Пример #1
void wxStaticBox::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    RECT rc;
    ::GetClientRect(GetHwnd(), &rc);

    // draw the entire box in a memory DC
    wxMemoryDC memdc;
    wxBitmap bitmap(rc.right, rc.bottom);

    PaintBackground(memdc, rc);
    PaintForeground(memdc, rc);

    // now only blit the static box border itself, not the interior, to avoid
    // flicker when background is drawn below
    // note that it seems to be faster to do 4 small blits here and then paint
    // directly into wxPaintDC than painting background in wxMemoryDC and then
    // blitting everything at once to wxPaintDC, this is why we do it like this
    wxPaintDC dc(this);
    int borderTop, border;
    GetBordersForSizer(&borderTop, &border);

    // top
    dc.Blit(border, 0, rc.right - border, borderTop,
            &memdc, border, 0);
    // bottom
    dc.Blit(border, rc.bottom - border, rc.right - border, border,
            &memdc, border, rc.bottom - border);
    // left
    dc.Blit(0, 0, border, rc.bottom,
            &memdc, 0, 0);
    // right (note that upper and bottom right corners were already part of the
    // first two blits so we shouldn't overwrite them here to avoi flicker)
    dc.Blit(rc.right - border, borderTop,
            border, rc.bottom - borderTop - border,
            &memdc, rc.right - border, borderTop);

    // create the region excluding box children
    AutoHRGN hrgn((HRGN)MSWGetRegionWithoutChildren());
    RECT rcWin;
    ::GetWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &rcWin);
    ::OffsetRgn(hrgn, -rcWin.left, -rcWin.top);

    // and also the box itself
    MSWGetRegionWithoutSelf((WXHRGN) hrgn, rc.right, rc.bottom);
    wxMSWDCImpl *impl = (wxMSWDCImpl*) dc.GetImpl();
    HDCClipper clipToBg(GetHdcOf(*impl), hrgn);

    // paint the inside of the box (excluding box itself and child controls)
    PaintBackground(dc, rc);
void NassiDiagramWindow::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent & /*event*/)
    wxBufferedPaintDC dc(this);
Пример #3
//	UspAttrTextOut
//	Display a line of text previously analyzed with UspAnalyze. The stored
//	ATTR[] visual-attribute list is used to stylize the text as it is drawn.
//	Coloured text-display using Uniscribe is very complicated. 
//  Three passes are required if high-quality text output is the goal.
//	Returns: adjusted x-coordinate 
int WINAPI UspTextOut (
		USPDATA  *	uspData,
		HDC			hdc, 
		int			xpos, 
		int			ypos, 
		int			lineHeight,
		int			lineAdjustY,
		RECT	 *	bounds
	HRGN hrgn, hrgnClip;

	if(uspData->stringLen == 0 || uspData->glyphCount == 0)
		return xpos;

	hrgnClip = CreateRectRgn(0,0,1,1); 
	GetClipRgn(hdc, hrgnClip);

	//	1. draw all background colours, including selection-highlights;
	//	   selected areas are added to the HDC clipping region which prevents
	//	   step#2 (below) from drawing over them
	SetBkMode(hdc, OPAQUE);
	PaintBackground(uspData, hdc, xpos, ypos, lineHeight, bounds);

	//  2. draw the text normally. Selected areas are left untouched
	//	   because of the clipping-region created in step#1
	SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
	PaintForeground(uspData, hdc, xpos, ypos + lineAdjustY, bounds, FALSE);

	//  3. redraw the text using a single text-selection-colour (i.e. white)
	//	   in the same position, directly over the top of the text drawn in step#2
	//	   Before we do this, the HDC clipping-region is inverted, 
	//	   so only selection areas are modified this time 
	hrgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect(bounds);
	ExtSelectClipRgn(hdc, hrgn, RGN_XOR);

	SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
	xpos = 
	PaintForeground(uspData, hdc, xpos, ypos + lineAdjustY, bounds, TRUE);
	// remove clipping regions
	SelectClipRgn(hdc, hrgnClip);

	return xpos;
Пример #4
DJContact::DJContact( DJHallController* hallController, const QString& selfUserName, QWidget * parent )
	:QTabWidget( parent ),m_hallController(hallController),m_selfUserName(selfUserName)
	djDebug() << "DJContact constructor" << selfUserName;
	m_selfUserId	= 0;
    m_friendsTree	= new QTreeWidget;
    PaintBackground( m_friendsTree, QPoint(100,0), QPoint(0,100) );
    m_friendsTree->setHeaderLabels( QStringList( selfUserName + tr("'s") + tr("friend list") ) );
    m_friendsTree->setRootIsDecorated( false );
    m_friendsTree->setSortingEnabled( true );
    m_friendsTree->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
	connect(m_friendsTree, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested ( const QPoint & )), SLOT( contextMenuOfFriend ( const QPoint & ) ) );
	connect(m_friendsTree, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *,int)), SLOT( friendDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *,int)));
	m_actRemoveFriend	= new QAction( tr("remove"), m_friendsTree );
	connect(m_actRemoveFriend, SIGNAL(triggered()),SLOT(removeFriendItem()));
	m_menuFriend	= new QMenu( m_friendsTree );
	m_menuFriend->addAction( m_actRemoveFriend );
    m_unwelcomesTree	= new QTreeWidget;
    PaintBackground( m_unwelcomesTree, QPoint(100,0), QPoint(0,100) );
    m_unwelcomesTree->setHeaderLabels( QStringList( selfUserName + tr("'s") + tr("blacklist") ) );
    m_unwelcomesTree->setRootIsDecorated( false );
    m_unwelcomesTree->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
	connect(m_unwelcomesTree, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested ( const QPoint & )), SLOT( contextMenuOfUnwelcome ( const QPoint & ) ) );
	m_actRemoveUnwelcome	= new QAction( tr("remove"), m_unwelcomesTree );
	connect(m_actRemoveUnwelcome, SIGNAL(triggered()),SLOT(removeUnwelcomeItem()));
	m_menuUnwelcome	= new QMenu( m_unwelcomesTree );
	m_menuUnwelcome->addAction( m_actRemoveUnwelcome );
    setTabPosition( QTabWidget::North );
    addTab( m_friendsTree, tr("friend") );
    addTab( m_unwelcomesTree, tr("blacklist") );
	m_timer	= new QTimer(this);
	connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkPendingChats()));
	m_toggle = true;
Пример #5
void CCheckListBoxItem::Paint(COwnerDrawListBox* pList, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT pDrawItemStruct)
	// Get the DC and rectangle to use.
	CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(pDrawItemStruct->hDC);
	if (pDC != NULL)
		// Get the colors to use.

		COLORREF clForeground;
		COLORREF clBackground;
		COLORREF clCheckBorder;
		COLORREF clCheckBackground;
		COLORREF clCheck;
		ComputeColors(pList, pDC, pDrawItemStruct, clForeground, clBackground, clCheckBorder, clCheckBackground, clCheck);

		// Compute the bounding rectangles for the check box and the item.
		CRect crCheckBox;
		CRect crItem;
		ComputeBounds(pList, pDC, pDrawItemStruct, crCheckBox, crItem);
		// Draw the background.
		PaintBackground(pList, pDC, pDrawItemStruct, clBackground);
		// Draw the checkbox.
		PaintCheckBox(pList, pDC, pDrawItemStruct, crCheckBox, clCheckBorder, clCheckBackground, clCheck);
		// Draw the item.
		PaintItem(pList, pDC, pDrawItemStruct, crItem, clForeground, clBackground);
		// If the item has the focus, draw the focus indicator.
		if (IsFocused(pList, pDrawItemStruct))
			PaintFocus(pList, pDC, pDrawItemStruct);
Пример #6
void CXySlider::OnPaint()
    int w = m_rcAll.Width();
    int h = m_rcAll.Height();

