SECStatus cmmf_CopyCertifiedKeyPair(PLArenaPool *poolp, CMMFCertifiedKeyPair *dest, CMMFCertifiedKeyPair *src) { SECStatus rv; rv = cmmf_CopyCertOrEncCert(poolp, &dest->certOrEncCert, &src->certOrEncCert); if (rv != SECSuccess) { return rv; } if (src->privateKey != NULL) { CRMFEncryptedValue *encVal; encVal = (poolp == NULL) ? PORT_ZNew(CRMFEncryptedValue) : PORT_ArenaZNew(poolp, CRMFEncryptedValue); if (encVal == NULL) { return SECFailure; } rv = crmf_copy_encryptedvalue(poolp, src->privateKey, encVal); if (rv != SECSuccess) { if (!poolp) { crmf_destroy_encrypted_value(encVal, PR_TRUE); } return rv; } dest->privateKey = encVal; } rv = cmmf_copy_secitem(poolp, &dest->derPublicationInfo, &src->derPublicationInfo); return rv; }
SECAlgorithmID * CRMF_POPOSigningKeyGetAlgID(CRMFPOPOSigningKey *inSignKey) { SECAlgorithmID *newAlgId = NULL; SECStatus rv; PORT_Assert(inSignKey != NULL); if (inSignKey == NULL) { return NULL; } newAlgId = PORT_ZNew(SECAlgorithmID); if (newAlgId == NULL) { goto loser; } rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(NULL, newAlgId, inSignKey->algorithmIdentifier); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } return newAlgId; loser: if (newAlgId != NULL) { SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(newAlgId, PR_TRUE); } return NULL; }
static CRMFPKIArchiveOptions * crmf_create_encr_pivkey_option(CRMFEncryptedKey *inEncryptedKey) { CRMFPKIArchiveOptions *newArchOpt; SECStatus rv; newArchOpt = PORT_ZNew(CRMFPKIArchiveOptions); if (newArchOpt == NULL) { goto loser; } rv = crmf_copy_encryptedkey(NULL, inEncryptedKey, &newArchOpt->option.encryptedKey); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } newArchOpt->archOption = crmfEncryptedPrivateKey; return newArchOpt; loser: if (newArchOpt != NULL) { CRMF_DestroyPKIArchiveOptions(newArchOpt); } return NULL; }
static CRMFPKIArchiveOptions * crmf_create_arch_rem_gen_privkey(PRBool archiveRemGenPrivKey) { unsigned char value; SECItem *dummy; CRMFPKIArchiveOptions *newArchOptions; value = (archiveRemGenPrivKey) ? hexTrue : hexFalse; newArchOptions = PORT_ZNew(CRMFPKIArchiveOptions); if (newArchOptions == NULL) { goto loser; } dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(NULL, &newArchOptions->option.archiveRemGenPrivKey, &value, SEC_ASN1_GET(SEC_BooleanTemplate)); PORT_Assert(dummy == &newArchOptions->option.archiveRemGenPrivKey); if (dummy != &newArchOptions->option.archiveRemGenPrivKey) { SECITEM_FreeItem(dummy, PR_TRUE); goto loser; } newArchOptions->archOption = crmfArchiveRemGenPrivKey; return newArchOptions; loser: if (newArchOptions != NULL) { CRMF_DestroyPKIArchiveOptions(newArchOptions); } return NULL; }
static SECItem * crmf_get_iv(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechType) { int iv_size = PK11_GetIVLength(mechType); SECItem *iv; SECStatus rv; iv = PORT_ZNew(SECItem); if (iv == NULL) { return NULL; } if (iv_size == 0) { iv->data = NULL; iv->len = 0; return iv; } iv->data = PORT_NewArray(unsigned char, iv_size); if (iv->data == NULL) { iv->len = 0; return iv; } iv->len = iv_size; rv = PK11_GenerateRandom(iv->data, iv->len); if (rv != SECSuccess) { PORT_Free(iv->data); iv->data = NULL; iv->len = 0; } return iv; }
SECStatus crmf_copy_encryptedvalue_secalg(PLArenaPool *poolp, SECAlgorithmID *srcAlgId, SECAlgorithmID **destAlgId) { SECAlgorithmID *newAlgId; SECStatus rv; newAlgId = (poolp != NULL) ? PORT_ArenaZNew(poolp, SECAlgorithmID) : PORT_ZNew(SECAlgorithmID); if (newAlgId == NULL) { return SECFailure; } rv = SECOID_CopyAlgorithmID(poolp, newAlgId, srcAlgId); if (rv != SECSuccess) { if (!poolp) { SECOID_DestroyAlgorithmID(newAlgId, PR_TRUE); } return rv; } *destAlgId = newAlgId; return rv; }
