Пример #1
bool InliningDecider::ContinueInliningUserDefinedFunctions(uint32 bytecodeInlinedCount) const
    char16 debugStringBuffer[MAX_FUNCTION_BODY_DEBUG_STRING_SIZE];
    if (PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlinePhase, this->topFunc) || bytecodeInlinedCount <= (uint)this->threshold.inlineCountMax)
        return true;

    INLINE_TESTTRACE(_u("INLINING: Skip Inline: InlineCountMax threshold %d, reached: %s (#%s)\n"),
        this->topFunc->GetDisplayName(), this->topFunc->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer));

    return false;
Пример #2
// This only enables collection of the inlinee data, we are much more aggressive here.
// Actual decision of whether something is inlined or not is taken in CommitInlineIntoInliner
bool InliningDecider::DeciderInlineIntoInliner(Js::FunctionBody * inlinee, Js::FunctionBody * inliner, bool isConstructorCall, bool isPolymorphicCall, uint16 constantArgInfo, uint recursiveInlineDepth, bool allowRecursiveInlining)

    if (!CanRecursivelyInline(inlinee, inliner, allowRecursiveInlining, recursiveInlineDepth))
        return false;

    if (inlinee->GetIsAsmjsMode() || inliner->GetIsAsmjsMode())
        return false;

    if (PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlinePhase, this->topFunc) ||
        PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlinePhase, inliner) ||
        PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlinePhase, inlinee))
        return true;

    if (PHASE_OFF(Js::InlinePhase, this->topFunc) ||
        PHASE_OFF(Js::InlinePhase, inliner) ||
        PHASE_OFF(Js::InlinePhase, inlinee))
        return false;

    if (PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlineTreePhase, this->topFunc) ||
        PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlineTreePhase, inliner))
        return true;

    if (PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlineAtEveryCallerPhase, inlinee))
        return true;

    uint inlineeByteCodeCount = inlinee->GetByteCodeWithoutLDACount();

    // Heuristics are hit in the following order (Note *order* is important)
    // 1. Leaf function:  If the inlinee is a leaf (but not a constructor or a polymorphic call) inline threshold is LeafInlineThreshold (60). Also it can have max 1 loop
    // 2. Constant Function Argument: If the inlinee candidate has a constant argument and that argument is used for branching, then the inline threshold is ConstantArgumentInlineThreshold (157)
    // 3. InlineThreshold: If an inlinee candidate exceeds InlineThreshold just don't inline no matter what.

    // Following are additional constraint for an inlinee which meets InlineThreshold (Rule no 3)
    // 4. Rule for inlinee with loops:
    //      4a. Only single loop in inlinee is permitted.
    //      4b. Should not have polymorphic field access.
    //      4c. Should not be a constructor.
    //      4d. Should meet LoopInlineThreshold (25)
    // 5. Rule for polymorphic inlinee:
    //      4a. Should meet PolymorphicInlineThreshold (32)
    // 6. Rule for constructors:
    //       5a. Always inline if inlinee has polymorphic field access (as we have cloned runtime data).
    //       5b. If inlinee is monomorphic, inline only small constructors. They are governed by ConstructorInlineThreshold (21)
    // 7. Rule for inlinee which is not interpreted enough (as we might not have all the profile data):
    //       7a. As of now it is still governed by the InlineThreshold. Plan to play with this in future.
    // 8. Rest should be inlined.

    uint16 mask = constantArgInfo &  inlinee->m_argUsedForBranch;
    if (mask && inlineeByteCodeCount <  (uint)CONFIG_FLAG(ConstantArgumentInlineThreshold))
        return true;

    int inlineThreshold = threshold.inlineThreshold;
    if (!isPolymorphicCall && !isConstructorCall && IsInlineeLeaf(inlinee) && (inlinee->GetLoopCount() <= 2))
        // Inlinee is a leaf function
        if (inlinee->GetLoopCount() == 0 || GetNumberOfInlineesWithLoop() <= (uint)threshold.maxNumberOfInlineesWithLoop) // Don't inlinee too many inlinees with loops.
            // Negative LeafInlineThreshold disable the threshold
            if (threshold.leafInlineThreshold >= 0)
                inlineThreshold += threshold.leafInlineThreshold - threshold.inlineThreshold;

    char16 debugStringBuffer[MAX_FUNCTION_BODY_DEBUG_STRING_SIZE];
    char16 debugStringBuffer2[MAX_FUNCTION_BODY_DEBUG_STRING_SIZE];
    char16 debugStringBuffer3[MAX_FUNCTION_BODY_DEBUG_STRING_SIZE];

