Пример #1
void MipsJit::Compile(u32 em_address) {
	if (GetSpaceLeft() < 0x10000 || blocks.IsFull()) {
	int block_num = blocks.AllocateBlock(em_address);
	JitBlock *b = blocks.GetBlock(block_num);
	DoJit(em_address, b);
	blocks.FinalizeBlock(block_num, jo.enableBlocklink);

	bool cleanSlate = false;

	if (js.hasSetRounding && !js.lastSetRounding) {
		WARN_LOG(JIT, "Detected rounding mode usage, rebuilding jit with checks");
		// Won't loop, since hasSetRounding is only ever set to 1.
		js.lastSetRounding = js.hasSetRounding;
		cleanSlate = true;

	if (cleanSlate) {
		// Our assumptions are all wrong so it's clean-slate time.
Пример #2
Shader::Shader(const char *code, uint32_t shaderType, bool useHWTransform, const ShaderID &shaderID) : failed_(false), useHWTransform_(useHWTransform), id_(shaderID) {
	source_ = code;
	shader = glCreateShader(shaderType);
	glShaderSource(shader, 1, &code, 0);
	GLint success;
	glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &success);
	if (!success) {
#define MAX_INFO_LOG_SIZE 2048
		GLchar infoLog[MAX_INFO_LOG_SIZE];
		GLsizei len;
		glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, MAX_INFO_LOG_SIZE, &len, infoLog);
		infoLog[len] = '\0';
#ifdef ANDROID
		ELOG("Error in shader compilation! %s\n", infoLog);
		ELOG("Shader source:\n%s\n", (const char *)code);
		ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Error in shader compilation!\n");
		ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Info log: %s\n", infoLog);
		ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Shader source:\n%s\n", (const char *)code);
		Reporting::ReportMessage("Error in shader compilation: info: %s / code: %s", infoLog, (const char *)code);
		failed_ = true;
		shader = 0;
	} else {
		DEBUG_LOG(G3D, "Compiled shader:\n%s\n", (const char *)code);
Пример #3
void hleLagSync(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) {
	// The goal here is to prevent network, audio, and input lag from the real world.
	// Our normal timing is very "stop and go".  This is efficient, but causes real world lag.
	// This event (optionally) runs every 1ms to sync with the real world.

	if (!FrameTimingThrottled()) {
		lagSyncScheduled = false;

	float scale = 1.0f;
	if (PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit == FPS_LIMIT_CUSTOM) {
		// 0 is handled in FrameTimingThrottled().
		scale = 60.0f / g_Config.iFpsLimit;

	const double goal = lastLagSync + (scale / 1000.0f);
	// Don't lag too long ever, if they leave it paused.
	while (time_now_d() < goal && goal < time_now_d() + 0.01) {
#ifndef _WIN32
		const double left = goal - time_now_d();
		usleep((long)(left * 1000000));

	const int emuOver = (int)cyclesToUs(cyclesLate);
	const int over = (int)((time_now_d() - goal) * 1000000);
	ScheduleLagSync(over - emuOver);
Пример #4
void IRJit::RunLoopUntil(u64 globalticks) {

	// ApplyRoundingMode(true);
	// IR Dispatcher
	while (true) {
		// RestoreRoundingMode(true);
		// ApplyRoundingMode(true);
		if (coreState != 0) {
		while (mips_->downcount >= 0) {
			u32 inst = Memory::ReadUnchecked_U32(mips_->pc);
			u32 opcode = inst & 0xFF000000;
			if (opcode == MIPS_EMUHACK_OPCODE) {
				u32 data = inst & 0xFFFFFF;
				IRBlock *block = blocks_.GetBlock(data);
				mips_->pc = IRInterpret(mips_, block->GetInstructions(), block->GetConstants(), block->GetNumInstructions());
			} else {
				// RestoreRoundingMode(true);
				// ApplyRoundingMode(true);

	// RestoreRoundingMode(true);
Пример #5
// Maybe should write this in ASM...
void GPU_Vulkan::FastRunLoop(DisplayList &list) {
	const CommandInfo *cmdInfo = cmdInfo_;
	int dc = downcount;
	for (; dc > 0; --dc) {
		// We know that display list PCs have the upper nibble == 0 - no need to mask the pointer
		const u32 op = *(const u32 *)(Memory::base + list.pc);
		const u32 cmd = op >> 24;
		const CommandInfo info = cmdInfo[cmd];
		const u8 cmdFlags = info.flags;      // If we stashed the cmdFlags in the top bits of the cmdmem, we could get away with one table lookup instead of two
		const u32 diff = op ^ gstate.cmdmem[cmd];
		// Inlined CheckFlushOp here to get rid of the dumpThisFrame_ check.
		if ((cmdFlags & FLAG_FLUSHBEFORE) || (diff && (cmdFlags & FLAG_FLUSHBEFOREONCHANGE))) {
		gstate.cmdmem[cmd] = op;  // TODO: no need to write if diff==0...
		if ((cmdFlags & FLAG_EXECUTE) || (diff && (cmdFlags & FLAG_EXECUTEONCHANGE))) {
			downcount = dc;
			(this->*info.func)(op, diff);
			dc = downcount;
		} else if (diff) {
			uint64_t dirty = info.flags >> 8;
			if (dirty)
		list.pc += 4;
	downcount = 0;
Пример #6
// TODO: All this setup is so expensive that we'll need dirty flags, or simply do it in the command writes where we detect dirty by xoring. Silly to do all this work on every drawcall.
void DrawEngineGLES::ApplyDrawState(int prim) {
	if (gstate_c.IsDirty(DIRTY_TEXTURE_IMAGE | DIRTY_TEXTURE_PARAMS) && !gstate.isModeClear() && gstate.isTextureMapEnabled()) {
		if (gstate_c.needShaderTexClamp) {
			// We will rarely need to set this, so let's do it every time on use rather than in runloop.
			// Most of the time non-framebuffer textures will be used which can be clamped themselves.

