Пример #1
run_user_validation(char *ofile)
    int i, status;                /* should also check status everywhere */
    char *errors, *warnings;
    PyObject *results, *orders, *nextorder=NULL;
    PyRun_SimpleString("import sys; sys.path.append('..')");
    PP_Run_Function("inventory", "load_orders", "O", &orders, "(s)", ofile);

    PP_Run_Function("inventory", "print_files", "", NULL, "()");    
    for (i=0; i < PyObject_Length(orders); i++) {                   /* len(x) */
        nextorder = PyObject_GetItem(orders, PyInt_FromLong(i));    /* x[i] */
        printf("\n%d ", i);
        PyObject_Print(nextorder, stdout, 0);

        status = PP_Run_Function(                /* validate2.validate(p,q,b) */
                         "validate2", "validate",  
                         "O",          &results,
                         "O",          nextorder);
        if (status == -1) {
            printf("Python error during validation.\n");
            PyErr_Print();  /* show traceback */
        PyArg_Parse(results, "(ss)", &warnings, &errors);
        printf("errors:   %s\n", strlen(errors)? errors : "none"); 
        printf("warnings: %s\n", strlen(warnings)? warnings : "none"); 
        Py_DECREF(results);  /* ok to free strings */
        PP_Run_Function("inventory", "print_files", "", NULL, "()");    
Пример #2
PyObject *
PP_Debug_Bytecode(PyObject *codeobject, PyObject *moddict)
    int res;
    PyObject *presult;
    res = PP_Run_Function(            /* "pdb.runeval(codeobj, gdict, ldict)" */
             "pdb",    "runeval",     /* accepts string|code, code=stmt|expr  */
             "O",      &presult,
             "(OOO)",  codeobject, moddict, moddict); 
    return (res != 0) ? NULL : presult;     /* null if error in run_function */
Пример #3
PyObject *
PP_Debug_Codestr(PPStringModes mode, const char *codestring, PyObject *moddict)
    int res;
    PyObject *presult;
    const char *pdbname = (mode == PP_EXPRESSION ? "runeval" : "run");
                                      /* pass code to a pbd.py function    */
    res = PP_Run_Function(            /* "pdb.run(stmt, gdict, ldict)"     */
             "pdb",    pdbname,       /* "pdb.runeval(expr, gdict, ldict)" */
             "O",      &presult,
             "(sOO)",  codestring, moddict, moddict); 
    return (res != 0) ? NULL : presult;     /* return null or increfd object */
PyObject *
PP_Debug_Function(PyObject *func, PyObject *args)
    int oops, res, i;
    PyObject *presult;

    /* expand tuple for func */
    oops = _PyTuple_Resize(&args, (1 + PyTuple_Size(args)));    /* NO 3RD ARG */
    if (oops) 
        return NULL;                        /* "args = (funcobj,) + (arg,..)" */

    /* move orig args right */
    for (i=PyTuple_Size(args)-1; i > 1; i--)
        PyTuple_SetItem(args, i, PyTuple_GetItem(args, i-1));
    PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, func);   

    res = PP_Run_Function(                  /* "pdb.runcall(funcobj, arg,..)" */
                 "pdb",  "runcall",         /* recursive run_function */
                 "O",    &presult,
                 "O",     args);            /* args already is a tuple */
    return (res != 0) ? NULL : presult;     /* errors in run_function? */
}                                           /* presult not yet decref'd */
Пример #5
PyObject *
PP_Debug_Function(PyObject *func, PyObject *args)
    int oops, res;
    PyObject *presult;

