Пример #1
Database :: ~Database()
    delete m_poValueStore;
    delete m_poLevelDB;

    PLG1Head("LevelDB Deleted. Path %s", m_sDBPath.c_str());
Пример #2
int MasterStateMachine :: Init()
    MasterVariables oVariables;
    int ret = m_oMVStore.Read(m_iMyGroupIdx, oVariables);
    if (ret != 0 && ret != 1)
        PLG1Err("Master variables read from store fail, ret %d", ret);
        return -1;

    if (ret == 1)
        PLG1Imp("no master variables exist");
        m_llMasterVersion = oVariables.version();

        if (oVariables.masternodeid() == m_iMyNodeID)
            m_iMasterNodeID = nullnode;
            m_llAbsExpireTime = 0;
            m_iMasterNodeID = oVariables.masternodeid();
            m_llAbsExpireTime = Time::GetTimestampMS() + oVariables.leasetime();
    PLG1Head("OK, master nodeid %lu version %lu expiretime %u", 
            m_iMasterNodeID, m_llMasterVersion, m_llAbsExpireTime);
    return 0;
Пример #3
int MasterStateMachine :: LearnMaster(
        const uint64_t llInstanceID, 
        const MasterOperator & oMasterOper, 
        const uint64_t llAbsMasterTimeout)
    ScopedLock<Mutex> oLockGuard(m_oMutex);

    if (oMasterOper.version() != m_llMasterVersion)
        PLG1Err("version conflit, op version %lu now master version %lu",
                oMasterOper.version(), m_llMasterVersion);
        return 0;

    int ret = UpdateMasterToStore(oMasterOper.nodeid(), llInstanceID, oMasterOper.timeout());
    if (ret != 0)
        PLG1Err("UpdateMasterToStore fail, ret %d", ret);
        return -1;

    m_iMasterNodeID = oMasterOper.nodeid();
    if (m_iMasterNodeID == m_iMyNodeID)
        //self be master
        //use local abstimeout
        m_llAbsExpireTime = llAbsMasterTimeout;

        PLG1Head("Be master success, absexpiretime %lu", m_llAbsExpireTime);
        //other be master
        //use new start timeout
        m_llAbsExpireTime = Time::GetTimestampMS() + oMasterOper.timeout();

        PLG1Head("Ohter be master, absexpiretime %lu", m_llAbsExpireTime);

    m_iLeaseTime = oMasterOper.timeout();
    m_llMasterVersion = llInstanceID;

    PLG1Imp("OK, masternodeid %lu version %lu abstimeout %lu",
            m_iMasterNodeID, m_llMasterVersion, m_llAbsExpireTime);

    return 0;
Пример #4
int SystemVSM :: UpdateByCheckpoint(const std::string & sCPBuffer, bool & bChange)
    if (sCPBuffer.size() == 0)
        return 0;

    bChange = false;

    SystemVariables oVariables;
    bool bSucc = oVariables.ParseFromArray(sCPBuffer.data(), sCPBuffer.size());
    if (!bSucc)
        PLG1Err("Variables.ParseFromArray fail, bufferlen %zu", sCPBuffer.size());
        return -1;

    if (oVariables.version() == (uint64_t)-1)
        PLG1Err("variables.version not init, this is not checkpoint");
        return -2;

    if (m_oSystemVariables.gid() != 0
            && oVariables.gid() != m_oSystemVariables.gid())
        PLG1Err("gid not same, cp.gid %lu now.gid %lu", oVariables.gid(), m_oSystemVariables.gid());
        return -2;

    if (m_oSystemVariables.version() != (uint64_t)-1
            && oVariables.version() <= m_oSystemVariables.version())
        PLG1Imp("lag checkpoint, no need update, cp.version %lu now.version %lu",
                oVariables.version(), m_oSystemVariables.version());
        return 0;

    bChange = true;
    SystemVariables oOldVariables = m_oSystemVariables;

    int ret = UpdateSystemVariables(oVariables);
    if (ret != 0)
        return -1;

