Пример #1
void CSFLogV(CSFLogLevel priority, const char* sourceFile, int sourceLine, const char* tag , const char* format, va_list args)
  vprintf(format, args);

  mozilla::LogLevel level = static_cast<mozilla::LogLevel>(priority);


  // Skip doing any of this work if we're not logging the indicated level...
  if (!MOZ_LOG_TEST(gLogModuleInfo,level)) {

  // Trim the path component from the filename
  const char *lastSlash = sourceFile;
  while (*sourceFile) {
    if (*sourceFile == '/' || *sourceFile == '\\') {
      lastSlash = sourceFile;
  sourceFile = lastSlash;
  if (*sourceFile == '/' || *sourceFile == '\\') {

  char message[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];

  const char *threadName = NULL;

  // Check if we're the main thread...
  if (NS_IsMainThread()) {
    threadName = "main";
  } else {
    threadName = PR_GetThreadName(PR_GetCurrentThread());

  // If we can't find it anywhere, use a blank string
  if (!threadName) {
    threadName = "";

  VsprintfLiteral(message, format, args);
  MOZ_LOG(gLogModuleInfo, level, ("[%s|%s] %s:%d: %s",
                                  threadName, tag, sourceFile, sourceLine,

Пример #2
    void Print(const char* aName, LogLevel aLevel, const char* aFmt, va_list aArgs)
        const size_t kBuffSize = 1024;
        char buff[kBuffSize];

        char* buffToWrite = buff;

        // For backwards compat we need to use the NSPR format string versions
        // of sprintf and friends and then hand off to printf.
        va_list argsCopy;
        va_copy(argsCopy, aArgs);
        size_t charsWritten = PR_vsnprintf(buff, kBuffSize, aFmt, argsCopy);

        if (charsWritten == kBuffSize - 1) {
            // We may have maxed out, allocate a buffer instead.
            buffToWrite = PR_vsmprintf(aFmt, aArgs);
            charsWritten = strlen(buffToWrite);

        // Determine if a newline needs to be appended to the message.
        const char* newline = "";
        if (charsWritten == 0 || buffToWrite[charsWritten - 1] != '\n') {
            newline = "\n";

        FILE* out = mOutFile ? mOutFile : stderr;

        // This differs from the NSPR format in that we do not output the
        // opaque system specific thread pointer (ie pthread_t) cast
        // to a long. The address of the current PR_Thread continues to be
        // prefixed.
        // Additionally we prefix the output with the abbreviated log level
        // and the module name.
        PRThread *currentThread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
        const char *currentThreadName = (mMainThread == currentThread)
                                        ? "Main Thread"
                                        : PR_GetThreadName(currentThread);

        char noNameThread[40];
        if (!currentThreadName) {
            snprintf_literal(noNameThread, "Unnamed thread %p", currentThread);
            currentThreadName = noNameThread;

        if (!mAddTimestamp) {
                           "[%s]: %s/%s %s%s",
                           currentThreadName, ToLogStr(aLevel),
                           aName, buffToWrite, newline);
        } else {
            PRExplodedTime now;
            PR_ExplodeTime(PR_Now(), PR_GMTParameters, &now);
                "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06d UTC - [%s]: %s/%s %s%s",
                now.tm_year, now.tm_month + 1, now.tm_mday,
                now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec, now.tm_usec,
                currentThreadName, ToLogStr(aLevel),
                aName, buffToWrite, newline);

        if (mIsSync) {

        if (buffToWrite != buff) {
Пример #3
  void Print(const char* aName, LogLevel aLevel, const char* aFmt, va_list aArgs)
    const size_t kBuffSize = 1024;
    char buff[kBuffSize];

    char* buffToWrite = buff;

    // For backwards compat we need to use the NSPR format string versions
    // of sprintf and friends and then hand off to printf.
    va_list argsCopy;
    va_copy(argsCopy, aArgs);
    size_t charsWritten = PR_vsnprintf(buff, kBuffSize, aFmt, argsCopy);

    if (charsWritten == kBuffSize - 1) {
      // We may have maxed out, allocate a buffer instead.
      buffToWrite = PR_vsmprintf(aFmt, aArgs);
      charsWritten = strlen(buffToWrite);

    // Determine if a newline needs to be appended to the message.
    const char* newline = "";
    if (charsWritten == 0 || buffToWrite[charsWritten - 1] != '\n') {
      newline = "\n";

    FILE* out = stderr;

    // In case we use rotate, this ensures the FILE is kept alive during
    // its use.  Increased before we load mOutFile.