	// Start profiling here to skip SetTexture which is already accounted for

	bool useBufferedRendering = g_Config.iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE;
	gstate_c.allowShaderBlend = !g_Config.bDisableSlowFramebufEffects;

	// Do the large chunks of state conversion. We might be able to hide these two behind a dirty-flag each,
	// to avoid recomputing heavy stuff unnecessarily every draw call.
	GenericBlendState blendState;
	ConvertBlendState(blendState, gstate_c.allowShaderBlend);

	if (blendState.applyShaderBlending) {
		if (ApplyShaderBlending()) {
			// We may still want to do something about stencil -> alpha.
			ApplyStencilReplaceAndLogicOp(blendState.replaceAlphaWithStencil, blendState);
		} else {
			// Until next time, force it off.
			gstate_c.allowShaderBlend = false;
	} else if (blendState.resetShaderBlending) {

	if (blendState.enabled) {
		glstate.blendEquationSeparate.set(glBlendEqLookup[(size_t)blendState.eqColor], glBlendEqLookup[(size_t)blendState.eqAlpha]);
			glBlendFactorLookup[(size_t)blendState.srcColor], glBlendFactorLookup[(size_t)blendState.dstColor],
			glBlendFactorLookup[(size_t)blendState.srcAlpha], glBlendFactorLookup[(size_t)blendState.dstAlpha]);
		if (blendState.dirtyShaderBlend) {
		if (blendState.useBlendColor) {
			uint32_t color = blendState.blendColor;
			const float col[4] = {
				(float)((color & 0xFF) >> 0) * (1.0f / 255.0f),
				(float)((color & 0xFF00) >> 8) * (1.0f / 255.0f),
				(float)((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16) * (1.0f / 255.0f),
				(float)((color & 0xFF000000) >> 24) * (1.0f / 255.0f),
Пример #7
void SoftGPU::FastRunLoop(DisplayList &list) {
	for (; downcount > 0; --downcount) {
		u32 op = Memory::ReadUnchecked_U32(list.pc);
		u32 cmd = op >> 24;

		u32 diff = op ^ gstate.cmdmem[cmd];
		gstate.cmdmem[cmd] = op;
		ExecuteOp(op, diff);

		list.pc += 4;
Пример #8
void IRJit::Compile(u32 em_address) {

	int block_num = blocks_.AllocateBlock(em_address);
	IRBlock *b = blocks_.GetBlock(block_num);

	std::vector<IRInst> instructions;
	std::vector<u32> constants;
	u32 mipsBytes;
	frontend_.DoJit(em_address, instructions, constants, mipsBytes);
	b->SetInstructions(instructions, constants);
	b->Finalize(block_num);  // Overwrites the first instruction

	if (frontend_.CheckRounding()) {
		// Our assumptions are all wrong so it's clean-slate time.
Пример #9
VulkanFragmentShader::VulkanFragmentShader(VulkanContext *vulkan, FShaderID id, const char *code, bool useHWTransform)
	: vulkan_(vulkan), id_(id), failed_(false), useHWTransform_(useHWTransform), module_(0) {
	source_ = code;

	std::string errorMessage;
	std::vector<uint32_t> spirv;

	bool success = GLSLtoSPV(VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, code, spirv, &errorMessage);
	if (!errorMessage.empty()) {
		if (success) {
			ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Warnings in shader compilation!");
		} else {
			ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Error in shader compilation!");
		ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Messages: %s", errorMessage.c_str());
		ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Shader source:\n%s", code);
		Reporting::ReportMessage("Vulkan error in shader compilation: info: %s / code: %s", errorMessage.c_str(), code);
	} else {
		success = vulkan_->CreateShaderModule(spirv, &module_);

	if (!success) {
		failed_ = true;
	} else {
		DEBUG_LOG(G3D, "Compiled shader:\n%s\n", (const char *)code);
Пример #10
static void DoFrameIdleTiming() {
	if (!FrameTimingThrottled() || !g_Config.bEnableSound || wasPaused) {


	double dist = time_now_d() - lastFrameTime;
	// Ignore if the distance is just crazy.  May mean wrap or pause.
	if (dist < 0.0 || dist >= 15 * timePerVblank) {

	float scaledVblank = timePerVblank;
	if (PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit == FPS_LIMIT_CUSTOM) {
		// 0 is handled in FrameTimingThrottled().
		scaledVblank *= 60.0f / g_Config.iFpsLimit;

