Пример #1
TInt TPkgParser::ParseDataLineL(class CFileObjectHolder* &aFileList,  
                                char* line)
   char*  localName    = NULL;
   char*  url          = NULL;
   uint32 fileSize     = 0;
   char*  checksum     = NULL;
   uint32 action       = 0;
   char*  version      = NULL;
   char*  versionFile  = NULL;
   char*  versionCheck = NULL;
   char*  isoLang      = NULL;

   TBool ok = ETrue;
   ok = ok && ParseString(localName,    line);
   ok = ok && ParseString(url,          line);
   ok = ok && ParseUint32(fileSize,     line);
   ok = ok && ParseString(checksum,     line);
   ok = ok && ParseUint32(action,       line);
   ok = ok && ParseString(version,      line); //last mandatory field
   TBool lineCorrect = ok;
   ok = ok && ParseString(versionFile,  line); //may return EFalse if
                                               //there is no ending ';'
   ok = ok && ParseString(versionCheck, line); 
   ok = ok && ParseString(isoLang,      line);
      return 0;

   //ignore lines that are language tagged but doesn't match the
   //selected language.
   if(isoLang && strlen(isoLang) > 0 && iSelectedLang != KNullDesC){
      HBufC* lang = WFTextUtil::AllocL(isoLang);
      if(0 != lang->CompareF(iSelectedLang)){
         action = 3; //Delete file.
      delete lang;

   class CFileObject *a = CFileObject::NewLC(localName, url, fileSize, 
                                             checksum, action, version,
                                             versionFile, versionCheck, 

   if (!aFileList) {
      aFileList = new (ELeave) CFileObjectHolder();
   return 1;
Пример #2
	Uint32 ConfigReader::GetUint32(const std::string theSection,
		const std::string theName, const Uint32 theDefault) const
		Uint32 anResult = theDefault;

		// Check if theSection really exists
		std::map<const std::string, typeNameValue*>::const_iterator iter;
		iter = mSections.find(theSection);
		if(iter != mSections.end())
			// Try to obtain the name, value pair
			typeNameValue* anMap = iter->second;
			if(NULL != anMap)
				typeNameValueIter iterNameValue;
				iterNameValue = anMap->find(theName);
				if(iterNameValue != anMap->end())
					anResult = ParseUint32(iterNameValue->second, theDefault);

		// Return the result found or theDefault assigned above
		return anResult;
Пример #3
TInt TPkgParser::ParseLineL(class CFileObjectHolder* &aFileList,  
                            char* line,
                            TUint32& aTotalDataSize)
   char *save_line = line;
   TInt ret = 0;

   while(line && isspace(*line) ){ //strip whitespace
   if(*line == '\n' || *line == '\0'){
      ret = 1;
   } else if (!line) { //We need a valid string.
      ret = 0;
   } else if (line[0] == '!') {
      /* This is the line with the total number of */
      /* bytes to read. */
      if((ret = ParseUint32(iTotalDataSize, ++line))){
         aTotalDataSize = iTotalDataSize;
      ret = 1;
   } else if(line[0] == '#'){ //skip comment lines.
      //end function
      ret = 1;
   } else if(line[0] == '@'){ //version line
      ret = ParseInt32(iVersion, ++line);
   } else {
      ret = ParseDataLineL(aFileList, line);
   delete save_line;
   return ret;
Пример #4
	sf::Vector2u ParseVector2u(const std::string theValue, const sf::Vector2u theDefault)
		sf::Vector2u anResult = theDefault;

		// Try to find the first comma
		size_t anCommaOffset = theValue.find_first_of(',');
		if(anCommaOffset != std::string::npos)
			Uint32 anX = ParseUint32(theValue.substr(0, anCommaOffset), theDefault.x);
			Uint32 anY = ParseUint32(theValue.substr(anCommaOffset+1), theDefault.y);

			// Now that both values have been parsed, return the vector found
			anResult.x = anX;
			anResult.y = anY;

		// Return the result found or theDefault assigned above
		return anResult;