    CPaintDC dc(this);
    CDC dcmem;
    CBitmap bm;
    bm.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, w, h);
    CSelectObject sobm(&dcmem, &bm);

    // PaintValues(&dcmem); This is too noisy

    dc.BitBlt(0, 0, w, h, &dcmem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
Пример #7
/// Painting
void InstanceCtrl::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
	wxBufferedPaintDC dc(this, m_bufferBitmap);
	if (m_freezeCount > 0)
	// Paint the background
	if (GetCount() == 0)
	wxRegion dirtyRegion = GetUpdateRegion();
	bool isFocused = (FindFocus() == this);
	int i;
	int count = GetCount();
	int style = 0;
	wxRect rect, untransformedRect;
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		GetGroupRect(i, rect);
		wxRegionContain c = dirtyRegion.Contains(rect);
		if (c != wxOutRegion)
			style = 0;
			GetGroupRect(i, untransformedRect, false);
			GroupVisual & gv = m_groups[i];
			gv.Draw(dc, this, untransformedRect,
			        m_selectedItem.groupIndex == i, m_selectedItem.itemIndex,
			        m_focusItem.groupIndex == i, m_focusItem.itemIndex, 
					i == highlightedGroup.groupIndex);
Пример #8
void DlgOptionsChart::OnPaint() 
	CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting

	// get image rect
	CRect rect;

	// fill chart background

	// fill colors

	// print test text
	for(int i=0;i<_CLRMAX; i++) 
Пример #9
LRESULT WinControl::StartPaint(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
#ifndef USE_GDI
    if ( SUCCEEDED(CreateDeviceDependantResources() ) )
        if (0 == (D2D1_WINDOW_STATE_OCCLUDED & pRT_->CheckWindowState()))
            PAINTSTRUCT ps;
            ::BeginPaint(GetHandle(), &ps);





            ::EndPaint(GetHandle(), &ps);
    // Get whether there is a valid update Region
    RECT updateRect;
    if (!::GetUpdateRect(hwnd, &updateRect, FALSE)) 
        return 0;

    // Start doing the painting
    HDC hdcReal = ::BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
    if (!hdcReal)
        return 0;

    // Check that we have a buffer and if not, create one
    if (!hdcBack_)
        RECT rcClient;
        hdcBack_ = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hdcReal);
        hbmBack_ = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcReal, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom);
        hbmOld_ = (HBITMAP) ::SelectObject(hdcBack_, hbmBack_);

    // Now our subclass needs to do it's own drawing for the controls to it's back buffer
    if ( NeedRepaint_ )
        // If there is a parent window then we need to bitblt the contents of the area that the child is over to it's backbuffer
        if ( pParent_ )
            RECT rcClient;
            POINT pos = GetPosition();

            // Copy the parents background to the childs backbuffer
            ::BitBlt(hdcBack_, 0, 0, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom, pParent_->hdcBack_, pos.x, pos.y, SRCCOPY);

        NeedRepaint_ = false;

    // Now we need to draw our backbuffer to our front buffer
    ::BitBlt(hdcReal, updateRect.left, updateRect.top, updateRect.right - updateRect.left, updateRect.bottom - updateRect.top,
        hdcBack_, updateRect.left, updateRect.top, SRCCOPY);

    ::EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);

    return 0;
Пример #10
void wxStaticBox::PaintForeground(wxDC& dc, const RECT& rc)
    wxMSWDCImpl *impl = (wxMSWDCImpl*) dc.GetImpl();
    MSWDefWindowProc(WM_PAINT, (WPARAM)GetHdcOf(*impl), 0);

    // when using XP themes, neither setting the text colour nor transparent
    // background mode doesn't change anything: the static box def window proc
    // still draws the label in its own colours, so we need to redraw the text
    // ourselves if we have a non default fg colour
    if ( m_hasFgCol && wxUxThemeEngine::GetIfActive() )
        // draw over the text in default colour in our colour
        HDC hdc = GetHdcOf(*impl);
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, GetForegroundColour().GetPixel());

        const bool rtl = wxTheApp->GetLayoutDirection() == wxLayout_RightToLeft;
        if ( rtl )
            ::SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_RTLREADING | TA_RIGHT);

