INT_PTR CMergeFilesDialog::OnInitDialog() { m_hDialogIcon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(0),MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MAIN_SMALL)); SetClassLongPtr(m_hDlg,GCLP_HICONSM,reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(m_hDialogIcon)); std::wregex rxPattern; bool bAllMatchPattern = true; rxPattern.assign(_T(".*[\\.]?part[0-9]+"),std::regex_constants::icase); /* If the files all match the pattern .*[\\.]?part[0-9]+ (e.g. document.txt.part1), order them alphabetically. */ for each(auto strFullFilename in m_FullFilenameList) { if(!std::tr1::regex_match(strFullFilename,rxPattern)) { bAllMatchPattern = false; break; } } std::wstring strOutputFilename; if(bAllMatchPattern) { m_FullFilenameList.sort(CompareFilenames); /* Since the filenames all match the pattern, construct the output filename from the first files name. */ rxPattern.assign(_T("[\\.]?part[0-9]+"),std::regex_constants::icase); strOutputFilename = std::tr1::regex_replace(m_FullFilenameList.front(), rxPattern,std::wstring(_T(""))); } else { /* TODO: Improve output name. */ strOutputFilename = _T("output"); } TCHAR szOutputFile[MAX_PATH]; PathCombine(szOutputFile,m_strOutputDirectory.c_str(),strOutputFilename.c_str()); SetDlgItemText(m_hDlg,IDC_MERGE_EDIT_FILENAME,szOutputFile); HWND hListView = GetDlgItem(m_hDlg,IDC_MERGE_LISTVIEW); HIMAGELIST himlSmall; Shell_GetImageLists(NULL,&himlSmall); ListView_SetImageList(hListView,himlSmall,LVSIL_SMALL); SetWindowTheme(hListView,L"Explorer",NULL); ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx(hListView, LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER|LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT|LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER|LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT|LVS_EX_GRIDLINES); LVCOLUMN lvColumn; TCHAR szTemp[32]; LoadString(GetInstance(),IDS_MERGE_FILES_COLUMN_FILE, szTemp,SIZEOF_ARRAY(szTemp)); lvColumn.mask = LVCF_TEXT; lvColumn.pszText = szTemp; ListView_InsertColumn(hListView,0,&lvColumn); LoadString(GetInstance(),IDS_MERGE_FILES_COLUMN_TYPE, szTemp,SIZEOF_ARRAY(szTemp)); lvColumn.mask = LVCF_TEXT; lvColumn.pszText = szTemp; ListView_InsertColumn(hListView,1,&lvColumn); LoadString(GetInstance(),IDS_MERGE_FILES_COLUMN_SIZE, szTemp,SIZEOF_ARRAY(szTemp)); lvColumn.mask = LVCF_TEXT; lvColumn.pszText = szTemp; ListView_InsertColumn(hListView,2,&lvColumn); LoadString(GetInstance(),IDS_MERGE_FILES_COLUMN_DATE_MODIFIED, szTemp,SIZEOF_ARRAY(szTemp)); lvColumn.mask = LVCF_TEXT; lvColumn.pszText = szTemp; ListView_InsertColumn(hListView,3,&lvColumn); int iItem = 0; for each(auto strFullFilename in m_FullFilenameList) { TCHAR szFullFilename[MAX_PATH]; StringCchCopy(szFullFilename,SIZEOF_ARRAY(szFullFilename), strFullFilename.c_str()); /* TODO: Perform in background thread. */ SHFILEINFO shfi; SHGetFileInfo(szFullFilename,0,&shfi,sizeof(SHFILEINFO), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX|SHGFI_TYPENAME); LVITEM lvItem; lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_IMAGE; lvItem.iItem = iItem; lvItem.iSubItem = 0; lvItem.pszText = szFullFilename; lvItem.iImage = shfi.iIcon; ListView_InsertItem(hListView,&lvItem); ListView_SetItemText(hListView,iItem,1,shfi.szTypeName); WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA wfad; GetFileAttributesEx(szFullFilename,GetFileExInfoStandard,&wfad); TCHAR szFileSize[32]; ULARGE_INTEGER lFileSize = {wfad.nFileSizeLow,wfad.nFileSizeHigh}; FormatSizeString(lFileSize,szFileSize,SIZEOF_ARRAY(szFileSize)); ListView_SetItemText(hListView,iItem,2,szFileSize); TCHAR szDateModified[32]; CreateFileTimeString(&wfad.ftLastWriteTime,szDateModified, SIZEOF_ARRAY(szDateModified),m_bShowFriendlyDates); ListView_SetItemText(hListView,iItem,3,szDateModified); iItem++; }
