Пример #1
get_diag_procs(int_t n, Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist, gridinfo_t *grid,
	       int_t *num_diag_procs, int_t **diag_procs, int_t **diag_len)
    int_t i, j, k, knsupc, nprow, npcol, nsupers, pkk;
    int_t *xsup;

    i = j = *num_diag_procs = pkk = 0;
    nprow = grid->nprow;
    npcol = grid->npcol;
    nsupers = Glu_persist->supno[n-1] + 1;
    xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;

    do {
	i = (++i) % nprow;
	j = (++j) % npcol;
	pkk = PNUM( i, j, grid );
    } while ( pkk != 0 ); /* Until wrap back to process 0 */
    if ( !(*diag_procs = intMalloc_dist(*num_diag_procs)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for diag_procs[]");
    if ( !(*diag_len = intCalloc_dist(*num_diag_procs)) )
	ABORT("Calloc fails for diag_len[]");
    for (i = j = k = 0; k < *num_diag_procs; ++k) {
	pkk = PNUM( i, j, grid );
	(*diag_procs)[k] = pkk;
	i = (++i) % nprow;
	j = (++j) % npcol;
    for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	i = k % *num_diag_procs;
	(*diag_len)[i] += knsupc;
Пример #2
 * r[] is the residual vector distributed the same way as
 * matrix-vector product.
static void
redist_all_to_diag(int_t n, doublecomplex r[], Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist,
		   LocalLU_t *Llu, gridinfo_t *grid, int_t mv_sup_to_proc[],
		   doublecomplex work[])
    int_t i, ii, k, lk, lr, nsupers;
    int_t *ilsum, *xsup;
    int iam, knsupc, psrc, pkk;
    MPI_Status status;
    iam = grid->iam;
    nsupers = Glu_persist->supno[n-1] + 1;
    xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;
    ilsum = Llu->ilsum;
    lr = 0;

    for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	pkk = PNUM( PROW( k, grid ), PCOL( k, grid ), grid );
	psrc = mv_sup_to_proc[k];
	knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	lk = LBi( k, grid );
	ii = ilsum[lk] + (lk+1)*XK_H;
	if ( iam == psrc ) {
	    if ( iam != pkk ) { /* Send X component. */
		MPI_Send( &r[lr], knsupc, SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,
			 pkk, Xk, grid->comm );
	    } else { /* Local copy. */
		for (i = 0; i < knsupc; ++i)
		    work[i + ii] = r[i + lr];
	    lr += knsupc;
	} else {
	    if ( iam == pkk ) { /* Recv X component. */
		MPI_Recv( &work[ii], knsupc, SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,
			 psrc, Xk, grid->comm, &status );
/*! \brief
 * <pre>
 * Purpose
 * =======
 *   Perform local block modifications: lsum[i] -= L_i,k * X[k].
 * </pre>
void dlsum_fmod
 double *lsum,    /* Sum of local modifications.                        */
 double *x,       /* X array (local)                                    */
 double *xk,      /* X[k].                                              */
 double *rtemp,   /* Result of full matrix-vector multiply.             */
 int   nrhs,      /* Number of right-hand sides.                        */
 int   knsupc,    /* Size of supernode k.                               */
 int_t k,         /* The k-th component of X.                           */
 int_t *fmod,     /* Modification count for L-solve.                    */
 int_t nlb,       /* Number of L blocks.                                */
 int_t lptr,      /* Starting position in lsub[*].                      */
 int_t luptr,     /* Starting position in lusup[*].                     */
 int_t *xsup,
 gridinfo_t *grid,
 LocalLU_t *Llu,
 MPI_Request send_req[],
 SuperLUStat_t *stat
    double alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0;
    double *lusup, *lusup1;
    double *dest;
    int    iam, iknsupc, myrow, nbrow, nsupr, nsupr1, p, pi;
    int_t  i, ii, ik, il, ikcol, irow, j, lb, lk, rel;
    int_t  *lsub, *lsub1, nlb1, lptr1, luptr1;
    int_t  *ilsum = Llu->ilsum; /* Starting position of each supernode in lsum.   */
    int_t  *frecv = Llu->frecv;
    int_t  **fsendx_plist = Llu->fsendx_plist;
    MPI_Status status;
    int test_flag;

    iam = grid->iam;
    myrow = MYROW( iam, grid );
    lk = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number, column-wise. */
    lsub = Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[lk];
    lusup = Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr[lk];
    nsupr = lsub[1];

    for (lb = 0; lb < nlb; ++lb) {
	ik = lsub[lptr]; /* Global block number, row-wise. */
	nbrow = lsub[lptr+1];
#ifdef _CRAY
	SGEMM( ftcs2, ftcs2, &nbrow, &nrhs, &knsupc,
	      &alpha, &lusup[luptr], &nsupr, xk,
	      &knsupc, &beta, rtemp, &nbrow );
	dgemm_( "N", "N", &nbrow, &nrhs, &knsupc,
	       &alpha, &lusup[luptr], &nsupr, xk,
	       &knsupc, &beta, rtemp, &nbrow );
	stat->ops[SOLVE] += 2 * nbrow * nrhs * knsupc + nbrow * nrhs;
	lk = LBi( ik, grid ); /* Local block number, row-wise. */
	iknsupc = SuperSize( ik );
	il = LSUM_BLK( lk );
	dest = &lsum[il];
	rel = xsup[ik]; /* Global row index of block ik. */
	for (i = 0; i < nbrow; ++i) {
	    irow = lsub[lptr++] - rel; /* Relative row. */
		dest[irow + j*iknsupc] -= rtemp[i + j*nbrow];
	luptr += nbrow;
	if ( (--fmod[lk])==0 ) { /* Local accumulation done. */
	    ikcol = PCOL( ik, grid );
	    p = PNUM( myrow, ikcol, grid );
	    if ( iam != p ) {
		MPI_Isend( &lsum[il - LSUM_H], iknsupc * nrhs + LSUM_H,
			   MPI_DOUBLE, p, LSUM, grid->comm,
                           &send_req[Llu->SolveMsgSent++] );
#ifdef BSEND
		MPI_Bsend( &lsum[il - LSUM_H], iknsupc * nrhs + LSUM_H,
			   MPI_DOUBLE, p, LSUM, grid->comm );
		MPI_Send( &lsum[il - LSUM_H], iknsupc * nrhs + LSUM_H,
			 MPI_DOUBLE, p, LSUM, grid->comm );
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		printf("(%2d) Sent LSUM[%2.0f], size %2d, to P %2d\n",
		       iam, lsum[il-LSUM_H], iknsupc*nrhs+LSUM_H, p);
	    } else { /* Diagonal process: X[i] += lsum[i]. */
		ii = X_BLK( lk );
		    for (i = 0; i < iknsupc; ++i)
			x[i + ii + j*iknsupc] += lsum[i + il + j*iknsupc];
		if ( frecv[lk]==0 ) { /* Becomes a leaf node. */
		    fmod[lk] = -1; /* Do not solve X[k] in the future. */
		    lk = LBj( ik, grid );/* Local block number, column-wise. */
		    lsub1 = Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[lk];
		    lusup1 = Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr[lk];
		    nsupr1 = lsub1[1];
#ifdef _CRAY
		    STRSM(ftcs1, ftcs1, ftcs2, ftcs3, &iknsupc, &nrhs, &alpha,
			  lusup1, &nsupr1, &x[ii], &iknsupc);
		    dtrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &iknsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, 
			   lusup1, &nsupr1, &x[ii], &iknsupc);
		    stat->ops[SOLVE] += iknsupc * (iknsupc - 1) * nrhs;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		    printf("(%2d) Solve X[%2d]\n", iam, ik);
		     * Send Xk to process column Pc[k].
		    for (p = 0; p < grid->nprow; ++p) {
			if ( fsendx_plist[lk][p] != EMPTY ) {
			    pi = PNUM( p, ikcol, grid );
			    MPI_Isend( &x[ii - XK_H], iknsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
				       MPI_DOUBLE, pi, Xk, grid->comm,
				       &send_req[Llu->SolveMsgSent++] );
#ifdef BSEND
			    MPI_Bsend( &x[ii - XK_H], iknsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
				       MPI_DOUBLE, pi, Xk, grid->comm );
			    MPI_Send( &x[ii - XK_H], iknsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
				     MPI_DOUBLE, pi, Xk, grid->comm );
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
			    printf("(%2d) Sent X[%2.0f] to P %2d\n",
				   iam, x[ii-XK_H], pi);
		     * Perform local block modifications.
		    nlb1 = lsub1[0] - 1;
		    lptr1 = BC_HEADER + LB_DESCRIPTOR + iknsupc;
		    luptr1 = iknsupc; /* Skip diagonal block L(I,I). */

		    dlsum_fmod(lsum, x, &x[ii], rtemp, nrhs, iknsupc, ik,
			       fmod, nlb1, lptr1, luptr1, xsup,
			       grid, Llu, send_req, stat);
		} /* if frecv[lk] == 0 */
	    } /* if iam == p */
	} /* if fmod[lk] == 0 */

    } /* for lb ... */
Пример #4
static void pdgstrs2
#ifdef _CRAY
 int_t m, int_t k, Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist, gridinfo_t *grid,
 LocalLU_t *Llu, SuperLUStat_t *stat, _fcd ftcs1, _fcd ftcs2, _fcd ftcs3
 int_t m, int_t k, Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist, gridinfo_t *grid,
 LocalLU_t *Llu, SuperLUStat_t *stat
 * Purpose
 * =======
 *   Perform parallel triangular solves
 *           U(k,:) := A(k,:) \ L(k,k). 
 *   Only the process row that owns block row *k* participates
 *   in the work.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * m      (input) int (global)
 *        Number of rows in the matrix.
 * k      (input) int (global)
 *        The row number of the block row to be factorized.
 * Glu_persist (input) Glu_persist_t*
 *        Global data structures (xsup, supno) replicated on all processes.
 * grid   (input) gridinfo_t*
 *        The 2D process mesh.
 * Llu    (input/output) LocalLU_t*
 *        Local data structures to store distributed L and U matrices.
 * stat   (output) SuperLUStat_t*
 *        Record the statistics about the factorization; 
 *        See SuperLUStat_t structure defined in util.h.
    int    iam, pkk;
    int    incx = 1;
    int    nsupr; /* number of rows in the block L(:,k) (LDA) */
    int    segsize;
    int_t  nsupc; /* number of columns in the block */
    int_t  luptr, iukp, rukp;
    int_t  b, gb, j, klst, knsupc, lk, nb;
    int_t  *xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;
    int_t  *usub;
    double *lusup, *uval;

    /* Quick return. */
    lk = LBi( k, grid ); /* Local block number */
    if ( !Llu->Unzval_br_ptr[lk] ) return;

    /* Initialization. */
    iam  = grid->iam;
    pkk  = PNUM( PROW(k, grid), PCOL(k, grid), grid );
    klst = FstBlockC( k+1 );
    knsupc = SuperSize( k );
    usub = Llu->Ufstnz_br_ptr[lk]; /* index[] of block row U(k,:) */
    uval = Llu->Unzval_br_ptr[lk];
    nb = usub[0];
    iukp = BR_HEADER;
    rukp = 0;
    if ( iam == pkk ) {
	lk = LBj( k, grid );
	nsupr = Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[lk][1]; /* LDA of lusup[] */
	lusup = Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr[lk];
    } else {
	nsupr = Llu->Lsub_buf_2[k%2][1]; /* LDA of lusup[] */
	lusup = Llu->Lval_buf_2[k%2];

    /* Loop through all the row blocks. */
    for (b = 0; b < nb; ++b) {
	gb = usub[iukp];
	nsupc = SuperSize( gb );

	/* Loop through all the segments in the block. */
	for (j = 0; j < nsupc; ++j) {
	    segsize = klst - usub[iukp++]; 
	    if ( segsize ) { /* Nonzero segment. */
		luptr = (knsupc - segsize) * (nsupr + 1);
#ifdef _CRAY
		STRSV(ftcs1, ftcs2, ftcs3, &segsize, &lusup[luptr], &nsupr, 
		      &uval[rukp], &incx);
#elif defined (USE_VENDOR_BLAS)
		dtrsv_("L", "N", "U", &segsize, &lusup[luptr], &nsupr, 
		       &uval[rukp], &incx, 1, 1, 1);
		dtrsv_("L", "N", "U", &segsize, &lusup[luptr], &nsupr, 
		       &uval[rukp], &incx);
		stat->ops[FACT] += segsize * (segsize + 1);
		rukp += segsize;
    } /* for b ... */

} /* PDGSTRS2 */
Пример #5
static void pdgstrf2
 superlu_options_t *options,
 int_t k, double thresh, Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist, gridinfo_t *grid,
 LocalLU_t *Llu, MPI_Request *U_diag_blk_send_req,
 SuperLUStat_t *stat, int* info
 * Purpose
 * =======
 *   Panel factorization -- block column k
 *   Factor diagonal and subdiagonal blocks and test for exact singularity.
 *   Only the column processes that owns block column *k* participate
 *   in the work.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * k      (input) int (global)
 *        The column number of the block column to be factorized.
 * thresh (input) double (global)
 *        The threshold value = s_eps * anorm.
 * Glu_persist (input) Glu_persist_t*
 *        Global data structures (xsup, supno) replicated on all processes.
 * grid   (input) gridinfo_t*
 *        The 2D process mesh.
 * Llu    (input/output) LocalLU_t*
 *        Local data structures to store distributed L and U matrices.
 * U_diag_blk_send_req (input/output) MPI_Request*
 *        List of send requests to send down the diagonal block of U.
 * stat   (output) SuperLUStat_t*
 *        Record the statistics about the factorization.
 *        See SuperLUStat_t structure defined in util.h.
 * info   (output) int*
 *        = 0: successful exit
 *        < 0: if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
 *        > 0: if info = i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization has
 *             been completed, but the factor U is exactly singular,
 *             and division by zero will occur if it is used to solve a
 *             system of equations.
    int    cols_left, iam, l, pkk, pr;
    int    incx = 1, incy = 1;
    int    nsupr; /* number of rows in the block (LDA) */
    int    luptr;
    int_t  i, krow, j, jfst, jlst, u_diag_cnt;
    int_t  nsupc; /* number of columns in the block */
    int_t  *xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;
    int_t  Pr;
    MPI_Status status;
    MPI_Comm comm = (grid->cscp).comm;
    double *lusup, temp;
    double *ujrow, *ublk_ptr; /* pointer to the U block */
    double alpha = -1;
    *info = 0;