	// If we have over at least a vblank of spare time, maintain at least 30fps in delay.
	// This prevents fast forward during loading screens.
	const double thresh = lastFrameTime + (numVBlanksSinceFlip - 1) * scaledVblank;
	if (numVBlanksSinceFlip >= 2 && time_now_d() < thresh) {
		// Give a little extra wiggle room in case the next vblank does more work.
		const double goal = lastFrameTime + numVBlanksSinceFlip * scaledVblank - 0.001;
		while (time_now_d() < goal) {
#ifdef _WIN32
			const double left = goal - time_now_d();
			usleep((long)(left * 1000000));
Пример #11
VulkanPipeline *PipelineManagerVulkan::GetOrCreatePipeline(VkPipelineLayout layout, VkRenderPass renderPass, const VulkanPipelineRasterStateKey &rasterKey, const DecVtxFormat *decFmt, VulkanVertexShader *vs, VulkanFragmentShader *fs, bool useHwTransform) {
	VulkanPipelineKey key{};
	_assert_msg_(G3D, renderPass, "Can't create a pipeline with a null renderpass");

	key.raster = rasterKey;
	key.renderPass = renderPass;
	key.useHWTransform = useHwTransform;
	key.vShader = vs->GetModule();
	key.fShader = fs->GetModule();
	key.vtxDecId = useHwTransform ? decFmt->id : 0;

	auto iter = pipelines_.Get(key);
	if (iter)
		return iter;


	VulkanPipeline *pipeline = CreateVulkanPipeline(
		vulkan_->GetDevice(), pipelineCache_, layout, renderPass, 
		rasterKey, decFmt, vs, fs, useHwTransform, lineWidth_);
	// Even if the result is nullptr, insert it so we don't try to create it repeatedly.
	pipelines_.Insert(key, pipeline);
	return pipeline;
Пример #12
void MipsJit::RunLoopUntil(u64 globalticks)
	((void (*)())enterCode)();
Пример #13
// Let's collect all the throttling and frameskipping logic here.
static void DoFrameTiming(bool &throttle, bool &skipFrame, float timestep) {
	int fpsLimiter = PSP_CoreParameter().fpsLimit;
	throttle = FrameTimingThrottled();
	skipFrame = false;

	// Check if the frameskipping code should be enabled. If neither throttling or frameskipping is on,
	// we have nothing to do here.
	bool doFrameSkip = g_Config.iFrameSkip != 0;

	if (!throttle && g_Config.bFrameSkipUnthrottle) {
		doFrameSkip = true;
		skipFrame = true;
		if (numSkippedFrames >= 7) {
			skipFrame = false;

	if (!throttle && !doFrameSkip)


	float scaledTimestep = timestep;
	if (fpsLimiter == FPS_LIMIT_CUSTOM && g_Config.iFpsLimit != 0) {
		scaledTimestep *= 60.0f / g_Config.iFpsLimit;

	if (lastFrameTime == 0.0 || wasPaused) {
		nextFrameTime = time_now_d() + scaledTimestep;
		if (wasPaused)
			wasPaused = false;
	} else {
		// Advance lastFrameTime by a constant amount each frame,
		// but don't let it get too far behind as things can get very jumpy.
		const double maxFallBehindFrames = 5.5;

		nextFrameTime = std::max(lastFrameTime + scaledTimestep, time_now_d() - maxFallBehindFrames * scaledTimestep);
	curFrameTime = time_now_d();

	// Auto-frameskip automatically if speed limit is set differently than the default.
	bool useAutoFrameskip = g_Config.bAutoFrameSkip && g_Config.iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE;
	if (g_Config.bAutoFrameSkip || (g_Config.iFrameSkip == 0 && fpsLimiter == FPS_LIMIT_CUSTOM && g_Config.iFpsLimit > 60)) {
		// autoframeskip
		// Argh, we are falling behind! Let's skip a frame and see if we catch up.
		if (curFrameTime > nextFrameTime && doFrameSkip) {
			skipFrame = true;
	} else if (g_Config.iFrameSkip >= 1)	{
		// fixed frameskip
		if (numSkippedFrames >= g_Config.iFrameSkip)
			skipFrame = false;
			skipFrame = true;

	if (curFrameTime < nextFrameTime && throttle) {
		// If time gap is huge just jump (somebody unthrottled)
		if (nextFrameTime - curFrameTime > 2*scaledTimestep) {
			nextFrameTime = curFrameTime;
		} else {
			// Wait until we've caught up.
			while (time_now_d() < nextFrameTime) {
#ifdef _WIN32
				sleep_ms(1); // Sleep for 1ms on this thread
				const double left = nextFrameTime - curFrameTime;
				usleep((long)(left * 1000000));
		curFrameTime = time_now_d();

	lastFrameTime = nextFrameTime;
Пример #14
void DrawEngineCommon::SubmitSpline(const void *control_points, const void *indices, int tess_u, int tess_v, int count_u, int count_v, int type_u, int type_v, GEPatchPrimType prim_type, bool computeNormals, bool patchFacing, u32 vertType) {

	// TODO: Verify correct functionality with < 4.
	if (count_u < 4 || count_v < 4)

	u16 index_lower_bound = 0;
	u16 index_upper_bound = count_u * count_v - 1;
	bool indices_16bit = (vertType & GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) == GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT;
	const u8* indices8 = (const u8*)indices;
	const u16* indices16 = (const u16*)indices;
	if (indices)
		GetIndexBounds(indices, count_u*count_v, vertType, &index_lower_bound, &index_upper_bound);

	// Simplify away bones and morph before proceeding
	SimpleVertex *simplified_control_points = (SimpleVertex *)(decoded + 65536 * 12);
	u8 *temp_buffer = decoded + 65536 * 18;

	u32 origVertType = vertType;
	vertType = NormalizeVertices((u8 *)simplified_control_points, temp_buffer, (u8 *)control_points, index_lower_bound, index_upper_bound, vertType);