    /* expand tuple at front */
    // it seems that some versions of python want just 2 arguments; in that
    // case, remove trailing 1
    oops = _PyTuple_Resize(&args, (1 + PyTuple_Size(args))); 
    oops = _PyTuple_Resize(&args, (1 + PyTuple_Size(args)),1); 
    oops |= PyTuple_SetItem(args, 0, func);   
    if (oops) 
        return NULL;                        /* "args = (funcobj,) + (arg,..)" */

    res = PP_Run_Function(                  /* "pdb.runcall(funcobj, arg,..)" */
                 "pdb",  "runcall",         /* recursive run_function */
                 "O",    &presult,
                 "O",     args);            /* args already is a tuple */
    return (res != 0) ? NULL : presult;     /* errors in run_function? */
}                                           /* presult not yet decref'd */
Пример #6
{                                 /* python is initialized automatically */
    int i, status, nbytes;        /* caveat: should check status everywhere */
    char script[4096];            /* caveat: should malloc a big-enough block */
    char *errors, *warnings;
    FILE *file;

    file = fopen("validate1.py", "r");        /* customizable validations */
    nbytes = fread(script, 1, 4096, file);    /* load python file text */
    script[nbytes] = '\0';

    status = PP_Make_Dummy_Module("orders");  /* application's own namespace */
    for (i=0; i < numorders; i++) {           /* like making a new dictionary */
        printf("\n%d (%d, %d, '%s')\n", 
            i, orders[i].product, orders[i].quantity, orders[i].buyer);

        PP_Set_Global("orders", "PRODUCT",  "i", orders[i].product);   /* int */
        PP_Set_Global("orders", "QUANTITY", "i", orders[i].quantity);  /* int */
        PP_Set_Global("orders", "BUYER",    "s", orders[i].buyer);     /* str */

        status = PP_Run_Codestr(PP_STATEMENT, script, "orders", "", NULL);
        if (status == -1) {
            printf("Python error during validation.\n");
            PyErr_Print();  /* show traceback */

        PP_Get_Global("orders", "ERRORS",   "s", &errors);     /* can split */
        PP_Get_Global("orders", "WARNINGS", "s", &warnings);   /* on blanks */

        printf("errors:   %s\n", strlen(errors)? errors : "none"); 
        printf("warnings: %s\n", strlen(warnings)? warnings : "none"); 
        free(errors); free(warnings);
        PP_Run_Function("inventory", "print_files", "", NULL, "()"); 
Пример #7
void PP_Fetch_Error_Text()
    // called without exception happened!

    char *tempstr;
    PyObject *errobj, *errdata, *errtraceback, *pystring;

    /* get latest python exception information */
    /* this also clears the current exception  */

    PyErr_Fetch(&errobj, &errdata, &errtraceback);       /* all 3 incref'd */

    /* convert type and data to strings */
    /* calls str() on both to stringify */

    pystring = NULL;
    if (errobj != NULL &&
       (pystring = PyObject_Str(errobj)) != NULL &&      /* str(errobj) */
       (PyString_Check(pystring)) )                      /* str() increfs */
        strncpy(PP_last_error_type, PyString_AsString(pystring), MAX); /*Py->C*/
        PP_last_error_type[MAX-1] = '\0';
        strcpy(PP_last_error_type, "<unknown exception type>");

    pystring = NULL;
    if (errdata != NULL &&
       (pystring = PyObject_Str(errdata)) != NULL &&     /* str(): increfs */
       (PyString_Check(pystring)) )
        strncpy(PP_last_error_info, PyString_AsString(pystring), MAX); /*Py->C*/
        PP_last_error_info[MAX-1] = '\0';
        strcpy(PP_last_error_info, "<unknown exception data>");

    /* convert traceback to string */ 
    /* print text to a StringIO.StringIO() internal file object, then */
    /* fetch by calling object's .getvalue() method (see lib manual); */

    pystring = NULL;
    if (errtraceback != NULL &&
       (PP_Run_Function("StringIO", "StringIO", "O", &pystring, "()") == 0) &&
       (PyTraceBack_Print(errtraceback, pystring) == 0) &&
       (PP_Run_Method(pystring, "getvalue", "s", &tempstr, "()") == 0) )
        strncpy(PP_last_error_trace, tempstr, MAX); 
        PP_last_error_trace[MAX-1] = '\0';
        free(tempstr);  /* it's a strdup */
        strcpy(PP_last_error_trace, "<unknown exception traceback>"); 

    Py_XDECREF(errdata);               /* this function owns all 3 objects */
    Py_XDECREF(PP_last_traceback);     /* they've been NULL'd out in Python */ 
    PP_last_traceback = errtraceback;  /* save/export raw traceback object */