static SECStatus cmmf_CopyCertOrEncCert(PLArenaPool *poolp, CMMFCertOrEncCert *dest, CMMFCertOrEncCert *src) { SECStatus rv = SECSuccess; CRMFEncryptedValue *encVal; dest->choice = src->choice; rv = cmmf_copy_secitem(poolp, &dest->derValue, &src->derValue); switch (src->choice) { case cmmfCertificate: dest->cert.certificate = CERT_DupCertificate(src->cert.certificate); break; case cmmfEncryptedCert: encVal = (poolp == NULL) ? PORT_ZNew(CRMFEncryptedValue) : PORT_ArenaZNew(poolp, CRMFEncryptedValue); if (encVal == NULL) { return SECFailure; } rv = crmf_copy_encryptedvalue(poolp, src->cert.encryptedCert, encVal); if (rv != SECSuccess) { if (!poolp) { crmf_destroy_encrypted_value(encVal, PR_TRUE); } return rv; } dest->cert.encryptedCert = encVal; break; default: rv = SECFailure; } return rv; }
SECStatus CMMF_CertResponseSetCertificate(CMMFCertResponse *inCertResp, CERTCertificate *inCertificate) { CMMFCertifiedKeyPair *keyPair = NULL; SECStatus rv = SECFailure; PORT_Assert(inCertResp != NULL && inCertificate != NULL); if (inCertResp == NULL || inCertificate == NULL) { return SECFailure; } if (inCertResp->certifiedKeyPair == NULL) { keyPair = inCertResp->certifiedKeyPair = PORT_ZNew(CMMFCertifiedKeyPair); } else { keyPair = inCertResp->certifiedKeyPair; } if (keyPair == NULL) { goto loser; } rv = cmmf_CertOrEncCertSetCertificate(&keyPair->certOrEncCert, NULL, inCertificate); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } return SECSuccess; loser: if (keyPair) { if (keyPair-> { PORT_Free(keyPair->; } PORT_Free(keyPair); } return rv; }
CRMFPKIArchiveOptions * CRMF_ControlGetPKIArchiveOptions(CRMFControl *inControl) { CRMFPKIArchiveOptions *newOpt = NULL; SECStatus rv; PORT_Assert(inControl != NULL); if (inControl == NULL || CRMF_ControlGetControlType(inControl) != crmfPKIArchiveOptionsControl) { goto loser; } newOpt = PORT_ZNew(CRMFPKIArchiveOptions); if (newOpt == NULL) { goto loser; } rv = crmf_copy_pkiarchiveoptions(NULL, newOpt, &inControl->value.archiveOptions); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } loser: if (newOpt != NULL) { CRMF_DestroyPKIArchiveOptions(newOpt); } return NULL; }
CRMFEncryptedKey * CRMF_PKIArchiveOptionsGetEncryptedPrivKey(CRMFPKIArchiveOptions *inOpts) { CRMFEncryptedKey *newEncrKey = NULL; SECStatus rv; PORT_Assert(inOpts != NULL); if (inOpts == NULL || CRMF_PKIArchiveOptionsGetOptionType(inOpts) != crmfEncryptedPrivateKey) { return NULL; } newEncrKey = PORT_ZNew(CRMFEncryptedKey); if (newEncrKey == NULL) { goto loser; } rv = crmf_copy_encryptedkey(NULL, &inOpts->option.encryptedKey, newEncrKey); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } return newEncrKey; loser: if (newEncrKey != NULL) { CRMF_DestroyEncryptedKey(newEncrKey); } return NULL; }
SECItem * CRMF_POPOSigningKeyGetSignature(CRMFPOPOSigningKey *inSignKey) { SECItem *newSig = NULL; SECStatus rv; PORT_Assert(inSignKey != NULL); if (inSignKey == NULL) { return NULL; } newSig = PORT_ZNew(SECItem); if (newSig == NULL) { goto loser; } rv = crmf_make_bitstring_copy(NULL, newSig, &inSignKey->signature); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } return newSig; loser: if (newSig != NULL) { SECITEM_FreeItem(newSig, PR_TRUE); } return NULL; }
CRMFEncryptedValue * CRMF_EncryptedKeyGetEncryptedValue(CRMFEncryptedKey *inEncrKey) { CRMFEncryptedValue *newEncrValue = NULL; SECStatus rv; PORT_Assert(inEncrKey != NULL); if (inEncrKey == NULL || CRMF_EncryptedKeyGetChoice(inEncrKey) != crmfEncryptedValueChoice) { goto loser; } newEncrValue = PORT_ZNew(CRMFEncryptedValue); if (newEncrValue == NULL) { goto loser; } rv = crmf_copy_encryptedvalue(NULL, &inEncrKey->value.encryptedValue, newEncrValue); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } return newEncrValue; loser: if (newEncrValue != NULL) { CRMF_DestroyEncryptedValue(newEncrValue); } return NULL; }
