Пример #1
*F  CommDefault( <opL>, <opR> ) . . . . . . . . . . .  call 'LQUO' and 'PROD'
Obj CommDefault (
    Obj                 opL,
    Obj                 opR )
    Obj                 tmp1;
    Obj                 tmp2;
    tmp1 = PROD( opR, opL );
    tmp2 = PROD( opL, opR );
    return LQUO( tmp1, tmp2 );
Пример #2
*F  SCTableProduct( <table>, <list1>, <list2> ) . product wrt structure table
**  'SCTableProduct'  returns the product   of  the two elements <list1>  and
**  <list2> with respect to the structure constants table <table>.
void SCTableProdAdd (
    Obj                 res,
    Obj                 coeff,
    Obj                 basis_coeffs,
    Int                 dim )
    Obj                 basis;
    Obj                 coeffs;
    Int                 len;
    Obj                 k;
    Obj                 c1, c2;
    Int                 l;

    basis  = ELM_LIST( basis_coeffs, 1 );
    coeffs = ELM_LIST( basis_coeffs, 2 );
    len = LEN_LIST( basis );
    if ( LEN_LIST( coeffs ) != len ) {
        ErrorQuit("SCTableProduct: corrupted <table>",0L,0L);
    for ( l = 1; l <= len; l++ ) {
        k = ELM_LIST( basis, l );
        if ( ! IS_INTOBJ(k) || INT_INTOBJ(k) <= 0 || dim < INT_INTOBJ(k) ) {
            ErrorQuit("SCTableProduct: corrupted <table>",0L,0L);
        c1 = ELM_LIST( coeffs, l );
        c1 = PROD( coeff, c1 );
        c2 = ELM_PLIST( res, INT_INTOBJ(k) );
        c2 = SUM( c2, c1 );
        SET_ELM_PLIST( res, INT_INTOBJ(k), c2 );
        CHANGED_BAG( res );
Пример #3
*F  FuncPROD( <self>, <opL>, <opR> )  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call 'PROD'
Obj FuncPROD (
    Obj                 self,
    Obj                 opL,
    Obj                 opR )
    return PROD( opL, opR );
Пример #4
*F  PowDefault( <opL>, <opR> )  . . . . . . . . . . .  call 'LQUO' and 'PROD'
Obj PowDefault (
    Obj                 opL,
    Obj                 opR )
    Obj                 tmp;
    tmp = LQUO( opR, opL );
    return PROD( tmp, opR );
Пример #5
*F  LQuoDefault( <opL>, <opR> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . call 'INV' and 'PROD'
Obj LQuoDefault (
    Obj                 opL,
    Obj                 opR )
    Obj                 tmp;
    tmp = INV_MUT( opL );
    return PROD( tmp, opR );
Пример #6
*F  QuoDefault( <opL>, <opR> )  . . . . . . . . . . . . call 'INV' and 'PROD'
Obj QuoDefault (
    Obj                 opL,
    Obj                 opR )
    Obj                 tmp;
    tmp = INV_MUT( opR );
    return PROD( opL, tmp );
Пример #7
*F  ProdVecFFEVecFFE(<vecL>,<vecR>) . . . . . . . . .  product of two vectors
**  'ProdVecFFEVecFFE'  returns the product  of   the two vectors <vecL>  and
**  <vecR>.  The  product  is the  sum of the   products of the corresponding
**  elements of the two lists.
**  'ProdVecFFEVecFFE' is an improved version  of 'ProdListList',  which does
**  not call 'PROD'.
Obj             ProdVecFFEVecFFE (
    Obj                 vecL,
    Obj                 vecR )
    FFV                 valP;           /* one product                     */
    FFV                 valS;           /* sum of the products             */
    Obj *               ptrL;           /* pointer into the left operand   */
    FFV                 valL;           /* one element of left operand     */
    Obj *               ptrR;           /* pointer into the right operand  */
    FFV                 valR;           /* one element of right operand    */
    UInt                lenL, lenR, len; /* length                          */
    UInt                i;              /* loop variable                   */
    FF                  fld;            /* finite field                    */
    FF *                succ;           /* successor table                 */

    /* check the lengths                                                   */
    lenL = LEN_PLIST(vecL);
    lenR = LEN_PLIST(vecR);
    len = (lenL < lenR) ? lenL : lenR;