int CTSExecutorLIB::nParseTestSuite(xmlNodePtr pXmlNode, sTestSuiteConfigInfo& sConfigInfo) { xmlXPathObjectPtr pObjectPtr = NULL; xmlNodePtr pTempNode; int nRetValue = S_OK; //Test Setup File Path pObjectPtr = xmlUtils::pGetChildNodes(pXmlNode, (xmlChar*)"File_Path"); if( NULL != pObjectPtr) { pTempNode = pObjectPtr->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]; char* key = (char*)xmlNodeListGetString(pTempNode->doc, pTempNode->children, 1); if( NULL != key) { if(PathIsRelative((char*)key) == TRUE) { string omStrConfigFolder; string omPath; char configPath[MAX_PATH]; AfxGetMainWnd()->SendMessage(MSG_GET_CONFIGPATH, (WPARAM)configPath, 0); CUtilFunctions::nGetBaseFolder(configPath, omStrConfigFolder ); char chAbsPath[MAX_PATH]; PathCombine(chAbsPath, omStrConfigFolder.c_str(), (char*)key); sConfigInfo.m_strFileName = chAbsPath; } else { sConfigInfo.m_strFileName = (char*)key; } xmlFree(key); } xmlXPathFreeObject(pObjectPtr); pObjectPtr = NULL; } else { nRetValue = S_FALSE; } //Test Setup File Enable if( S_OK == nRetValue ) { pObjectPtr = xmlUtils::pGetChildNodes(pXmlNode, (xmlChar*)"IsEnable"); sConfigInfo.m_bEnable = TRUE; if( NULL != pObjectPtr) { pTempNode = pObjectPtr->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]; sConfigInfo.m_bEnable = xmlUtils::bGetBooleanValue((char*)xmlNodeListGetString(pTempNode->doc, pTempNode->children, 1)); xmlXPathFreeObject(pObjectPtr); pObjectPtr = NULL; } pObjectPtr = xmlUtils::pGetChildNodes(pXmlNode, (xmlChar*)"Testcases_Selected/Index"); if( NULL != pObjectPtr) { int nSelectedCount = pObjectPtr->nodesetval->nodeNr; for( int i =0; i < nSelectedCount; i++ ) { char* pchKey = (char*)xmlNodeListGetString( pXmlNode->doc, pObjectPtr->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]->children, 1); int nValue = strtol(pchKey, NULL, 10); xmlFree(pchKey); sConfigInfo.m_nListSelctedCases.push_back(nValue); } xmlXPathFreeObject(pObjectPtr); pObjectPtr = NULL; } } return nRetValue; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EffectImplemented::ReloadResources( const EFK_CHAR* materialPath ) { UnloadResources(); const EFK_CHAR* matPath = materialPath != NULL ? materialPath : m_materialPath.c_str(); Setting* loader = GetSetting(); { TextureLoader* textureLoader = loader->GetTextureLoader(); if( textureLoader != NULL ) { for( int32_t ind = 0; ind < m_ImageCount; ind++ ) { EFK_CHAR fullPath[512]; PathCombine( fullPath, matPath, m_ImagePaths[ ind ] ); m_pImages[ind] = textureLoader->Load( fullPath, TextureType::Color ); } } } { TextureLoader* textureLoader = loader->GetTextureLoader(); if (textureLoader != NULL) { for (int32_t ind = 0; ind < m_normalImageCount; ind++) { EFK_CHAR fullPath[512]; PathCombine(fullPath, matPath, m_normalImagePaths[ind]); m_normalImages[ind] = textureLoader->Load(fullPath, TextureType::Normal); } } } { TextureLoader* textureLoader = loader->GetTextureLoader(); if (textureLoader != NULL) { for (int32_t ind = 0; ind < m_distortionImageCount; ind++) { EFK_CHAR fullPath[512]; PathCombine(fullPath, matPath, m_distortionImagePaths[ind]); m_distortionImages[ind] = textureLoader->Load(fullPath, TextureType::Distortion); } } } { SoundLoader* soundLoader = loader->GetSoundLoader(); if( soundLoader != NULL ) { for( int32_t ind = 0; ind < m_WaveCount; ind++ ) { EFK_CHAR fullPath[512]; PathCombine( fullPath, matPath, m_WavePaths[ ind ] ); m_pWaves[ind] = soundLoader->Load( fullPath ); } } } { ModelLoader* modelLoader = loader->GetModelLoader(); if( modelLoader != NULL ) { for( int32_t ind = 0; ind < m_modelCount; ind++ ) { EFK_CHAR fullPath[512]; PathCombine( fullPath, matPath, m_modelPaths[ ind ] ); m_pModels[ind] = modelLoader->Load( fullPath ); } } } }