	VertexDecoder *vdecoder = GetVertexDecoder(vertType);

	int vertexSize = vdecoder->VertexSize();
	if (vertexSize != sizeof(SimpleVertex)) {
		ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Something went really wrong, vertex size: %i vs %i", vertexSize, (int)sizeof(SimpleVertex));

	// TODO: Do something less idiotic to manage this buffer
	SimpleVertex **points = new SimpleVertex *[count_u * count_v];

	// Make an array of pointers to the control points, to get rid of indices.
	for (int idx = 0; idx < count_u * count_v; idx++) {
		if (indices)
			points[idx] = simplified_control_points + (indices_16bit ? indices16[idx] : indices8[idx]);
			points[idx] = simplified_control_points + idx;

	int count = 0;

	u8 *dest = splineBuffer;

	SplinePatchLocal patch;
	patch.tess_u = tess_u;
	patch.tess_v = tess_v;
	patch.type_u = type_u;
	patch.type_v = type_v;
	patch.count_u = count_u;
	patch.count_v = count_v;
	patch.points = points;
	patch.computeNormals = computeNormals;
	patch.primType = prim_type;
	patch.patchFacing = patchFacing;

	int maxVertexCount = SPLINE_BUFFER_SIZE / vertexSize;
	TesselateSplinePatch(dest, quadIndices_, count, patch, origVertType, maxVertexCount);

	delete[] points;

	u32 vertTypeWithIndex16 = (vertType & ~GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) | GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT;

	UVScale prevUVScale;
	if (g_Config.bPrescaleUV) {
		// We scaled during Normalize already so let's turn it off when drawing.
		prevUVScale = gstate_c.uv;
		gstate_c.uv.uScale = 1.0f;
		gstate_c.uv.vScale = 1.0f;
		gstate_c.uv.uOff = 0;
		gstate_c.uv.vOff = 0;

	int bytesRead;
	DispatchSubmitPrim(splineBuffer, quadIndices_, primType[prim_type], count, vertTypeWithIndex16, &bytesRead);


	if (g_Config.bPrescaleUV) {
		gstate_c.uv = prevUVScale;
Пример #15
void DrawEngineCommon::SubmitBezier(const void *control_points, const void *indices, int tess_u, int tess_v, int count_u, int count_v, GEPatchPrimType prim_type, bool computeNormals, bool patchFacing, u32 vertType, int *bytesRead) {


	u16 index_lower_bound = 0;
	u16 index_upper_bound = count_u * count_v - 1;
	IndexConverter idxConv(vertType, indices);
	if (indices)
		GetIndexBounds(indices, count_u*count_v, vertType, &index_lower_bound, &index_upper_bound);

	VertexDecoder *origVDecoder = GetVertexDecoder((vertType & 0xFFFFFF) | (gstate.getUVGenMode() << 24));
	*bytesRead = count_u * count_v * origVDecoder->VertexSize();

	// Real hardware seems to draw nothing when given < 4 either U or V.
	// This would result in num_patches_u / num_patches_v being 0.
	if (count_u < 4 || count_v < 4) {

	// Simplify away bones and morph before proceeding
	// There are normally not a lot of control points so just splitting decoded should be reasonably safe, although not great.
	SimpleVertex *simplified_control_points = (SimpleVertex *)(decoded + 65536 * 12);
	u8 *temp_buffer = decoded + 65536 * 18;

	u32 origVertType = vertType;
	vertType = NormalizeVertices((u8 *)simplified_control_points, temp_buffer, (u8 *)control_points, index_lower_bound, index_upper_bound, vertType);

	VertexDecoder *vdecoder = GetVertexDecoder(vertType);

	int vertexSize = vdecoder->VertexSize();
	if (vertexSize != sizeof(SimpleVertex)) {
		ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Something went really wrong, vertex size: %i vs %i", vertexSize, (int)sizeof(SimpleVertex));

	float *pos = (float*)(decoded + 65536 * 18); // Size 4 float
	float *tex = pos + count_u * count_v * 4; // Size 4 float
	float *col = tex + count_u * count_v * 4; // Size 4 float
	const bool hasColor = (origVertType & GE_VTYPE_COL_MASK) != 0;
	const bool hasTexCoords = (origVertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) != 0;