        // Get dimensions of the label
        const wxString label = GetLabel();

        // choose the correct font
        AutoHFONT font;
        SelectInHDC selFont;
        if ( m_hasFont )
            selFont.Init(hdc, GetHfontOf(GetFont()));
        else // no font set, use the one set by the theme
            wxUxThemeHandle hTheme(this, L"BUTTON");
            if ( hTheme )
                wxUxThemeFont themeFont;
                if ( wxUxThemeEngine::Get()->GetThemeFont
                                             ) == S_OK )
                    if ( font )
                        selFont.Init(hdc, font);

        // Get the font extent
        int width, height;
        dc.GetTextExtent(wxStripMenuCodes(label, wxStrip_Mnemonics),
                         &width, &height);

        int x;
        int y = height;

        // first we need to correctly paint the background of the label
        // as Windows ignores the brush offset when doing it
        // FIXME: value of x is hardcoded as this is what it is on my system,
        //        no idea if it's true everywhere
        RECT dimensions = {0, 0, 0, y};
        if ( !rtl )
            x = 9;
            dimensions.left = x;
            dimensions.right = x + width;
            x = rc.right - 7;
            dimensions.left = x - width;
            dimensions.right = x;

        // need to adjust the rectangle to cover all the label background
        dimensions.left -= 2;
        dimensions.right += 2;
        dimensions.bottom += 2;

        if ( UseBgCol() )
            // our own background colour should be used for the background of
            // the label: this is consistent with the behaviour under pre-XP
            // systems (i.e. without visual themes) and generally makes sense
            wxBrush brush = wxBrush(GetBackgroundColour());
            wxMSWDCImpl *impl = (wxMSWDCImpl*) dc.GetImpl();
            ::FillRect(GetHdcOf(*impl), &dimensions, GetHbrushOf(brush));
        else // paint parent background
            PaintBackground(dc, dimensions);

        UINT drawTextFlags = DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER;

        // determine the state of UI queues to draw the text correctly under XP
        // and later systems
        static const bool isXPorLater = wxGetWinVersion() >= wxWinVersion_XP;
        if ( isXPorLater )
            if ( ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), WM_QUERYUISTATE, 0, 0) &
                    UISF_HIDEACCEL )
                drawTextFlags |= DT_HIDEPREFIX;

        // now draw the text
        if ( !rtl )
            RECT rc2 = { x, 0, x + width, y };
            ::DrawText(hdc, label.t_str(), label.length(), &rc2,
        else // RTL
            RECT rc2 = { x, 0, x - width, y };
            ::DrawText(hdc, label.t_str(), label.length(), &rc2,
                       drawTextFlags | DT_RTLREADING);
Пример #11
void Display::Paint(Draw& w, const Rect& r, const Value& q, Color ink, Color paper, dword style) const
	PaintBackground(w, r, q, ink, paper, style);
	Single<StdDisplayClass>().Paint0(w, r, q, ink, paper, style);
Пример #12
void StdDisplayClass::Paint(Draw& w, const Rect& r, const Value& q,
                    Color ink, Color paper, dword s) const {
	LLOG("StdDisplay::Paint: " << q << " ink:" << ink << " paper:" << paper);
	PaintBackground(w, r, q, ink, paper, s);
	Paint0(w, r, q, ink, paper, s);
Пример #13
void wxStaticBox::PaintForeground(wxDC& dc, const RECT& rc)
    wxMSWDCImpl *impl = (wxMSWDCImpl*) dc.GetImpl();
    MSWDefWindowProc(WM_PAINT, (WPARAM)GetHdcOf(*impl), 0);

