Пример #1
static int BeginPage(PSEngine *psEngine)
  int currentPage= psEngine->currentPage;

  psEngine->e.marked= 1;

  /* A change in color table can take place only at the beginning
     of a page.  ChangePalette strobes the palette in the Engine base
     class part into the PSEngine palette.  */
  psEngine->nColors= 0;      /* reset to mono mode */
  ChangePalette((Engine *)psEngine);

  if (psEngine->nchars && PutLine(psEngine)) return 1;
  if (PutLine(psEngine)) return 1;

  sprintf(line, "%%%%Page: %d %d", currentPage, currentPage);
  if (Append(psEngine, line) || PutLine(psEngine)) return 1;

  if (Append(psEngine, "%%PageBoundingBox: (atend)") ||
      PutLine(psEngine)) return 1;

  if (Append(psEngine, "GistPrimitives begin /PG save def GI") ||
      PutLine(psEngine)) return 1;

  /* Set transform viewport to reflect current page orientation */
  if (psEngine->landscape != psEngine->e.landscape) {
    SetPSTransform(&psEngine->e.transform, psEngine->e.landscape);
    psEngine->landscape= psEngine->e.landscape;
  if (psEngine->landscape) {
    if (Append(psEngine, "LAND") ||
        PutLine(psEngine)) return 1;

  if (psEngine->e.colorMode && psEngine->e.palette &&
      psEngine->e.nColors>0) {
    int i, nColors= psEngine->e.nColors;
    GpColorCell *palette= psEngine->e.palette;
    long color;
    sprintf(line, "%d CT", nColors);
    if (Append(psEngine, line) || PutLine(psEngine)) return 1;
    for (i=0 ; i<nColors ; i++) {
      color= P_R(palette[i])<<16 | P_G(palette[i])<<8 | P_B(palette[i]);
      sprintf(line, "%06lx", color);
      if (Append(psEngine, line)) return 1;
    if (psEngine->nchars && PutLine(psEngine)) return 1;
    psEngine->colorMode= 1;  /* color table has been written */
    psEngine->nColors= nColors;
  } else {
    psEngine->colorMode= 0;  /* NO color table exists on this page */
    /* But, if there is a palette, still want to use grays */
    if (psEngine->e.palette && psEngine->e.nColors>0)
      psEngine->nColors= psEngine->e.nColors;

  if (Append(psEngine, "%%EndPageSetup") || PutLine(psEngine)) return 1;
  return 0;
Пример #2
static int SetupColor(PSEngine *psEngine, unsigned long color)
  int nColors= psEngine->nColors;

  if (!psEngine->e.marked && BeginPage(psEngine)) return 1;
  if (color==psEngine->curColor) return 0;

  if (color<240UL) {
    /* "CI index C"-- "CI" omitted if current color is indexed */
    unsigned long c;
    GpColorCell *palette= psEngine->e.palette;
    if (nColors>0) {
      if (color>=(unsigned long)nColors) color= nColors-1;
      if (psEngine->colorMode) c= color;  /* this page has a color table */
      else c= (P_R(palette[color])+
               P_G(palette[color])+P_B(palette[color]))/3;  /* mono page */
    } else {
      if (color>255) color= 255;
      c= color;         /* No palette ==> no color table on page */
    if (psEngine->curColor>=240UL) {
      if (Append(psEngine, "CI")) return 1;
    sprintf(line, "%ld C", c);
    if (Append(psEngine, line)) return 1;
  } else if (color<256UL) {
    /* standard color command FG, RED, etc. */
    if (color<P_GRAYA) color= P_FG;
    if (Append(psEngine, colorCommands[255UL-color])) return 1;
  } else {
    sprintf(line, "16#%lx C", color);
    if (Append(psEngine, line)) return 1;
  psEngine->curColor= color;

  return 0;
void CameraFrames::ProjectToCameraPlane(Eigen::MatrixXf cloud){

	Eigen::MatrixXf P_L(3,4);
	Eigen::MatrixXf P_R(3,4);
	Eigen::MatrixXf Point2dimensions_right(3,cloud.cols());
	Eigen::MatrixXf Point2dimensions_left(3,cloud.cols());
	Eigen::MatrixXf u = Eigen::MatrixXf::Ones(1,cloud.cols());
	Eigen::MatrixXf translation_l(4,1);
	Eigen::MatrixXf translation_r(4,1);
	Eigen::Matrix3f rotationMatrix;
	Eigen::MatrixXf toLeftAxis(4,cloud.cols());
	Eigen::MatrixXf AuxMat(3,cloud.cols());

