Пример #1
		.mission_text = {
			" several missiles have been taken",
			"from a secret soviet weapon base.",
			"we must regain them immediately.",
			"i am authorized to pay you $13000",
			"if you will return them.",
		.rewardk = 13,
		.client_face = 0,
		.mini_pic = 0,
		.boss_id = 10,
		.worldmap_coords = VEC(143,17),
		.bonuslayer_count = BONUS_COUNT,
		.enemy_type = ET_ASIAN,
		.enemy_palette = {
			PRGB(  0,   0,   0),
			PRGB(119,  85,  17),
			PRGB( 17,  51,  51),
			PRGB(187, 119,  85),
			PRGB(187, 153,  85),
			PRGB( 51,  85,  85),
			PRGB(0x11, 0x55, 0xbb),
			PRGB( 51, 119,  51),
		.screen_map = {
			[ 0] = { X, X, X, X, X, X, X },
			[ 1] = { X, X, X, X, X, X, X },
			[ 2] = { X,23, X, X, X, X, X },
			[ 3] = { X,22, X, X, X, X, X },
			[ 4] = { X,21, X, X, X, X, X },
Пример #2
		.mission_text = {
			" can you help me? my son is a",
			"P.O.W. in vietnam! you will be",
			"his only chance of freedom. i",
			"will pay you $14000 if you can",
			"help him escape.",
		.rewardk = 14,
		.client_face = 8,
		.mini_pic = 0,
		.boss_id = 0,
		.worldmap_coords = VEC(209,59),
		.bonuslayer_count = BONUS_COUNT,
		.enemy_type = ET_ASIAN,
		.enemy_palette = {
			PRGB(  0,   0,   0),
			PRGB(119,  85,  17),
			PRGB( 17,  51,  51),
			PRGB(187, 119,  85),
			PRGB(187, 153,  85),
			PRGB( 51,  85,  85),
			PRGB(119, 119,  51),
			PRGB( 51, 119,  51),
		.screen_map = {
			[ 0] = { X, X, X, X, X, X, X },
			[ 1] = { X, X, X, X, X, X, X },
			[ 2] = { X,22, X, X, X, X, X },
			[ 3] = { X,21, X, X, X, X, X },
			[ 4] = { X,20, X, X, X, X, X },
Пример #3
static bool graffiti(struct vidbuffer *src, struct vidbuffer *dst)
	int y, x;
	int ystart, yend, isntsc;
	int xstart, xend;
	uae_u8 *srcbuf, *srcend;
	uae_u8 *dstbuf;
	bool command, hires, found;
	int xadd, xpixadd, extrapix;
	int waitline = 0, dbl;
	uae_u8 read_mask = 0xff, color = 0, color2 = 0;

	if (!(bplcon0 & 0x0100)) // GAUD
		return false;

	command = true;
	found = false;
	isntsc = (beamcon0 & 0x20) ? 0 : 1;
	if (!(currprefs.chipset_mask & CSMASK_ECS_AGNUS))
		isntsc = currprefs.ntscmode ? 1 : 0;

	dbl = gfxvidinfo.ychange == 1 ? 2 : 1;

	yend = isntsc ? MAXVPOS_NTSC : MAXVPOS_PAL;
	if (src->yoffset >= (ystart << VRES_MAX))
		ystart = src->yoffset >> VRES_MAX;

	xadd = gfxvidinfo.xchange == 1 ? src->pixbytes * 2 : src->pixbytes;
	xpixadd = gfxvidinfo.xchange == 1 ? 4 : 2;

	xstart = 0x1c * 2 + 1;
	xend = 0xf0 * 2 + 1;

	srcbuf = src->bufmem + (((ystart << VRES_MAX) - src->yoffset) / gfxvidinfo.ychange) * src->rowbytes + (((xstart << RES_MAX) - src->xoffset) / gfxvidinfo.xchange) * src->pixbytes;
	srcend = src->bufmem + (((yend << VRES_MAX) - src->yoffset) / gfxvidinfo.ychange) * src->rowbytes;
	extrapix = 0;

	dstbuf = dst->bufmem + (((ystart << VRES_MAX) - src->yoffset) / gfxvidinfo.ychange) * dst->rowbytes + (((xstart << RES_MAX) - src->xoffset) / gfxvidinfo.xchange) * dst->pixbytes;

	y = 0;
	while (srcend > srcbuf && dst->bufmemend > dstbuf) {
		uae_u8 *srcp = srcbuf + extrapix;
		uae_u8 *dstp = dstbuf;