    // when using XP themes, neither setting the text colour nor transparent
    // background mode doesn't change anything: the static box def window proc
    // still draws the label in its own colours, so we need to redraw the text
    // ourselves if we have a non default fg colour
    if ( m_hasFgCol && wxUxThemeEngine::GetIfActive() )
        // draw over the text in default colour in our colour
        HDC hdc = GetHdcOf(*impl);
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, GetForegroundColour().GetPixel());

        const bool rtl = wxTheApp->GetLayoutDirection() == wxLayout_RightToLeft;
        if ( rtl )
            ::SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_RTLREADING | TA_RIGHT);

        // Get dimensions of the label
        const wxString label = GetLabel();

        // choose the correct font
        AutoHFONT font;
        SelectInHDC selFont;
        if ( m_hasFont )
            selFont.Init(hdc, GetHfontOf(GetFont()));
        else // no font set, use the one set by the theme
            wxUxThemeHandle hTheme(this, L"BUTTON");
            if ( hTheme )
                // GetThemeFont() expects its parameter to be LOGFONTW and not
                // LOGFONTA even in ANSI programs and will happily corrupt
                // memory after the struct end if we pass a LOGFONTA (which is
                // smaller) to it!
                LOGFONTW lfw;
                if ( wxUxThemeEngine::Get()->GetThemeFont
                                                (LOGFONT *)&lfw
                                             ) == S_OK )
                    // ok, no conversion necessary
                    const LOGFONT& lf = lfw;
#else // !wxUSE_UNICODE
                    // most of the fields are the same in LOGFONTA and LOGFONTW
                    LOGFONT lf;
                    memcpy(&lf, &lfw, sizeof(lf));

                    // but the face name must be converted
                    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lfw.lfFaceName, -1,
                                        lf.lfFaceName, sizeof(lf.lfFaceName),
                                        NULL, NULL);

                    if ( font )
                        selFont.Init(hdc, font);

        // Get the font extent
        int width, height;
        dc.GetTextExtent(wxStripMenuCodes(label, wxStrip_Mnemonics),
                         &width, &height);

        int x;
        int y = height;

        // first we need to correctly paint the background of the label
        // as Windows ignores the brush offset when doing it
        // FIXME: value of x is hardcoded as this is what it is on my system,
        //        no idea if it's true everywhere
        RECT dimensions = {0, 0, 0, y};
        if ( !rtl )
            x = 9;
            dimensions.left = x;
            dimensions.right = x + width;
            x = rc.right - 7;
            dimensions.left = x - width;
            dimensions.right = x;

        // need to adjust the rectangle to cover all the label background
        dimensions.left -= 2;
        dimensions.right += 2;
        dimensions.bottom += 2;

        if ( UseBgCol() )
            // our own background colour should be used for the background of
            // the label: this is consistent with the behaviour under pre-XP
            // systems (i.e. without visual themes) and generally makes sense
            wxBrush brush = wxBrush(GetBackgroundColour());
            wxMSWDCImpl *impl = (wxMSWDCImpl*) dc.GetImpl();
            ::FillRect(GetHdcOf(*impl), &dimensions, GetHbrushOf(brush));
        else // paint parent background
            PaintBackground(dc, dimensions);

        // now draw the text
        if ( !rtl )
            RECT rc2 = { x, 0, x + width, y };
            ::DrawText(hdc, label.wx_str(), label.length(), &rc2,
                       DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER);
        else // RTL
            RECT rc2 = { x, 0, x - width, y };
            ::DrawText(hdc, label.wx_str(), label.length(), &rc2,
                       DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_RTLREADING);
Пример #14
	/**  SWidget interface */
	virtual int32 OnPaint(const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const override
		// First paint the background
			LayerId = PaintBackground(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId);

		FArrangedChildren ArrangedChildren(EVisibility::Visible);
		ArrangeChildren(AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren);