    /* check the fields                                                    */
    fld = FLD_FFE(ELM_PLIST(vecL, 1));
    if (FLD_FFE(ELM_PLIST(vecR, 1)) != fld) {
        /* check the characteristic                                        */
        if (CHAR_FF(fld) == CHAR_FF(FLD_FFE(ELM_PLIST(vecR, 1))))
            return ProdListList(vecL, vecR);

        vecR = ErrorReturnObj(
            "Vector *: vectors have different fields",
            0L, 0L,
            "you can replace vector <right> via 'return <right>;'");
        return PROD(vecL, vecR);

    /* to add we need the successor table                                  */
    succ = SUCC_FF(fld);

    /* loop over the elements and add                                      */
    valS = (FFV)0;
    ptrL = ADDR_OBJ(vecL);
    ptrR = ADDR_OBJ(vecR);
    for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
        valL = VAL_FFE(ptrL[i]);
        valR = VAL_FFE(ptrR[i]);
        valP = PROD_FFV(valL, valR, succ);
        valS = SUM_FFV(valS, valP, succ);

    /* return the result                                                   */
    return NEW_FFE(fld, valS);
Пример #8
*F  ProdVecFFEFFE(<vecL>,<elmR>)  .  product of a vector and a fin field elm
**  'ProdVecFFEFFE' returns the product of the finite field element  <elmR>
**  and the vector <vecL>.  The  product is the  list, where each element  is
**  the product of <elmR> and the corresponding element of <vecL>.
**  'ProdVecFFEFFE'  is an  improved version of 'ProdSclList', which does not
**  call 'PROD'.
Obj             ProdVecFFEFFE (
    Obj                 vecL,
    Obj                 elmR )
    Obj                 vecP;           /* handle of the product           */
    Obj *               ptrP;           /* pointer into the product        */
    FFV                 valP;           /* the value of a product          */
    Obj *               ptrL;           /* pointer into the left operand   */
    FFV                 valL;           /* the value of an element in vecL */
    UInt                len;            /* length                          */
    UInt                i;              /* loop variable                   */
    FF                  fld;            /* finite field                    */
    FF *                succ;           /* successor table                 */
    FFV                 valR;           /* the value of elmR               */

    /* get the field and check that vecL and elmR have the same field      */
    fld = FLD_FFE(ELM_PLIST(vecL, 1));
    if (FLD_FFE(elmR) != fld) {
        /* check the characteristic                                        */
        if (CHAR_FF(fld) == CHAR_FF(FLD_FFE(elmR)))
            return ProdListScl(vecL, elmR);

        elmR = ErrorReturnObj(
            "<vec>*<elm>: <elm> and <vec> must belong to the same finite field",
            0L, 0L, "you can replace <elm> via 'return <elm>;'");
        return PROD(vecL, elmR);

    /* make the result list                                                */
    len = LEN_PLIST(vecL);
                    T_PLIST_FFE : T_PLIST_FFE + IMMUTABLE, len);
    SET_LEN_PLIST(vecP, len);

    /* to multiply we need the successor table                             */
    succ = SUCC_FF(fld);

    /* loop over the elements and multiply                                 */
    valR = VAL_FFE(elmR);
    ptrL = ADDR_OBJ(vecL);
    ptrP = ADDR_OBJ(vecP);
    for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
        valL = VAL_FFE(ptrL[i]);
        valP = PROD_FFV(valL, valR, succ);
        ptrP[i] = NEW_FFE(fld, valP);