    /* Quick return. */

    /* Initialization. */
    iam   = grid->iam;
    Pr    = grid->nprow;
    krow  = PROW( k, grid );
    pkk   = PNUM( PROW(k, grid), PCOL(k, grid), grid );
    j     = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number */
    jfst  = FstBlockC( k );
    jlst  = FstBlockC( k+1 );
    lusup = Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr[j];
    nsupc = SuperSize( k );
    if ( Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[j] ) nsupr = Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[j][1];
    ublk_ptr = ujrow = Llu->ujrow;

    luptr = 0; /* point to the diagonal entries. */
    cols_left = nsupc; /* supernode size */
    u_diag_cnt = 0;

    if ( iam == pkk ) { /* diagonal process */

        if ( U_diag_blk_send_req && U_diag_blk_send_req[krow] ) {
	    /* There are pending sends - wait for all Isend to complete */
            for (pr = 0; pr < Pr; ++pr)
                if (pr != krow)
                    MPI_Wait(U_diag_blk_send_req + pr, &status);

	for (j = 0; j < jlst - jfst; ++j) { /* for each column in panel */
	    /* Diagonal pivot */
	    i = luptr;
	    if ( options->ReplaceTinyPivot == YES || lusup[i] == 0.0 ) {
		if ( fabs(lusup[i]) < thresh ) {
#if ( PRNTlevel>=2 )
		    printf("(%d) .. col %d, tiny pivot %e  ",
			   iam, jfst+j, lusup[i]);
		    /* Keep the new diagonal entry with the same sign. */
		    if ( lusup[i] < 0 ) lusup[i] = -thresh;
		    else lusup[i] = thresh;
#if ( PRNTlevel>=2 )
		    printf("replaced by %e\n", lusup[i]);

	    for (l = 0; l < cols_left; ++l, i += nsupr, ++u_diag_cnt)
                ublk_ptr[u_diag_cnt] = lusup[i]; /* copy one row of U */

	    if ( ujrow[0] == 0.0 ) { /* Test for singularity. */
		*info = j+jfst+1;
	    } else { /* Scale the j-th column. */
		temp = 1.0 / ujrow[0];
		for (i = luptr+1; i < luptr-j+nsupr; ++i) lusup[i] *= temp;
		stat->ops[FACT] += nsupr-j-1;

	    /* Rank-1 update of the trailing submatrix. */
	    if ( --cols_left ) {
		l = nsupr - j - 1;
#ifdef _CRAY
		SGER(&l, &cols_left, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+1], &incx,
		     &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr+1], &nsupr);
		dger_(&l, &cols_left, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+1], &incx,
		      &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr+1], &nsupr);
		stat->ops[FACT] += 2 * l * cols_left;

	    ujrow = ublk_ptr + u_diag_cnt;  /* move to next row of U */
	    luptr += nsupr + 1;	                 /* move to next column */

	} /* for column j ... */

	if ( U_diag_blk_send_req && iam == pkk ) { /* Send the U block */
	    for (pr = 0; pr < Pr; ++pr)
		if (pr != krow)
		    MPI_Isend(ublk_ptr, u_diag_cnt, MPI_DOUBLE, pr,
			      ((k<<2)+2)%NTAGS, comm, U_diag_blk_send_req + pr);
	    U_diag_blk_send_req[krow] = 1; /* flag outstanding Isend */

    } else  { /* non-diagonal process */

	/* Receive the diagonal block of U */
        MPI_Recv(ublk_ptr, (nsupc*(nsupc+1))>>1, MPI_DOUBLE,
		 krow, ((k<<2)+2)%NTAGS, comm, &status);

	for (j = 0; j < jlst - jfst; ++j) { /* for each column in panel */
	    u_diag_cnt += cols_left;

	    if ( !lusup ) { /* empty block column */
		if ( ujrow[0] == 0.0 ) *info = j+jfst+1;

	    /* Test for singularity. */
	    if ( ujrow[0] == 0.0 ) {
		*info = j+jfst+1;
	    } else {
		/* Scale the j-th column. */
		temp = 1.0 / ujrow[0];
		for (i = luptr; i < luptr+nsupr; ++i) lusup[i] *= temp;
		stat->ops[FACT] += nsupr;

	    /* Rank-1 update of the trailing submatrix. */
	    if ( --cols_left ) {
#ifdef _CRAY
		SGER(&nsupr, &cols_left, &alpha, &lusup[luptr], &incx, 
		     &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr], &nsupr);
		dger_(&nsupr, &cols_left, &alpha, &lusup[luptr], &incx, 
		      &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr], &nsupr);
		stat->ops[FACT] += 2 * nsupr * cols_left;


	    ujrow = ublk_ptr + u_diag_cnt; /* move to next row of U */
	    luptr += nsupr;                      /* move to next column */

	} /* for column j ... */

    } /* end if pkk ... */

} /* PDGSTRF2 */
Пример #6
static void pdgstrf2
 superlu_options_t *options,
 int_t k, double thresh, Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist, gridinfo_t *grid,
 LocalLU_t *Llu, SuperLUStat_t *stat, int* info
 * Purpose
 * =======
 *   Factor diagonal and subdiagonal blocks and test for exact singularity.
 *   Only the process column that owns block column *k* participates
 *   in the work.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * k      (input) int (global)
 *        The column number of the block column to be factorized.
 * thresh (input) double (global)
 *        The threshold value = s_eps * anorm.
 * Glu_persist (input) Glu_persist_t*
 *        Global data structures (xsup, supno) replicated on all processes.
 * grid   (input) gridinfo_t*
 *        The 2D process mesh.
 * Llu    (input/output) LocalLU_t*
 *        Local data structures to store distributed L and U matrices.
 * stat   (output) SuperLUStat_t*
 *        Record the statistics about the factorization.
 *        See SuperLUStat_t structure defined in util.h.
 * info   (output) int*
 *        = 0: successful exit
 *        < 0: if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
 *        > 0: if info = i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization has
 *             been completed, but the factor U is exactly singular,
 *             and division by zero will occur if it is used to solve a
 *             system of equations.
    int    c, iam, l, pkk;
    int    incx = 1, incy = 1;
    int    nsupr; /* number of rows in the block (LDA) */
    int    luptr;
    int_t  i, krow, j, jfst, jlst;
    int_t  nsupc; /* number of columns in the block */
    int_t  *xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;
    double *lusup, temp;
    double *ujrow;
    double alpha = -1;
    *info = 0;

    /* Quick return. */

    /* Initialization. */
    iam   = grid->iam;
    krow  = PROW( k, grid );
    pkk   = PNUM( PROW(k, grid), PCOL(k, grid), grid );
    j     = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number */
    jfst  = FstBlockC( k );
    jlst  = FstBlockC( k+1 );
    lusup = Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr[j];
    nsupc = SuperSize( k );
    if ( Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[j] ) nsupr = Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[j][1];
    ujrow = Llu->ujrow;

    luptr = 0; /* Point to the diagonal entries. */
    c = nsupc;
    for (j = 0; j < jlst - jfst; ++j) {
	/* Broadcast the j-th row (nsupc - j) elements to
	   the process column. */
	if ( iam == pkk ) { /* Diagonal process. */
	    i = luptr;
	    if ( options->ReplaceTinyPivot == YES || lusup[i] == 0.0 ) {
		if ( fabs(lusup[i]) < thresh ) { /* Diagonal */
#if ( PRNTlevel>=2 )
		    printf("(%d) .. col %d, tiny pivot %e  ",
			   iam, jfst+j, lusup[i]);
		    /* Keep the replaced diagonal with the same sign. */
		    if ( lusup[i] < 0 ) lusup[i] = -thresh;
		    else lusup[i] = thresh;
#if ( PRNTlevel>=2 )
		    printf("replaced by %e\n", lusup[i]);
	    for (l = 0; l < c; ++l, i += nsupr)	ujrow[l] = lusup[i];
#if 0
	dbcast_col(ujrow, c, pkk, UjROW, grid, &c);
	MPI_Bcast(ujrow, c, MPI_DOUBLE, krow, (grid->cscp).comm);
	/*bcast_tree(ujrow, c, MPI_DOUBLE, krow, (24*k+j)%NTAGS,
		   grid, COMM_COLUMN, &c);*/

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
if ( k == 3329 && j == 2 ) {
	if ( iam == pkk ) {
	    printf("..(%d) k %d, j %d: Send ujrow[0] %e\n",iam,k,j,ujrow[0]);
	} else {
	    printf("..(%d) k %d, j %d: Recv ujrow[0] %e\n",iam,k,j,ujrow[0]);

	if ( !lusup ) { /* Empty block column. */
	    if ( ujrow[0] == 0.0 ) *info = j+jfst+1;

	/* Test for singularity. */
	if ( ujrow[0] == 0.0 ) {
	    *info = j+jfst+1;
	} else {
	    /* Scale the j-th column of the matrix. */
	    temp = 1.0 / ujrow[0];
	    if ( iam == pkk ) {
		for (i = luptr+1; i < luptr-j+nsupr; ++i) lusup[i] *= temp;
		stat->ops[FACT] += nsupr-j-1;
	    } else {
		for (i = luptr; i < luptr+nsupr; ++i) lusup[i] *= temp;
		stat->ops[FACT] += nsupr;
	/* Rank-1 update of the trailing submatrix. */
	if ( --c ) {
	    if ( iam == pkk ) {
		l = nsupr - j - 1;
#ifdef _CRAY
		SGER(&l, &c, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+1], &incx,
		     &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr+1], &nsupr);
#elif defined (USE_VENDOR_BLAS)
		dger_(&l, &c, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+1], &incx,
		      &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr+1], &nsupr);
		hypre_F90_NAME_BLAS(dger,DGER)(&l, &c, &alpha, 
                      &lusup[luptr+1], &incx,
		      &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr+1], &nsupr);
		stat->ops[FACT] += 2 * l * c;
	    } else {
#ifdef _CRAY
		SGER(&nsupr, &c, &alpha, &lusup[luptr], &incx, 
		     &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr], &nsupr);
#elif defined (USE_VENDOR_BLAS)
		dger_(&nsupr, &c, &alpha, &lusup[luptr], &incx, 
		      &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr], &nsupr);
		hypre_F90_NAME_BLAS(dger,DGER)(&nsupr, &c, &alpha, 
                      &lusup[luptr], &incx, 
		      &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr], &nsupr);
		stat->ops[FACT] += 2 * nsupr * c;
	/* Move to the next column. */
	if ( iam == pkk ) luptr += nsupr + 1;
	else luptr += nsupr;

    } /* for j ... */

} /* PDGSTRF2 */
Пример #7
pzgstrs(int_t n, LUstruct_t *LUstruct, 
	ScalePermstruct_t *ScalePermstruct,
	gridinfo_t *grid, doublecomplex *B,
	int_t m_loc, int_t fst_row, int_t ldb, int nrhs,
	SOLVEstruct_t *SOLVEstruct,
	SuperLUStat_t *stat, int *info)
 * Purpose
 * =======
 * PZGSTRS solves a system of distributed linear equations
 * A*X = B with a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization
 * computed by PZGSTRF.
 * If the equilibration, and row and column permutations were performed,
 * the LU factorization was performed for A1 where
 *     A1 = Pc*Pr*diag(R)*A*diag(C)*Pc^T = L*U
 * and the linear system solved is
 *     A1 * Y = Pc*Pr*B1, where B was overwritten by B1 = diag(R)*B, and
 * the permutation to B1 by Pc*Pr is applied internally in this routine.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * n      (input) int (global)
 *        The order of the system of linear equations.
 * LUstruct (input) LUstruct_t*
 *        The distributed data structures storing L and U factors.
 *        The L and U factors are obtained from PZGSTRF for
 *        the possibly scaled and permuted matrix A.
 *        See superlu_zdefs.h for the definition of 'LUstruct_t'.
 *        A may be scaled and permuted into A1, so that
 *        A1 = Pc*Pr*diag(R)*A*diag(C)*Pc^T = L*U
 * grid   (input) gridinfo_t*
 *        The 2D process mesh. It contains the MPI communicator, the number
 *        of process rows (NPROW), the number of process columns (NPCOL),
 *        and my process rank. It is an input argument to all the
 *        parallel routines.
 *        Grid can be initialized by subroutine SUPERLU_GRIDINIT.
 *        See superlu_defs.h for the definition of 'gridinfo_t'.
 * B      (input/output) doublecomplex*
 *        On entry, the distributed right-hand side matrix of the possibly
 *        equilibrated system. That is, B may be overwritten by diag(R)*B.
 *        On exit, the distributed solution matrix Y of the possibly
 *        equilibrated system if info = 0, where Y = Pc*diag(C)^(-1)*X,
 *        and X is the solution of the original system.
 * m_loc  (input) int (local)
 *        The local row dimension of matrix B.
 * fst_row (input) int (global)
 *        The row number of B's first row in the global matrix.
 * ldb    (input) int (local)
 *        The leading dimension of matrix B.
 * nrhs   (input) int (global)
 *        Number of right-hand sides.
 * SOLVEstruct (output) SOLVEstruct_t* (global)
 *        Contains the information for the communication during the
 *        solution phase.
 * stat   (output) SuperLUStat_t*
 *        Record the statistics about the triangular solves.
 *        See util.h for the definition of 'SuperLUStat_t'.
 * info   (output) int*
 * 	   = 0: successful exit
 *	   < 0: if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
    Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist = LUstruct->Glu_persist;
    LocalLU_t *Llu = LUstruct->Llu;
    doublecomplex alpha = {1.0, 0.0};
    doublecomplex zero = {0.0, 0.0};
    doublecomplex *lsum;  /* Local running sum of the updates to B-components */
    doublecomplex *x;     /* X component at step k. */
		    /* NOTE: x and lsum are of same size. */
    doublecomplex *lusup, *dest;
    doublecomplex *recvbuf, *tempv;
    doublecomplex *rtemp; /* Result of full matrix-vector multiply. */
    int_t  **Ufstnz_br_ptr = Llu->Ufstnz_br_ptr;
    int_t  *Urbs, *Urbs1; /* Number of row blocks in each block column of U. */
    Ucb_indptr_t **Ucb_indptr;/* Vertical linked list pointing to Uindex[] */
    int_t  **Ucb_valptr;      /* Vertical linked list pointing to Unzval[] */
    int_t  iam, kcol, krow, mycol, myrow;
    int_t  i, ii, il, j, jj, k, lb, ljb, lk, lptr, luptr;
    int_t  nb, nlb, nub, nsupers;
    int_t  *xsup, *supno, *lsub, *usub;
    int_t  *ilsum;    /* Starting position of each supernode in lsum (LOCAL)*/
    int_t  Pc, Pr;
    int    knsupc, nsupr;
    int    ldalsum;   /* Number of lsum entries locally owned. */
    int    maxrecvsz, p, pi;
    int_t  **Lrowind_bc_ptr;
    doublecomplex **Lnzval_bc_ptr;
    MPI_Status status;
    MPI_Request *send_req, recv_req;
    pxgstrs_comm_t *gstrs_comm = SOLVEstruct->gstrs_comm;

    /*-- Counts used for L-solve --*/
    int_t  *fmod;         /* Modification count for L-solve --
                             Count the number of local block products to
                             be summed into lsum[lk]. */
    int_t  **fsendx_plist = Llu->fsendx_plist;
    int_t  nfrecvx = Llu->nfrecvx; /* Number of X components to be recv'd. */
    int_t  *frecv;        /* Count of lsum[lk] contributions to be received
                             from processes in this row. 
                             It is only valid on the diagonal processes. */
    int_t  nfrecvmod = 0; /* Count of total modifications to be recv'd. */
    int_t  nleaf = 0, nroot = 0;