		x = xstart;
		while (x < xend) {
			uae_u8 mask = 0x80;
			uae_u8 chunky[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
			while (mask) {
				if (FR(src, srcp)) // R
					chunky[3] |= mask;
				if (FG(src, srcp)) // G
					chunky[2] |= mask;
				if (FB(src, srcp)) // B
					chunky[1] |= mask;
				if (FI(src, srcp)) // I
					chunky[0] |= mask;
				srcp += xadd;
				mask >>= 1;

			if (command) {
				if (chunky[0] || chunky[1] || chunky[2] || chunky[3] || found) {
					for (int pix = 0; pix < 2; pix++) {
						uae_u8 cmd = chunky[pix * 2 + 0];
						uae_u8 parm = chunky[pix * 2 + 1];

#if 0
						//if (cmd != 0)
							write_log(_T("X=%d Y=%d %02x = %02x (%d %d)\n"), x, y, cmd, parm, color, color2);

						if (automatic && cmd >= 0x40)
							return false;
						if (cmd != 0)
							found = true;
						if (cmd & 8) {
							command = false;
							dbl = 1;
							waitline = 2;
							if (cmd & 16) {
								hires = true;
								xadd /= 2;
								xpixadd /= 2;
								extrapix = -4 * src->pixbytes;
							} else {
								hires = false;
							if (xpixadd == 0) // shres needed
								return false;
							if (monitor != MONITOREMU_GRAFFITI)
						} else if (cmd & 4) {
							if ((cmd & 3) == 1) {
								read_mask = parm;
							} else if ((cmd & 3) == 2) {
								graffiti_palette[color * 4 + color2] = (parm << 2) | (parm & 3);
								if (color2 == 3) {
									color2 = 0;
							} else if ((cmd & 3) == 0) {
								color = parm;
								color2 = 0;

				memset(dstp, 0, dst->pixbytes * 4 * 2);
				dstp += dst->pixbytes * 4 * 2;

			} else if (waitline) {
				memset(dstp, 0, dst->pixbytes * 4 * 2);
				dstp += dst->pixbytes * 4 * 2;
			} else {

				for (int pix = 0; pix < 4; pix++) {
					uae_u8 r, g, b, c;
					c = chunky[pix] & read_mask;
					r = graffiti_palette[c * 4 + 0];
					g = graffiti_palette[c * 4 + 1];
					b = graffiti_palette[c * 4 + 2];
					PRGB(dst, dstp, r, g, b);
					dstp += dst->pixbytes;
					PRGB(dst, dstp, r, g, b);
					dstp += dst->pixbytes;
					if (gfxvidinfo.xchange == 1 && !hires) {
						PRGB(dst, dstp, r, g, b);
						dstp += dst->pixbytes;
						PRGB(dst, dstp, r, g, b);
						dstp += dst->pixbytes;


			x += xpixadd;

		srcbuf += src->rowbytes * dbl;
		dstbuf += dst->rowbytes * dbl;
		if (waitline > 0)

	dst->nativepositioning = true;

	if (monitor != MONITOREMU_GRAFFITI) {
		write_log (_T("GRAFFITI %s mode\n"), hires ? _T("hires") : _T("lores"));

	return true;
Пример #4
static bool a2024(struct vidbuffer *src, struct vidbuffer *dst)
	int y;
	uae_u8 *srcbuf, *dstbuf;
	uae_u8 *dataline;
	int px, py, doff, pxcnt, dbl;
	int panel_width, panel_width_draw, panel_height, srcxoffset;
	bool f64, interlace, expand, wpb, less16;
	uae_u8 enp, dpl;
	bool hires, ntsc, found;
	int idline;
	int total_width, total_height;
	dbl = gfxvidinfo.ychange == 1 ? 2 : 1;
	doff = (128 * 2 / gfxvidinfo.xchange) * src->pixbytes;
	found = false;

	for (idline = 21; idline <= 29; idline += 8) {
		if (src->yoffset > (idline << VRES_MAX))
		// min 178 max 234
		dataline = src->bufmem + (((idline << VRES_MAX) - src->yoffset) / gfxvidinfo.ychange) * src->rowbytes + (((200 << RES_MAX) - src->xoffset) / gfxvidinfo.xchange) * src->pixbytes;