	// Bezier patches share less control points than spline patches. Otherwise they are pretty much the same (except bezier don't support the open/close thing)
	int num_patches_u = (count_u - 1) / 3;
	int num_patches_v = (count_v - 1) / 3;
	BezierPatch *patches = nullptr;
	if (g_Config.bHardwareTessellation && g_Config.bHardwareTransform && !g_Config.bSoftwareRendering) {
		int posStride, texStride, colStride;
		tessDataTransfer->PrepareBuffers(pos, tex, col, posStride, texStride, colStride, count_u * count_v, hasColor, hasTexCoords);
		float *p = pos;
		float *t = tex;
		float *c = col;
		for (int idx = 0; idx < count_u * count_v; idx++) {
			SimpleVertex *point = simplified_control_points + (indices ? idxConv.convert(idx) : idx);
			memcpy(p, point->pos.AsArray(), 3 * sizeof(float));
			p += posStride;
			if (hasTexCoords) {
				memcpy(t, point->uv, 2 * sizeof(float));
				t += texStride;
			if (hasColor) {
				memcpy(c, Vec4f::FromRGBA(point->color_32).AsArray(), 4 * sizeof(float));
				c += colStride;
		if (!hasColor) {
			SimpleVertex *point = simplified_control_points + (indices ? idxConv.convert(0) : 0);
			memcpy(col, Vec4f::FromRGBA(point->color_32).AsArray(), 4 * sizeof(float));
	} else {
		patches = new BezierPatch[num_patches_u * num_patches_v];
		for (int patch_u = 0; patch_u < num_patches_u; patch_u++) {
			for (int patch_v = 0; patch_v < num_patches_v; patch_v++) {
				BezierPatch& patch = patches[patch_u + patch_v * num_patches_u];
				for (int point = 0; point < 16; ++point) {
					int idx = (patch_u * 3 + point % 4) + (patch_v * 3 + point / 4) * count_u;
					patch.points[point] = simplified_control_points + (indices ? idxConv.convert(idx) : idx);
				patch.u_index = patch_u * 3;
				patch.v_index = patch_v * 3;
				patch.index = patch_v * num_patches_u + patch_u;
				patch.primType = prim_type;
				patch.computeNormals = computeNormals;
				patch.patchFacing = patchFacing;

	int count = 0;
	u8 *dest = splineBuffer;

	// We shouldn't really split up into separate 4x4 patches, instead we should do something that works
	// like the splines, so we subdivide across the whole "mega-patch".

	// If specified as 0, uses 1.
	if (tess_u < 1) {
		tess_u = 1;
	if (tess_v < 1) {
		tess_v = 1;

	u16 *inds = quadIndices_;
	if (g_Config.bHardwareTessellation && g_Config.bHardwareTransform && !g_Config.bSoftwareRendering) {
		tessDataTransfer->SendDataToShader(pos, tex, col, count_u * count_v, hasColor, hasTexCoords);
		TessellateBezierPatchHardware(dest, inds, count, tess_u, tess_v, prim_type);
		numPatches = num_patches_u * num_patches_v;
	} else {
		int maxVertices = SPLINE_BUFFER_SIZE / vertexSize;
		// Downsample until it fits, in case crazy tessellation factors are sent.
		while ((tess_u + 1) * (tess_v + 1) * num_patches_u * num_patches_v > maxVertices) {
			tess_u /= 2;
			tess_v /= 2;
		for (int patch_idx = 0; patch_idx < num_patches_u*num_patches_v; ++patch_idx) {
			const BezierPatch &patch = patches[patch_idx];
			TessellateBezierPatch(dest, inds, count, tess_u, tess_v, patch, origVertType);
		delete[] patches;

	u32 vertTypeWithIndex16 = (vertType & ~GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) | GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT;

	UVScale prevUVScale;
	if (origVertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) {
		// We scaled during Normalize already so let's turn it off when drawing.
		prevUVScale = gstate_c.uv;
		gstate_c.uv.uScale = 1.0f;
		gstate_c.uv.vScale = 1.0f;
		gstate_c.uv.uOff = 0;
		gstate_c.uv.vOff = 0;

	uint32_t vertTypeID = GetVertTypeID(vertTypeWithIndex16, gstate.getUVGenMode());
	int generatedBytesRead;
	DispatchSubmitPrim(splineBuffer, quadIndices_, primType[prim_type], count, vertTypeID, &generatedBytesRead);


	if (origVertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) {
		gstate_c.uv = prevUVScale;
Пример #16
void DrawEngineCommon::SubmitSpline(const void *control_points, const void *indices, int tess_u, int tess_v, int count_u, int count_v, int type_u, int type_v, GEPatchPrimType prim_type, bool computeNormals, bool patchFacing, u32 vertType, int *bytesRead) {

	u16 index_lower_bound = 0;
	u16 index_upper_bound = count_u * count_v - 1;
	IndexConverter idxConv(vertType, indices);
	if (indices)
		GetIndexBounds(indices, count_u * count_v, vertType, &index_lower_bound, &index_upper_bound);

	VertexDecoder *origVDecoder = GetVertexDecoder((vertType & 0xFFFFFF) | (gstate.getUVGenMode() << 24));
	*bytesRead = count_u * count_v * origVDecoder->VertexSize();

	// Real hardware seems to draw nothing when given < 4 either U or V.
	if (count_u < 4 || count_v < 4) {

	// Simplify away bones and morph before proceeding
	SimpleVertex *simplified_control_points = (SimpleVertex *)(decoded + 65536 * 12);
	u8 *temp_buffer = decoded + 65536 * 18;

	u32 origVertType = vertType;
	vertType = NormalizeVertices((u8 *)simplified_control_points, temp_buffer, (u8 *)control_points, index_lower_bound, index_upper_bound, vertType);

	VertexDecoder *vdecoder = GetVertexDecoder(vertType);

	int vertexSize = vdecoder->VertexSize();
	if (vertexSize != sizeof(SimpleVertex)) {
		ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Something went really wrong, vertex size: %i vs %i", vertexSize, (int)sizeof(SimpleVertex));

	// TODO: Do something less idiotic to manage this buffer
	SimpleVertex **points = new SimpleVertex *[count_u * count_v];

	// Make an array of pointers to the control points, to get rid of indices.
	for (int idx = 0; idx < count_u * count_v; idx++) {
		points[idx] = simplified_control_points + (indices ? idxConv.convert(idx) : idx);

	int count = 0;

	u8 *dest = splineBuffer;