int CReplayFile::nLoadXMLConfig(xmlNodePtr pNodePtr) { int nRetValue = S_OK; xmlNodePtr pTempNode = pNodePtr; CStringArray omStrFilters; while( NULL != pNodePtr ) { if ((!xmlStrcmp(pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"Log_File_Path"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { if(PathIsRelative((char*)key) == TRUE) { std::string omStrConfigFolder; std::string omPath; char configPath[MAX_PATH]; AfxGetMainWnd()->SendMessage(MSG_GET_CONFIGPATH, (WPARAM)configPath, 0); CUtilFunctions::nGetBaseFolder(configPath, omStrConfigFolder ); char chAbsPath[MAX_PATH]; PathCombine(chAbsPath, omStrConfigFolder.c_str(), (char*)key); m_omStrFileName = chAbsPath; } else { m_omStrFileName = (char*)key; } xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"IsEnabled"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { m_bEnabled = xmlUtils::getBooleanValue((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"Retain_Recored_Time"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { m_nTimeMode = xmlUtils::getBooleanValue((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"Message_Delay"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { m_unMsgTimeDelay = atoi((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"Is_Cyclic_Mode"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { m_nReplayMode = (int)xmlUtils::getBooleanValue((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"Cyclic_Delay"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { m_unCycleTimeDelay = atoi((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"IsInteractive"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { m_bInteractive = (int)xmlUtils::getBooleanValue((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"Replay_Message_Direction"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { this->m_ouReplayMsgType = xmlUtils::bGetDirection((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } if ((!xmlStrcmp(pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"Filter"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { omStrFilters.Add((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } pNodePtr = pNodePtr->next; } //Filters if( omStrFilters.GetSize() > 0 && pTempNode != NULL) { SFILTERAPPLIED_CAN sFilterApplied; if( sFilterApplied.nSetXMLConfigData(pTempNode->doc) == S_OK) { sFilterApplied.nGetFiltersFromName(m_sFilterApplied, omStrFilters); /* int nRealFilters = 0; for(int i = 0; i < omStrFilters.GetSize(); i++) { int nIndex = GetFilterNameIndex((LPCSTR)omStrFilters.GetAt(i), sFilterApplied); if(nIndex >= 0) { nRealFilters++; } else { omStrFilters.RemoveAt(i); } } m_sFilterApplied.m_bEnabled = sFilterApplied.m_bEnabled; m_sFilterApplied.m_ushTotal = omStrFilters.GetSize(); m_sFilterApplied.m_psFilters = new SFILTERSET[m_sFilterApplied.m_ushTotal]; for(int i = 0; i < omStrFilters.GetSize(); i++) { int nIndex = GetFilterNameIndex((LPCSTR)omStrFilters.GetAt(i), sFilterApplied); if(nIndex >= 0) { m_sFilterApplied.m_psFilters[i].bClone(sFilterApplied.m_psFilters[nIndex]); } }*/ } } return nRetValue; }
TEST(USystemTest,PathCombineWorks) { ASSERT_EQ(L"C:\\Temp\\Test.txt",PathCombine(L"C:",L"Temp\\Test.txt")); }