    /*-- Counts used for U-solve --*/
    int_t  *bmod;         /* Modification count for U-solve. */
    int_t  **bsendx_plist = Llu->bsendx_plist;
    int_t  nbrecvx = Llu->nbrecvx; /* Number of X components to be recv'd. */
    int_t  *brecv;        /* Count of modifications to be recv'd from
			     processes in this row. */
    int_t  nbrecvmod = 0; /* Count of total modifications to be recv'd. */
    double t;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
    int_t Ublocks = 0;

    t = SuperLU_timer_();

    /* Test input parameters. */
    *info = 0;
    if ( n < 0 ) *info = -1;
    else if ( nrhs < 0 ) *info = -9;
    if ( *info ) {
	pxerbla("PZGSTRS", grid, -*info);
     * Initialization.
    iam = grid->iam;
    Pc = grid->npcol;
    Pr = grid->nprow;
    myrow = MYROW( iam, grid );
    mycol = MYCOL( iam, grid );
    xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;
    supno = Glu_persist->supno;
    nsupers = supno[n-1] + 1;
    Lrowind_bc_ptr = Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr;
    Lnzval_bc_ptr = Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr;
    nlb = CEILING( nsupers, Pr ); /* Number of local block rows. */

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(iam, "Enter pzgstrs()");

    stat->ops[SOLVE] = 0.0;
    Llu->SolveMsgSent = 0;

    /* Save the count to be altered so it can be used by
       subsequent call to PDGSTRS. */
    if ( !(fmod = intMalloc_dist(nlb)) )
	ABORT("Calloc fails for fmod[].");
    for (i = 0; i < nlb; ++i) fmod[i] = Llu->fmod[i];
    if ( !(frecv = intMalloc_dist(nlb)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for frecv[].");
    Llu->frecv = frecv;

    k = SUPERLU_MAX( Llu->nfsendx, Llu->nbsendx ) + nlb;
    if ( !(send_req = (MPI_Request*) SUPERLU_MALLOC(k*sizeof(MPI_Request))) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for send_req[].");

#ifdef _CRAY
    ftcs1 = _cptofcd("L", strlen("L"));
    ftcs2 = _cptofcd("N", strlen("N"));
    ftcs3 = _cptofcd("U", strlen("U"));

    /* Obtain ilsum[] and ldalsum for process column 0. */
    ilsum = Llu->ilsum;
    ldalsum = Llu->ldalsum;

    /* Allocate working storage. */
    knsupc = sp_ienv_dist(3);
    maxrecvsz = knsupc * nrhs + SUPERLU_MAX( XK_H, LSUM_H );
    if ( !(lsum = doublecomplexCalloc_dist(((size_t)ldalsum)*nrhs + nlb*LSUM_H)) )
	ABORT("Calloc fails for lsum[].");
    if ( !(x = doublecomplexMalloc_dist(ldalsum * nrhs + nlb * XK_H)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for x[].");
    if ( !(recvbuf = doublecomplexMalloc_dist(maxrecvsz)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for recvbuf[].");
    if ( !(rtemp = doublecomplexCalloc_dist(maxrecvsz)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for rtemp[].");

     * Forward solve Ly = b.
    /* Redistribute B into X on the diagonal processes. */
    pzReDistribute_B_to_X(B, m_loc, nrhs, ldb, fst_row, ilsum, x, 
			  ScalePermstruct, Glu_persist, grid, SOLVEstruct);

    /* Set up the headers in lsum[]. */
    ii = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	krow = PROW( k, grid );
	if ( myrow == krow ) {
	    lk = LBi( k, grid );   /* Local block number. */
	    il = LSUM_BLK( lk );
	    lsum[il - LSUM_H].r = k;/* Block number prepended in the header.*/
	    lsum[il - LSUM_H].i = 0;
	ii += knsupc;

     * Compute frecv[] and nfrecvmod counts on the diagonal processes.
	superlu_scope_t *scp = &grid->rscp;

	for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	    krow = PROW( k, grid );
	    if ( myrow == krow ) {
		lk = LBi( k, grid );    /* Local block number. */
		kcol = PCOL( k, grid ); /* Root process in this row scope. */
		if ( mycol != kcol && fmod[lk] )
		    i = 1;  /* Contribution from non-diagonal process. */
		else i = 0;
		MPI_Reduce( &i, &frecv[lk], 1, mpi_int_t,
			   MPI_SUM, kcol, scp->comm );
		if ( mycol == kcol ) { /* Diagonal process. */
		    nfrecvmod += frecv[lk];
		    if ( !frecv[lk] && !fmod[lk] ) ++nleaf;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		    printf("(%2d) frecv[%4d]  %2d\n", iam, k, frecv[lk]);
		    assert( frecv[lk] < Pc );

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------
       Solve the leaf nodes first by all the diagonal processes.
       --------------------------------------------------------- */
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
    printf("(%2d) nleaf %4d\n", iam, nleaf);
    for (k = 0; k < nsupers && nleaf; ++k) {
	krow = PROW( k, grid );
	kcol = PCOL( k, grid );
	if ( myrow == krow && mycol == kcol ) { /* Diagonal process */
	    knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	    lk = LBi( k, grid );
	    if ( frecv[lk]==0 && fmod[lk]==0 ) {
		fmod[lk] = -1;  /* Do not solve X[k] in the future. */
		ii = X_BLK( lk );
		lk = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number, column-wise. */
		lsub = Lrowind_bc_ptr[lk];
		lusup = Lnzval_bc_ptr[lk];
		nsupr = lsub[1];
#ifdef _CRAY
		CTRSM(ftcs1, ftcs1, ftcs2, ftcs3, &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha,
		      lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc);
#elif defined (USE_VENDOR_BLAS)
		ztrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, 
		       lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc, 1, 1, 1, 1);
		ztrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, 
		       lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc);
		stat->ops[SOLVE] += 4 * knsupc * (knsupc - 1) * nrhs
		    + 10 * knsupc * nrhs; /* complex division */
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		printf("(%2d) Solve X[%2d]\n", iam, k);
		 * Send Xk to process column Pc[k].
		for (p = 0; p < Pr; ++p) {
		    if ( fsendx_plist[lk][p] != EMPTY ) {
			pi = PNUM( p, kcol, grid );
			MPI_Isend( &x[ii - XK_H], knsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
				   SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, pi, Xk, grid->comm,
			MPI_Send( &x[ii - XK_H], knsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
				 SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, pi, Xk, grid->comm );
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
			printf("(%2d) Sent X[%2.0f] to P %2d\n",
			       iam, x[ii-XK_H], pi);
		 * Perform local block modifications: lsum[i] -= L_i,k * X[k]
		nb = lsub[0] - 1;
		lptr = BC_HEADER + LB_DESCRIPTOR + knsupc;
		luptr = knsupc; /* Skip diagonal block L(k,k). */
		zlsum_fmod(lsum, x, &x[ii], rtemp, nrhs, knsupc, k,
			   fmod, nb, lptr, luptr, xsup, grid, Llu, 
			   send_req, stat);
	} /* if diagonal process ... */
    } /* for k ... */

    /* -----------------------------------------------------------
       Compute the internal nodes asynchronously by all processes.
       ----------------------------------------------------------- */
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
    printf("(%2d) nfrecvx %4d,  nfrecvmod %4d,  nleaf %4d\n",
	   iam, nfrecvx, nfrecvmod, nleaf);

    while ( nfrecvx || nfrecvmod ) { /* While not finished. */

	/* Receive a message. */
	/* -MPI- FATAL: Remote protocol queue full */
	MPI_Irecv( recvbuf, maxrecvsz, SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,
                 MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, grid->comm, &recv_req );
	MPI_Wait( &recv_req, &status );
	MPI_Recv( recvbuf, maxrecvsz, SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,
                  MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, grid->comm, &status );

        k = (*recvbuf).r;

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
	printf("(%2d) Recv'd block %d, tag %2d\n", iam, k, status.MPI_TAG);
	switch ( status.MPI_TAG ) {
	  case Xk:
	      lk = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number, column-wise. */
	      lsub = Lrowind_bc_ptr[lk];
	      lusup = Lnzval_bc_ptr[lk];
	      if ( lsub ) {
		  nb   = lsub[0];
		  lptr = BC_HEADER;
		  luptr = 0;
		  knsupc = SuperSize( k );

		   * Perform local block modifications: lsum[i] -= L_i,k * X[k]
		  zlsum_fmod(lsum, x, &recvbuf[XK_H], rtemp, nrhs, knsupc, k,
			     fmod, nb, lptr, luptr, xsup, grid, Llu, 
			     send_req, stat);
	      } /* if lsub */


	  case LSUM: /* Receiver must be a diagonal process */
	      lk = LBi( k, grid ); /* Local block number, row-wise. */
	      ii = X_BLK( lk );
	      knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	      tempv = &recvbuf[LSUM_H];
	      RHS_ITERATE(j) {
		  for (i = 0; i < knsupc; ++i)
		      z_add(&x[i + ii + j*knsupc],
			    &x[i + ii + j*knsupc],
			    &tempv[i + j*knsupc]);

	      if ( (--frecv[lk])==0 && fmod[lk]==0 ) {
		  fmod[lk] = -1; /* Do not solve X[k] in the future. */
		  lk = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number, column-wise. */
		  lsub = Lrowind_bc_ptr[lk];
		  lusup = Lnzval_bc_ptr[lk];
		  nsupr = lsub[1];
#ifdef _CRAY
		  CTRSM(ftcs1, ftcs1, ftcs2, ftcs3, &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha,
			lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc);
#elif defined (USE_VENDOR_BLAS)
		  ztrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, 
			 lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc, 1, 1, 1, 1);
		  ztrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, 
			 lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc);
		  stat->ops[SOLVE] += 4 * knsupc * (knsupc - 1) * nrhs
		      + 10 * knsupc * nrhs; /* complex division */
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		  printf("(%2d) Solve X[%2d]\n", iam, k);
		   * Send Xk to process column Pc[k].
		  kcol = PCOL( k, grid );
		  for (p = 0; p < Pr; ++p) {
		      if ( fsendx_plist[lk][p] != EMPTY ) {
			  pi = PNUM( p, kcol, grid );
			  MPI_Isend( &x[ii-XK_H], knsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
                                     SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, pi, Xk, grid->comm,
			  MPI_Send( &x[ii - XK_H], knsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
				    SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, pi, Xk, grid->comm );
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
			  printf("(%2d) Sent X[%2.0f] to P %2d\n",
				 iam, x[ii-XK_H], pi);
		   * Perform local block modifications.
		  nb = lsub[0] - 1;
		  lptr = BC_HEADER + LB_DESCRIPTOR + knsupc;
		  luptr = knsupc; /* Skip diagonal block L(k,k). */

		  zlsum_fmod(lsum, x, &x[ii], rtemp, nrhs, knsupc, k,
			     fmod, nb, lptr, luptr, xsup, grid, Llu,
			     send_req, stat);
	      } /* if */


#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
	      printf("(%2d) Recv'd wrong message tag %4d\n", status.MPI_TAG);
	  } /* switch */

    } /* while not finished ... */

#if ( PRNTlevel>=2 )
    t = SuperLU_timer_() - t;
    if ( !iam ) printf(".. L-solve time\t%8.2f\n", t);
    t = SuperLU_timer_();

#if ( DEBUGlevel==2 )
      printf("(%d) .. After L-solve: y =\n", iam);
      for (i = 0, k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	  krow = PROW( k, grid );
	  kcol = PCOL( k, grid );
	  if ( myrow == krow && mycol == kcol ) { /* Diagonal process */
	      knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	      lk = LBi( k, grid );
	      ii = X_BLK( lk );
	      for (j = 0; j < knsupc; ++j)
		printf("\t(%d)\t%4d\t%.10f\n", iam, xsup[k]+j, x[ii+j]);
	  MPI_Barrier( grid->comm );


    for (i = 0; i < Llu->SolveMsgSent; ++i) MPI_Request_free(&send_req[i]);
    Llu->SolveMsgSent = 0;

     * Back solve Ux = y.
     * The Y components from the forward solve is already
     * on the diagonal processes.

    /* Save the count to be altered so it can be used by
       subsequent call to PZGSTRS. */
    if ( !(bmod = intMalloc_dist(nlb)) )
	ABORT("Calloc fails for bmod[].");
    for (i = 0; i < nlb; ++i) bmod[i] = Llu->bmod[i];
    if ( !(brecv = intMalloc_dist(nlb)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for brecv[].");
    Llu->brecv = brecv;

     * Compute brecv[] and nbrecvmod counts on the diagonal processes.
	superlu_scope_t *scp = &grid->rscp;

	for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	    krow = PROW( k, grid );
	    if ( myrow == krow ) {
		lk = LBi( k, grid );    /* Local block number. */
		kcol = PCOL( k, grid ); /* Root process in this row scope. */
		if ( mycol != kcol && bmod[lk] )
		    i = 1;  /* Contribution from non-diagonal process. */
		else i = 0;
		MPI_Reduce( &i, &brecv[lk], 1, mpi_int_t,
			   MPI_SUM, kcol, scp->comm );
		if ( mycol == kcol ) { /* Diagonal process. */
		    nbrecvmod += brecv[lk];
		    if ( !brecv[lk] && !bmod[lk] ) ++nroot;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		    printf("(%2d) brecv[%4d]  %2d\n", iam, k, brecv[lk]);
		    assert( brecv[lk] < Pc );

    /* Re-initialize lsum to zero. Each block header is already in place. */
    for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	krow = PROW( k, grid );
	if ( myrow == krow ) {
	    knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	    lk = LBi( k, grid );
	    il = LSUM_BLK( lk );
	    dest = &lsum[il];
	    RHS_ITERATE(j) {
		for (i = 0; i < knsupc; ++i) dest[i + j*knsupc] = zero;
Пример #8
pzReDistribute_B_to_X(doublecomplex *B, int_t m_loc, int nrhs, int_t ldb,
                      int_t fst_row, int_t *ilsum, doublecomplex *x,
		      ScalePermstruct_t *ScalePermstruct,
		      Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist,
		      gridinfo_t *grid, SOLVEstruct_t *SOLVEstruct)
 * Purpose
 * =======
 *   Re-distribute B on the diagonal processes of the 2D process mesh.
 * Note
 * ====
 *   This routine can only be called after the routine pxgstrs_init(),
 *   in which the structures of the send and receive buffers are set up.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * B      (input) doublecomplex*
 *        The distributed right-hand side matrix of the possibly
 *        equilibrated system.
 * m_loc  (input) int (local)
 *        The local row dimension of matrix B.
 * nrhs   (input) int (global)
 *        Number of right-hand sides.
 * ldb    (input) int (local)
 *        Leading dimension of matrix B.
 * fst_row (input) int (global)
 *        The row number of B's first row in the global matrix.
 * ilsum  (input) int* (global)
 *        Starting position of each supernode in a full array.
 * x      (output) doublecomplex*
 *        The solution vector. It is valid only on the diagonal processes.
 * ScalePermstruct (input) ScalePermstruct_t*
 *        The data structure to store the scaling and permutation vectors
 *        describing the transformations performed to the original matrix A.
 * grid   (input) gridinfo_t*
 *        The 2D process mesh.
 * SOLVEstruct (input) SOLVEstruct_t*
 *        Contains the information for the communication during the
 *        solution phase.
 * Return value
 * ============
    int  *SendCnt, *SendCnt_nrhs, *RecvCnt, *RecvCnt_nrhs;
    int  *sdispls, *sdispls_nrhs, *rdispls, *rdispls_nrhs;
    int  *ptr_to_ibuf, *ptr_to_dbuf;
    int_t  *perm_r, *perm_c; /* row and column permutation vectors */
    int_t  *send_ibuf, *recv_ibuf;
    doublecomplex *send_dbuf, *recv_dbuf;
    int_t  *xsup, *supno;
    int_t  i, ii, irow, gbi, j, jj, k, knsupc, l, lk;
    int    p, procs;
    pxgstrs_comm_t *gstrs_comm = SOLVEstruct->gstrs_comm;