#if 0
		write_log (_T("%02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x\n"),
			dataline[0 * doff + 0], dataline[0 * doff + 1], dataline[0 * doff + 2],
			dataline[1 * doff + 0], dataline[1 * doff + 1], dataline[1 * doff + 2],
			dataline[2 * doff + 0], dataline[2 * doff + 1], dataline[2 * doff + 2],
			dataline[3 * doff + 0], dataline[3 * doff + 1], dataline[3 * doff + 2]);

		if (FB(src, &dataline[0 * doff]))			// 0:B = 0
		if (!FI(src, &dataline[0 * doff]))			// 0:I = 1
		if (FI(src, &dataline[2 * doff]))			// 2:I = 0
		if (!FI(src, &dataline[3 * doff]))			// 3:I = 1

		ntsc = idline < 26;
		found = true;

	if (!found)
		return false;

	px = py = 0;
	if (FB(src, &dataline[1 * doff])) // 1:B FN2
		px |= 2;
	if (FG(src, &dataline[1 * doff])) // 1:G FN1
		px |= 1;
	if (FR(src, &dataline[1 * doff])) // 1:R FN0
		py |= 1;

	f64 = FR(src, &dataline[0 * doff]) != 0;		// 0:R
	interlace = FG(src, &dataline[0 * doff]) != 0;	// 0:G (*Always zero)
	expand = FI(src, &dataline[1 * doff]) != 0;		// 1:I (*Always set)
	enp = FR(src, &dataline[2 * doff]) ? 1 : 0;		// 2:R (*ENP=3)
	enp |= FG(src, &dataline[2 * doff]) ? 2 : 0;	// 2:G
	wpb = FB(src, &dataline[2 * doff]) != 0;		// 2:B (*Always zero)
	dpl = FR(src, &dataline[3 * doff]) ? 1 : 0;		// 3:R (*DPL=3)
	dpl |= FG(src, &dataline[3 * doff]) ? 2 : 0;	// 3:G
	less16 = FB(src, &dataline[3 * doff]) != 0;		// 3:B

	/* (*) = AOS A2024 driver static bits. Not yet implemented in emulation. */

	if (f64) {
		panel_width = 336;
		panel_width_draw = px == 2 ? 352 : 336;
		pxcnt = 3;
		hires = false;
		srcxoffset = 113;
		if (px > 2)
			return false;
		total_width = 336 + 336 + 352;
	} else {
		panel_width = 512;
		panel_width_draw = 512;
		pxcnt = 2;
		hires = true;
		srcxoffset = 129;
		if (px > 1)
			return false;
		total_width = 512 + 512;
	panel_height = ntsc ? 400 : 512;

	if (monitor != MONITOREMU_A2024) {

#if 0
	write_log (_T("0 = F6-4:%d INTERLACE:%d\n"), f64, interlace);
	write_log (_T("1 = FN:%d EXPAND:%d\n"), py + px *2, expand);
	write_log (_T("2 = ENP:%d WPB=%d\n"), enp, wpb);
	write_log (_T("3 = DPL:%d LESS16=%d\n"), dpl, less16);
#if 0
	write_log (_T("%02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x %dx%d\n"),
		dataline[0 * doff + 0], dataline[0 * doff + 1], dataline[0 * doff + 2],
		dataline[1 * doff + 0], dataline[1 * doff + 1], dataline[1 * doff + 2],
		dataline[2 * doff + 0], dataline[2 * doff + 1], dataline[2 * doff + 2],
		dataline[3 * doff + 0], dataline[3 * doff + 1], dataline[3 * doff + 2],
		px, py);

	if (less16) {
		total_width -= 16;
		if (px == pxcnt - 1)
			panel_width_draw -= 16;
	total_height = panel_height * dbl;
	srcbuf = src->bufmem + (((44 << VRES_MAX) - src->yoffset) / gfxvidinfo.ychange) * src->rowbytes + (((srcxoffset << RES_MAX) - src->xoffset) / gfxvidinfo.xchange) * src->pixbytes;
	dstbuf = dst->bufmem + py * (panel_height / gfxvidinfo.ychange) * dst->rowbytes + px * ((panel_width * 2) / gfxvidinfo.xchange) * dst->pixbytes;