InstanceList::InstListError InstanceList::loadList() { // load the instance groups QMap<QString, QString> groupMap; loadGroupList(groupMap); beginResetModel(); m_instances.clear(); QDir dir(m_instDir); QDirIterator iter(dir); while (iter.hasNext()) { QString subDir =; if (!QFileInfo(PathCombine(subDir, "instance.cfg")).exists()) continue; BaseInstance *instPtr = NULL; auto &loader = InstanceFactory::get(); auto error = loader.loadInstance(instPtr, subDir); switch(error) { case InstanceFactory::NoLoadError: break; case InstanceFactory::NotAnInstance: break; } if (error != InstanceFactory::NoLoadError && error != InstanceFactory::NotAnInstance) { QString errorMsg = QString("Failed to load instance %1: "). arg(QFileInfo(subDir).baseName()).toUtf8(); switch (error) { default: errorMsg += QString("Unknown instance loader error %1"). arg(error); break; } qDebug(errorMsg.toUtf8()); } else if (!instPtr) { qDebug(QString("Error loading instance %1. Instance loader returned null."). arg(QFileInfo(subDir).baseName()).toUtf8()); } else { QSharedPointer<BaseInstance> inst(instPtr); auto iter = groupMap.find(inst->id()); if(iter != groupMap.end()) { inst->setGroupInitial((*iter)); } qDebug(QString("Loaded instance %1").arg(inst->name()).toUtf8()); inst->setParent(this); m_instances.append(inst); connect(instPtr, SIGNAL(propertiesChanged(BaseInstance*)),this, SLOT(propertiesChanged(BaseInstance*))); connect(instPtr, SIGNAL(groupChanged()),this, SLOT(groupChanged())); connect(instPtr, SIGNAL(nuked(BaseInstance*)), this, SLOT(instanceNuked(BaseInstance*))); } } endResetModel(); emit dataIsInvalid(); return NoError; }
BOOL CBuildProgram::bBuildProgram(PSNODEINFO psNodeInfo, BOOL bLoadDLL, BOOL bDisplaySuccessful) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; CString omStrFilePath = ""; CString omStrErrorMsg = ""; int iMajorVer = 0; int iMinorVer = 0; BOOL bVersion = FALSE ; CString omFileName=psNodeInfo->m_omStrCFileName; //psNodeInfo->m_eNodeState = NODE_NOT_BUILT; CString omLongFileName=omFileName; PROCESS_INFORMATION sProcessInfo; STARTUPINFO sStartInfo; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sSecurityAttr; CWaitCursor omWait; DWORD makeResult = 1; //non-zero initialisation // Check if file name passed as parameter is not empty if(omFileName.IsEmpty()==FALSE) { UpdatedDbCheckSumInfo(psNodeInfo); //CFileFind omFileFind; /*If the .dll file is already exists delete the .dll files so that on checking creation of .dll file we say build is success or failure*/ // Remove all items in this string array before adding. m_omStrArray.RemoveAll(); m_omStrArray.Add(" "); m_omStrArray.Add(omFileName); m_omStrSourceFilename = omFileName; CString omStrDllFile = omFileName; omStrDllFile.Replace(".cpp",".dll"); /*if(omFileFind.FindFile(omStrDllFile) != 0) { if(DeleteFile(omStrDllFile) == 0) { omStrErrorMsg.Format(defERROR_DELETE_DLL, omStrDllFile); m_omStrArray.Add(omStrErrorMsg); bAddString(m_omStrArray); return FALSE; } }*/ LONG lError = 0; //HKEY sKey; BYTE acGCCPath[1024]; // Get the installation path for FRAME lError = ERROR_SUCCESS; /*lError = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, defREGISTRY_LOCATION, 0, KEY_READ, &sKey);*/ // If the registry key open successfully, get the value in "path" // sub key if(lError==ERROR_SUCCESS) { HANDLE hStdInput = nullptr; // Standard input handle of the child process. HANDLE hStdOutput = nullptr; // - Standard output handle of the child process. HANDLE hStdError = nullptr; //- Standard error handle of the child process. lError = ERROR_SUCCESS; /*lError = RegQueryValueEx(sKey,_T("path"),0, &ulType, acGCCPath,&dwSize); RegCloseKey(sKey);*/ // Check if value is read successfully. if(lError !=ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_omStrArray.Add(defERROR_IN_REGISTRY); // Add string to list box attached to output window after // displaying it if not displayed already. bAddString(m_omStrArray); bReturn = FALSE; return bReturn; } // create an output file will be used by create process to send // output of process. sSecurityAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sSecurityAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; sSecurityAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = nullptr; omStrFilePath = omFileName.Left(omFileName.ReverseFind('\\')); omStrFilePath += "\\output.txt"; hStdOutput = CreateFile(LPCTSTR(omStrFilePath) , GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, // access mode FILE_SHARE_WRITE |FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &sSecurityAttr, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr ) ; // check if file is open successfully if(hStdOutput== INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); omStrErrorMsg.Format("%s: %d", "Error in opening output file", dwError); m_omStrArray.Add(omStrErrorMsg); // Add string to list box attached to output window after // displaying it if not displayed already. bAddString(m_omStrArray); bReturn = FALSE; return bReturn; } // Create an error file which will be used by create process to put // all error message generated. sSecurityAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sSecurityAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; sSecurityAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = nullptr; omStrFilePath = omFileName.Left(omFileName.ReverseFind('\\')); omStrFilePath += "\\error.txt"; hStdError = CreateFile(LPCTSTR(omStrFilePath), GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, // access mode FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &sSecurityAttr, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr ); // check if error file is created successfully if(hStdError == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); omStrErrorMsg.Format("%s: %d", "Error in opening error file", dwError); m_omStrArray.Add(omStrErrorMsg); // Add string to list box attached to output window after // displaying it if not displayed already. bAddString(m_omStrArray); bReturn = FALSE; // close output if error file is not created // successfully CloseHandle(hStdOutput); return bReturn; } // create input file which will be used by create process sSecurityAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sSecurityAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; sSecurityAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = nullptr; omStrFilePath = omFileName.Left(omFileName.ReverseFind('\\')); omStrFilePath += "\\input.txt"; hStdInput = CreateFile(LPCTSTR(omStrFilePath), GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, // access mode FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &sSecurityAttr, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr ); // Check if input file created successfully if(hStdInput == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); omStrErrorMsg.Format("%s: %d", "Error in opening input file", dwError); m_omStrArray.Add(omStrErrorMsg); // Add string to list box attached to output window after // displaying it if not displayed already. bAddString(m_omStrArray); // close output and error files if input file is not created // successfully CloseHandle(hStdError); CloseHandle(hStdOutput); bReturn = FALSE; return bReturn; } // Create process using input, output and error file handle. // Set up the start up info struct. ZeroMemory(&sProcessInfo, sizeof(sProcessInfo) ); ZeroMemory(&sStartInfo,sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); sStartInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); //to use the specified handles sStartInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; sStartInfo.hStdOutput = hStdOutput; sStartInfo.hStdInput = hStdInput; sStartInfo.hStdError = hStdError; // Use this if you want to hide the child: sStartInfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; // Get the make file template path. CString omStrMakeFileTemplateName; omStrMakeFileTemplateName = acGCCPath; CString omTempGccFile = m_pGlobalObj->m_omAppDirectory; /*kadoor*/ omStrMakeFileTemplateName = omTempGccFile; CString omGccMakeFileName = "\\GCCDLLMakeTemplate"; omStrMakeFileTemplateName += omGccMakeFileName; // Create make file in the path where source file to by compiled is // Located CString omStrTemp = omFileName.Left( omFileName.ReverseFind('\\')); CString omStrMakeFileName = omStrTemp; omStrMakeFileName += "\\DLLMake"; bReturn = bCreateMakeFile(psNodeInfo, omStrMakeFileTemplateName, omStrMakeFileName); char acStrShortPath[1024]; dwConvertShortPathName(omStrMakeFileName,acStrShortPath); // check if make file is created successfully. if(bReturn == TRUE) { CString omStrGccMakeFile = ""; CString omStrGccParamter = ""; CString omStrGCCPath = ""; // Create process after giving the command line input omStrGccMakeFile = acGCCPath; /*kadoor*/ omStrGccMakeFile = omTempGccFile; /*omStrGccMakeFile += "\\MinGW\\bin"; omStrGCCPath = omStrGccMakeFile;*/ omStrGccMakeFile = "mingw32-make.exe"; omStrGccParamter = "--silent --file="; omStrGccParamter += acStrShortPath; char* pucGccMakeFile = (TCHAR*)omStrGccMakeFile.GetBuffer( omStrGccMakeFile.GetLength()); char* pucGccParameter = (TCHAR*)omStrGccParamter.GetBuffer( omStrGccParamter.GetLength()); char* pucGCCPath = (TCHAR*)omStrGCCPath.GetBuffer( omStrGCCPath.GetLength()); CString omStrCommandParam = pucGccMakeFile ; omStrCommandParam += " "; omStrCommandParam += pucGccParameter; char path_buffer[_MAX_PATH]; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; char dir[_MAX_DIR]; char fname[_MAX_FNAME]; char ext[_MAX_EXT]; _splitpath( omLongFileName, drive, dir, fname, ext ); PathCombine(path_buffer, drive, dir ); SetCurrentDirectory(path_buffer); if ( psNodeInfo->m_eNodeState == NODE_REQ_CLEAN_BUILT) { CString StrCleanCommandPram = omStrCommandParam + " clean"; INT nSuccess = CreateProcess( nullptr, StrCleanCommandPram.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), nullptr, nullptr, true, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, nullptr, nullptr, &sStartInfo, &sProcessInfo); if (nSuccess!=0) { WaitForSingleObject(sProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE ); } } psNodeInfo->m_eNodeState = NODE_NOT_BUILT;//Whether success or not move to next build step INT nSuccess = CreateProcess( nullptr, omStrCommandParam.