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(grid->iam, "Enter pzReDistribute_B_to_X()");

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    perm_r = ScalePermstruct->perm_r;
    perm_c = ScalePermstruct->perm_c;
    procs = grid->nprow * grid->npcol;
    xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;
    supno = Glu_persist->supno;
    SendCnt      = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt;
    SendCnt_nrhs = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt +   procs;
    RecvCnt      = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt + 2*procs;
    RecvCnt_nrhs = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt + 3*procs;
    sdispls      = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt + 4*procs;
    sdispls_nrhs = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt + 5*procs;
    rdispls      = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt + 6*procs;
    rdispls_nrhs = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt + 7*procs;
    ptr_to_ibuf  = gstrs_comm->ptr_to_ibuf;
    ptr_to_dbuf  = gstrs_comm->ptr_to_dbuf;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    k = sdispls[procs-1] + SendCnt[procs-1]; /* Total number of sends */
    l = rdispls[procs-1] + RecvCnt[procs-1]; /* Total number of receives */
    if ( !(send_ibuf = intMalloc_dist(k + l)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for send_ibuf[].");
    recv_ibuf = send_ibuf + k;
    if ( !(send_dbuf = doublecomplexMalloc_dist((k + l)* (size_t)nrhs)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for send_dbuf[].");
    recv_dbuf = send_dbuf + k * nrhs;
    for (p = 0; p < procs; ++p) {
        ptr_to_ibuf[p] = sdispls[p];
        ptr_to_dbuf[p] = sdispls[p] * nrhs;

    /* Copy the row indices and values to the send buffer. */
    for (i = 0, l = fst_row; i < m_loc; ++i, ++l) {
        irow = perm_c[perm_r[l]]; /* Row number in Pc*Pr*B */
	gbi = BlockNum( irow );
	p = PNUM( PROW(gbi,grid), PCOL(gbi,grid), grid ); /* Diagonal process */
	k = ptr_to_ibuf[p];
	send_ibuf[k] = irow;
	k = ptr_to_dbuf[p];
	RHS_ITERATE(j) { /* RHS is stored in row major in the buffer. */
	    send_dbuf[k++] = B[i + j*ldb];
	ptr_to_dbuf[p] += nrhs;

    /* Communicate the (permuted) row indices. */
    MPI_Alltoallv(send_ibuf, SendCnt, sdispls, mpi_int_t,
		  recv_ibuf, RecvCnt, rdispls, mpi_int_t, grid->comm);

    /* Communicate the numerical values. */
    MPI_Alltoallv(send_dbuf, SendCnt_nrhs, sdispls_nrhs, SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,
		  recv_dbuf, RecvCnt_nrhs, rdispls_nrhs, SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
       Copy buffer into X on the diagonal processes.
    ii = 0;
    for (p = 0; p < procs; ++p) {
        jj = rdispls_nrhs[p];
        for (i = 0; i < RecvCnt[p]; ++i) {
	    /* Only the diagonal processes do this; the off-diagonal processes
	       have 0 RecvCnt. */
	    irow = recv_ibuf[ii]; /* The permuted row index. */
	    k = BlockNum( irow );
	    knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	    lk = LBi( k, grid );  /* Local block number. */
	    l = X_BLK( lk );
            x[l - XK_H].r = k; /* Block number prepended in the header. */
            x[l - XK_H].i = 0;
	    irow = irow - FstBlockC(k); /* Relative row number in X-block */
	    RHS_ITERATE(j) {
	        x[l + irow + j*knsupc] = recv_dbuf[jj++];

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(grid->iam, "Exit pzReDistribute_B_to_X()");
    return 0;
} /* pzReDistribute_B_to_X */
Пример #9
pzReDistribute_B_to_X(doublecomplex *B, int_t m_loc, int nrhs, int_t ldb,
                      int_t fst_row, int_t *ilsum, doublecomplex *x,
		      ScalePermstruct_t *ScalePermstruct,
		      Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist,
		      gridinfo_t *grid, SOLVEstruct_t *SOLVEstruct)
    int  *SendCnt, *SendCnt_nrhs, *RecvCnt, *RecvCnt_nrhs;
    int  *sdispls, *sdispls_nrhs, *rdispls, *rdispls_nrhs;
    int  *ptr_to_ibuf, *ptr_to_dbuf;
    int_t  *perm_r, *perm_c; /* row and column permutation vectors */
    int_t  *send_ibuf, *recv_ibuf;
    doublecomplex *send_dbuf, *recv_dbuf;
    int_t  *xsup, *supno;
    int_t  i, ii, irow, gbi, j, jj, k, knsupc, l, lk;
    int    p, procs;
    pxgstrs_comm_t *gstrs_comm = SOLVEstruct->gstrs_comm;

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(grid->iam, "Enter pzReDistribute_B_to_X()");

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    perm_r = ScalePermstruct->perm_r;
    perm_c = ScalePermstruct->perm_c;
    procs = grid->nprow * grid->npcol;
    xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;
    supno = Glu_persist->supno;
    SendCnt      = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt;
    SendCnt_nrhs = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt +   procs;
    RecvCnt      = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt + 2*procs;
    RecvCnt_nrhs = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt + 3*procs;
    sdispls      = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt + 4*procs;
    sdispls_nrhs = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt + 5*procs;
    rdispls      = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt + 6*procs;
    rdispls_nrhs = gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt + 7*procs;
    ptr_to_ibuf  = gstrs_comm->ptr_to_ibuf;
    ptr_to_dbuf  = gstrs_comm->ptr_to_dbuf;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    k = sdispls[procs-1] + SendCnt[procs-1]; /* Total number of sends */
    l = rdispls[procs-1] + RecvCnt[procs-1]; /* Total number of receives */
    if ( !(send_ibuf = intMalloc_dist(k + l)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for send_ibuf[].");
    recv_ibuf = send_ibuf + k;
    if ( !(send_dbuf = doublecomplexMalloc_dist((k + l)* (size_t)nrhs)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for send_dbuf[].");
    recv_dbuf = send_dbuf + k * nrhs;
    for (p = 0; p < procs; ++p) {
        ptr_to_ibuf[p] = sdispls[p];
        ptr_to_dbuf[p] = sdispls[p] * nrhs;

    /* Copy the row indices and values to the send buffer. */
    for (i = 0, l = fst_row; i < m_loc; ++i, ++l) {
        irow = perm_c[perm_r[l]]; /* Row number in Pc*Pr*B */
	gbi = BlockNum( irow );
	p = PNUM( PROW(gbi,grid), PCOL(gbi,grid), grid ); /* Diagonal process */
	k = ptr_to_ibuf[p];
	send_ibuf[k] = irow;
	k = ptr_to_dbuf[p];
	RHS_ITERATE(j) { /* RHS is stored in row major in the buffer. */
	    send_dbuf[k++] = B[i + j*ldb];
	ptr_to_dbuf[p] += nrhs;

    /* Communicate the (permuted) row indices. */
    MPI_Alltoallv(send_ibuf, SendCnt, sdispls, mpi_int_t,
		  recv_ibuf, RecvCnt, rdispls, mpi_int_t, grid->comm);

    /* Communicate the numerical values. */
    MPI_Alltoallv(send_dbuf, SendCnt_nrhs, sdispls_nrhs, SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,
		  recv_dbuf, RecvCnt_nrhs, rdispls_nrhs, SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
       Copy buffer into X on the diagonal processes.
    ii = 0;
    for (p = 0; p < procs; ++p) {
        jj = rdispls_nrhs[p];
        for (i = 0; i < RecvCnt[p]; ++i) {
	    /* Only the diagonal processes do this; the off-diagonal processes
	       have 0 RecvCnt. */
	    irow = recv_ibuf[ii]; /* The permuted row index. */
	    k = BlockNum( irow );
	    knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	    lk = LBi( k, grid );  /* Local block number. */
	    l = X_BLK( lk );
            x[l - XK_H].r = k; /* Block number prepended in the header. */
            x[l - XK_H].i = 0;
	    irow = irow - FstBlockC(k); /* Relative row number in X-block */
	    RHS_ITERATE(j) {
	        x[l + irow + j*knsupc] = recv_dbuf[jj++];

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(grid->iam, "Exit pzReDistribute_B_to_X()");
    return 0;
} /* pzReDistribute_B_to_X */
Пример #10
/*! \brief
 * <pre> 
 * Purpose
 * =======
 *   Perform parallel triangular solves
 *           U(k,:) := A(k,:) \ L(k,k). 
 *   Only the process column that owns block column *k* participates
 *   in the work.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * m      (input) int (global)
 *        Number of rows in the matrix.
 * k      (input) int (global)
 *        The row number of the block row to be factorized.
 * Glu_persist (input) Glu_persist_t*
 *        Global data structures (xsup, supno) replicated on all processes.
 * grid   (input) gridinfo_t*
 *        The 2D process mesh.
 * Llu    (input/output) LocalLU_t*
 *        Local data structures to store distributed L and U matrices.
 * stat   (output) SuperLUStat_t*
 *        Record the statistics about the factorization; 
 *        See SuperLUStat_t structure defined in util.h.
 * </pre>
static void pdgstrs2
#ifdef _CRAY
 int_t m, int_t k, Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist, gridinfo_t *grid,
 LocalLU_t *Llu, SuperLUStat_t *stat, _fcd ftcs1, _fcd ftcs2, _fcd ftcs3
 int_t m, int_t k, Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist, gridinfo_t *grid,
 LocalLU_t *Llu, SuperLUStat_t *stat

    int    iam, pkk;
    int    incx = 1;
    int    nsupr; /* number of rows in the block L(:,k) (LDA) */
    int    segsize;
    int_t  nsupc; /* number of columns in the block */
    int_t  luptr, iukp, rukp;
    int_t  b, gb, j, klst, knsupc, lk, nb;
    int_t  *xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;
    int_t  *usub;
    double *lusup, *uval;

    /* Quick return. */
    lk = LBi( k, grid ); /* Local block number */
    if ( !Llu->Unzval_br_ptr[lk] ) return;

    /* Initialization. */
    iam  = grid->iam;
    pkk  = PNUM( PROW(k, grid), PCOL(k, grid), grid );
    klst = FstBlockC( k+1 );
    knsupc = SuperSize( k );
    usub = Llu->Ufstnz_br_ptr[lk]; /* index[] of block row U(k,:) */
    uval = Llu->Unzval_br_ptr[lk];
    nb = usub[0];
    iukp = BR_HEADER;
    rukp = 0;
    if ( iam == pkk ) {
	lk = LBj( k, grid );
	nsupr = Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[lk][1]; /* LDA of lusup[] */
	lusup = Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr[lk];
    } else {
	nsupr = Llu->Lsub_buf_2[k%2][1]; /* LDA of lusup[] */
	lusup = Llu->Lval_buf_2[k%2];

    /* Loop through all the row blocks. */
    for (b = 0; b < nb; ++b) {
	gb = usub[iukp];
	nsupc = SuperSize( gb );

	/* Loop through all the segments in the block. */
	for (j = 0; j < nsupc; ++j) {
	    segsize = klst - usub[iukp++]; 
	    if ( segsize ) { /* Nonzero segment. */
		luptr = (knsupc - segsize) * (nsupr + 1);
#ifdef _CRAY
		STRSV(ftcs1, ftcs2, ftcs3, &segsize, &lusup[luptr], &nsupr, 
		      &uval[rukp], &incx);
		dtrsv_("L", "N", "U", &segsize, &lusup[luptr], &nsupr, 
		       &uval[rukp], &incx);
		stat->ops[FACT] += segsize * (segsize + 1);
		rukp += segsize;
    } /* for b ... */

} /* PDGSTRS2 */
Пример #11
/*! \brief
 * <pre>
 * Purpose
 * =======
 *   Factor diagonal and subdiagonal blocks and test for exact singularity.
 *   Only the process column that owns block column *k* participates
 *   in the work.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * k      (input) int (global)
 *        The column number of the block column to be factorized.
 * thresh (input) double (global)
 *        The threshold value = s_eps * anorm.
 * Glu_persist (input) Glu_persist_t*
 *        Global data structures (xsup, supno) replicated on all processes.
 * grid   (input) gridinfo_t*
 *        The 2D process mesh.
 * Llu    (input/output) LocalLU_t*
 *        Local data structures to store distributed L and U matrices.
 * stat   (output) SuperLUStat_t*
 *        Record the statistics about the factorization.
 *        See SuperLUStat_t structure defined in util.h.
 * info   (output) int*
 *        = 0: successful exit
 *        < 0: if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
 *        > 0: if info = i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization has
 *             been completed, but the factor U is exactly singular,
 *             and division by zero will occur if it is used to solve a
 *             system of equations.
 * </pre>
static void pdgstrf2
 superlu_options_t *options,
 int_t k, double thresh, Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist, gridinfo_t *grid,
 LocalLU_t *Llu, SuperLUStat_t *stat, int* info

    int    c, iam, l, pkk;
    int    incx = 1, incy = 1;
    int    nsupr; /* number of rows in the block (LDA) */
    int    luptr;
    int_t  i, krow, j, jfst, jlst;
    int_t  nsupc; /* number of columns in the block */
    int_t  *xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;
    double *lusup, temp;
    double *ujrow;
    double alpha = -1;
    *info = 0;