	SplinePatchLocal patch;
	patch.tess_u = tess_u;
	patch.tess_v = tess_v;
	patch.type_u = type_u;
	patch.type_v = type_v;
	patch.count_u = count_u;
	patch.count_v = count_v;
	patch.points = points;
	patch.computeNormals = computeNormals;
	patch.primType = prim_type;
	patch.patchFacing = patchFacing;

	if (g_Config.bHardwareTessellation && g_Config.bHardwareTransform && !g_Config.bSoftwareRendering) {
		float *pos = (float*)(decoded + 65536 * 18); // Size 4 float
		float *tex = pos + count_u * count_v * 4; // Size 4 float
		float *col = tex + count_u * count_v * 4; // Size 4 float
		const bool hasColor = (origVertType & GE_VTYPE_COL_MASK) != 0;
		const bool hasTexCoords = (origVertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) != 0;

		int posStride, texStride, colStride;
		tessDataTransfer->PrepareBuffers(pos, tex, col, posStride, texStride, colStride, count_u * count_v, hasColor, hasTexCoords);
		float *p = pos;
		float *t = tex;
		float *c = col;
		for (int idx = 0; idx < count_u * count_v; idx++) {
			memcpy(p, points[idx]->pos.AsArray(), 3 * sizeof(float));
			p += posStride;
			if (hasTexCoords) {
				memcpy(t, points[idx]->uv, 2 * sizeof(float));
				t += texStride;
			if (hasColor) {
				memcpy(c, Vec4f::FromRGBA(points[idx]->color_32).AsArray(), 4 * sizeof(float));
				c += colStride;
		if (!hasColor)
			memcpy(col, Vec4f::FromRGBA(points[0]->color_32).AsArray(), 4 * sizeof(float));

		tessDataTransfer->SendDataToShader(pos, tex, col, count_u * count_v, hasColor, hasTexCoords);
		TessellateSplinePatchHardware(dest, quadIndices_, count, patch);
		numPatches = (count_u - 3) * (count_v - 3);
	} else {
		int maxVertexCount = SPLINE_BUFFER_SIZE / vertexSize;
		TessellateSplinePatch(dest, quadIndices_, count, patch, origVertType, maxVertexCount);
	delete[] points;

	u32 vertTypeWithIndex16 = (vertType & ~GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) | GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT;

	UVScale prevUVScale;
	if ((origVertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) != 0) {
		// We scaled during Normalize already so let's turn it off when drawing.
		prevUVScale = gstate_c.uv;
		gstate_c.uv.uScale = 1.0f;
		gstate_c.uv.vScale = 1.0f;
		gstate_c.uv.uOff = 0.0f;
		gstate_c.uv.vOff = 0.0f;

	uint32_t vertTypeID = GetVertTypeID(vertTypeWithIndex16, gstate.getUVGenMode());

	int generatedBytesRead;
	DispatchSubmitPrim(splineBuffer, quadIndices_, primType[prim_type], count, vertTypeID, &generatedBytesRead);


	if ((origVertType & GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) != 0) {
		gstate_c.uv = prevUVScale;
Пример #17
LinkedShader::LinkedShader(ShaderID VSID, Shader *vs, ShaderID FSID, Shader *fs, bool useHWTransform)
		: useHWTransform_(useHWTransform), program(0), dirtyUniforms(0) {

	program = glCreateProgram();
	vs_ = vs;
	glAttachShader(program, vs->shader);
	glAttachShader(program, fs->shader);

	// Bind attribute locations to fixed locations so that they're
	// the same in all shaders. We use this later to minimize the calls to
	// glEnableVertexAttribArray and glDisableVertexAttribArray.
	glBindAttribLocation(program, ATTR_POSITION, "position");
	glBindAttribLocation(program, ATTR_TEXCOORD, "texcoord");
	glBindAttribLocation(program, ATTR_NORMAL, "normal");
	glBindAttribLocation(program, ATTR_W1, "w1");
	glBindAttribLocation(program, ATTR_W2, "w2");
	glBindAttribLocation(program, ATTR_COLOR0, "color0");
	glBindAttribLocation(program, ATTR_COLOR1, "color1");

#if !defined(USING_GLES2)
	if (gstate_c.featureFlags & GPU_SUPPORTS_DUALSOURCE_BLEND) {
		// Dual source alpha
		glBindFragDataLocationIndexed(program, 0, 0, "fragColor0");
		glBindFragDataLocationIndexed(program, 0, 1, "fragColor1");
	} else if (gl_extensions.VersionGEThan(3, 3, 0)) {
		glBindFragDataLocation(program, 0, "fragColor0");
#elif !defined(IOS)
	if (gl_extensions.GLES3) {
		if (gstate_c.featureFlags & GPU_SUPPORTS_DUALSOURCE_BLEND) {
			glBindFragDataLocationIndexedEXT(program, 0, 0, "fragColor0");
			glBindFragDataLocationIndexedEXT(program, 0, 1, "fragColor1");