SECStatus crmf_template_add_public_key(PLArenaPool *poolp, CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo **dest, CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *pubKey) { CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki; SECStatus rv; *dest = spki = (poolp == NULL) ? PORT_ZNew(CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo) : PORT_ArenaZNew (poolp, CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo); if (spki == NULL) { goto loser; } rv = SECKEY_CopySubjectPublicKeyInfo (poolp, spki, pubKey); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } return SECSuccess; loser: if (poolp == NULL && spki != NULL) { SECKEY_DestroySubjectPublicKeyInfo(spki); } *dest = NULL; return SECFailure; }
NSSLOWHASHContext * NSSLOWHASH_NewContext(NSSLOWInitContext *initContext, HASH_HashType hashType) { NSSLOWHASHContext *context; if (post_failed) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_PKCS11_DEVICE_ERROR); return NULL; } if (initContext != &dummyContext) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); return (NULL); } context = PORT_ZNew(NSSLOWHASHContext); if (!context) { return NULL; } context->hashObj = HASH_GetRawHashObject(hashType); if (!context->hashObj) { PORT_Free(context); return NULL; } context->hashCtxt = context->hashObj->create(); if (!context->hashCtxt) { PORT_Free(context); return NULL; } return context; }
SECStatus SSLExp_InstallExtensionHooks(PRFileDesc *fd, PRUint16 extension, SSLExtensionWriter writer, void *writerArg, SSLExtensionHandler handler, void *handlerArg) { sslSocket *ss = ssl_FindSocket(fd); PRCList *cursor; sslCustomExtensionHooks *hook; if (!ss) { return SECFailure; /* Code already set. */ } /* Need to specify both or neither, but not just one. */ if ((writer && !handler) || (!writer && handler)) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); return SECFailure; } if (ssl_GetExtensionSupport(extension) == ssl_ext_native_only) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); return SECFailure; } if (ss->firstHsDone || ((ss-> != idle_handshake) && (ss-> != wait_client_hello))) { PORT_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR); return SECFailure; } /* Remove any old handler. */ for (cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(&ss->extensionHooks); cursor != &ss->extensionHooks; cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(cursor)) { hook = (sslCustomExtensionHooks *)cursor; if (hook->type == extension) { PR_REMOVE_LINK(&hook->link); PORT_Free(hook); break; } } if (!writer && !handler) { return SECSuccess; } hook = PORT_ZNew(sslCustomExtensionHooks); if (!hook) { return SECFailure; /* This removed the old one, oh well. */ } hook->type = extension; hook->writer = writer; hook->writerArg = writerArg; hook->handler = handler; hook->handlerArg = handlerArg; PR_APPEND_LINK(&hook->link, &ss->extensionHooks); return SECSuccess; }
/* * NSS_CMSContentInfo_Create - create a content info * * version is set in the _Finalize procedures for each content type */ SECStatus NSS_CMSContentInfo_Private_Init(NSSCMSContentInfo *cinfo) { if (cinfo->privateInfo) { return SECSuccess; } cinfo->privateInfo = PORT_ZNew(NSSCMSContentInfoPrivate); return (cinfo->privateInfo) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure; }
DESContext * DES_CreateContext(const BYTE * key, const BYTE *iv, int mode, PRBool encrypt) { DESContext *cx = PORT_ZNew(DESContext); SECStatus rv = DES_InitContext(cx, key, 0, iv, mode, encrypt, 0); if (rv != SECSuccess) { PORT_ZFree(cx, sizeof *cx); cx = NULL; } return cx; }