    /* Quick return. */

    /* Initialization. */
    iam   = grid->iam;
    krow  = PROW( k, grid );
    pkk   = PNUM( PROW(k, grid), PCOL(k, grid), grid );
    j     = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number */
    jfst  = FstBlockC( k );
    jlst  = FstBlockC( k+1 );
    lusup = Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr[j];
    nsupc = SuperSize( k );
    if ( Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[j] ) nsupr = Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[j][1];
    ujrow = Llu->ujrow;

    luptr = 0; /* Point to the diagonal entries. */
    c = nsupc;
    for (j = 0; j < jlst - jfst; ++j) {
	/* Broadcast the j-th row (nsupc - j) elements to
	   the process column. */
	if ( iam == pkk ) { /* Diagonal process. */
	    i = luptr;
	    if ( options->ReplaceTinyPivot == YES || lusup[i] == 0.0 ) {
		if ( fabs(lusup[i]) < thresh ) { /* Diagonal */
#if ( PRNTlevel>=2 )
		    printf("(%d) .. col %d, tiny pivot %e  ",
			   iam, jfst+j, lusup[i]);
		    /* Keep the replaced diagonal with the same sign. */
		    if ( lusup[i] < 0 ) lusup[i] = -thresh;
		    else lusup[i] = thresh;
#if ( PRNTlevel>=2 )
		    printf("replaced by %e\n", lusup[i]);
	    for (l = 0; l < c; ++l, i += nsupr)	ujrow[l] = lusup[i];
#if 0
	dbcast_col(ujrow, c, pkk, UjROW, grid, &c);
	MPI_Bcast(ujrow, c, MPI_DOUBLE, krow, (grid->cscp).comm);
	/*bcast_tree(ujrow, c, MPI_DOUBLE, krow, (24*k+j)%NTAGS,
		   grid, COMM_COLUMN, &c);*/

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
if ( k == 3329 && j == 2 ) {
	if ( iam == pkk ) {
	    printf("..(%d) k %d, j %d: Send ujrow[0] %e\n",iam,k,j,ujrow[0]);
	} else {
	    printf("..(%d) k %d, j %d: Recv ujrow[0] %e\n",iam,k,j,ujrow[0]);

	if ( !lusup ) { /* Empty block column. */
	    if ( ujrow[0] == 0.0 ) *info = j+jfst+1;

	/* Test for singularity. */
	if ( ujrow[0] == 0.0 ) {
	    *info = j+jfst+1;
	} else {
	    /* Scale the j-th column of the matrix. */
	    temp = 1.0 / ujrow[0];
	    if ( iam == pkk ) {
		for (i = luptr+1; i < luptr-j+nsupr; ++i) lusup[i] *= temp;
		stat->ops[FACT] += nsupr-j-1;
	    } else {
		for (i = luptr; i < luptr+nsupr; ++i) lusup[i] *= temp;
		stat->ops[FACT] += nsupr;
	/* Rank-1 update of the trailing submatrix. */
	if ( --c ) {
	    if ( iam == pkk ) {
		l = nsupr - j - 1;
#ifdef _CRAY
		SGER(&l, &c, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+1], &incx,
		     &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr+1], &nsupr);
		dger_(&l, &c, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+1], &incx,
		      &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr+1], &nsupr);
		stat->ops[FACT] += 2 * l * c;
	    } else {
#ifdef _CRAY
		SGER(&nsupr, &c, &alpha, &lusup[luptr], &incx, 
		     &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr], &nsupr);
		dger_(&nsupr, &c, &alpha, &lusup[luptr], &incx, 
		      &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr], &nsupr);
		stat->ops[FACT] += 2 * nsupr * c;
	/* Move to the next column. */
	if ( iam == pkk ) luptr += nsupr + 1;
	else luptr += nsupr;

    } /* for j ... */

} /* PDGSTRF2 */
Пример #12
pzgstrs(int_t n, LUstruct_t *LUstruct, 
	ScalePermstruct_t *ScalePermstruct,
	gridinfo_t *grid, doublecomplex *B,
	int_t m_loc, int_t fst_row, int_t ldb, int nrhs,
	SOLVEstruct_t *SOLVEstruct,
	SuperLUStat_t *stat, int *info)
    Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist = LUstruct->Glu_persist;
    LocalLU_t *Llu = LUstruct->Llu;
    doublecomplex alpha = {1.0, 0.0};
    doublecomplex zero = {0.0, 0.0};
    doublecomplex *lsum;  /* Local running sum of the updates to B-components */
    doublecomplex *x;     /* X component at step k. */
		    /* NOTE: x and lsum are of same size. */
    doublecomplex *lusup, *dest;
    doublecomplex *recvbuf, *tempv;
    doublecomplex *rtemp; /* Result of full matrix-vector multiply. */
    int_t  **Ufstnz_br_ptr = Llu->Ufstnz_br_ptr;
    int_t  *Urbs, *Urbs1; /* Number of row blocks in each block column of U. */
    Ucb_indptr_t **Ucb_indptr;/* Vertical linked list pointing to Uindex[] */
    int_t  **Ucb_valptr;      /* Vertical linked list pointing to Unzval[] */
    int_t  iam, kcol, krow, mycol, myrow;
    int_t  i, ii, il, j, jj, k, lb, ljb, lk, lptr, luptr;
    int_t  nb, nlb, nub, nsupers;
    int_t  *xsup, *supno, *lsub, *usub;
    int_t  *ilsum;    /* Starting position of each supernode in lsum (LOCAL)*/
    int_t  Pc, Pr;
    int    knsupc, nsupr;
    int    ldalsum;   /* Number of lsum entries locally owned. */
    int    maxrecvsz, p, pi;
    int_t  **Lrowind_bc_ptr;
    doublecomplex **Lnzval_bc_ptr;
    MPI_Status status;
    MPI_Request *send_req, recv_req;
    pxgstrs_comm_t *gstrs_comm = SOLVEstruct->gstrs_comm;

    /*-- Counts used for L-solve --*/
    int_t  *fmod;         /* Modification count for L-solve --
                             Count the number of local block products to
                             be summed into lsum[lk]. */
    int_t  **fsendx_plist = Llu->fsendx_plist;
    int_t  nfrecvx = Llu->nfrecvx; /* Number of X components to be recv'd. */
    int_t  *frecv;        /* Count of lsum[lk] contributions to be received
                             from processes in this row. 
                             It is only valid on the diagonal processes. */
    int_t  nfrecvmod = 0; /* Count of total modifications to be recv'd. */
    int_t  nleaf = 0, nroot = 0;

    /*-- Counts used for U-solve --*/
    int_t  *bmod;         /* Modification count for U-solve. */
    int_t  **bsendx_plist = Llu->bsendx_plist;
    int_t  nbrecvx = Llu->nbrecvx; /* Number of X components to be recv'd. */
    int_t  *brecv;        /* Count of modifications to be recv'd from
			     processes in this row. */
    int_t  nbrecvmod = 0; /* Count of total modifications to be recv'd. */
    double t;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
    int_t Ublocks = 0;

    int_t *mod_bit = Llu->mod_bit; /* flag contribution from each row block */
    t = SuperLU_timer_();

    /* Test input parameters. */
    *info = 0;
    if ( n < 0 ) *info = -1;
    else if ( nrhs < 0 ) *info = -9;
    if ( *info ) {
	pxerbla("PZGSTRS", grid, -*info);
     * Initialization.
    iam = grid->iam;
    Pc = grid->npcol;
    Pr = grid->nprow;
    myrow = MYROW( iam, grid );
    mycol = MYCOL( iam, grid );
    xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;
    supno = Glu_persist->supno;
    nsupers = supno[n-1] + 1;
    Lrowind_bc_ptr = Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr;
    Lnzval_bc_ptr = Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr;
    nlb = CEILING( nsupers, Pr ); /* Number of local block rows. */

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(iam, "Enter pzgstrs()");

    stat->ops[SOLVE] = 0.0;
    Llu->SolveMsgSent = 0;

    /* Save the count to be altered so it can be used by
       subsequent call to PDGSTRS. */
    if ( !(fmod = intMalloc_dist(nlb)) )
	ABORT("Calloc fails for fmod[].");
    for (i = 0; i < nlb; ++i) fmod[i] = Llu->fmod[i];
    if ( !(frecv = intMalloc_dist(nlb)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for frecv[].");
    Llu->frecv = frecv;

    k = SUPERLU_MAX( Llu->nfsendx, Llu->nbsendx ) + nlb;
    if ( !(send_req = (MPI_Request*) SUPERLU_MALLOC(k*sizeof(MPI_Request))) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for send_req[].");

#ifdef _CRAY
    ftcs1 = _cptofcd("L", strlen("L"));
    ftcs2 = _cptofcd("N", strlen("N"));
    ftcs3 = _cptofcd("U", strlen("U"));

    /* Obtain ilsum[] and ldalsum for process column 0. */
    ilsum = Llu->ilsum;
    ldalsum = Llu->ldalsum;

    /* Allocate working storage. */
    knsupc = sp_ienv_dist(3);
    maxrecvsz = knsupc * nrhs + SUPERLU_MAX( XK_H, LSUM_H );
    if ( !(lsum = doublecomplexCalloc_dist(((size_t)ldalsum)*nrhs + nlb*LSUM_H)) )
	ABORT("Calloc fails for lsum[].");
    if ( !(x = doublecomplexMalloc_dist(ldalsum * nrhs + nlb * XK_H)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for x[].");
    if ( !(recvbuf = doublecomplexMalloc_dist(maxrecvsz)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for recvbuf[].");
    if ( !(rtemp = doublecomplexCalloc_dist(maxrecvsz)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for rtemp[].");

     * Forward solve Ly = b.
    /* Redistribute B into X on the diagonal processes. */
    pzReDistribute_B_to_X(B, m_loc, nrhs, ldb, fst_row, ilsum, x, 
			  ScalePermstruct, Glu_persist, grid, SOLVEstruct);

    /* Set up the headers in lsum[]. */
    ii = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	krow = PROW( k, grid );
	if ( myrow == krow ) {
	    lk = LBi( k, grid );   /* Local block number. */
	    il = LSUM_BLK( lk );
	    lsum[il - LSUM_H].r = k;/* Block number prepended in the header.*/
	    lsum[il - LSUM_H].i = 0;
	ii += knsupc;

     * Compute frecv[] and nfrecvmod counts on the diagonal processes.
	superlu_scope_t *scp = &grid->rscp;

#if 1
	for (k = 0; k < nlb; ++k) mod_bit[k] = 0;
	for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	    krow = PROW( k, grid );
	    if ( myrow == krow ) {
		lk = LBi( k, grid );    /* local block number */
		kcol = PCOL( k, grid );
		if ( mycol != kcol && fmod[lk] )
		    mod_bit[lk] = 1;  /* contribution from off-diagonal */
	/*PrintInt10("mod_bit", nlb, mod_bit);*/
#if ( PROFlevel>=2 )
	t_reduce_tmp = SuperLU_timer_();
	/* Every process receives the count, but it is only useful on the
	   diagonal processes.  */
	MPI_Allreduce( mod_bit, frecv, nlb, mpi_int_t, MPI_SUM, scp->comm );

#if ( PROFlevel>=2 )
	t_reduce += SuperLU_timer_() - t_reduce_tmp;

	for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	    krow = PROW( k, grid );
	    if ( myrow == krow ) {
		lk = LBi( k, grid );    /* local block number */
		kcol = PCOL( k, grid );
		if ( mycol == kcol ) { /* diagonal process */
		    nfrecvmod += frecv[lk];
		    if ( !frecv[lk] && !fmod[lk] ) ++nleaf;

#else /* old */

	for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	    krow = PROW( k, grid );
	    if ( myrow == krow ) {
		lk = LBi( k, grid );    /* Local block number. */
		kcol = PCOL( k, grid ); /* Root process in this row scope. */
		if ( mycol != kcol && fmod[lk] )
		    i = 1;  /* Contribution from non-diagonal process. */
		else i = 0;
		MPI_Reduce( &i, &frecv[lk], 1, mpi_int_t,
			   MPI_SUM, kcol, scp->comm );
		if ( mycol == kcol ) { /* Diagonal process. */
		    nfrecvmod += frecv[lk];
		    if ( !frecv[lk] && !fmod[lk] ) ++nleaf;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		    printf("(%2d) frecv[%4d]  %2d\n", iam, k, frecv[lk]);
		    assert( frecv[lk] < Pc );

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------
       Solve the leaf nodes first by all the diagonal processes.
       --------------------------------------------------------- */
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
    printf("(%2d) nleaf %4d\n", iam, nleaf);
    for (k = 0; k < nsupers && nleaf; ++k) {
	krow = PROW( k, grid );
	kcol = PCOL( k, grid );
	if ( myrow == krow && mycol == kcol ) { /* Diagonal process */
	    knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	    lk = LBi( k, grid );
	    if ( frecv[lk]==0 && fmod[lk]==0 ) {
		fmod[lk] = -1;  /* Do not solve X[k] in the future. */
		ii = X_BLK( lk );
		lk = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number, column-wise. */
		lsub = Lrowind_bc_ptr[lk];
		lusup = Lnzval_bc_ptr[lk];
		nsupr = lsub[1];
#ifdef _CRAY
		CTRSM(ftcs1, ftcs1, ftcs2, ftcs3, &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha,
		      lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc);
#elif defined (USE_VENDOR_BLAS)
		ztrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, 
		       lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc, 1, 1, 1, 1);
		ztrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, 
		       lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc);
		stat->ops[SOLVE] += 4 * knsupc * (knsupc - 1) * nrhs
		    + 10 * knsupc * nrhs; /* complex division */
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		printf("(%2d) Solve X[%2d]\n", iam, k);
		 * Send Xk to process column Pc[k].
		for (p = 0; p < Pr; ++p) {
		    if ( fsendx_plist[lk][p] != EMPTY ) {
			pi = PNUM( p, kcol, grid );

			MPI_Isend( &x[ii - XK_H], knsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
				   SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, pi, Xk, grid->comm,
#if 0
			MPI_Send( &x[ii - XK_H], knsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
				 SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, pi, Xk, grid->comm );
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
			printf("(%2d) Sent X[%2.0f] to P %2d\n",
			       iam, x[ii-XK_H], pi);
		 * Perform local block modifications: lsum[i] -= L_i,k * X[k]
		nb = lsub[0] - 1;
		lptr = BC_HEADER + LB_DESCRIPTOR + knsupc;
		luptr = knsupc; /* Skip diagonal block L(k,k). */
		zlsum_fmod(lsum, x, &x[ii], rtemp, nrhs, knsupc, k,
			   fmod, nb, lptr, luptr, xsup, grid, Llu, 
			   send_req, stat);
	} /* if diagonal process ... */
    } /* for k ... */

    /* -----------------------------------------------------------
       Compute the internal nodes asynchronously by all processes.
       ----------------------------------------------------------- */
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
    printf("(%2d) nfrecvx %4d,  nfrecvmod %4d,  nleaf %4d\n",
	   iam, nfrecvx, nfrecvmod, nleaf);

    while ( nfrecvx || nfrecvmod ) { /* While not finished. */

	/* Receive a message. */
	MPI_Recv( recvbuf, maxrecvsz, SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,
                  MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, grid->comm, &status );

        k = (*recvbuf).r;

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
	printf("(%2d) Recv'd block %d, tag %2d\n", iam, k, status.MPI_TAG);
	switch ( status.MPI_TAG ) {
	  case Xk:
	      lk = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number, column-wise. */
	      lsub = Lrowind_bc_ptr[lk];
	      lusup = Lnzval_bc_ptr[lk];
	      if ( lsub ) {
		  nb   = lsub[0];
		  lptr = BC_HEADER;
		  luptr = 0;
		  knsupc = SuperSize( k );