    /* return the result                                                   */
    return vecP;
Пример #9
// Derived verb for f//. y
static DF1(jtobqfslash){A y,z;B b=0,p;C er,id,*wv;I c,d,k,m,m1,mn,n,n1,r,*s,wt;
 r=AR(w); s=AS(w); wt=AT(w); wv=CAV(w);
 if(!(AN(w)&&1<r&&DENSE&wt))R oblique(w,self);  // revert to default if rank<2, empty, or sparse
 y=VAV(self)->f; y=VAV(y)->f; id=vaid(y);
 m=s[0]; m1=m-1;
 n=s[1]; n1=n-1; mn=m*n; d=m+n-1; PROD(c,r-2,2+s);
 if(1==m||1==n){GA(z,wt,AN(w),r-1,1+s); *AS(z)=d; MC(AV(z),wv,AN(w)*bp(wt)); R z;}
  case OBQCASE(B01X, CNE     ): OBQLOOP(B,B,wt,x=*u, x^=*u        ); break;
  case OBQCASE(B01X, CEQ     ): OBQLOOP(B,B,wt,x=*u, x=x==*u      ); break;
  case OBQCASE(B01X, CMAX    ):
  case OBQCASE(B01X, CPLUSDOT): OBQLOOP(B,B,wt,x=*u, x|=*u        ); break;
  case OBQCASE(B01X, CMIN    ):
  case OBQCASE(B01X, CSTAR   ):
  case OBQCASE(B01X, CSTARDOT): OBQLOOP(B,B,wt,x=*u, x&=*u        ); break;
  case OBQCASE(B01X, CLT     ): OBQLOOP(B,B,wt,x=*u, x=*u< x      ); break;
  case OBQCASE(B01X, CLE     ): OBQLOOP(B,B,wt,x=*u, x=*u<=x      ); break;
  case OBQCASE(B01X, CGT     ): OBQLOOP(B,B,wt,x=*u, x=*u> x      ); break;
  case OBQCASE(B01X, CGE     ): OBQLOOP(B,B,wt,x=*u, x=*u>=x      ); break;
  case OBQCASE(B01X, CPLUS   ): OBQLOOP(B,I,INT,x=*u, x+=*u       ); break;
  case OBQCASE(SBTX, CMAX    ): OBQLOOP(SB,SB,wt,x=*u, x=SBGT(x,*u)?x:*u ); break;
  case OBQCASE(SBTX, CMIN    ): OBQLOOP(SB,SB,wt,x=*u, x=SBLT(x,*u)?x:*u ); break;
  case OBQCASE(FLX,  CMAX    ): OBQLOOP(D,D,wt,x=*u, x=MAX(x,*u)  ); break;
  case OBQCASE(FLX,  CMIN    ): OBQLOOP(D,D,wt,x=*u, x=MIN(x,*u)  ); break;
  case OBQCASE(FLX,  CPLUS   ): OBQLOOP(D,D,wt,x=*u, x+=*u        ); break;
  case OBQCASE(CMPXX,CPLUS   ): OBQLOOP(Z,Z,wt,x=*u, x=zplus(x,*u)); break;
  case OBQCASE(XNUMX,CMAX    ): OBQLOOP(X,X,wt,x=*u, x=1==xcompare(x,*u)? x:*u); break;
  case OBQCASE(XNUMX,CMIN    ): OBQLOOP(X,X,wt,x=*u, x=1==xcompare(x,*u)?*u: x); break;
  case OBQCASE(XNUMX,CPLUS   ): OBQLOOP(X,X,wt,x=*u, x=xplus(x,*u)); break;
  case OBQCASE(RATX, CMAX    ): OBQLOOP(Q,Q,wt,x=*u, x=1==QCOMP(x,*u)? x:*u); break;
  case OBQCASE(RATX, CMIN    ): OBQLOOP(Q,Q,wt,x=*u, x=1==QCOMP(x,*u)?*u: x); break;
  case OBQCASE(RATX, CPLUS   ): OBQLOOP(Q,Q,wt,x=*u, x=qplus(x,*u)); break;
  case OBQCASE(INTX, CBW0001 ): OBQLOOP(I,I,wt,x=*u, x&=*u        ); break;
  case OBQCASE(INTX, CBW0110 ): OBQLOOP(I,I,wt,x=*u, x^=*u        ); break;
  case OBQCASE(INTX, CBW0111 ): OBQLOOP(I,I,wt,x=*u, x|=*u        ); break;
  case OBQCASE(INTX, CMAX    ): OBQLOOP(I,I,wt,x=*u, x=MAX(x,*u)  ); break;
  case OBQCASE(INTX, CMIN    ): OBQLOOP(I,I,wt,x=*u, x=MIN(x,*u)  ); break;
  case OBQCASE(INTX, CPLUS   ): 
   er=0; OBQLOOP(I,I,wt,x=*u, {p=0>x; x+=*u; BOV(p==0>*u&&p!=0>x);}); 
   if(er>=EWOV)OBQLOOP(I,D,FL,x=(D)*u, x+=*u);
Пример #10
*F  ProdVectorMatrix(<vecL>,<vecR>) . . . .  product of a vector and a matrix
**  'ProdVectorMatrix' returns the product of the vector <vecL> and the matrix
**  <vecR>.  The product is the sum of the  rows  of <vecR>, each multiplied by
**  the corresponding entry of <vecL>.
**  'ProdVectorMatrix'  is an improved version of 'ProdListList',  which does
**  not  call 'PROD' and  also accumulates  the sum into  one  fixed  vector
**  instead of allocating a new for each product and sum.
Obj             ProdVecFFEMatFFE (
				  Obj                 vecL,
				  Obj                 matR )
    Obj                 vecP;           /* handle of the product           */
    Obj *               ptrP;           /* pointer into the product        */
    FFV *               ptrV;           /* value pointer into the product  */
    FFV                 valP;           /* one value of the product        */
    FFV                 valL;           /* one value of the left operand   */
    Obj                 vecR;           /* one vector of the right operand */
    Obj *               ptrR;           /* pointer into the right vector   */
    FFV                 valR;           /* one value from the right vector */
    UInt                len;            /* length                          */
    UInt                col;            /* length of the rows in matR      */
    UInt                i, k;           /* loop variables                  */
    FF                  fld;            /* the common finite field         */
    FF *                succ;           /* the successor table             */