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), nullptr, nullptr, true, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, nullptr, nullptr, &sStartInfo, &sProcessInfo); // check if process is not created successfully else // wait for the process to to complete with time out value if (nSuccess==0) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); LPTSTR pcMessageBuffer; DWORD dwFormatFlags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM ; FormatMessage( dwFormatFlags, nullptr, // module to get message from (nullptr == system) dwError, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // default language (LPTSTR) &pcMessageBuffer, 0, nullptr ); omStrErrorMsg.Format("%s: %s", "Invoking MinGW gcc compiler Failed", pcMessageBuffer); LocalFree(pcMessageBuffer); m_omStrArray.Add(omStrErrorMsg); omStrErrorMsg = "Refer \"MinGW Installation\" Section in BUSMASTER Help File for Further Information"; m_omStrArray.Add(omStrErrorMsg); // Add string to list box attached to output window after // displaying it if not displayed already. bAddString(m_omStrArray); omStrGccParamter.ReleaseBuffer(omStrGccParamter.GetLength()); omStrGccMakeFile.ReleaseBuffer(omStrGccMakeFile.GetLength()); omStrGCCPath.ReleaseBuffer(omStrGCCPath.GetLength()); // close all three files if create process is not successfull CloseHandle(hStdError); CloseHandle(hStdOutput); CloseHandle(hStdInput); bReturn = FALSE; return bReturn; } else { if (nSuccess!=0) { WaitForSingleObject(sProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE ); GetExitCodeProcess(sProcessInfo.hProcess, &makeResult); } } omStrGccParamter.ReleaseBuffer(omStrGccParamter.GetLength()); omStrGccMakeFile.ReleaseBuffer(omStrGccMakeFile.GetLength()); omStrGCCPath.ReleaseBuffer(omStrGCCPath.GetLength()); // close the created files CloseHandle(hStdError); CloseHandle(hStdOutput); CloseHandle(hStdInput); // Get the output or error message from the corresponding file // and add it to CStringArray omStrFilePath = omFileName.Left(omFileName.ReverseFind('\\')); omStrFilePath += "\\error.txt"; bAddStrToArrayFromFile(omStrFilePath,m_omStrArray); // to generate a message that dll is created successfully. // If there is no message in error file -> DLL created // successfully omStrFilePath.Replace("error.txt","output.txt"); bAddStrToArrayFromFile(omStrFilePath,m_omStrArray); CString omStrDLLFile = ""; //compiled properly if(makeResult == 0) { CString omStrFileNameInSDLLFile=""; CString omStrFileNameInLongFileName=""; CString omStrDLLFile = ""; char acStrShortPath[1000]; dwConvertShortPathName(omFileName,acStrShortPath); omFileName = acStrShortPath; omStrDLLFile = omFileName.Left(omFileName.ReverseFind('.')); omStrDLLFile += defDOT_DLL; int nLength=omStrDLLFile.GetLength(); nLength-=omStrDLLFile.ReverseFind('\\'); nLength--; omStrFileNameInSDLLFile=omStrDLLFile. Right(nLength); int nLastDotPlace=omLongFileName.ReverseFind('.'); omLongFileName=omLongFileName.Left(nLastDotPlace); omLongFileName+= defDOT_DLL; nLength=omLongFileName.GetLength(); nLength-=omLongFileName.ReverseFind('\\'); nLength--; omStrFileNameInLongFileName=omLongFileName. Right(nLength); if(omStrFileNameInLongFileName. CompareNoCase(omStrFileNameInSDLLFile)) { BOOL bCopyFileStatus=COPYFILE(omStrDLLFile,omLongFileName); if(bCopyFileStatus!=FALSE) { DeleteFile(omStrDLLFile); } } psNodeInfo->m_omStrDllName=omLongFileName; omLongFileName +=" created successfully"; if(bDisplaySuccessful) { m_omStrArray.Add(omLongFileName); bAddString(m_omStrArray); } } else { // Error in building DLL omStrDLLFile ="Error in creating "; omStrDLLFile += omLongFileName.Left(omLongFileName.ReverseFind('.')); omStrDLLFile += defDOT_DLL; m_omStrArray.Add(omStrDLLFile); bReturn = FALSE; bAddString(m_omStrArray); } // Add all items in CStringArray to list box attached to // output window.after displaying it if not displayed } else { // close the created files CloseHandle(hStdError); CloseHandle(hStdOutput); CloseHandle(hStdInput); bReturn = FALSE; } } else { m_omStrArray.Add(defERROR_OPEN_REGISTRY); // Add string to list box attached to output window // after displaying it if not displayed already. bAddString(m_omStrArray); bReturn = FALSE; } // Load the DLL if the flag passed as parameter is set // Unloading of already loaded library is done in CMainFrame. if(bLoadDLL==TRUE && bReturn == TRUE) { int n=omLongFileName.ReverseFind('.'); omLongFileName=omLongFileName.Left(n); omLongFileName+= defDOT_DLL; HMODULE hModuleHandle = nullptr; hModuleHandle = LoadLibrary(omLongFileName); if(hModuleHandle!