		   * Perform local block modifications: lsum[i] -= L_i,k * X[k]
		  zlsum_fmod(lsum, x, &recvbuf[XK_H], rtemp, nrhs, knsupc, k,
			     fmod, nb, lptr, luptr, xsup, grid, Llu, 
			     send_req, stat);
	      } /* if lsub */


	  case LSUM: /* Receiver must be a diagonal process */
	      lk = LBi( k, grid ); /* Local block number, row-wise. */
	      ii = X_BLK( lk );
	      knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	      tempv = &recvbuf[LSUM_H];
	      RHS_ITERATE(j) {
		  for (i = 0; i < knsupc; ++i)
		      z_add(&x[i + ii + j*knsupc],
			    &x[i + ii + j*knsupc],
			    &tempv[i + j*knsupc]);

	      if ( (--frecv[lk])==0 && fmod[lk]==0 ) {
		  fmod[lk] = -1; /* Do not solve X[k] in the future. */
		  lk = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number, column-wise. */
		  lsub = Lrowind_bc_ptr[lk];
		  lusup = Lnzval_bc_ptr[lk];
		  nsupr = lsub[1];
#ifdef _CRAY
		  CTRSM(ftcs1, ftcs1, ftcs2, ftcs3, &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha,
			lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc);
#elif defined (USE_VENDOR_BLAS)
		  ztrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, 
			 lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc, 1, 1, 1, 1);
		  ztrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, 
			 lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc);
		  stat->ops[SOLVE] += 4 * knsupc * (knsupc - 1) * nrhs
		      + 10 * knsupc * nrhs; /* complex division */
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		  printf("(%2d) Solve X[%2d]\n", iam, k);
		   * Send Xk to process column Pc[k].
		  kcol = PCOL( k, grid );
		  for (p = 0; p < Pr; ++p) {
		      if ( fsendx_plist[lk][p] != EMPTY ) {
			  pi = PNUM( p, kcol, grid );

			  MPI_Isend( &x[ii-XK_H], knsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
                                     SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, pi, Xk, grid->comm,
#if 0
			  MPI_Send( &x[ii - XK_H], knsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
				    SuperLU_MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, pi, Xk, grid->comm );
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
			  printf("(%2d) Sent X[%2.0f] to P %2d\n",
				 iam, x[ii-XK_H], pi);
		   * Perform local block modifications.
		  nb = lsub[0] - 1;
		  lptr = BC_HEADER + LB_DESCRIPTOR + knsupc;
		  luptr = knsupc; /* Skip diagonal block L(k,k). */

		  zlsum_fmod(lsum, x, &x[ii], rtemp, nrhs, knsupc, k,
			     fmod, nb, lptr, luptr, xsup, grid, Llu,
			     send_req, stat);
	      } /* if */


#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
	      printf("(%2d) Recv'd wrong message tag %4d\n", status.MPI_TAG);
	  } /* switch */

    } /* while not finished ... */

#if ( PRNTlevel>=2 )
    t = SuperLU_timer_() - t;
    if ( !iam ) printf(".. L-solve time\t%8.2f\n", t);
    t = SuperLU_timer_();

#if ( DEBUGlevel==2 )
      printf("(%d) .. After L-solve: y =\n", iam);
      for (i = 0, k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	  krow = PROW( k, grid );
	  kcol = PCOL( k, grid );
	  if ( myrow == krow && mycol == kcol ) { /* Diagonal process */
	      knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	      lk = LBi( k, grid );
	      ii = X_BLK( lk );
	      for (j = 0; j < knsupc; ++j)
		printf("\t(%d)\t%4d\t%.10f\n", iam, xsup[k]+j, x[ii+j]);
	  MPI_Barrier( grid->comm );


    /*for (i = 0; i < Llu->SolveMsgSent; ++i) MPI_Request_free(&send_req[i]);*/

    for (i = 0; i < Llu->SolveMsgSent; ++i) MPI_Wait(&send_req[i], &status);
    Llu->SolveMsgSent = 0;

    MPI_Barrier( grid->comm );

     * Back solve Ux = y.
     * The Y components from the forward solve is already
     * on the diagonal processes.

    /* Save the count to be altered so it can be used by
       subsequent call to PZGSTRS. */
    if ( !(bmod = intMalloc_dist(nlb)) )
	ABORT("Calloc fails for bmod[].");
    for (i = 0; i < nlb; ++i) bmod[i] = Llu->bmod[i];
    if ( !(brecv = intMalloc_dist(nlb)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for brecv[].");
    Llu->brecv = brecv;

     * Compute brecv[] and nbrecvmod counts on the diagonal processes.
	superlu_scope_t *scp = &grid->rscp;

#if 1
	for (k = 0; k < nlb; ++k) mod_bit[k] = 0;
	for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	    krow = PROW( k, grid );
	    if ( myrow == krow ) {
		lk = LBi( k, grid );    /* local block number */
		kcol = PCOL( k, grid ); /* root process in this row scope */
		if ( mycol != kcol && bmod[lk] )
		    mod_bit[lk] = 1;  /* Contribution from off-diagonal */

	/* Every process receives the count, but it is only useful on the
	   diagonal processes.  */
	MPI_Allreduce( mod_bit, brecv, nlb, mpi_int_t, MPI_SUM, scp->comm );

	for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	    krow = PROW( k, grid );
	    if ( myrow == krow ) {
		lk = LBi( k, grid );    /* local block number */
		kcol = PCOL( k, grid ); /* root process in this row scope. */
		if ( mycol == kcol ) { /* diagonal process */
		    nbrecvmod += brecv[lk];
		    if ( !brecv[lk] && !bmod[lk] ) ++nroot;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		    printf("(%2d) brecv[%4d]  %2d\n", iam, k, brecv[lk]);
		    assert( brecv[lk] < Pc );

#else /* old */

	for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	    krow = PROW( k, grid );
	    if ( myrow == krow ) {
		lk = LBi( k, grid );    /* Local block number. */
		kcol = PCOL( k, grid ); /* Root process in this row scope. */
		if ( mycol != kcol && bmod[lk] )
		    i = 1;  /* Contribution from non-diagonal process. */
		else i = 0;
		MPI_Reduce( &i, &brecv[lk], 1, mpi_int_t,
			   MPI_SUM, kcol, scp->comm );
		if ( mycol == kcol ) { /* Diagonal process. */
		    nbrecvmod += brecv[lk];
		    if ( !brecv[lk] && !bmod[lk] ) ++nroot;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		    printf("(%2d) brecv[%4d]  %2d\n", iam, k, brecv[lk]);
		    assert( brecv[lk] < Pc );

    /* Re-initialize lsum to zero. Each block header is already in place. */
    for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	krow = PROW( k, grid );
	if ( myrow == krow ) {
	    knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	    lk = LBi( k, grid );
	    il = LSUM_BLK( lk );
	    dest = &lsum[il];
	    RHS_ITERATE(j) {
		for (i = 0; i < knsupc; ++i) dest[i + j*knsupc] = zero;
Пример #13
dReDistribute_A(SuperMatrix *A, ScalePermstruct_t *ScalePermstruct,
                Glu_freeable_t *Glu_freeable, int_t *xsup, int_t *supno,
                gridinfo_t *grid, int_t *colptr[], int_t *rowind[],
                double *a[])
 * -- Distributed SuperLU routine (version 2.0) --
 * Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Univ. of California Berkeley.
 * March 15, 2003
 * Purpose
 * =======
 *   Re-distribute A on the 2D process mesh.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * A      (input) SuperMatrix*
 *	  The distributed input matrix A of dimension (A->nrow, A->ncol).
 *        A may be overwritten by diag(R)*A*diag(C)*Pc^T.
 *        The type of A can be: Stype = NR; Dtype = SLU_D; Mtype = GE.
 * ScalePermstruct (input) ScalePermstruct_t*
 *        The data structure to store the scaling and permutation vectors
 *        describing the transformations performed to the original matrix A.
 * Glu_freeable (input) *Glu_freeable_t
 *        The global structure describing the graph of L and U.
 * grid   (input) gridinfo_t*
 *        The 2D process mesh.
 * colptr (output) int*
 * rowind (output) int*
 * a      (output) double*
 * Return value
 * ============
    NRformat_loc *Astore;
    int_t  *perm_r; /* row permutation vector */
    int_t  *perm_c; /* column permutation vector */
    int_t  i, irow, fst_row, j, jcol, k, gbi, gbj, n, m_loc, jsize;
    int_t  nnz_loc;    /* number of local nonzeros */
    int_t  nnz_remote; /* number of remote nonzeros to be sent */
    int_t  SendCnt; /* number of remote nonzeros to be sent */
    int_t  RecvCnt; /* number of remote nonzeros to be sent */
    int_t  *nnzToSend, *nnzToRecv, maxnnzToRecv;
    int_t  *ia, *ja, **ia_send, *index, *itemp;
    int_t  *ptr_to_send;
    double *aij, **aij_send, *nzval, *dtemp;
    double *nzval_a;
    int    iam, it, p, procs;
    MPI_Request *send_req;
    MPI_Status  status;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    iam = grid->iam;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(iam, "Enter dReDistribute_A()");
    perm_r = ScalePermstruct->perm_r;
    perm_c = ScalePermstruct->perm_c;
    procs = grid->nprow * grid->npcol;
    Astore = (NRformat_loc *) A->Store;
    n = A->ncol;
    m_loc = Astore->m_loc;
    fst_row = Astore->fst_row;
    nnzToRecv = intCalloc_dist(2*procs);
    nnzToSend = nnzToRecv + procs;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    for (i = 0; i < m_loc; ++i) {
        for (j = Astore->rowptr[i]; j < Astore->rowptr[i+1]; ++j) {
  	    irow = perm_c[perm_r[i+fst_row]];  /* Row number in Pc*Pr*A */
	    jcol = Astore->colind[j];
	    gbi = BlockNum( irow );
	    gbj = BlockNum( jcol );
	    p = PNUM( PROW(gbi,grid), PCOL(gbj,grid), grid );

    /* All-to-all communication */
    MPI_Alltoall( nnzToSend, 1, mpi_int_t, nnzToRecv, 1, mpi_int_t,

    maxnnzToRecv = 0;
    nnz_loc = SendCnt = RecvCnt = 0;

    for (p = 0; p < procs; ++p) {
	if ( p != iam ) {
	    SendCnt += nnzToSend[p];
	    RecvCnt += nnzToRecv[p];
	    maxnnzToRecv = SUPERLU_MAX( nnzToRecv[p], maxnnzToRecv );
	} else {
	    nnz_loc += nnzToRecv[p];
	    /*assert(nnzToSend[p] == nnzToRecv[p]);*/
    k = nnz_loc + RecvCnt; /* Total nonzeros ended up in my process. */

    /* Allocate space for storing the triplets after redistribution. */
    if ( !(ia = intMalloc_dist(2*k)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for ia[].");
    ja = ia + k;
    if ( !(aij = doubleMalloc_dist(k)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for aij[].");

    /* Allocate temporary storage for sending/receiving the A triplets. */
    if ( procs > 1 ) {
      if ( !(send_req = (MPI_Request *)
	     SUPERLU_MALLOC(2*procs *sizeof(MPI_Request))) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for send_req[].");
      if ( !(ia_send = (int_t **) SUPERLU_MALLOC(procs*sizeof(int_t*))) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for ia_send[].");
      if ( !(aij_send = (double **)SUPERLU_MALLOC(procs*sizeof(double*))) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for aij_send[].");
      if ( !(index = intMalloc_dist(2*SendCnt)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for index[].");
      if ( !(nzval = doubleMalloc_dist(SendCnt)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for nzval[].");
      if ( !(ptr_to_send = intCalloc_dist(procs)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for ptr_to_send[].");
      if ( !(itemp = intMalloc_dist(2*maxnnzToRecv)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for itemp[].");
      if ( !(dtemp = doubleMalloc_dist(maxnnzToRecv)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for dtemp[].");

      for (i = 0, j = 0, p = 0; p < procs; ++p) {
          if ( p != iam ) {
	      ia_send[p] = &index[i];
	      i += 2 * nnzToSend[p]; /* ia/ja indices alternate */
	      aij_send[p] = &nzval[j];
	      j += nnzToSend[p];
    } /* if procs > 1 */
    if ( !(*colptr = intCalloc_dist(n+1)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for *colptr[].");

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    nnz_loc = 0; /* Reset the local nonzero count. */
    nzval_a = Astore->nzval;
    for (i = 0; i < m_loc; ++i) {
        for (j = Astore->rowptr[i]; j < Astore->rowptr[i+1]; ++j) {
  	    irow = perm_c[perm_r[i+fst_row]];  /* Row number in Pc*Pr*A */
	    jcol = Astore->colind[j];
	    gbi = BlockNum( irow );
	    gbj = BlockNum( jcol );
	    p = PNUM( PROW(gbi,grid), PCOL(gbj,grid), grid );

	    if ( p != iam ) { /* remote */
	        k = ptr_to_send[p];
	        ia_send[p][k] = irow;
	        ia_send[p][k + nnzToSend[p]] = jcol;
		aij_send[p][k] = nzval_a[j];
	    } else {          /* local */
	        ia[nnz_loc] = irow;
	        ja[nnz_loc] = jcol;
		aij[nnz_loc] = nzval_a[j];
		++(*colptr)[jcol]; /* Count nonzeros in each column */

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
       NOTE: Can possibly use MPI_Alltoallv.
    for (p = 0; p < procs; ++p) {
        if ( p != iam ) {
	    it = 2*nnzToSend[p];
	    MPI_Isend( ia_send[p], it, mpi_int_t,
		       p, iam, grid->comm, &send_req[p] );
	    it = nnzToSend[p];
	    MPI_Isend( aij_send[p], it, MPI_DOUBLE,
	               p, iam+procs, grid->comm, &send_req[procs+p] ); 

    for (p = 0; p < procs; ++p) {
        if ( p != iam ) {
	    it = 2*nnzToRecv[p];
	    MPI_Recv( itemp, it, mpi_int_t, p, p, grid->comm, &status ); 
	    it = nnzToRecv[p];
            MPI_Recv( dtemp, it, MPI_DOUBLE, p, p+procs,
		      grid->comm, &status );
	    for (i = 0; i < nnzToRecv[p]; ++i) {
	        ia[nnz_loc] = itemp[i];
		jcol = itemp[i + nnzToRecv[p]];
	        ja[nnz_loc] = jcol;
		aij[nnz_loc] = dtemp[i];
		++(*colptr)[jcol]; /* Count nonzeros in each column */ 

    for (p = 0; p < procs; ++p) {
        if ( p != iam ) {
	    MPI_Wait( &send_req[p], &status);
	    MPI_Wait( &send_req[procs+p], &status);

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------


    if ( procs > 1 ) {

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    if ( !(*rowind = intMalloc_dist(nnz_loc)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for *rowind[].");
    if ( !(*a = doubleMalloc_dist(nnz_loc)) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for *a[].");

    /* Initialize the array of column pointers */
    k = 0;
    jsize = (*colptr)[0];
    (*colptr)[0] = 0;
    for (j = 1; j < n; ++j) {
	k += jsize;
	jsize = (*colptr)[j];
	(*colptr)[j] = k;
    /* Copy the triplets into the column oriented storage */
    for (i = 0; i < nnz_loc; ++i) {
	j = ja[i];
	k = (*colptr)[j];
	(*rowind)[k] = ia[i];
	(*a)[k] = aij[i];

