Пример #1
 * Import modules embedded in the archive - return 0 on success
int pyi_pylib_import_modules(ARCHIVE_STATUS *status)
	PyObject *marshal;
	PyObject *marshaldict;
	PyObject *loadfunc;
	TOC *ptoc;
	PyObject *co;
	PyObject *mod;
	PyObject *meipass_obj;
	char * meipass_ansi;

	VS("LOADER: setting sys._MEIPASS\n");
	// TODO extract function pyi_char_to_pyobject
	if(is_py2) {
#ifdef _WIN32
		meipass_ansi = pyi_win32_utf8_to_mbs_sfn(NULL, status->mainpath, 0);
		if(!meipass_ansi) {
			FATALERROR("Failed to encode _MEIPASS as ANSI.\n");
			return -1;
		meipass_obj = PI_PyString_FromString(meipass_ansi);
		meipass_obj = PI_PyString_FromString(status->mainpath);
	} else {
#ifdef _WIN32
		meipass_obj = PI_PyUnicode_Decode(status->mainpath,
		meipass_obj = PI_PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(status->mainpath);
	if(!meipass_obj) {
		FATALERROR("Failed to get _MEIPASS as PyObject.\n");
		return -1;

	PI_PySys_SetObject("_MEIPASS", meipass_obj);

	VS("LOADER: importing modules from CArchive\n");

	/* Get the Python function marshall.load
		* Here we collect some reference to PyObject that we don't dereference
		* Doesn't matter because the objects won't be going away anyway.
	marshal = PI_PyImport_ImportModule("marshal");
	marshaldict = PI_PyModule_GetDict(marshal);
	loadfunc = PI_PyDict_GetItemString(marshaldict, "loads");

	/* Iterate through toc looking for module entries (type 'm')
		* this is normally just bootstrap stuff (archive and iu)
	ptoc = status->tocbuff;
	while (ptoc < status->tocend) {
		if (ptoc->typcd == ARCHIVE_ITEM_PYMODULE || ptoc->typcd == ARCHIVE_ITEM_PYPACKAGE)
			unsigned char *modbuf = pyi_arch_extract(status, ptoc);

			VS("LOADER: extracted %s\n", ptoc->name);

			/* .pyc/.pyo files have 8 bytes header. Skip it and load marshalled
			 * data form the right point.
			if (is_py2) {
			  co = PI_PyObject_CallFunction(loadfunc, "s#", modbuf+8, ntohl(ptoc->ulen)-8);
			} else {
			  // It looks like from python 3.3 the header
			  // size was changed to 12 bytes.
			  co = PI_PyObject_CallFunction(loadfunc, "y#", modbuf+12, ntohl(ptoc->ulen)-12);
			if (co != NULL) {
				VS("LOADER: callfunction returned...\n");
				mod = PI_PyImport_ExecCodeModule(ptoc->name, co);
			} else {
                // TODO callfunctions might return NULL - find yout why and foor what modules.
				VS("LOADER: callfunction returned NULL");
				mod = NULL;

			/* Check for errors in loading */
			if (mod == NULL) {
				FATALERROR("mod is NULL - %s", ptoc->name);
			if (PI_PyErr_Occurred())

		ptoc = pyi_arch_increment_toc_ptr(status, ptoc);

	return 0;
Пример #2
int launch(ARCHIVE_STATUS *status, char const * archivePath, char  const * archiveName)
	PyObject *obHandle;
	int loadedNew = 0;
	char pathnm[PATH_MAX];

	strcpy(pathnm, archivePath);
	strcat(pathnm, archiveName);
    /* Set up paths */
    if (pyi_arch_set_paths(status, archivePath, archiveName))
        return -1;
	VS("Got Paths");
    /* Open the archive */
    if (pyi_arch_open(status))
        return -1;
	VS("Opened Archive");
    /* Load Python DLL */
    if (pyi_pylib_attach(status, &loadedNew))
        return -1;

	if (loadedNew) {
		/* Start Python with silly command line */
		if (pyi_pylib_start_python(status))
			return -1;
		VS("Started new Python");
		thisthread = PI_PyThreadState_Swap(NULL);
	else {
		VS("Attached to existing Python");

		/* start a mew interp */
		thisthread = PI_PyThreadState_Swap(NULL);
		if (thisthread == NULL) {
			thisthread = PI_Py_NewInterpreter();
			VS("created thisthread");
			VS("grabbed thisthread");
		PI_PyRun_SimpleString("import sys;sys.argv=[]");

	/* a signal to scripts */
	PI_PyRun_SimpleString("import sys;sys.frozen='dll'\n");
	VS("set sys.frozen");
	/* Create a 'frozendllhandle' as a counterpart to
	   sys.dllhandle (which is the Pythonxx.dll handle)
	obHandle = PI_Py_BuildValue("i", gInstance);
	PI_PySys_SetObject("frozendllhandle", obHandle);
    /* Import modules from archive - this is to bootstrap */
    if (pyi_pylib_import_modules(status))
        return -1;
	VS("Imported Modules");
    /* Install zlibs - now import hooks are in place */
    if (pyi_pylib_install_zlibs(status))
        return -1;
	VS("Installed Zlibs");
    /* Run scripts */
    if (pyi_launch_run_scripts(status))
        return -1;
	VS("All scripts run");
    if (PI_PyErr_Occurred()) {
		// PI_PyErr_Print();
		VS("Some error occurred");
	VS("PGL released");
	// Abandon our thread state.
    return 0;