, source);

	if (!key || Z_TYPE_P(key) == IS_NULL) {
		phalcon_return_property(&encrypt_key, getThis(), SL("_key"));
	} else {
		PHALCON_CPY_WRT_CTOR(&encrypt_key, key);
		if (Z_TYPE(encrypt_key) != IS_STRING) {

	if (!options || Z_TYPE_P(options) == IS_NULL) {
		phalcon_return_property(&encrypt_options, getThis(), SL("_options"));
	} else {
		PHALCON_CPY_WRT_CTOR(&encrypt_options, options);

	phalcon_read_property(&method, getThis(), SL("_method"), PH_NOISY);
	PHALCON_CALL_FUNCTIONW(&iv_size, "openssl_cipher_iv_length", &method);

	if (Z_LVAL(iv_size) <= 0) {
		PHALCON_CPY_WRT_CTOR(&text_to_decipher, &text);
	} else {
		phalcon_substr(&iv, &text, 0, Z_LVAL(iv_size));
		phalcon_substr(&text_to_decipher, &text, Z_LVAL(iv_size), 0);

	PHALCON_CALL_FUNCTIONW(return_value, "openssl_decrypt", &text_to_decipher, &method, &encrypt_key, &encrypt_options, &iv);
	if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(return_value) != IS_STRING)) {

	phalcon_read_property(&handler, getThis(), SL("_afterDecrypt"), PH_NOISY);

	if (phalcon_is_callable(&handler)) {
		array_init_size(&arguments, 1);
		phalcon_array_append(&arguments, return_value, PH_COPY);

		PHALCON_CALL_USER_FUNC_ARRAYW(&value, &handler, &arguments);

Пример #4
 * Resolves the service
 * @param array $parameters
 * @param Phalcon\DIInterface $dependencyInjector
 * @return object
PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_DI_Service, resolve){

	zval *parameters = NULL, *dependency_injector = NULL, name = {}, shared = {}, shared_instance = {}, definition = {}, builder = {};
	int found = 0, ishared = 0;

	phalcon_fetch_params(0, 0, 2, &parameters, &dependency_injector);

	if (!parameters) {
		parameters = &PHALCON_GLOBAL(z_null);

	if (!dependency_injector) {
		dependency_injector = &PHALCON_GLOBAL(z_null);

	phalcon_return_property(&shared, getThis(), SL("_shared"));
	phalcon_return_property(&shared_instance, getThis(), SL("_sharedInstance"));

	ishared = zend_is_true(&shared);

	/* Check if the service is shared */
	if (ishared && Z_TYPE(shared_instance) != IS_NULL) {

	phalcon_return_property(&definition, getThis(), SL("_definition"));

	if (Z_TYPE(definition) == IS_STRING) {
		/* String definitions can be class names without implicit parameters */
		if (phalcon_class_exists(&definition, 1) != NULL) {
			found = 1;
			if (Z_TYPE_P(parameters) == IS_ARRAY) {
				RETURN_ON_FAILURE(phalcon_create_instance_params(return_value, &definition, parameters));
			} else {
				RETURN_ON_FAILURE(phalcon_create_instance(return_value, &definition));
	} else if (likely(Z_TYPE(definition) == IS_OBJECT)) {
		/* Object definitions can be a Closure or an already resolved instance */
		found = 1;
		if (instanceof_function_ex(Z_OBJCE(definition), zend_ce_closure, 0)) {
			if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(dependency_injector) == IS_OBJECT)) {
				PHALCON_CALL_CE_STATICW(&definition, zend_ce_closure, "bind", &definition, dependency_injector);
			if (Z_TYPE_P(parameters) == IS_ARRAY) {
				PHALCON_CALL_USER_FUNC_ARRAYW(return_value, &definition, parameters);
			} else {
				PHALCON_CALL_USER_FUNCW(return_value, &definition);
		} else {
			PHALCON_CPY_WRT(return_value, &definition);
	} else if (Z_TYPE(definition) == IS_ARRAY) {
		found = 1;
		/* Array definitions require a 'className' parameter */
		object_init_ex(&builder, phalcon_di_service_builder_ce);

		PHALCON_CALL_METHODW(return_value, &builder, "build", dependency_injector, &definition, parameters);

	if (!EG(exception)) {
		if (found) {
			if (ishared) {
				phalcon_update_property_zval(getThis(), SL("_sharedInstance"), return_value);
			/* Update the shared instance if the service is shared */
			phalcon_update_property_bool(getThis(), SL("_resolved"), 1);
		} else {
			phalcon_return_property(&name, getThis(), SL("_name"));
			PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_FORMATW(phalcon_di_exception_ce, "Service '%s' cannot be resolved", Z_STRVAL(name));