 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_ClearPinIntFlag
 * Description   : Clear individual GPIO pin interrupt status flag.
void GPIO_DRV_ClearPinIntFlag(uint32_t pinName)
    PORT_Type * portBase = g_portBase[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(pinName)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(pinName);

    PORT_HAL_ClearPinIntFlag(portBase, pin);
Пример #2
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_ClearPinIntFlag
 * Description   : Clear individual GPIO pin interrupt status flag.
void GPIO_DRV_ClearPinIntFlag(uint32_t pinName)
    uint32_t portBaseAddr = g_portBaseAddr[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(pinName)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(pinName);
    PORT_HAL_ClearPinIntFlag(portBaseAddr, pin);
void PORTB_IRQHandler()
    // TODO we only check for GDO0, hardcoded for now
    if(PORT_HAL_IsPinIntPending(PORTB, CC1101_GDO0_PIN.pin))
        PORT_HAL_ClearPinIntFlag(PORTB, CC1101_GDO0_PIN.pin);
            portb_interrupt_config[CC1101_GDO0_PIN.pin].callback(CC1101_GDO0_PIN, 0); // TODO edge
//PTD2_UART_rx, PTD3_UART_tx
int main (void)
    memcpy(packet_upper_PC.trans_header, trans_header_table, sizeof(trans_header_table));
    // RX buffers
    //! @param receiveBuff Buffer used to hold received data
    uint8_t receiveBuff;

    // Initialize standard SDK demo application pins
    // Call this function to initialize the console UART. This function
    // enables the use of STDIO functions (printf, scanf, etc.)

/*Start***FTM Init*************************************************************/
    memset(&ftmInfo, 0, sizeof(ftmInfo));
    ftmInfo.syncMethod = kFtmUseSoftwareTrig;
    FTM_DRV_Init(0, &ftmInfo);
/*End*****FTM Init*************************************************************/

    // Print the initial banner
    PRINTF("\r\nHello World!\n\n\r");

    LED2_EN;    LED3_EN;    LED4_EN;    LED5_EN;
    LED2_OFF;   LED3_OFF;   LED4_OFF;   LED5_OFF;


    FTM_DRV_PwmStart(0, &ftmParam0, 0);
    FTM_DRV_PwmStart(0, &ftmParam1, 1);
    FTM_DRV_PwmStart(0, &ftmParam2, 2);
    FTM_DRV_PwmStart(0, &ftmParam3, 3);
    FTM_HAL_SetSoftwareTriggerCmd(g_ftmBaseAddr[0], true);

        // Hwtimer initialization
    if (kHwtimerSuccess != HWTIMER_SYS_Init(&hwtimer, &HWTIMER_LL_DEVIF, HWTIMER_LL_ID, 5, NULL))
        PRINTF("\r\nError: hwtimer initialization.\r\n");
    if (kHwtimerSuccess != HWTIMER_SYS_SetPeriod(&hwtimer, HWTIMER_LL_SRCCLK, HWTIMER_PERIOD))
        PRINTF("\r\nError: hwtimer set period.\r\n");
//    if (kHwtimerSuccess != HWTIMER_SYS_RegisterCallback(&hwtimer, hwtimer_callback, NULL))
//    {
//        PRINTF("\r\nError: hwtimer callback registration.\r\n");
//    }
//    if (kHwtimerSuccess != HWTIMER_SYS_Start(&hwtimer))
//    {
//        PRINTF("\r\nError: hwtimer start.\r\n");
//    }
    /* A write of any value to current value register clears the field to 0, and also clears the SYST_CSR COUNTFLAG bit to 0. */
    SysTick->VAL = 0U;
    /* Run timer and disable interrupt */
    SysTick->CTRL = SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk | SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk ;//| SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Msk;

//    GPIO_DRV_Init(fxos8700IntPins,NULL);
//    I2C_fxos8700AutoCalibration(); //cannot work , shit!
/*Start PIT init***************/    
    // Structure of initialize PIT channel No.0
    pit_user_config_t chn0Confg = {
      .isInterruptEnabled = true,
      .isTimerChained = false,
      .periodUs = 20000u //1000000 us
    // Structure of initialize PIT channel No.1
    pit_user_config_t chn1Confg = {
      .isInterruptEnabled = true,
      .isTimerChained = false,
      .periodUs = 2000000u
    // Init pit module and enable run in debug
    // Initialize PIT timer instance for channel 0 and 1
    PIT_DRV_InitChannel(BOARD_PIT_INSTANCE, 0, &chn0Confg);
//    PIT_DRV_InitChannel(BOARD_PIT_INSTANCE, 1, &chn1Confg);
    // Start channel 0
//    printf ("\n\rStarting channel No.0 ...");
    // Start channel 1
//    printf ("\n\rStarting channel No.1 ...");
//    PIT_DRV_StartTimer(BOARD_PIT_INSTANCE, 1);
/*End PIT init***************/   