    if (inlinee->GetHasLoops())
        if (threshold.loopInlineThreshold < 0 ||                                     // Negative LoopInlineThreshold disable inlining with loop
            GetNumberOfInlineesWithLoop()  >(uint)threshold.maxNumberOfInlineesWithLoop || // See if we are inlining too many inlinees with loops.
            (inlinee->GetLoopCount() > 2) ||                                         // Allow at most 2 loops.
            inlinee->GetHasNestedLoop() ||                                           // Nested loops are not a good inlinee candidate
            isConstructorCall ||                                                     // If the function is constructor with loops, don't inline.
            PHASE_OFF(Js::InlineFunctionsWithLoopsPhase, this->topFunc))
            INLINE_TESTTRACE(_u("INLINING: Skip Inline: Has loops \tBytecode size: %d \tgetNumberOfInlineesWithLoop: %d\tloopCount: %d\thasNestedLoop: %B\tisConstructorCall:%B\tInlinee: %s (%s)\tCaller: %s (%s) \tRoot: %s (%s)\n"),
                inlinee->GetDisplayName(), inlinee->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer),
                inliner->GetDisplayName(), inliner->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer2),
                topFunc->GetDisplayName(), topFunc->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer3));
            // Don't inline function with loops
            return false;
            inlineThreshold -= (threshold.inlineThreshold > threshold.loopInlineThreshold) ? threshold.inlineThreshold - threshold.loopInlineThreshold : 0;

    if (isPolymorphicCall)
        if (threshold.polymorphicInlineThreshold < 0 ||                              // Negative PolymorphicInlineThreshold disable inlining
            INLINE_TESTTRACE(_u("INLINING: Skip Inline: Polymorphic call under PolymorphicInlineThreshold: %d \tBytecode size: %d\tInlinee: %s (%s)\tCaller: %s (%s) \tRoot: %s (%s)\n"),
                inlinee->GetDisplayName(), inlinee->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer),
                inliner->GetDisplayName(), inliner->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer2),
                topFunc->GetDisplayName(), topFunc->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer3));
            return false;
            inlineThreshold -= (threshold.inlineThreshold > threshold.polymorphicInlineThreshold) ? threshold.inlineThreshold - threshold.polymorphicInlineThreshold : 0;

    if (isConstructorCall)
#pragma prefast(suppress: 6285, "logical-or of constants is by design")
        if (PHASE_OFF(Js::InlineConstructorsPhase, this->topFunc) ||
            PHASE_OFF(Js::InlineConstructorsPhase, inliner) ||
            PHASE_OFF(Js::InlineConstructorsPhase, inlinee) ||
            return false;

        if (PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlineConstructorsPhase, this->topFunc) ||
            PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlineConstructorsPhase, inliner) ||
            PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlineConstructorsPhase, inlinee))
            return true;

        if (inlinee->HasDynamicProfileInfo() && inlinee->GetAnyDynamicProfileInfo()->HasPolymorphicFldAccess())
            // As of now this is not dependent on bytecodeInlinedThreshold.
            return true;

        // Negative ConstructorInlineThreshold always disable constructor inlining
        if (threshold.constructorInlineThreshold < 0)
            INLINE_TESTTRACE(_u("INLINING: Skip Inline: Constructor with no polymorphic field access \tBytecode size: %d\tInlinee: %s (%s)\tCaller: %s (%s) \tRoot: %s (%s)\n"),
                inlinee->GetDisplayName(), inlinee->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer),
                inliner->GetDisplayName(), inliner->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer2),
                topFunc->GetDisplayName(), topFunc->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer3));
            // Don't inline constructor that does not have a polymorphic field access, or if cloning polymorphic inline
            // caches is disabled
            return false;
            inlineThreshold -= (threshold.inlineThreshold > threshold.constructorInlineThreshold) ? threshold.inlineThreshold - threshold.constructorInlineThreshold : 0;

    if (threshold.forLoopBody)
        inlineThreshold /= CONFIG_FLAG(InlineInLoopBodyScaleDownFactor);

    if (inlineThreshold > 0 && inlineeByteCodeCount <= (uint)inlineThreshold)
        if (inlinee->GetLoopCount())
        return true;
        return false;
Пример #3
// Called from background thread to commit inlining.
bool InliningHeuristics::BackendInlineIntoInliner(Js::FunctionBody* inlinee,
                                Js::FunctionBody *inliner,
                                Func *topFunction,
                                Js::ProfileId callSiteId,
                                bool isConstructorCall,
                                bool isFixedMethodCall,                     // Reserved
                                bool isCallOutsideLoopInTopFunc,            // There is a loop for sure and this call is outside loop
                                bool isCallInsideLoop,
                                uint recursiveInlineDepth,
                                uint16 constantArguments
    // We have one piece of additional data in backend, whether  we are outside loop or inside
    // This function decides to inline or not based on that additional data. Most of the filtering is already done by DeciderInlineIntoInliner which is called
    // during work item creation.
    // This is additional filtering during actual inlining phase.