	cv::Point2f aux_l(0,0);
	cv::Point2f aux_r(0,0);
	//The Projection matrix projects points in the camera frame.
	//Construct the Projection Matrix of the Left Camera
	P_L(0,0) = leftCamInfo->P[0];	P_L(1,0) = leftCamInfo->P[4]; 	P_L(2,0) = leftCamInfo->P[8];
	P_L(0,1) = leftCamInfo->P[1]; 	P_L(1,1) = leftCamInfo->P[5]; 	P_L(2,1) = leftCamInfo->P[9];
	P_L(0,2) = leftCamInfo->P[2]; 	P_L(1,2) = leftCamInfo->P[6]; 	P_L(2,2) = leftCamInfo->P[10];
	P_L(0,3) = leftCamInfo->P[3]; 	P_L(1,3) = leftCamInfo->P[7]; 	P_L(2,3) = leftCamInfo->P[11];
	//Construct the Projection Matrix of the Right Camera	
	P_R(0,0) = rightCamInfo->P[0]; 	P_R(1,0) = rightCamInfo->P[4]; 	P_R(2,0) = rightCamInfo->P[8];
	P_R(0,1) = rightCamInfo->P[1]; 	P_R(1,1) = rightCamInfo->P[5]; 	P_R(2,1) = rightCamInfo->P[9];
	P_R(0,2) = rightCamInfo->P[2]; 	P_R(1,2) = rightCamInfo->P[6]; 	P_R(2,2) = rightCamInfo->P[10];
	P_R(0,3) = 0; 	P_R(1,3) = rightCamInfo->P[7];	P_R(2,3) = rightCamInfo->P[11];
	/*Project the 3D point onto the camera planes [u v w] = ProjMat * (3DPoints+Translation).
	 Translation is neccesary to put the 3D points on the corresponding camera frame.
	 Baseline = 0.04 and global frame in the midle of the baseline.  */
	rotationMatrix =  Eigen::AngleAxisf(0, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY())
					* Eigen::AngleAxisf(0, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ())
			 		* Eigen::AngleAxisf(-90, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX());
	translation_l << 0, 0, 0, 0;
	translation_r << 0.05, 0, 0, 0;
	AuxMat = rotationMatrix*cloud;
	toLeftAxis.row(0) = -AuxMat.row(0); //The Leap is left handed
	toLeftAxis.row(1) = AuxMat.row(1);
	toLeftAxis.row(2) = AuxMat.row(2);
	Point2dimensions_left = P_L*(toLeftAxis+(translation_l*u));
	Point2dimensions_right = P_R*(toLeftAxis+(translation_r*u));
	//Divide by the Homogeneous Coordinates to get the 2D Points
	Point2dimensions_left.row(0) = Point2dimensions_left.row(0).cwiseQuotient(Point2dimensions_left.row(2));
	Point2dimensions_left.row(1) = Point2dimensions_left.row(1).cwiseQuotient(Point2dimensions_left.row(2));
	Point2dimensions_right.row(0) = Point2dimensions_right.row(0).cwiseQuotient(Point2dimensions_right.row(2));
	Point2dimensions_right.row(1) = Point2dimensions_right.row(1).cwiseQuotient(Point2dimensions_right.row(2));

		for(int i = 0; i < cloud.cols(); i++){

			aux_l.x = Point2dimensions_left(0,i);
			aux_l.y = Point2dimensions_left(1,i);
			aux_r.x = Point2dimensions_right(0,i);
			aux_r.y = Point2dimensions_right(1,i);
			if(aux_l.x < 280 && aux_l.x >=0 && aux_r.x < 280 && aux_r.x >= 0 && aux_l.y < 220 && aux_l.y >= 0 && aux_r.y < 220 && aux_r.y >=0 ){
/*		cv::Point center(floor(aux_l.x), floor(aux_l.y));
		cv::Point center2(floor(aux_l.x), floor(aux_l.y));
		cv::imshow("pointsleft", LeftFrame);
		cv::imshow("pointsright", RightFrame);

Пример #4
static int DrawCells(Engine *engine, GpReal px, GpReal py, GpReal qx,
                     GpReal qy, long width, long height, long nColumns,
                     const GpColor *colors)
  PSEngine *psEngine= (PSEngine *)engine;
  GpXYMap *map= &psEngine->e.map;
  int nColors= psEngine->nColors;
  GpColorCell *palette;
  int ix, iy, idx, idy, depth;
  long i, j, off;
  int markEnd= 0;
  long nLines;
  char *now= psEngine->line;
  int nc, ncmax, color, colorMode;

  if (!psEngine->e.marked && BeginPage(psEngine)) return 1;
  if (CheckClip(psEngine)) return 1;

