Пример #1
/* We need only a few variables.  */
#define manager_thread __pthread_manager_threadp
pthread_descr __pthread_manager_threadp attribute_hidden;


/* Descriptor of the initial thread */

struct _pthread_descr_struct __pthread_initial_thread = {
  .p_header.data.self = &__pthread_initial_thread,
  .p_nextlive = &__pthread_initial_thread,
  .p_prevlive = &__pthread_initial_thread,
  .p_lock = &__pthread_handles[0].h_lock,
  .p_errnop = &_errno,
  .p_h_errnop = &_h_errno,
  .p_resp = &_res,
  .p_userstack = 1,
  .p_resume_count = __ATOMIC_INITIALIZER,
  .p_alloca_cutoff = __MAX_ALLOCA_CUTOFF

/* Descriptor of the manager thread; none of this is used but the error
   variables, the p_pid and p_priority fields,
   and the address for identification.  */

#define manager_thread (&__pthread_manager_thread)
Пример #2
 0,                          /* char p_detached */
 0,                          /* char p_exited */
 NULL,                       /* void * p_retval */
 0,                          /* int p_retval */
 NULL,                       /* pthread_descr p_joining */
 NULL,                       /* struct _pthread_cleanup_buffer * p_cleanup */
 0,                          /* char p_cancelstate */
 0,                          /* char p_canceltype */
 0,                          /* char p_canceled */
 &__pthread_initial_thread.p_reent, /* struct _reent *p_reentp */
 _REENT_INIT(__pthread_initial_thread.p_reent),  /* struct _reent p_reent */
 NULL,                       /* int *p_h_errnop */
 0,                          /* int p_h_errno */
 NULL,                       /* char * p_in_sighandler */
 0,                          /* char p_sigwaiting */
                             /* struct pthread_start_args p_start_args */
 {NULL},                     /* void ** p_specific[PTHREAD_KEY_1STLEVEL_SIZE] */
 {NULL},                     /* void * p_libc_specific[_LIBC_TSD_KEY_N] */
 1,                          /* int p_userstack */
 NULL,                       /* void * p_guardaddr */
 0,                          /* size_t p_guardsize */
 0,                          /* Always index 0 */
 0,                          /* int p_report_events */
 {{{0, }}, 0, NULL},         /* td_eventbuf_t p_eventbuf */
 __ATOMIC_INITIALIZER,       /* struct pthread_atomic p_resume_count */
 0,                          /* char p_woken_by_cancel */
 0,                          /* char p_condvar_avail */
 0,                          /* char p_sem_avail */
 NULL,                       /* struct pthread_extricate_if *p_extricate */
 NULL,	                      /* pthread_readlock_info *p_readlock_list; */