    PLG1Head("ok, cp.version %lu cp.membercount %d old.version %lu old.membercount %d",
             oVariables.version(), oVariables.membership_size(),
             oOldVariables.version(), oOldVariables.membership_size());

    return 0;
Пример #5
int MasterStateMachine :: UpdateByCheckpoint(const std::string & sCPBuffer, bool & bChange)
    if (sCPBuffer.size() == 0)
        return 0;

    MasterVariables oVariables;
    bool bSucc = oVariables.ParseFromArray(sCPBuffer.data(), sCPBuffer.size());
    if (!bSucc)
        PLG1Err("Variables.ParseFromArray fail, bufferlen %zu", sCPBuffer.size());
        return -1;

    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> oLockGuard(m_oMutex);

    if (oVariables.version() <= m_llMasterVersion
            && m_llMasterVersion != (uint64_t)-1)
        PLG1Imp("lag checkpoint, no need update, cp.version %lu now.version %lu",
                oVariables.version(), m_llMasterVersion);
        return 0;

    int ret = UpdateMasterToStore(oVariables.masternodeid(), oVariables.version(), oVariables.leasetime());
    if (ret != 0)
        return -1;

    PLG1Head("ok, cp.version %lu cp.masternodeid %lu old.version %lu old.masternodeid %lu", 
            oVariables.version(), oVariables.masternodeid(),
            m_llMasterVersion, m_iMasterNodeID);

    m_llMasterVersion = oVariables.version();

    if (oVariables.masternodeid() == m_iMyNodeID)
        m_iMasterNodeID = nullnode;
        m_llAbsExpireTime = 0;
        m_iMasterNodeID = oVariables.masternodeid();
        m_llAbsExpireTime = Time::GetSteadyClockMS() + oVariables.leasetime();

    return 0;
Пример #6
int Config :: Init()
    int ret = m_oSystemVSM.Init();
    if (ret != 0)
        PLG1Err("fail, ret %d", ret);
        return ret;


    return 0;
Пример #7
bool SystemVSM :: Execute(const int iGroupIdx, const uint64_t llInstanceID, const std::string & sValue, SMCtx * poSMCtx)
    SystemVariables oVariables;
    bool bSucc = oVariables.ParseFromArray(sValue.data(), sValue.size());
    if (!bSucc)
        PLG1Err("Variables.ParseFromArray fail, bufferlen %zu", sValue.size());
        return false;

    int * smret = nullptr;
    if (poSMCtx != nullptr && poSMCtx->m_pCtx != nullptr)
        smret = (int *)poSMCtx->m_pCtx;

    if (m_oSystemVariables.gid() != 0 && oVariables.gid() != m_oSystemVariables.gid())
        PLG1Err("modify.gid %lu not equal to now.gid %lu", oVariables.gid(), m_oSystemVariables.gid());
        if (smret != nullptr) *smret = Paxos_MembershipOp_GidNotSame;
        return true;

    if (oVariables.version() != m_oSystemVariables.version())
        PLG1Err("modify.version %lu not equal to now.version %lu", oVariables.version(), m_oSystemVariables.version());
        if (smret != nullptr) *smret = Paxos_MembershipOp_VersionConflit;
        return true;

    int ret = UpdateSystemVariables(oVariables);
    if (ret != 0)
        return false;

    PLG1Head("OK, new version %lu gid %lu", m_oSystemVariables.version(), m_oSystemVariables.gid());

    if (smret != nullptr) *smret = 0;

    return true;
Пример #8
Config :: Config(
        const LogStorage * poLogStorage,
        const bool bLogSync,
        const int iSyncInterval,
        const bool bUseMembership,
        const NodeInfo & oMyNode, 
        const NodeInfoList & vecNodeInfoList,
        const FollowerNodeInfoList & vecFollowerNodeInfoList,
        const int iMyGroupIdx,
        const int iGroupCount,
        MembershipChangeCallback pMembershipChangeCallback)
    : m_bLogSync(bLogSync), 
    m_oSystemVSM(iMyGroupIdx, oMyNode.GetNodeID(), poLogStorage, pMembershipChangeCallback),
    m_vecNodeInfoList = vecNodeInfoList;