//    NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn, 3);
//    NVIC_SetPriority(PORTB_IRQn,0);
///*Start************Remote Controller Unlock *************/      
//      if(isRCunlock == true)
//      {    
//        LED3_ON;
//      }
//      else
//      {    
//        LED3_OFF;
//      }
//      static uint32_t unlock_times = 0;
//      static uint32_t lock_times = 0;
//      PRINTF("ThrottleValue = %6d ,YawValue = %6d \r\n" ,remoteControlValue[kThrottle],remoteControlValue[kYaw]);
//      if(isRCunlock == false)
//      {
//        if((remoteControlValue[kThrottle] < RC_THRESHOLD_L) && (remoteControlValue[kYaw] > RC_THRESHOLD_H))
//        {
//          unlock_times++;
//        }
//        else
//        {
//          unlock_times = 0;
//        }
//        if(unlock_times > 6)
//        {
//          isRCunlock = true; 
//        }
//      }
//      else
//      {
//        if((remoteControlValue[kThrottle] < RC_THRESHOLD_L) && (remoteControlValue[kYaw] < RC_THRESHOLD_L))
//        {
//          lock_times++;
//        }
//        else
//        {
//          lock_times = 0;
//        }
//        if(lock_times > 4)
//        {
//          isRCunlock = false;
//        }
//      }
///*End************Remote Controller Unlock *************/          

//      LED2_ON;
//      OSA_TimeDelay(200);
//      LED3_ON;
//      OSA_TimeDelay(200);
//      LED4_ON;
//      OSA_TimeDelay(200);

//      LED2_OFF;
//      OSA_TimeDelay(200);
//      LED3_OFF;
//      OSA_TimeDelay(200);
//      LED4_OFF;
//      OSA_TimeDelay(200);

volatile bool isRCunlock = false;
//below define value is in quad_common.h
//#define RC_THRESHOLD_H (220000U)
//#define RC_THRESHOLD_L (140000U)
//#define RC_THRESHOLD_ERROR (300000U)//由于IO采两个边沿中断,有可能算成低电平的时间,所以做一个剔除算法。
//#define HW_DIVIDER (2400000U) 
////120M core clock , 2400000 / 120 000 000 = 0.02 s , 50Hz , 
////遥控器信号 50Hz , 范围1~2ms,周期20ms,1.5ms中值.对应 120 000 - 240 000
void PORTB_IRQHandler(void)
  uint32_t intFlag = PORT_HAL_GetPortIntFlag(PORTB_BASE);
  uint32_t i =  0;
  uint32_t value = 0;
  static  uint32_t remoteControlValue1st[8] = {0};
  static  uint32_t remoteControlValue2nd[8] = {0};
  static  uint32_t remoteControlValueFlag[8] = {0};
  for(i=0 ; i<8;i++)
    if (intFlag & (1 << remoteControlPinNum[i]))
      if (remoteControlValueFlag[i] == 0)
        remoteControlValue1st[i] = (SysTick->VAL);
        remoteControlValueFlag[i] = 1;
        remoteControlValueFlag[i] = 0;
        remoteControlValue2nd[i] = (SysTick->VAL);
        if ( remoteControlValue1st[i] > remoteControlValue2nd[i] )
          value = remoteControlValue1st[i] - remoteControlValue2nd[i];
          value = remoteControlValue1st[i] + HW_DIVIDER - remoteControlValue2nd[i];//hwtimer.divider
        if( value > RC_THRESHOLD_ERROR)
          remoteControlValueFlag[i] = 1;
          remoteControlValue1st[i] = (SysTick->VAL);
          remoteControlValue[i] = value;
//          if(((remoteControlValue[3] <180000) ||(remoteControlValue[3] > 190000))&&remoteControlValue[3]> 100)
//            LED4_ON;
  /* Clear interrupt flag.*/
 //   PORT_HAL_ClearPortIntFlag(PORTB_BASE);

void PORTE_IRQHandler(void)
  uint32_t intFlag = PORT_HAL_GetPortIntFlag(PORTE_BASE);
  if (intFlag & (1 << 11))
    isFXOS8700Int1Trigger = true;
      PRINTF("\r\n PTE11 irq");

  /* Clear interrupt flag.*/