	GLint linkStatus = GL_FALSE;
	glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linkStatus);
	if (linkStatus != GL_TRUE) {
		GLint bufLength = 0;
		glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &bufLength);
		if (bufLength) {
			char* buf = new char[bufLength];
			glGetProgramInfoLog(program, bufLength, NULL, buf);
#ifdef ANDROID
			ELOG("Could not link program:\n %s", buf);
			ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Could not link program:\n %s", buf);
			ERROR_LOG(G3D, "VS desc:\n%s\n", vs->GetShaderString(SHADER_STRING_SHORT_DESC, VSID).c_str());
			ERROR_LOG(G3D, "FS desc:\n%s\n", fs->GetShaderString(SHADER_STRING_SHORT_DESC, FSID).c_str());
			std::string vs_source = vs->GetShaderString(SHADER_STRING_SOURCE_CODE, VSID);
			std::string fs_source = fs->GetShaderString(SHADER_STRING_SOURCE_CODE, FSID);
			ERROR_LOG(G3D, "VS:\n%s\n", vs_source.c_str());
			ERROR_LOG(G3D, "FS:\n%s\n", fs_source.c_str());
			Reporting::ReportMessage("Error in shader program link: info: %s / fs: %s / vs: %s", buf, fs_source.c_str(), vs_source.c_str());
			delete [] buf;	// we're dead!
		// Prevent a buffer overflow.
		numBones = 0;

	INFO_LOG(G3D, "Linked shader: vs %i fs %i", (int)vs->shader, (int)fs->shader);

	u_tex = glGetUniformLocation(program, "tex");
	u_proj = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_proj");
	u_proj_through = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_proj_through");
	u_texenv = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_texenv");
	u_fogcolor = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_fogcolor");
	u_fogcoef = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_fogcoef");
	u_alphacolorref = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_alphacolorref");
	u_alphacolormask = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_alphacolormask");
	u_stencilReplaceValue = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_stencilReplaceValue");
	u_testtex = glGetUniformLocation(program, "testtex");

	u_fbotex = glGetUniformLocation(program, "fbotex");
	u_blendFixA = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_blendFixA");
	u_blendFixB = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_blendFixB");
	u_fbotexSize = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_fbotexSize");

	// Transform
	u_view = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_view");
	u_world = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_world");
	u_texmtx = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_texmtx");
		numBones = TranslateNumBones(VSID.Bits(VS_BIT_BONES, 3) + 1);
		numBones = 0;
	u_depthRange = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_depthRange");

	u_bone = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_bone");
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		char name[10];
		sprintf(name, "u_bone%i", i);
		u_bone[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, name);

	// Lighting, texturing
	u_ambient = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_ambient");
	u_matambientalpha = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_matambientalpha");
	u_matdiffuse = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_matdiffuse");
	u_matspecular = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_matspecular");
	u_matemissive = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_matemissive");
	u_uvscaleoffset = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_uvscaleoffset");
	u_texclamp = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_texclamp");
	u_texclampoff = glGetUniformLocation(program, "u_texclampoff");

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		char temp[64];
		sprintf(temp, "u_lightpos%i", i);
		u_lightpos[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
		sprintf(temp, "u_lightdir%i", i);
		u_lightdir[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
		sprintf(temp, "u_lightatt%i", i);
		u_lightatt[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
		sprintf(temp, "u_lightangle%i", i);
		u_lightangle[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
		sprintf(temp, "u_lightspotCoef%i", i);
		u_lightspotCoef[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
		sprintf(temp, "u_lightambient%i", i);
		u_lightambient[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
		sprintf(temp, "u_lightdiffuse%i", i);
		u_lightdiffuse[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);
		sprintf(temp, "u_lightspecular%i", i);
		u_lightspecular[i] = glGetUniformLocation(program, temp);

	attrMask = 0;
	if (-1 != glGetAttribLocation(program, "position")) attrMask |= 1 << ATTR_POSITION;
	if (-1 != glGetAttribLocation(program, "texcoord")) attrMask |= 1 << ATTR_TEXCOORD;
	if (-1 != glGetAttribLocation(program, "normal")) attrMask |= 1 << ATTR_NORMAL;
	if (-1 != glGetAttribLocation(program, "w1")) attrMask |= 1 << ATTR_W1;
	if (-1 != glGetAttribLocation(program, "w2")) attrMask |= 1 << ATTR_W2;
	if (-1 != glGetAttribLocation(program, "color0")) attrMask |= 1 << ATTR_COLOR0;
	if (-1 != glGetAttribLocation(program, "color1")) attrMask |= 1 << ATTR_COLOR1;

	availableUniforms = 0;
	if (u_proj != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_PROJMATRIX;
	if (u_proj_through != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_PROJTHROUGHMATRIX;
	if (u_texenv != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_TEXENV;
	if (u_alphacolorref != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_ALPHACOLORREF;
	if (u_alphacolormask != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_ALPHACOLORMASK;
	if (u_fogcolor != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_FOGCOLOR;
	if (u_fogcoef != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_FOGCOEF;
	if (u_texenv != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_TEXENV;
	if (u_uvscaleoffset != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_UVSCALEOFFSET;
	if (u_texclamp != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_TEXCLAMP;
	if (u_world != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_WORLDMATRIX;
	if (u_view != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_VIEWMATRIX;
	if (u_texmtx != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_TEXMATRIX;
	if (u_stencilReplaceValue != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_STENCILREPLACEVALUE;
	if (u_blendFixA != -1 || u_blendFixB != -1 || u_fbotexSize != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_SHADERBLEND;
	if (u_depthRange != -1)
		availableUniforms |= DIRTY_DEPTHRANGE;