    /* Reset the column pointers to the beginning of each column */
    for (j = n; j > 0; --j) (*colptr)[j] = (*colptr)[j-1];
    (*colptr)[0] = 0;


#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(iam, "Exit dReDistribute_A()");
} /* dReDistribute_A */
Пример #14
/*! \brief
 * <pre>
 * Purpose
 * =======
 *   Set up the communication pattern for the triangular solution.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * n      (input) int (global)
 *        The dimension of the linear system.
 * m_loc  (input) int (local)
 *        The local row dimension of the distributed input matrix.
 * nrhs   (input) int (global)
 *        Number of right-hand sides.
 * fst_row (input) int (global)
 *        The row number of matrix B's first row in the global matrix.
 * perm_r (input) int* (global)
 *        The row permutation vector.
 * perm_c (input) int* (global)
 *        The column permutation vector.
 * grid   (input) gridinfo_t*
 *        The 2D process mesh.
 * </pre>
pxgstrs_init(int_t n, int_t m_loc, int_t nrhs, int_t fst_row,
	     int_t perm_r[], int_t perm_c[], gridinfo_t *grid,
	     Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist, SOLVEstruct_t *SOLVEstruct)

    int *SendCnt, *SendCnt_nrhs, *RecvCnt, *RecvCnt_nrhs;
    int *sdispls, *sdispls_nrhs, *rdispls, *rdispls_nrhs;
    int *itemp, *ptr_to_ibuf, *ptr_to_dbuf;
    int_t *row_to_proc;
    int_t i, gbi, k, l, num_diag_procs, *diag_procs;
    int_t irow, lk, q, knsupc, nsupers, *xsup, *supno;
    int   iam, p, pkk, procs;
    pxgstrs_comm_t *gstrs_comm;

    procs = grid->nprow * grid->npcol;
    iam = grid->iam;
    gstrs_comm = SOLVEstruct->gstrs_comm;
    xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;
    supno = Glu_persist->supno;
    nsupers = Glu_persist->supno[n-1] + 1;
    row_to_proc = SOLVEstruct->row_to_proc;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    if ( !(itemp = SUPERLU_MALLOC(8*procs * sizeof(int))) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for B_to_X_itemp[].");
    SendCnt      = itemp;
    SendCnt_nrhs = itemp +   procs;
    RecvCnt      = itemp + 2*procs;
    RecvCnt_nrhs = itemp + 3*procs;
    sdispls      = itemp + 4*procs;
    sdispls_nrhs = itemp + 5*procs;
    rdispls      = itemp + 6*procs;
    rdispls_nrhs = itemp + 7*procs;

    /* Count the number of elements to be sent to each diagonal process.*/
    for (p = 0; p < procs; ++p) SendCnt[p] = 0;
    for (i = 0, l = fst_row; i < m_loc; ++i, ++l) {
        irow = perm_c[perm_r[l]]; /* Row number in Pc*Pr*B */
	gbi = BlockNum( irow );
	p = PNUM( PROW(gbi,grid), PCOL(gbi,grid), grid ); /* Diagonal process */
    /* Set up the displacements for alltoall. */
    MPI_Alltoall(SendCnt, 1, MPI_INT, RecvCnt, 1, MPI_INT, grid->comm);
    sdispls[0] = rdispls[0] = 0;
    for (p = 1; p < procs; ++p) {
        sdispls[p] = sdispls[p-1] + SendCnt[p-1];
        rdispls[p] = rdispls[p-1] + RecvCnt[p-1];
    for (p = 0; p < procs; ++p) {
        SendCnt_nrhs[p] = SendCnt[p] * nrhs;
	sdispls_nrhs[p] = sdispls[p] * nrhs;
        RecvCnt_nrhs[p] = RecvCnt[p] * nrhs;
	rdispls_nrhs[p] = rdispls[p] * nrhs;

    /* This is saved for repeated solves, and is freed in pxgstrs_finalize().*/
    gstrs_comm->B_to_X_SendCnt = SendCnt;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    /* This is freed in pxgstrs_finalize(). */
    if ( !(itemp = SUPERLU_MALLOC(8*procs * sizeof(int))) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for X_to_B_itemp[].");
    SendCnt      = itemp;
    SendCnt_nrhs = itemp +   procs;
    RecvCnt      = itemp + 2*procs;
    RecvCnt_nrhs = itemp + 3*procs;
    sdispls      = itemp + 4*procs;
    sdispls_nrhs = itemp + 5*procs;
    rdispls      = itemp + 6*procs;
    rdispls_nrhs = itemp + 7*procs;

    /* Count the number of X entries to be sent to each process.*/
    for (p = 0; p < procs; ++p) SendCnt[p] = 0;
    num_diag_procs = SOLVEstruct->num_diag_procs;
    diag_procs = SOLVEstruct->diag_procs;

    for (p = 0; p < num_diag_procs; ++p) { /* for all diagonal processes */
	pkk = diag_procs[p];
	if ( iam == pkk ) {
	    for (k = p; k < nsupers; k += num_diag_procs) {
		knsupc = SuperSize( k );
		lk = LBi( k, grid ); /* Local block number */
		irow = FstBlockC( k );
		for (i = 0; i < knsupc; ++i) {
#if 0
		    q = row_to_proc[inv_perm_c[irow]];
		    q = row_to_proc[irow];

    MPI_Alltoall(SendCnt, 1, MPI_INT, RecvCnt, 1, MPI_INT, grid->comm);
    sdispls[0] = rdispls[0] = 0;
    sdispls_nrhs[0] = rdispls_nrhs[0] = 0;
    SendCnt_nrhs[0] = SendCnt[0] * nrhs;
    RecvCnt_nrhs[0] = RecvCnt[0] * nrhs;
    for (p = 1; p < procs; ++p) {
        sdispls[p] = sdispls[p-1] + SendCnt[p-1];
        rdispls[p] = rdispls[p-1] + RecvCnt[p-1];
        sdispls_nrhs[p] = sdispls[p] * nrhs;
        rdispls_nrhs[p] = rdispls[p] * nrhs;
	SendCnt_nrhs[p] = SendCnt[p] * nrhs;
	RecvCnt_nrhs[p] = RecvCnt[p] * nrhs;

    /* This is saved for repeated solves, and is freed in pxgstrs_finalize().*/
    gstrs_comm->X_to_B_SendCnt = SendCnt;

    if ( !(ptr_to_ibuf = SUPERLU_MALLOC(2*procs * sizeof(int))) )
        ABORT("Malloc fails for ptr_to_ibuf[].");
    gstrs_comm->ptr_to_ibuf = ptr_to_ibuf;
    gstrs_comm->ptr_to_dbuf = ptr_to_ibuf + procs;

Пример #15
/*! \brief
 * <pre>
 * Purpose
 * =======
 *   Panel factorization -- block column k
 *   Factor diagonal and subdiagonal blocks and test for exact singularity.
 *   Only the column processes that own block column *k* participate
 *   in the work.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * k      (input) int (global)
 *        The column number of the block column to be factorized.
 * thresh (input) double (global)
 *        The threshold value = s_eps * anorm.
 * Glu_persist (input) Glu_persist_t*
 *        Global data structures (xsup, supno) replicated on all processes.
 * grid   (input) gridinfo_t*
 *        The 2D process mesh.
 * Llu    (input/output) LocalLU_t*
 *        Local data structures to store distributed L and U matrices.
 * U_diag_blk_send_req (input/output) MPI_Request*
 *        List of send requests to send down the diagonal block of U.
 * stat   (output) SuperLUStat_t*
 *        Record the statistics about the factorization.
 *        See SuperLUStat_t structure defined in util.h.
 * info   (output) int*
 *        = 0: successful exit
 *        < 0: if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
 *        > 0: if info = i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization has
 *             been completed, but the factor U is exactly singular,
 *             and division by zero will occur if it is used to solve a
 *             system of equations.
 * </pre>
static void pdgstrf2
 superlu_options_t *options,
 int_t k, double thresh, Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist, gridinfo_t *grid,
 LocalLU_t *Llu, MPI_Request *U_diag_blk_send_req, 
 SuperLUStat_t *stat, int* info
    int    cols_left, iam, l, pkk, pr;
    int    incx = 1, incy = 1;
    int    nsupr; /* number of rows in the block (LDA) */
    int    luptr;
    int_t  i, krow, j, jfst, jlst, u_diag_cnt;
    int_t  nsupc; /* number of columns in the block */
    int_t  *xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;
    double *lusup, temp;
    double *ujrow, *ublk_ptr; /* pointer to the U block */
    double alpha = -1, zero = 0.0;
    int_t  Pr;
    MPI_Status status;
    MPI_Comm comm = (grid->cscp).comm;

    /* Quick return. */
    *info = 0;

    /* Initialization. */
    iam   = grid->iam;
    Pr    = grid->nprow;
    krow  = PROW( k, grid );
    pkk   = PNUM( PROW(k, grid), PCOL(k, grid), grid );
    j     = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number */
    jfst  = FstBlockC( k );
    jlst  = FstBlockC( k+1 );
    lusup = Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr[j];
    nsupc = SuperSize( k );
    if ( Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[j] ) nsupr = Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[j][1];
    ublk_ptr = ujrow = Llu->ujrow;

    luptr = 0; /* Point to the diagonal entries. */
    cols_left = nsupc; /* supernode size */
    u_diag_cnt = 0;

    if ( iam == pkk ) { /* diagonal process */

        if ( U_diag_blk_send_req && U_diag_blk_send_req[krow] ) {
	    /* There are pending sends - wait for all Isend to complete */
            for (pr = 0; pr < Pr; ++pr)
                if (pr != krow)
                    MPI_Wait(U_diag_blk_send_req + pr, &status);

        for (j = 0; j < jlst - jfst; ++j) { /* for each column in panel */

	    /* Diagonal pivot */
	    i = luptr;
	    if ( options->ReplaceTinyPivot == YES || lusup[i] == 0.0 ) {
		if ( fabs(lusup[i]) < thresh ) { /* Diagonal */
#if ( PRNTlevel>=2 )
		    printf("(%d) .. col %d, tiny pivot %e  ",
			   iam, jfst+j, lusup[i]);
		    /* Keep the new diagonal entry with the same sign. */
		    if ( lusup[i] < 0 ) lusup[i] = -thresh;
		    else lusup[i] = thresh;
#if ( PRNTlevel>=2 )
		    printf("replaced by %e\n", lusup[i]);

	    for (l = 0; l < cols_left; ++l, i += nsupr, ++u_diag_cnt)
                ublk_ptr[u_diag_cnt] = lusup[i]; /* copy one row of U */

	    if ( ujrow[0] == zero ) { /* Test for singularity. */
		*info = j+jfst+1;
	    } else { /* Scale the j-th column. */
		temp = 1.0 / ujrow[0];
		for (i = luptr+1; i < luptr-j+nsupr; ++i) lusup[i] *= temp;
		stat->ops[FACT] += nsupr-j-1;

	    /* Rank-1 update of the trailing submatrix. */
	    if ( --cols_left ) {
		l = nsupr - j - 1;
#ifdef _CRAY
		SGER(&l, &cols_left, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+1], &incx,
		     &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr+1], &nsupr);
		dger_(&l, &cols_left, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+1], &incx,
		      &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr+1], &nsupr);
		stat->ops[FACT] += 2 * l * cols_left;
	    ujrow = ublk_ptr + u_diag_cnt;  /* move to next row of U */
	    luptr += nsupr + 1;	            /* move to next column */

	} /* for column j ... */

	if ( U_diag_blk_send_req && iam == pkk ) { /* Send the U block */
	    for (pr = 0; pr < Pr; ++pr)
		if (pr != krow)
		    MPI_Isend(ublk_ptr, u_diag_cnt, MPI_DOUBLE, pr,
			      ((k<<2)+2)%NTAGS, comm, U_diag_blk_send_req + pr);
	    U_diag_blk_send_req[krow] = 1; /* flag outstanding Isend */

    } else  { /* non-diagonal process */

	/* Receive the diagonal block of U */
        MPI_Recv(ublk_ptr, (nsupc*(nsupc+1))>>1, MPI_DOUBLE,
		 krow, ((k<<2)+2)%NTAGS, comm, &status);

	for (j = 0; j < jlst - jfst; ++j) { /* for each column in panel */
	    u_diag_cnt += cols_left;

	    if ( !lusup ) { /* empty block column */
		if ( ujrow[0] == zero ) *info = j+jfst+1;

	    /* Test for singularity. */
	    if ( ujrow[0] == zero ) {
		*info = j+jfst+1;
	    } else {
		/* Scale the j-th column. */
		temp = 1.0 / ujrow[0];
		for (i = luptr; i < luptr+nsupr; ++i) lusup[i] *= temp;
		stat->ops[FACT] += nsupr;

	    /* Rank-1 update of the trailing submatrix. */
	    if ( --cols_left ) {
#ifdef _CRAY
		SGER(&nsupr, &cols_left, &alpha, &lusup[luptr], &incx, 
		     &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr], &nsupr);
		dger_(&nsupr, &cols_left, &alpha, &lusup[luptr], &incx, 
		      &ujrow[1], &incy, &lusup[luptr+nsupr], &nsupr);
		stat->ops[FACT] += 2 * nsupr * cols_left;

	    ujrow = ublk_ptr + u_diag_cnt; /* move to next row of U */
	    luptr += nsupr;                /* move to next column */

	} /* for column j ... */

    } /* end if pkk ... */

} /* PDGSTRF2 */
Пример #16
void pdgstrs1(int_t n, LUstruct_t *LUstruct, gridinfo_t *grid,
	      double *x, int nrhs, SuperLUStat_t *stat, int *info)
 * Purpose
 * =======
 * PDGSTRS1 solves a system of distributed linear equations
 *                   op( sub(A) ) * X = sub( B )
 * with a general N-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) using the LU
 * factorization computed by PDGSTRF.
 * Arguments
 * =========
 * n      (input) int (global)
 *        The order of the system of linear equations.
 * LUstruct (input) LUstruct_t*
 *        The distributed data structures to store L and U factors,
 *        and the permutation vectors.
 *        See superlu_ddefs.h for the definition of 'LUstruct_t' structure.
 * grid   (input) gridinfo_t*
 *        The 2D process mesh.
 * x      (input/output) double*
 *        On entry, the right hand side matrix.
 *        On exit, the solution matrix if info = 0;
 *        NOTE: the right-hand side matrix is already distributed on
 *              the diagonal processes.
 * nrhs   (input) int (global)
 *        Number of right-hand sides.
 * stat   (output) SuperLUStat_t*
 *        Record the statistics about the triangular solves; 
 *        See SuperLUStat_t structure defined in util.h.
 * info   (output) int*
 * 	   = 0: successful exit
 *	   < 0: if info = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
    Glu_persist_t *Glu_persist = LUstruct->Glu_persist;
    LocalLU_t *Llu = LUstruct->Llu;
    double alpha = 1.0;
    double *lsum;  /* Local running sum of the updates to B-components */
    double *lusup, *dest;
    double *recvbuf, *tempv;
    double *rtemp; /* Result of full matrix-vector multiply. */
    int_t  **Ufstnz_br_ptr = Llu->Ufstnz_br_ptr;
    int_t  *Urbs, *Urbs1; /* Number of row blocks in each block column of U. */
    Ucb_indptr_t **Ucb_indptr;/* Vertical linked list pointing to Uindex[] */
    int_t  **Ucb_valptr;      /* Vertical linked list pointing to Unzval[] */
    int_t  iam, kcol, krow, mycol, myrow;
    int_t  i, ii, il, j, k, lb, ljb, lk, lptr, luptr;
    int_t  nb, nlb, nub, nsupers;
    int_t  *xsup, *lsub, *usub;
    int_t  *ilsum;    /* Starting position of each supernode in lsum (LOCAL)*/
    int_t  Pc, Pr;
    int    knsupc, nsupr;
    int    ldalsum;   /* Number of lsum entries locally owned. */
    int    maxrecvsz, p, pi;
    int_t  **Lrowind_bc_ptr;
    double **Lnzval_bc_ptr;
    MPI_Status status;
    MPI_Request *send_req, recv_req;