    // Note *order* is important
    // Following are
    // 1. Constructor is always inlined (irrespective of inside or outside)
    // 2. If the inlinee candidate has constant argument and that argument is used for a branch and the inlinee size is within ConstantArgumentInlineThreshold(157) we inline
    // 3. Inside loops:
    //     3a. Leaf function will always get inlined (irrespective of leaf has loop or not)
    //     3b. If the inlinee has loops, don't inline it (Basically avoiding inlining a loop within another loop unless its leaf).
    // 4. Outside loop (inliner has loops):
    //     4a. Only inline small inlinees. Governed by OutsideLoopInlineThreshold (16)
    // 5. Rest are inlined.
    wchar_t debugStringBuffer[MAX_FUNCTION_BODY_DEBUG_STRING_SIZE];
    wchar_t debugStringBuffer2[MAX_FUNCTION_BODY_DEBUG_STRING_SIZE];
    wchar_t debugStringBuffer3[MAX_FUNCTION_BODY_DEBUG_STRING_SIZE];

    bool doBackEndAggressiveInline = (constantArguments & inlinee->m_argUsedForBranch) != 0;

    if (!PHASE_OFF(Js::InlineRecursivePhase, inliner)
        && inlinee == inliner
        && (!inlinee->CanInlineRecursively(recursiveInlineDepth, doBackEndAggressiveInline)))
        INLINE_TESTTRACE(L"INLINING: Skip Inline (backend): Recursive inlining\tInlinee: %s (#%s)\tCaller: %s (#%s) \tRoot: %s (#%s) Depth: %d\n",
            inlinee->GetDisplayName(), inlinee->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer),
            inliner->GetDisplayName(), inliner->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer2),
            topFunc->GetDisplayName(), topFunc->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer3),
        return false;

    if(PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlinePhase, this->topFunc) ||
        PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlinePhase, inliner) ||
        PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlinePhase, inlinee))
        return true;

    if (PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlineTreePhase, this->topFunc) ||
        PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlineTreePhase, inliner))
        return true;

    if (PHASE_FORCE(Js::InlineAtEveryCallerPhase, inlinee))
        return true;

    Js::DynamicProfileInfo *dynamicProfile = inliner->GetAnyDynamicProfileInfo();

    bool doConstantArgumentInlining = (dynamicProfile->GetConstantArgInfo(callSiteId) & inlinee->m_argUsedForBranch) != 0;
    if (doConstantArgumentInlining && inlinee->GetByteCodeWithoutLDACount() <  (uint)threshold.constantArgumentInlineThreshold)
        return true;

    if (topFunction->m_workItem->RecyclableData()->JitTimeData()->GetIsAggressiveInliningEnabled())
        return true;

    if (isConstructorCall)
        return true;

    if (isCallInsideLoop && IsInlineeLeaf(inlinee))
        return true;

    if (isCallInsideLoop && inlinee->GetHasLoops() )                            // Don't inline function with loops inside another loop unless it is a leaf
        INLINE_TESTTRACE(L"INLINING: Skip Inline (backend): Recursive loop inlining\tInlinee: %s (#%s)\tCaller: %s (#%s) \tRoot: %s (#%s)\n",
            inlinee->GetDisplayName(), inlinee->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer),
            inliner->GetDisplayName(), inliner->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer2),
            topFunc->GetDisplayName(), topFunc->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer3));
        return false;
    byte scale = 1;

    if (doBackEndAggressiveInline)
        scale = 2;

    if (isCallOutsideLoopInTopFunc &&
        (threshold.outsideLoopInlineThreshold < 0 ||
        inlinee->GetByteCodeWithoutLDACount() > (uint)threshold.outsideLoopInlineThreshold * scale))
        INLINE_TESTTRACE(L"INLINING: Skip Inline (backend): Inlining outside loop doesn't meet OutsideLoopInlineThreshold: %d \tBytecode size: %d\tInlinee: %s (#%s)\tCaller: %s (#%s) \tRoot: %s (#%s)\n",
            inlinee->GetDisplayName(), inlinee->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer),
            inliner->GetDisplayName(), inliner->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer2),
            topFunc->GetDisplayName(), topFunc->GetDebugNumberSet(debugStringBuffer3));
        return false;
    return true;