    /* check the lengths                                                   */
    len = LEN_PLIST(vecL);
    col = LEN_PLIST(ELM_PLIST(matR, 1));
    if (len != LEN_PLIST(matR)) {
        matR = ErrorReturnObj(
            "<vec>*<mat>: <vec> (%d) must have the same length as <mat> (%d)",
            (Int)len, (Int)col,
            "you can replace matrix <mat> via 'return <mat>;'");
        return PROD(vecL, matR);

    /* check the fields                                                    */
    vecR = ELM_PLIST(matR, 1);
    fld = FLD_FFE(ELM_PLIST(vecL, 1));
    if (FLD_FFE(ELM_PLIST(vecR, 1)) != fld) {
        /* check the characteristic                                        */
        if (CHAR_FF(fld) == CHAR_FF(FLD_FFE(ELM_PLIST(vecR, 1))))
            return ProdListList(vecL, matR);

        matR = ErrorReturnObj(
            "<vec>*<mat>: <vec> and <mat> have different fields",
            0L, 0L,
            "you can replace matrix <mat> via 'return <mat>;'");
        return PROD(vecL, matR);

    /* make the result list by multiplying the first entries               */
    vecP = ProdFFEVecFFE(ELM_PLIST(vecL, 1), vecR);

    /* to add we need the successor table                                  */
    succ = SUCC_FF(fld);

    /* convert vecP into a list of values                                  */
    /*N 5Jul1998 werner: This only works if sizeof(FFV) <= sizeof(Obj)     */
    /*N We have to be careful not to overwrite the length info             */
    ptrP = ADDR_OBJ(vecP);
    ptrV = ((FFV*)(ptrP + 1)) - 1;
    for (k = 1; k <= col; k++)
        ptrV[k] = VAL_FFE(ptrP[k]);

    /* loop over the other entries and multiply                            */
    for (i = 2; i <= len; i++) {
        valL = VAL_FFE(ELM_PLIST(vecL, i));
        vecR = ELM_PLIST(matR, i);
        ptrR = ADDR_OBJ(vecR);
        if (valL == (FFV)1) {
            for (k = 1; k <= col; k++) {
                valR = VAL_FFE(ptrR[k]);
                valP = ptrV[k];
                ptrV[k] = SUM_FFV(valP, valR, succ);
        } else if (valL != (FFV)0) {
            for (k = 1; k <= col; k++) {
                valR = VAL_FFE(ptrR[k]);
                valR = PROD_FFV(valL, valR, succ);
                valP = ptrV[k];
                ptrV[k] = SUM_FFV(valP, valR, succ);

    /* convert vecP back into a list of finite field elements              */
    /*N 5Jul1998 werner: This only works if sizeof(FFV) <= sizeof(Obj)     */
    /*N We have to be careful not to overwrite the length info             */
    for (k = col; k >= 1; k--)
        ptrP[k] = NEW_FFE(fld, ptrV[k]);

    /* return the result                                                   */
    return vecP;
Пример #11
Obj SCTableProductHandler (
    Obj                 self,
    Obj                 table,
    Obj                 list1,
    Obj                 list2 )
    Obj                 res;            /* result list                     */
    Obj                 row;            /* one row of sc table             */
    Obj                 zero;           /* zero from sc table              */
    Obj                 ai, aj;         /* elements from list1             */
    Obj                 bi, bj;         /* elements from list2             */
    Obj                 c, c1, c2;      /* products of above               */
    Int                 dim;            /* dimension of vectorspace        */
    Int                 i, j;           /* loop variables                  */