	for (y = 0; y < (panel_height / (dbl == 1 ? 1 : 2)) / gfxvidinfo.ychange; y++) {
#if 0
		memcpy (dstbuf, srcbuf, ((panel_width * 2) / gfxvidinfo.xchange) * dst->pixbytes);
		uae_u8 *srcp = srcbuf;
		uae_u8 *dstp1 = dstbuf;
		uae_u8 *dstp2 = dstbuf + dst->rowbytes;
		int x;
		for (x = 0; x < (panel_width_draw * 2) / gfxvidinfo.xchange; x++) {
			uae_u8 c1 = 0, c2 = 0;
			if (FR(src, srcp)) // R
				c1 |= 2;
			if (FG(src, srcp)) // G
				c2 |= 2;
			if (FB(src, srcp)) // B
				c1 |= 1;
			if (FI(src, srcp)) // I
				c2 |= 1;
			if (dpl == 0) {
				c1 = c2 = 0;
			} else if (dpl == 1) {
				c1 &= 1;
				c1 |= c1 << 1;
				c2 &= 1;
				c2 |= c2 << 1;
			} else if (dpl == 2) {
				c1 &= 2;
				c1 |= c1 >> 1;
				c2 &= 2;
				c2 |= c2 >> 1;
			if (dbl == 1) {
				c1 = (c1 + c2 + 1) / 2;
				c1 = (c1 << 6) | (c1 << 4) | (c1 << 2) | (c1 << 0);
				PRGB(dst, dstp1, c1, c1, c1);
			} else {
				c1 = (c1 << 6) | (c1 << 4) | (c1 << 2) | (c1 << 0);
				c2 = (c2 << 6) | (c2 << 4) | (c2 << 2) | (c2 << 0);
				PRGB(dst, dstp1, c1, c1, c1);
				PRGB(dst, dstp2, c2, c2, c2);
				dstp2 += dst->pixbytes;
			srcp += src->pixbytes;
			if (!hires)
				srcp += src->pixbytes;
			dstp1 += dst->pixbytes;
		srcbuf += src->rowbytes * dbl;
		dstbuf += dst->rowbytes * dbl;
Пример #5
		.mission_text = {
			" a terrorist group has threatened",
			"to assassinate me. will you save",
			"me by killing their leader? i am",
			"prepared to pay you $13000 if you",
			"will help.",
		.rewardk = 13,
		.client_face = 2,
		.mini_pic = 0,
		.boss_id = 8,
		.worldmap_coords = VEC(128,28),
		.bonuslayer_count = BONUS_COUNT,
		.enemy_type = ET_WESTERN,
		.enemy_palette = {
			PRGB(  0,   0,   0), 
			PRGB( 51,  85,  85), 
			PRGB( 51, 119,  51), 
			PRGB(119,  85,  17), 
			PRGB(187, 153,  85), 
			PRGB(187, 119,  85), 
			PRGB( 17,  51,  51), 
		.screen_map = {
			[ 0] = { X, X, X, X, X, X, X },
			[ 1] = { X, X, X, X, X, X, X },
			[ 2] = { X,23, X, X, X, X, X },
			[ 3] = { X,22, X, X, X, X, X },
			[ 4] = { X,21, X, X, X, X, X },
Пример #6
#include "../palpic.h"
#define PAL_COUNT 6
#define SPRITE_COUNT 2
#define WIDTH 10
#define HEIGHT 6
#define o 0
#define STRUCT_NAME ws_hbar10

static const struct {
	struct palpic header;
	prgb palette[PAL_COUNT];
	uint8_t data[WIDTH * HEIGHT];
	{ {'p', 'P', 'i', 'C', }, 1, PAL_COUNT, SPRITE_COUNT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, 0 },
		PRGB(187, 153,  85), 
		PRGB(187, 119,  85), 
		PRGB(119,  85,  17), 
		PRGB( 17,  51,  51), 
		PRGB(255, 221,  85), 
		PRGB(255, 255, 221), 
		/* sprite #000 */
		 o, o, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4,
		 5, 5, 4, o, o, 1, 1, 2, 2, o,
		 o, o, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2,
		/* sprite #001 */
		 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, o, o,
		 o, 2, 2, 1, 1, o, o, 4, 5, 5,
Пример #7
#include "../palpic.h"
#define PAL_COUNT 14
#define SPRITE_COUNT 6
#define WIDTH 32
#define HEIGHT 192
#define o 0
#define STRUCT_NAME bunkers

static const struct {
	struct palpic header;
	prgb palette[PAL_COUNT];
	uint8_t data[WIDTH * HEIGHT];
		PRGB(  0,   0,   0), 
		PRGB(149, 149, 125), 
		PRGB( 85, 125, 125), 
		PRGB( 60,  85,  85), 
		PRGB( 20,  60,  60), 
		PRGB( 20,  85,  60), 
		PRGB( 60, 125,  60), 
		PRGB(190, 190, 190), 
		PRGB(125,  85,  20), 
		PRGB(255, 255, 214), 
		PRGB(190, 125,  85), 
		PRGB(190, 149,  85), 
		PRGB( 60, 190,  85), 
		PRGB(190,  85,  20), 