    /*-- Counts used for L-solve --*/
    int_t  *fmod;         /* Modification count for L-solve. */
    int_t  **fsendx_plist = Llu->fsendx_plist;
    int_t  nfrecvx = Llu->nfrecvx; /* Number of X components to be recv'd. */
    int_t  *frecv;        /* Count of modifications to be recv'd from
			     processes in this row. */
    int_t  nfrecvmod = 0; /* Count of total modifications to be recv'd. */
    int_t  nleaf = 0, nroot = 0;

    /*-- Counts used for U-solve --*/
    int_t  *bmod;         /* Modification count for L-solve. */
    int_t  **bsendx_plist = Llu->bsendx_plist;
    int_t  nbrecvx = Llu->nbrecvx; /* Number of X components to be recv'd. */
    int_t  *brecv;        /* Count of modifications to be recv'd from
			     processes in this row. */
    int_t  nbrecvmod = 0; /* Count of total modifications to be recv'd. */
    double t;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
    int_t Ublocks = 0;

    t = SuperLU_timer_();

    /* Test input parameters. */
    *info = 0;
    if ( n < 0 ) *info = -1;
    else if ( nrhs < 0 ) *info = -8;
    if ( *info ) {
	pxerbla("PDGSTRS1", grid, -*info);
     * Initialization.
    iam = grid->iam;
    Pc = grid->npcol;
    Pr = grid->nprow;
    myrow = MYROW( iam, grid );
    mycol = MYCOL( iam, grid );
    nsupers = Glu_persist->supno[n-1] + 1;
    xsup = Glu_persist->xsup;
    Lrowind_bc_ptr = Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr;
    Lnzval_bc_ptr = Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr;
    nlb = CEILING( nsupers, Pr ); /* Number of local block rows. */
    Llu->SolveMsgSent = 0;

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(iam, "Enter pdgstrs1()");

    /* Save the count to be altered so it can be used by
       subsequent call to PDGSTRS1. */
    if ( !(fmod = intMalloc_dist(nlb)) )
	ABORT("Calloc fails for fmod[].");
    for (i = 0; i < nlb; ++i) fmod[i] = Llu->fmod[i];
    if ( !(frecv = intMalloc_dist(nlb)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for frecv[].");
    Llu->frecv = frecv;

    k = SUPERLU_MAX( Llu->nfsendx, Llu->nbsendx ) + nlb;
    if ( !(send_req = (MPI_Request*) SUPERLU_MALLOC(k*sizeof(MPI_Request))) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for send_req[].");

#ifdef _CRAY
    ftcs1 = _cptofcd("L", strlen("L"));
    ftcs2 = _cptofcd("N", strlen("N"));
    ftcs3 = _cptofcd("U", strlen("U"));

    /* Compute ilsum[] and ldalsum for process column 0. */
    ilsum = Llu->ilsum;
    ldalsum = Llu->ldalsum;

    /* Allocate working storage. */
    knsupc = sp_ienv_dist(3);
    if ( !(lsum = doubleCalloc_dist(((size_t)ldalsum) * nrhs 
        + nlb * LSUM_H)) )
	ABORT("Calloc fails for lsum[].");
    maxrecvsz = knsupc * nrhs + SUPERLU_MAX(XK_H, LSUM_H);
    if ( !(recvbuf = doubleMalloc_dist(maxrecvsz)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for recvbuf[].");
    if ( !(rtemp = doubleCalloc_dist(maxrecvsz)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for rtemp[].");

     * Forward solve Ly = b.

     * Prepended the block number in the header for lsum[].
    for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	krow = PROW( k, grid );
	if ( myrow == krow ) {
	    lk = LBi( k, grid );   /* Local block number. */
	    il = LSUM_BLK( lk );
	    lsum[il - LSUM_H] = k; 

     * Compute frecv[] and nfrecvmod counts on the diagonal processes.
	superlu_scope_t *scp = &grid->rscp;

	for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	    krow = PROW( k, grid );
	    if ( myrow == krow ) {
		lk = LBi( k, grid );    /* Local block number. */
		kcol = PCOL( k, grid ); /* Root process in this row scope. */
		if ( mycol != kcol && fmod[lk] )
		    i = 1;  /* Contribution from non-diagonal process. */
		else i = 0;
		MPI_Reduce( &i, &frecv[lk], 1, mpi_int_t,
			   MPI_SUM, kcol, scp->comm );
		if ( mycol == kcol ) { /* Diagonal process. */
		    nfrecvmod += frecv[lk];
		    if ( !frecv[lk] && !fmod[lk] ) ++nleaf;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		    printf("(%2d) frecv[%4d]  %2d\n", iam, k, frecv[lk]);
		    assert( frecv[lk] < Pc );

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------
       Solve the leaf nodes first by all the diagonal processes.
       --------------------------------------------------------- */
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
    printf("(%2d) nleaf %4d\n", iam, nleaf);
    for (k = 0; k < nsupers && nleaf; ++k) {
	krow = PROW( k, grid );
	kcol = PCOL( k, grid );
	if ( myrow == krow && mycol == kcol ) { /* Diagonal process */
	    knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	    lk = LBi( k, grid );
	    if ( !frecv[lk] && !fmod[lk] ) {
		fmod[lk] = -1;  /* Do not solve X[k] in the future. */
		ii = X_BLK( lk );
		lk = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number, column-wise. */
		lsub = Lrowind_bc_ptr[lk];
		lusup = Lnzval_bc_ptr[lk];
		nsupr = lsub[1];
#ifdef _CRAY
		STRSM(ftcs1, ftcs1, ftcs2, ftcs3, &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha,
		      lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc);
#elif defined (USE_VENDOR_BLAS)
		dtrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, 
		       lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc, 1, 1, 1, 1);
		dtrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, 
		       lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc);
		/*stat->ops[SOLVE] += knsupc * (knsupc - 1) * nrhs;*/
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		printf("(%2d) Solve X[%2d]\n", iam, k);
		 * Send Xk to process column Pc[k].
		for (p = 0; p < Pr; ++p)
		    if ( fsendx_plist[lk][p] != EMPTY ) {
			pi = PNUM( p, kcol, grid );
			MPI_Isend( &x[ii - XK_H], knsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
                                   MPI_DOUBLE, pi, Xk, grid->comm,
			MPI_Send( &x[ii - XK_H], knsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
                                 pi, Xk, grid->comm );
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
			printf("(%2d) Sent X[%2.0f] to P %2d\n",
			       iam, x[ii-XK_H], pi);
		 * Perform local block modifications: lsum[i] -= L_i,k * X[k]
		nb = lsub[0] - 1;
		lptr = BC_HEADER + LB_DESCRIPTOR + knsupc;
		luptr = knsupc; /* Skip diagonal block L(k,k). */
		dlsum_fmod(lsum, x, &x[ii], rtemp, nrhs, knsupc, k,
			   fmod, nb, lptr, luptr, xsup, grid, Llu,
			   send_req, stat);
	} /* if diagonal process ... */
    } /* for k ... */

     * Compute the internal nodes asynchronously by all processes.
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
    printf("(%2d) nfrecvx %4d,  nfrecvmod %4d,  nleaf %4d\n",
	   iam, nfrecvx, nfrecvmod, nleaf);

    while ( nfrecvx || nfrecvmod ) { /* While not finished. */

	/* Receive a message. */
	/* -MPI- FATAL: Remote protocol queue full */
	MPI_Irecv( recvbuf, maxrecvsz, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_ANY_SOURCE,
		 MPI_ANY_TAG, grid->comm, &recv_req );
	MPI_Wait( &recv_req, &status );
	MPI_Recv( recvbuf, maxrecvsz, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_ANY_SOURCE,
		 MPI_ANY_TAG, grid->comm, &status );

	k = *recvbuf;

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
	printf("(%2d) Recv'd block %d, tag %2d\n", iam, k, status.MPI_TAG);
	switch ( status.MPI_TAG ) {
	  case Xk:
	      lk = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number, column-wise. */
	      lsub = Lrowind_bc_ptr[lk];
	      lusup = Lnzval_bc_ptr[lk];
	      if ( lsub ) {
		  nb   = lsub[0];
		  lptr = BC_HEADER;
		  luptr = 0;
		  knsupc = SuperSize( k );

		   * Perform local block modifications: lsum[i] -= L_i,k * X[k]
		  dlsum_fmod(lsum, x, &recvbuf[XK_H], rtemp, nrhs, knsupc, k,
			     fmod, nb, lptr, luptr, xsup, grid, Llu,
			     send_req, stat);
	      } /* if lsub */


	  case LSUM:
	      lk = LBi( k, grid ); /* Local block number, row-wise. */
	      ii = X_BLK( lk );
	      knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	      tempv = &recvbuf[LSUM_H];
		  for (i = 0; i < knsupc; ++i)
		      x[i + ii + j*knsupc] += tempv[i + j*knsupc];

	      if ( (--frecv[lk])==0 && fmod[lk]==0 ) {
		  fmod[lk] = -1; /* Do not solve X[k] in the future. */
		  lk = LBj( k, grid ); /* Local block number, column-wise. */
		  lsub = Lrowind_bc_ptr[lk];
		  lusup = Lnzval_bc_ptr[lk];
		  nsupr = lsub[1];
#ifdef _CRAY
		  STRSM(ftcs1, ftcs1, ftcs2, ftcs3, &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha,
			lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc);
#elif defined (USE_VENDOR_BLAS)
		  dtrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, 
			 lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc, 1, 1, 1, 1);
		  dtrsm_("L", "L", "N", "U", &knsupc, &nrhs, &alpha, 
			 lusup, &nsupr, &x[ii], &knsupc);
		  /*stat->ops[SOLVE] += knsupc * (knsupc - 1) * nrhs;*/
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		  printf("(%2d) Solve X[%2d]\n", iam, k);
		   * Send Xk to process column Pc[k].
		  kcol = PCOL( k, grid );
		  for (p = 0; p < Pr; ++p)
		      if ( fsendx_plist[lk][p] != EMPTY ) {
			  pi = PNUM( p, kcol, grid );
			  MPI_Isend( &x[ii - XK_H], knsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
                                     MPI_DOUBLE, pi, Xk, grid->comm,
				     &send_req[Llu->SolveMsgSent++] );
			  MPI_Send( &x[ii - XK_H], knsupc * nrhs + XK_H,
				   MPI_DOUBLE, pi, Xk, grid->comm );
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
			  printf("(%2d) Sent X[%2.0f] to P %2d\n",
				 iam, x[ii-XK_H], pi);

		   * Perform local block modifications.
		  nb = lsub[0] - 1;
		  lptr = BC_HEADER + LB_DESCRIPTOR + knsupc;
		  luptr = knsupc; /* Skip diagonal block L(k,k). */

		  dlsum_fmod(lsum, x, &x[ii], rtemp, nrhs, knsupc, k,
			     fmod, nb, lptr, luptr, xsup, grid, Llu,
			     send_req, stat);
	      } /* if */


#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
	      printf("(%2d) Recv'd wrong message tag %4d\n", status.MPI_TAG);
	  } /* switch */

    } /* while not finished ... */

#if ( PRNTlevel>=2 )
    t = SuperLU_timer_() - t;
    if ( !iam ) printf(".. L-solve time\t%8.2f\n", t);
    t = SuperLU_timer_();

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
    if ( !iam ) printf("\n.. After L-solve: y =\n");
    for (i = 0, k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	krow = PROW( k, grid );
	kcol = PCOL( k, grid );
	if ( myrow == krow && mycol == kcol ) { /* Diagonal process */
	    knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	    lk = LBi( k, grid );
	    ii = X_BLK( lk );
	    for (j = 0; j < knsupc; ++j)
		printf("\t(%d)\t%4d\t%.10f\n", iam, xsup[k]+j, x[ii+j]);
	MPI_Barrier( grid->comm );


    for (i = 0; i < Llu->SolveMsgSent; ++i) MPI_Request_free(&send_req[i]);
    Llu->SolveMsgSent = 0;

     * Back solve Ux = y.
     * The Y components from the forward solve is already
     * on the diagonal processes.

    /* Save the count to be altered so it can be used by
       subsequent call to PDGSTRS1. */
    if ( !(bmod = intMalloc_dist(nlb)) )
	ABORT("Calloc fails for bmod[].");
    for (i = 0; i < nlb; ++i) bmod[i] = Llu->bmod[i];
    if ( !(brecv = intMalloc_dist(nlb)) )
	ABORT("Malloc fails for brecv[].");
    Llu->brecv = brecv;

     * Compute brecv[] and nbrecvmod counts on the diagonal processes.
	superlu_scope_t *scp = &grid->rscp;

	for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	    krow = PROW( k, grid );
	    if ( myrow == krow ) {
		lk = LBi( k, grid );    /* Local block number. */
		kcol = PCOL( k, grid ); /* Root process in this row scope. */
		if ( mycol != kcol && bmod[lk] )
		    i = 1;  /* Contribution from non-diagonal process. */
		else i = 0;
		MPI_Reduce( &i, &brecv[lk], 1, mpi_int_t,
			   MPI_SUM, kcol, scp->comm );
		if ( mycol == kcol ) { /* Diagonal process. */
		    nbrecvmod += brecv[lk];
		    if ( !brecv[lk] && !bmod[lk] ) ++nroot;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=2 )
		    printf("(%2d) brecv[%4d]  %2d\n", iam, k, brecv[lk]);
		    assert( brecv[lk] < Pc );

    /* Re-initialize lsum to zero. Each block header is already in place. */
    for (k = 0; k < nsupers; ++k) {
	krow = PROW( k, grid );
	if ( myrow == krow ) {
	    knsupc = SuperSize( k );
	    lk = LBi( k, grid );
	    il = LSUM_BLK( lk );
	    dest = &lsum[il];
		for (i = 0; i < knsupc; ++i) dest[i + j*knsupc] = 0.0;