    detail::LogFile* outFile = mOutFile;
    if (outFile) {
      out = outFile->File();

    // This differs from the NSPR format in that we do not output the
    // opaque system specific thread pointer (ie pthread_t) cast
    // to a long. The address of the current PR_Thread continues to be
    // prefixed.
    // Additionally we prefix the output with the abbreviated log level
    // and the module name.
    PRThread *currentThread = PR_GetCurrentThread();
    const char *currentThreadName = (mMainThread == currentThread)
      ? "Main Thread"
      : PR_GetThreadName(currentThread);

    char noNameThread[40];
    if (!currentThreadName) {
      SprintfLiteral(noNameThread, "Unnamed thread %p", currentThread);
      currentThreadName = noNameThread;

    if (!mAddTimestamp) {
                     "[%s]: %s/%s %s%s",
                     currentThreadName, ToLogStr(aLevel),
                     aName, buffToWrite, newline);
    } else {
      PRExplodedTime now;
      PR_ExplodeTime(PR_Now(), PR_GMTParameters, &now);
          "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06d UTC - [%s]: %s/%s %s%s",
          now.tm_year, now.tm_month + 1, now.tm_mday,
          now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec, now.tm_usec,
          currentThreadName, ToLogStr(aLevel),
          aName, buffToWrite, newline);

    if (mIsSync) {

    if (buffToWrite != buff) {

    if (mRotate > 0 && outFile) {
      int32_t fileSize = ftell(out);
      if (fileSize > mRotate) {
        uint32_t fileNum = outFile->Num();

        uint32_t nextFileNum = fileNum + 1;
        if (nextFileNum >= kRotateFilesNumber) {
          nextFileNum = 0;

        // And here is the trick.  The current out-file remembers its order
        // number.  When no other thread shifted the global file number yet,
        // we are the thread to open the next file.
        if (mOutFileNum.compareExchange(fileNum, nextFileNum)) {
          // We can work with mToReleaseFile because we are sure the
          // mPrintEntryCount can't drop to zero now - the condition
          // to actually delete what's stored in that member.
          // And also, no other thread can enter this piece of code
          // because mOutFile is still holding the current file with
          // the non-shifted number.  The compareExchange() above is
          // a no-op for other threads.
          outFile->mNextToRelease = mToReleaseFile;
          mToReleaseFile = outFile;

          mOutFile = OpenFile(false, nextFileNum);

    if (--mPrintEntryCount == 0 && mToReleaseFile) {
      // We were the last Print() entered, if there is a file to release
      // do it now.  exchange() is atomic and makes sure we release the file
      // only once on one thread.
      detail::LogFile* release = mToReleaseFile.exchange(nullptr);
      delete release;
Пример #4
void CSFLogV(CSFLogLevel priority, const char* sourceFile, int sourceLine, const char* tag , const char* format, va_list args)
  vprintf(format, args);

  PRLogModuleLevel level = static_cast<PRLogModuleLevel>(priority);


  // Skip doing any of this work if we're not logging the indicated level...
  if (!PR_LOG_TEST(gLogModuleInfo,level)) {

  // Trim the path component from the filename
  const char *lastSlash = sourceFile;
  while (*sourceFile) {
    if (*sourceFile == '/' || *sourceFile == '\\') {
      lastSlash = sourceFile;
  sourceFile = lastSlash;
  if (*sourceFile == '/' || *sourceFile == '\\') {

  char message[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
  char buffer[64] = "";

  const char *threadName = CSFCurrentThreadName();

  // Check if we're the main thread...
  if (!threadName && NS_IsMainThread()) {
    threadName = "main";

  // If null, the name wasn't set up by CPR -- try NSPR
  if (!threadName) {
    threadName = PR_GetThreadName(PR_GetCurrentThread());

  // If not NSPR, it might be from some other imported library that uses
  // one of the variety of non-portable means of naming threads.
#ifdef OS_LINUX
  if (!threadName &&
    !prctl(PR_GET_NAME,reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buffer),0,0,0)) {
    if (buffer[0] != '\0') {
      threadName = buffer;
#ifdef OS_MACOSX
  if (!threadName && have_pthread_getname_np) {
    dynamic_pthread_getname_np(pthread_self(), buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    if (buffer[0] != '\0') {
      threadName = buffer;

  // If we can't find it anywhere, use a blank string
  if (!threadName) {
    threadName = "";

  vsnprintf(message, MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, format, args);
  PR_LOG(gLogModuleInfo, level, ("[%s|%s] %s:%d: %s",
                                  threadName, tag, sourceFile, sourceLine,