		// Draw the child nodes

		// When drawing a marquee, need a preview of what the selection will be.
		const auto* SelectionToVisualize = &(SelectionManager.SelectedNodes);
		FGraphPanelSelectionSet SelectionPreview;
		if (Marquee.IsValid())
			ApplyMarqueeSelection(Marquee, SelectionManager.SelectedNodes, SelectionPreview);
			SelectionToVisualize = &SelectionPreview;
		int32 NodesLayerId = LayerId;

		for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < ArrangedChildren.Num(); ++ChildIndex)
			FArrangedWidget& CurWidget = ArrangedChildren[ChildIndex];
			TSharedRef<SWorldTileItem> ChildNode = StaticCastSharedRef<SWorldTileItem>(CurWidget.Widget);
			ChildNode->bAffectedByMarquee = SelectionToVisualize->Contains(ChildNode->GetObjectBeingDisplayed());
			LayerId = CurWidget.Widget->Paint(Args.WithNewParent(this), CurWidget.Geometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, NodesLayerId, InWidgetStyle, ShouldBeEnabled(bParentEnabled));
			ChildNode->bAffectedByMarquee = false;
		// Draw editable world bounds
		if (!WorldModel->IsSimulating())
			float ScreenSpaceSize = FLevelCollectionModel::EditableAxisLength()*GetZoomAmount()*2.f;
			FVector2D PaintSize = FVector2D(ScreenSpaceSize, ScreenSpaceSize);
			FVector2D PaintPosition = GraphCoordToPanelCoord(FVector2D::ZeroVector) - (PaintSize*0.5f);
			float Scale = 0.2f; // Scale down drawing border
			FSlateLayoutTransform LayoutTransform(Scale, AllottedGeometry.GetAccumulatedLayoutTransform().GetTranslation() + PaintPosition);
			FSlateRenderTransform RenderTransform(Scale, AllottedGeometry.GetAccumulatedRenderTransform().GetTranslation() + PaintPosition);
			FPaintGeometry EditableArea(LayoutTransform, RenderTransform, PaintSize/Scale);

			FLinearColor PaintColor = FLinearColor::Yellow;
			PaintColor.A = 0.4f;

		// Draw the marquee selection rectangle
		PaintMarquee(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, ++LayerId);

		// Draw the software cursor
		PaintSoftwareCursor(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, ++LayerId);

			// Draw a surrounding indicator when PIE is active, to make it clear that the graph is read-only, etc...

		// Draw observer location
			FVector ObserverPosition;
			FRotator ObserverRotation;
			if (WorldModel->GetObserverView(ObserverPosition, ObserverRotation))
				FVector2D ObserverPositionScreen = GraphCoordToPanelCoord(FVector2D(ObserverPosition.X, ObserverPosition.Y));
				const FSlateBrush* CameraImage = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("WorldBrowser.SimulationViewPositon"));
				FPaintGeometry PaintGeometry = AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(
					ObserverPositionScreen - CameraImage->ImageSize*0.5f, 


			FVector PlayerPosition;
			FRotator PlayerRotation;
			if (WorldModel->GetPlayerView(PlayerPosition, PlayerRotation))
				FVector2D PlayerPositionScreen = GraphCoordToPanelCoord(FVector2D(PlayerPosition.X, PlayerPosition.Y));
				const FSlateBrush* CameraImage = FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("WorldBrowser.SimulationViewPositon"));
				FPaintGeometry PaintGeometry = AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(
					PlayerPositionScreen - CameraImage->ImageSize*0.5f, 



