//- Bind on mysql level
void MySQLPreparedStatement::AssertValidIndex(uint8 index)
    ASSERT(index < m_paramCount || ParamenterIndexAssertFail(m_stmt->m_index, index, m_paramCount));

    if (m_paramsSet[index])
        TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "[ERROR] Prepared Statement (id: %u) trying to bind value on already bound index (%u).", m_stmt->m_index, index);
Пример #2
//- Bind on mysql level
bool MySQLPreparedStatement::CheckValidIndex(uint8 index)
    ASSERT(index < m_paramCount || ParamenterIndexAssertFail(m_stmt->m_index, index, m_paramCount));

    if (m_paramsSet[index])
        TC_LOG_WARN(LOG_FILTER_SQL, "[WARNING] Prepared Statement (id: %u) trying to bind value on already bound index (%u).", m_stmt->m_index, index);
    return true;