  /* Transform corner coordinates, clipping and adjusting width,
     height, nColumns, and colors as necessary.  */
  width = GpClipCells(&map->x, &px, &qx,
                      gistT.window.xmin, gistT.window.xmax, width, &off);
  colors += gistA.rgb? 3*off : off;
  height = GpClipCells(&map->y, &py, &qy,
                       gistT.window.ymin, gistT.window.ymax, height, &off);
  colors += gistA.rgb? 3*nColumns*off : nColumns*off;

  if (width<=0 || height<=0) return 0;
  ix= (int)px;
  iy= (int)py;
  idx= (int)(qx-px);
  idy= (int)(qy-py);

  /* Set bounding box for image if necessary */
  if (!psEngine->curClip) {
    GpBox *wind= &engine->transform.window;
    GpReal xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
    int xll, yll, xur, yur;
    if (wind->xmax>wind->xmin) { xmin= wind->xmin; xmax= wind->xmax; }
    else { xmin= wind->xmax; xmax= wind->xmin; }
    if (wind->ymax>wind->ymin) { ymin= wind->ymin; ymax= wind->ymax; }
    else { ymin= wind->ymax; ymax= wind->ymin; }

    if (px<qx) {
      if (px>xmin) xmin= px;
      if (qx<xmax) xmax= qx;
    } else {
      if (qx>xmin) xmin= qx;
      if (px<xmax) xmax= px;
    if (py<qy) {
      if (py>ymin) ymin= py;
      if (qy<ymax) ymax= qy;
    } else {
      if (qy>ymin) ymin= qy;
      if (py<ymax) ymax= py;

    xll= (int)xmin;
    xur= (int)xmax;
    yll= (int)ymin;
    yur= (int)ymax;
    if (xll<psEngine->pageBB.xll) psEngine->pageBB.xll= xll;
    if (xur>psEngine->pageBB.xur) psEngine->pageBB.xur= xur;
    if (yll<psEngine->pageBB.yll) psEngine->pageBB.yll= yll;
    if (yur>psEngine->pageBB.yur) psEngine->pageBB.yur= yur;

  /* Use 4 bit depth if the color table is small, otherwise use
     8 bit depth.  */
  if (nColors>0) {
    /* Image value will be either  */
    colorMode= psEngine->colorMode;
    if (colorMode) {
      palette= 0;                     /* palette already written */
      if (nColors>16) depth= 8;
      else depth= 4;
    } else {
      palette= psEngine->e.palette;   /* must lookup gray level now */
      depth= 8;
  } else {
    /* Must assume image varies over maximum possible range */
    colorMode= 1;  /* That is, use index without trying palette lookup */
    depth= 8;
    palette= 0;

  if (gistA.rgb) {
    /* Write the 6 arguments to the J procedure */
    sprintf(line, "%d %d %d %d %d %d",
            (int)width, (int)height, idx, idy, ix, iy);
  } else {
    /* Write the 7 arguments to the I procedure */
    sprintf(line, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d",
            (int)width, (int)height, depth, idx, idy, ix, iy);
  if (Append(psEngine, line)) return 1;

  if (gistA.rgb) {
    nLines= 6*width*height;
    ncmax = 72;   /* 12 cells (72 chars) per line */
  } else {
    nLines= width*height;
    depth= (depth==8);
    if (depth) nLines*= 2;
    else if (nLines&1L) nLines++;
    ncmax = 76;   /* Will put 76 or 38 cells per line */
  nLines= 1+(nLines-1)/ncmax;
  if (nLines>10) {
    if (psEngine->nchars && PutLine(psEngine)) return 1;
    sprintf(line, "%%%%BeginData: %ld ASCII Lines", nLines+1);
    if (Append(psEngine, line) || PutLine(psEngine)) return 1;
    markEnd= 1;
  if (Append(psEngine, gistA.rgb?"J":"I") || PutLine(psEngine)) return 1;

  i= j= 0;
  while (nLines--) {
    for (nc=0 ; nc<ncmax ; ) {
      if (i>=width) {
        if (height<=0) break;
        i= 0;
        j+= nColumns;
      if (gistA.rgb) {
        const GpColor *ccell = &colors[3*(i+j)];
        now[nc++] = hexChar[ccell[0]>>4];
        now[nc++] = hexChar[ccell[0]&0xf];
        now[nc++] = hexChar[ccell[1]>>4];
        now[nc++] = hexChar[ccell[1]&0xf];
        now[nc++] = hexChar[ccell[2]>>4];
        now[nc++] = hexChar[ccell[2]&0xf];
      } else {
        color= colors[i+j];
        if (color>=nColors && nColors>0) color= nColors-1;
        if (!colorMode) color= (P_R(palette[color])+
        if (depth) {  /* 2 hex chars per cell */
          now[nc++]= hexChar[color>>4];
          now[nc++]= hexChar[color&0xf];
        } else {      /* 1 hex char per cell */
          now[nc++]= hexChar[color];