	// Looping up to numBones lets us avoid checking u_bone[i]
	if (u_bone != -1) {
		for (int i = 0; i < numBones; i++) {
			availableUniforms |= DIRTY_BONEMATRIX0 << i;
	for (int i = 0; i < numBones; i++) {
		if (u_bone[i] != -1)
			availableUniforms |= DIRTY_BONEMATRIX0 << i;
	if (u_ambient != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_AMBIENT;
	if (u_matambientalpha != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_MATAMBIENTALPHA;
	if (u_matdiffuse != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_MATDIFFUSE;
	if (u_matemissive != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_MATEMISSIVE;
	if (u_matspecular != -1) availableUniforms |= DIRTY_MATSPECULAR;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		if (u_lightdir[i] != -1 ||
				u_lightspecular[i] != -1 ||
				u_lightpos[i] != -1)
			availableUniforms |= DIRTY_LIGHT0 << i;


	// Default uniform values
	glUniform1i(u_tex, 0);
	glUniform1i(u_fbotex, 1);
	glUniform1i(u_testtex, 2);
	// The rest, use the "dirty" mechanism.
	dirtyUniforms = DIRTY_ALL;
Пример #18
void DrawEngineCommon::SubmitBezier(const void *control_points, const void *indices, int tess_u, int tess_v, int count_u, int count_v, GEPatchPrimType prim_type, bool computeNormals, bool patchFacing, u32 vertType) {


	// TODO: Verify correct functionality with < 4.
	if (count_u < 4 || count_v < 4)

	u16 index_lower_bound = 0;
	u16 index_upper_bound = count_u * count_v - 1;
	bool indices_16bit = (vertType & GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) == GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT;
	const u8* indices8 = (const u8*)indices;
	const u16* indices16 = (const u16*)indices;
	if (indices)
		GetIndexBounds(indices, count_u*count_v, vertType, &index_lower_bound, &index_upper_bound);

	// Simplify away bones and morph before proceeding
	// There are normally not a lot of control points so just splitting decoded should be reasonably safe, although not great.
	SimpleVertex *simplified_control_points = (SimpleVertex *)(decoded + 65536 * 12);
	u8 *temp_buffer = decoded + 65536 * 18;

	u32 origVertType = vertType;
	vertType = NormalizeVertices((u8 *)simplified_control_points, temp_buffer, (u8 *)control_points, index_lower_bound, index_upper_bound, vertType);

	VertexDecoder *vdecoder = GetVertexDecoder(vertType);

	int vertexSize = vdecoder->VertexSize();
	if (vertexSize != sizeof(SimpleVertex)) {
		ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Something went really wrong, vertex size: %i vs %i", vertexSize, (int)sizeof(SimpleVertex));

	// Bezier patches share less control points than spline patches. Otherwise they are pretty much the same (except bezier don't support the open/close thing)
	int num_patches_u = (count_u - 1) / 3;
	int num_patches_v = (count_v - 1) / 3;
	BezierPatch* patches = new BezierPatch[num_patches_u * num_patches_v];
	for (int patch_u = 0; patch_u < num_patches_u; patch_u++) {
		for (int patch_v = 0; patch_v < num_patches_v; patch_v++) {
			BezierPatch& patch = patches[patch_u + patch_v * num_patches_u];
			for (int point = 0; point < 16; ++point) {
				int idx = (patch_u * 3 + point % 4) + (patch_v * 3 + point / 4) * count_u;
				if (indices)
					patch.points[point] = simplified_control_points + (indices_16bit ? indices16[idx] : indices8[idx]);
					patch.points[point] = simplified_control_points + idx;
			patch.u_index = patch_u * 3;
			patch.v_index = patch_v * 3;
			patch.index = patch_v * num_patches_u + patch_u;
			patch.primType = prim_type;
			patch.computeNormals = computeNormals;
			patch.patchFacing = patchFacing;

	int count = 0;
	u8 *dest = splineBuffer;

	// Simple approximation of the real tesselation factor.
	// We shouldn't really split up into separate 4x4 patches, instead we should do something that works
	// like the splines, so we subdivide across the whole "mega-patch".
	if (num_patches_u == 0) num_patches_u = 1;
	if (num_patches_v == 0) num_patches_v = 1;
	if (tess_u < 4) tess_u = 4;
	if (tess_v < 4) tess_v = 4;

	u16 *inds = quadIndices_;
	int maxVertices = SPLINE_BUFFER_SIZE / vertexSize;
	for (int patch_idx = 0; patch_idx < num_patches_u*num_patches_v; ++patch_idx) {
		BezierPatch& patch = patches[patch_idx];
		TesselateBezierPatch(dest, inds, count, tess_u, tess_v, patch, origVertType, maxVertices);
	delete[] patches;

	u32 vertTypeWithIndex16 = (vertType & ~GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) | GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT;

	UVScale prevUVScale;
	if (g_Config.bPrescaleUV) {
		// We scaled during Normalize already so let's turn it off when drawing.
		prevUVScale = gstate_c.uv;
		gstate_c.uv.uScale = 1.0f;
		gstate_c.uv.vScale = 1.0f;
		gstate_c.uv.uOff = 0;
		gstate_c.uv.vOff = 0;

	int bytesRead;
	DispatchSubmitPrim(splineBuffer, quadIndices_, primType[prim_type], count, vertTypeWithIndex16, &bytesRead);


	if (g_Config.bPrescaleUV) {
		gstate_c.uv = prevUVScale;