/* Go through hello extensions in |b| and deserialize * them into the list in |ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions|. * The only checking we do in this point is for duplicates. * * IMPORTANT: This list just contains pointers to the incoming * buffer so they can only be used during ClientHello processing. */ SECStatus ssl3_ParseExtensions(sslSocket *ss, PRUint8 **b, PRUint32 *length) { /* Clean out the extensions list. */ ssl3_DestroyRemoteExtensions(&ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions); while (*length) { SECStatus rv; PRUint32 extension_type; SECItem extension_data = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; TLSExtension *extension; PRCList *cursor; /* Get the extension's type field */ rv = ssl3_ConsumeHandshakeNumber(ss, &extension_type, 2, b, length); if (rv != SECSuccess) { return SECFailure; /* alert already sent */ } /* Check whether an extension has been sent multiple times. */ for (cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(&ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions); cursor != &ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions; cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(cursor)) { if (((TLSExtension *)cursor)->type == extension_type) { (void)SSL3_SendAlert(ss, alert_fatal, illegal_parameter); PORT_SetError(SSL_ERROR_RX_UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION); return SECFailure; } } /* Get the data for this extension, so we can pass it or skip it. */ rv = ssl3_ConsumeHandshakeVariable(ss, &extension_data, 2, b, length); if (rv != SECSuccess) { return rv; /* alert already sent */ } SSL_TRC(10, ("%d: SSL3[%d]: parsed extension %d len=%u", SSL_GETPID(), ss->fd, extension_type, extension_data.len)); extension = PORT_ZNew(TLSExtension); if (!extension) { return SECFailure; } extension->type = (PRUint16)extension_type; extension->data = extension_data; PR_APPEND_LINK(&extension->link, &ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions); } return SECSuccess; }
sslServerCert * ssl_NewServerCert(const sslServerCertType *certType) { sslServerCert *sc = PORT_ZNew(sslServerCert); if (!sc) { return NULL; } memcpy(&sc->certType, certType, sizeof(sc->certType)); sc->serverCert = NULL; sc->serverCertChain = NULL; sc->certStatusArray = NULL; sc->signedCertTimestamps.len = 0; return sc; }
/* ** Create a new RC2 context suitable for RC2 encryption/decryption. ** "key" raw key data ** "len" the number of bytes of key data ** "iv" is the CBC initialization vector (if mode is NSS_RC2_CBC) ** "mode" one of NSS_RC2 or NSS_RC2_CBC ** "effectiveKeyLen" in bytes, not bits. ** ** When mode is set to NSS_RC2_CBC the RC2 cipher is run in "cipher block ** chaining" mode. */ RC2Context * RC2_CreateContext(const unsigned char *key, unsigned int len, const unsigned char *iv, int mode, unsigned efLen8) { RC2Context *cx = PORT_ZNew(RC2Context); if (cx) { SECStatus rv = RC2_InitContext(cx, key, len, iv, mode, efLen8, 0); if (rv != SECSuccess) { RC2_DestroyContext(cx, PR_TRUE); cx = NULL; } } return cx; }
ssl3CipherSpec * ssl_CreateCipherSpec(sslSocket *ss, CipherSpecDirection direction) { ssl3CipherSpec *spec = PORT_ZNew(ssl3CipherSpec); if (!spec) { return NULL; } spec->refCt = 1; spec->version = ss->version; spec->direction = direction; SSL_TRC(10, ("%d: SSL[%d]: new %s spec %d ct=%d", SSL_GETPID(), ss->fd, SPEC_DIR(spec), spec, spec->refCt)); return spec; }
PK11RSAGenParams * GetRSAParams(void) { PK11RSAGenParams *rsaParams; rsaParams = PORT_ZNew(PK11RSAGenParams); if (rsaParams == NULL) return NULL; rsaParams->keySizeInBits = MAX_KEY_LEN; rsaParams->pe = 0x10001; return rsaParams; }
CRMFEncryptedKey * CRMF_CreateEncryptedKeyWithEncryptedValue(SECKEYPrivateKey *inPrivKey, CERTCertificate *inCACert) { SECKEYPublicKey *caPubKey = NULL; CRMFEncryptedKey *encKey = NULL; PORT_Assert(inPrivKey != NULL && inCACert != NULL); if (inPrivKey == NULL || inCACert == NULL) { return NULL; } caPubKey = CERT_ExtractPublicKey(inCACert); if (caPubKey == NULL) { goto loser; } encKey = PORT_ZNew(CRMFEncryptedKey); if (encKey == NULL) { goto loser; } #ifdef DEBUG { CRMFEncryptedValue *dummy = crmf_create_encrypted_value_wrapped_privkey( inPrivKey, caPubKey, &encKey->value.encryptedValue); PORT_Assert(dummy == &encKey->value.encryptedValue); } #else crmf_create_encrypted_value_wrapped_privkey( inPrivKey, caPubKey, &encKey->value.encryptedValue); #endif /* We won't add the der value here, but rather when it * becomes part of a certificate request. */ SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(caPubKey); encKey->encKeyChoice = crmfEncryptedValueChoice; return encKey; loser: if (encKey != NULL) { CRMF_DestroyEncryptedKey(encKey); } if (caPubKey != NULL) { SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(caPubKey); } return NULL; }