    /* check the arguments a bit                                           */
    if ( ! IS_SMALL_LIST(table) ) {
        table = ErrorReturnObj(
            "SCTableProduct: <table> must be a list (not a %s)",
            (Int)TNAM_OBJ(table), 0L,
            "you can replace <table> via 'return <table>;'" );
        return SCTableProductHandler( self, table, list1, list2 );
    dim = LEN_LIST(table) - 2;
    if ( dim <= 0 ) {
        table = ErrorReturnObj(
            "SCTableProduct: <table> must be a list with at least 3 elements",
            0L, 0L,
            "you can replace <table> via 'return <table>;'" );
        return SCTableProductHandler( self, table, list1, list2 );
    zero = ELM_LIST( table, dim+2 );
    if ( ! IS_SMALL_LIST(list1) || LEN_LIST(list1) != dim ) {
        list1 = ErrorReturnObj(
            "SCTableProduct: <list1> must be a list with %d elements",
            dim, 0L,
            "you can replace <list1> via 'return <list1>;'" );
        return SCTableProductHandler( self, table, list1, list2 );
    if ( ! IS_SMALL_LIST(list2) || LEN_LIST(list2) != dim ) {
        list2 = ErrorReturnObj(
            "SCTableProduct: <list2> must be a list with %d elements",
            dim, 0L,
            "you can replace <list2> via 'return <list2>;'" );
        return SCTableProductHandler( self, table, list1, list2 );

    /* make the result list                                                */
    res = NEW_PLIST( T_PLIST, dim );
    SET_LEN_PLIST( res, dim );
    for ( i = 1; i <= dim; i++ ) {
        SET_ELM_PLIST( res, i, zero );
    CHANGED_BAG( res );

    /* general case                                                        */
    if      ( EQ( ELM_LIST( table, dim+1 ), INTOBJ_INT(0) ) ) {
        for ( i = 1; i <= dim; i++ ) {
            ai = ELM_LIST( list1, i );
            if ( EQ( ai, zero ) )  continue;
            row = ELM_LIST( table, i );
            for ( j = 1; j <= dim; j++ ) {
                bj = ELM_LIST( list2, j );
                if ( EQ( bj, zero ) )  continue;
                c = PROD( ai, bj );
                if ( ! EQ( c, zero ) ) {
                    SCTableProdAdd( res, c, ELM_LIST( row, j ), dim );

    /* commutative case                                                    */
    else if ( EQ( ELM_LIST( table, dim+1 ), INTOBJ_INT(1) ) ) {
        for ( i = 1; i <= dim; i++ ) {
            ai = ELM_LIST( list1, i );
            bi = ELM_LIST( list2, i );
            if ( EQ( ai, zero ) && EQ( bi, zero ) )  continue;
            row = ELM_LIST( table, i );
            c = PROD( ai, bi );
            if ( ! EQ( c, zero ) ) {
                SCTableProdAdd( res, c, ELM_LIST( row, i ), dim );
            for ( j = i+1; j <= dim; j++ ) {
                bj = ELM_LIST( list2, j );
                aj = ELM_LIST( list1, j );
                if ( EQ( aj, zero ) && EQ( bj, zero ) )  continue;
                c1 = PROD( ai, bj );
                c2 = PROD( aj, bi );
                c = SUM( c1, c2 );
                if ( ! EQ( c, zero ) ) {
                    SCTableProdAdd( res, c, ELM_LIST( row, j ), dim );

    /* anticommutative case                                                */
    else if ( EQ( ELM_LIST( table, dim+1 ), INTOBJ_INT(-1) ) ) {
        for ( i = 1; i <= dim; i++ ) {
            ai = ELM_LIST( list1, i );
            bi = ELM_LIST( list2, i );
            if ( EQ( ai, zero ) && EQ( bi, zero ) )  continue;
            row = ELM_LIST( table, i );
            for ( j = i+1; j <= dim; j++ ) {
                bj = ELM_LIST( list2, j );
                aj = ELM_LIST( list1, j ); 
                if ( EQ( aj, zero ) && EQ( bj, zero ) )  continue;
                c1 = PROD( ai, bj );
                c2 = PROD( aj, bi );
                c = DIFF( c1, c2 );
                if ( ! EQ( c, zero ) ) {
                    SCTableProdAdd( res, c, ELM_LIST( row, j ), dim );

    /* return the result                                                   */
    return res;
Пример #12
Obj GAP_PROD(Obj a, Obj b)
    return PROD(a, b);