		LayerId = PaintScaleRuler(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId);
		return LayerId;
Пример #15
int main() {
 	int numEnemy = 5;
 	Enemy E[8];
 	pthread_t tid;
    setTarget(&TP,140,600); //pindahkan target
    int i;
    for(i = 0 ; i < numEnemy; i++) {
    	makeEnemy(1300, i*60+30, &(E[i]));
    pthread_create(&tid, NULL, inputHandler, NULL);
    while(stop == 0) {
		//cek collision
		int i;
		for(i = 0; i < numEnemy; i++) {
			int collide = detectCollision(B, E[i]);
			if(collide) {
				PaintEnemy(getEnemyPosX(E[i]), getEnemyPosY(E[i]), 0, 0, 0);
				PaintBomb(getPosX(B), getPosY(B), 0,0,0);
				setActive(&B, 0);
				makeEnemy(1300, i*60+30, &(E[i]));
		//gerakkan objek & gambar
		for(i = 0; i < numEnemy; i++) {
			if(getEnemyPosX(E[i]) <= 10) {
				PaintEnemy(getEnemyPosX(E[i]), getEnemyPosY(E[i]), 0, 0, 0);
				makeEnemy(1300, i*60+30, &(E[i]));
			} else {
				PaintEnemy(getEnemyPosX(E[i]), getEnemyPosY(E[i]), 230, 80, 30);
		//gerakkan & gambar bom jika bom aktif
		if(isActive(B)) {
			if(getPosX(B) < 0 || getPosX(B) > 1340 || getPosY(B) < 10 || getPosY(B) > 740) {
				PaintBomb(getPosX(B), getPosY(B), 0,0,0);	
			} else {
				PaintBomb(getPosX(B), getPosY(B), 211,211,211);	
		//render gambar
		for(i = 0; i < numEnemy; i++) {
			clearEnemy(getEnemyPosX(E[i]), getEnemyPosY(E[i]));
		if(isActive(B)) {
			PaintBomb(getPosX(B), getPosY(B), 0,0,0);
	pthread_join(tid, NULL);  
    //mapping memory
    munmap(fbp, screensize);
    return 0;
// Should be called from WM_PAINT. Recursively paints a given window and
// all its children. Control must be the top-level window associated
// with HWND.
// Note: maybe should be split into BeginPaint()/Paint()/EndPaint()
// calls so that the caller can do more drawing after Paint()
void Painter::Paint(HWND hwnd, bool isDirty)
    CrashAlwaysIf(hwnd != wnd->hwndParent);

    HDC dc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);

    Region clip;

    // TODO: be intelligent about only repainting changed
    // parts for perf. Note: if cacheBmp changes, we need
    // to repaint everything
    Graphics gDC(dc);

    ClientRect r(hwnd);

    // TODO: fix showing black parts when resizing a window.
    // my theory is that we see black background on right/bottom
    // of the window when we resize the window because the os paints
    // it black and we take too long to perform the whole paint so the
    // black part persists long enough for human eye to notice.
    // To fix that we could try to paint the black part immediately
    // to gDC using the same color as the background. This is problematic
    // for two reasons:
    // - I don't know which part exactly needs to be repainted
    // - it can be tricky if background is a gradient
    // I thought I could just do PaintBackground(&gDC, Rect(0, 0, r.dx, r.dy))
    // but that generates flickr which leads me to believe that either
    // Graphics::FillRectangle() ignores clip region or clip region is not set
    // properly. Current solution detects a resize, paints a background and the
    // last version of page, which somewhat eliminates the problem but also
    // sometimes causes flickr
    // See http://www.catch22.net/tuts/flicker for info on win repainting
    if (cacheBmp && !sizeDuringLastPaint.Equals(Size(r.dx, r.dy))) {
        PaintBackground(&gDC, Rect(0, 0, r.dx, r.dy));
        gDC.DrawImage(cacheBmp, 0, 0);
        sizeDuringLastPaint = Size(r.dx, r.dy);

    if (BitmapNotBigEnough(cacheBmp, r.dx, r.dy)) {
        ::delete cacheBmp;
        cacheBmp = ::new Bitmap(r.dx, r.dy, &gDC);
        isDirty = true;

    //TODO: log clipBounds for debugging
    //Rect clipBounds;

    // draw to a bitmap cache unless we were asked to skip
    // this step and just blit cached bitmap because the caller
    // knows it didn't change
    if (isDirty) {
        Graphics g((Image*)cacheBmp);
        g.SetClip(&clip, CombineModeReplace);

        PaintBackground(&g, Rect(0, 0, r.dx, r.dy));
        PaintWindowsInZOrder(&g, wnd);

    // TODO: try to manually draw only the part that falls within
    // clipBounds or is it done automatically by DrawImage() ?
    gDC.DrawImage(cacheBmp, 0, 0);
    EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);