    m_bIsIMFollower = false;
    m_iFollowToNodeID = nullnode;

    for (auto & oFollowerNodeInfo : vecFollowerNodeInfoList)
        if (oFollowerNodeInfo.oMyNode.GetNodeID() == oMyNode.GetNodeID())
            PLG1Head("I'm follower, ip %s port %d nodeid %lu",
                    oMyNode.GetIP().c_str(), oMyNode.GetPort(), oMyNode.GetNodeID());
            m_bIsIMFollower = true;
            m_iFollowToNodeID = oFollowerNodeInfo.oFollowNode.GetNodeID();

Пример #9
void SystemVSM :: RefleshNodeID()

    NodeInfoList vecNodeInfoList;

    for (int i = 0; i < m_oSystemVariables.membership_size(); i++)
        PaxosNodeInfo oNodeInfo = m_oSystemVariables.membership(i);
        NodeInfo tTmpNode(oNodeInfo.nodeid());

        PLG1Head("ip %s port %d nodeid %lu",
                 tTmpNode.GetIP().c_str(), tTmpNode.GetPort(), tTmpNode.GetNodeID());



    if (m_pMembershipChangeCallback != nullptr)
        m_pMembershipChangeCallback(m_iMyGroupIdx, vecNodeInfoList);
Пример #10
int MasterStateMachine :: LearnMaster(
        const uint64_t llInstanceID, 
        const MasterOperator & oMasterOper, 
        const uint64_t llAbsMasterTimeout)
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> oLockGuard(m_oMutex);

    PLG1Debug("my last version %lu other last version %lu this version %lu instanceid %lu",
            m_llMasterVersion, oMasterOper.lastversion(), oMasterOper.version(), llInstanceID);

    if (oMasterOper.lastversion() != 0
            && llInstanceID > m_llMasterVersion
            && oMasterOper.lastversion() != m_llMasterVersion)
        PLG1Err("other last version %lu not same to my last version %lu, instanceid %lu",
                oMasterOper.lastversion(), m_llMasterVersion, llInstanceID);

        PLG1Err("try to fix, set my master version %lu as other last version %lu, instanceid %lu",
                m_llMasterVersion, oMasterOper.lastversion(), llInstanceID);
        m_llMasterVersion = oMasterOper.lastversion();

    if (oMasterOper.version() != m_llMasterVersion)
        PLG1Debug("version conflit, op version %lu now master version %lu",
                oMasterOper.version(), m_llMasterVersion);
        return 0;

    int ret = UpdateMasterToStore(oMasterOper.nodeid(), llInstanceID, oMasterOper.timeout());
    if (ret != 0)
        PLG1Err("UpdateMasterToStore fail, ret %d", ret);
        return -1;

    bool bMasterChange = false;
    if (m_iMasterNodeID != oMasterOper.nodeid())
        bMasterChange = true;

    m_iMasterNodeID = oMasterOper.nodeid();
    if (m_iMasterNodeID == m_iMyNodeID)
        //self be master
        //use local abstimeout
        m_llAbsExpireTime = llAbsMasterTimeout;

        PLG1Head("Be master success, absexpiretime %lu", m_llAbsExpireTime);
        //other be master
        //use new start timeout
        m_llAbsExpireTime = Time::GetSteadyClockMS() + oMasterOper.timeout();

        PLG1Head("Ohter be master, absexpiretime %lu", m_llAbsExpireTime);

    m_iLeaseTime = oMasterOper.timeout();
    m_llMasterVersion = llInstanceID;

    if (bMasterChange)
        if (m_pMasterChangeCallback != nullptr)
            m_pMasterChangeCallback(m_iMyGroupIdx, NodeInfo(m_iMasterNodeID), m_llMasterVersion);

    PLG1Imp("OK, masternodeid %lu version %lu abstimeout %lu",
            m_iMasterNodeID, m_llMasterVersion, m_llAbsExpireTime);

    return 0;