void rememberCert(CERTCertificate * cert, PRBool trusted) { if (trusted) { if (!trustedCertList) { trustedCertList = CERT_NewCertList(); } CERT_AddCertToListTail(trustedCertList, cert); } else { certMem * newCertMem = PORT_ZNew(certMem); if (newCertMem) { newCertMem->next = theCerts; newCertMem->cert = cert; theCerts = newCertMem; } } }
SECStatus CRMF_CertReqMsgGetPOPKeyEncipherment(CRMFCertReqMsg *inCertReqMsg, CRMFPOPOPrivKey **destKey) { PORT_Assert(inCertReqMsg != NULL && destKey != NULL); if (inCertReqMsg == NULL || destKey == NULL || CRMF_CertReqMsgGetPOPType(inCertReqMsg) != crmfKeyEncipherment) { return SECFailure; } *destKey = PORT_ZNew(CRMFPOPOPrivKey); if (*destKey == NULL) { return SECFailure; } return crmf_copy_popoprivkey(NULL, &inCertReqMsg->pop->popChoice.keyEncipherment, *destKey); }
SECStatus CRMF_CertReqMsgGetPOPOSigningKey(CRMFCertReqMsg *inCertReqMsg, CRMFPOPOSigningKey **destKey) { CRMFProofOfPossession *pop; PORT_Assert(inCertReqMsg != NULL); if (inCertReqMsg == NULL) { return SECFailure; } pop = inCertReqMsg->pop;; if (pop->popUsed != crmfSignature) { return SECFailure; } *destKey = PORT_ZNew(CRMFPOPOSigningKey); if (*destKey == NULL) { return SECFailure; } return crmf_copy_poposigningkey(NULL,&pop->popChoice.signature, *destKey); }
CTSContext * CTS_CreateContext(void *context, freeblCipherFunc cipher, const unsigned char *iv, unsigned int blocksize) { CTSContext *cts; if (blocksize > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE); return NULL; } cts = PORT_ZNew(CTSContext); if (cts == NULL) { return NULL; } PORT_Memcpy(cts->iv, iv, blocksize); cts->cipher = cipher; cts->context = context; return cts; }
CTRContext * CTR_CreateContext(void *context, freeblCipherFunc cipher, const unsigned char *param, unsigned int blocksize) { CTRContext *ctr; SECStatus rv; /* first fill in the Counter context */ ctr = PORT_ZNew(CTRContext); if (ctr == NULL) { return NULL; } rv = CTR_InitContext(ctr, context, cipher, param, blocksize); if (rv != SECSuccess) { CTR_DestroyContext(ctr, PR_TRUE); ctr = NULL; } return ctr; }
PLArenaPool * PORT_NewArena(unsigned long chunksize) { PORTArenaPool *pool; pool = PORT_ZNew(PORTArenaPool); if (!pool) { return NULL; } pool->magic = ARENAPOOL_MAGIC; pool->lock = PZ_NewLock(nssILockArena); if (!pool->lock) { ++port_allocFailures; PORT_Free(pool); return NULL; } PL_InitArenaPool(&pool->arena, "security", chunksize, sizeof(double)); return(&pool->arena); }
static SECStatus tls13_HandleKeyShareEntry(const sslSocket *ss, TLSExtensionData *xtnData, SECItem *data) { SECStatus rv; PRUint32 group; const sslNamedGroupDef *groupDef; TLS13KeyShareEntry *ks = NULL; SECItem share = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; rv = ssl3_ExtConsumeHandshakeNumber(ss, &group, 2, &data->data, &data->len); if (rv != SECSuccess) { PORT_SetError(SSL_ERROR_RX_MALFORMED_KEY_SHARE); goto loser; } groupDef = ssl_LookupNamedGroup(group); rv = ssl3_ExtConsumeHandshakeVariable(ss, &share, 2, &data->data, &data->len); if (rv != SECSuccess) { goto loser; } /* If the group is disabled, continue. */ if (!groupDef) { return SECSuccess; } ks = PORT_ZNew(TLS13KeyShareEntry); if (!ks) goto loser; ks->group = groupDef; rv = SECITEM_CopyItem(NULL, &ks->key_exchange, &share); if (rv != SECSuccess) goto loser; PR_APPEND_LINK(&ks->link, &xtnData->remoteKeyShares); return SECSuccess; loser: if (ks) tls13_DestroyKeyShareEntry(ks); return SECFailure; }