=nullptr) { //check for the version number PFGET_PRG_VER pFGetPrgVer = (PFGET_PRG_VER) GetProcAddress( hModuleHandle, defNAME_FUNC_GET_PRG_VER ); if( pFGetPrgVer != nullptr ) { bVersion = pFGetPrgVer(&iMajorVer,&iMinorVer,hModuleHandle); if( bVersion == TRUE ) { if( iMajorVer != defMAJOR_VERSION && iMinorVer != defMINOR_VERSION ) { CString omStrErrMsg ; omStrErrMsg.Format( defUNSUPPORTED_VER, iMajorVer,iMinorVer ); bReturn = FALSE ; if( FreeLibrary(hModuleHandle) != 0 ) { hModuleHandle = nullptr; } // Remove Key Panel entry /*if (CGlobalObj::g_podNodeToDllMap != nullptr) { CGlobalObj::g_podNodeToDllMap->RemoveKey(psNodeInfo->m_omStrDllName); }*/ //AfxMessageBox(omStrErrMsg); m_omStrArray.Add(omStrErrMsg); bAddString(m_omStrArray); } else { /*if (CGlobalObj::g_podNodeToDllMap != nullptr) { CGlobalObj::g_podNodeToDllMap->operator [](psNodeInfo->m_omStrDllName) = hModuleHandle; ::PostMessage(CGlobalObj::hWmdMDIParentFrame,WM_LOAD_UNLOAD, 1, 0); }*/ } } } else { CString omStrErrMsg ; omStrErrMsg.Format( defOLD_VER, omLongFileName ); bReturn = FALSE ; if( FreeLibrary(hModuleHandle) != 0 ) { hModuleHandle = nullptr; } //AfxMessageBox(omStrErrMsg); m_omStrArray.Add(omStrErrMsg); bAddString(m_omStrArray); } if(bReturn) { psNodeInfo->m_omStrDllName=omLongFileName; psNodeInfo->m_hModuleHandle=hModuleHandle; //Local array so that only loading message will be //added to the COutWnd list CStringArray m_omStrArray; if(bDisplaySuccessful) { m_omStrArray.Add(omLongFileName+ " loaded successfully"); // Add string to list box attached to output window // after displaying it if not displayed already. bAddString(m_omStrArray); } } } } } if(bReturn) { psNodeInfo->m_eNodeState = NODE_BUILD_SUCCESS; } else { psNodeInfo->m_eNodeState = NODE_BUILD_FAIL; } return bReturn; }
QString LegacyInstance::coreModsDir() const { return PathCombine(minecraftRoot(), "coremods"); }
QString LegacyInstance::resourceDir() const { return PathCombine(minecraftRoot(), "resources"); }
QString LegacyInstance::savesDir() const { return PathCombine(minecraftRoot(), "saves"); }
QString LegacyInstance::loaderModsDir() const { return PathCombine(minecraftRoot(), "mods"); }
QString LegacyInstance::binDir() const { return PathCombine(minecraftRoot(), "bin"); }
/** * @param pszMapPdbFolder - folder with MAP/PDB files. * @param pszModuleName - base module name. * @param pszFileExt - requested file extension. * @param pszFileName - combined file name. * @return true if requested file exist. */ bool CExpressModeDlg::FindFileByPattern(PCTSTR pszMapPdbFolder, PCTSTR pszModuleName, PCTSTR pszFileExt, PTSTR pszFileName) { PathCombine(pszFileName, pszMapPdbFolder, pszModuleName); PathRenameExtension(pszFileName, pszFileExt); return (GetFileAttributes(pszFileName) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES); }
void CFileInfo::DirtoryInfoExtraction(const wstring& wstrPath, list<MESHPATH*>& rPathInfolist) { CFileFind Find; Find.FindFile(wstrPath.c_str()); int iContinue = 1; while(iContinue) { iContinue = Find.FindNextFile(); if(Find.IsDots()) continue; if(Find.IsDirectory()) DirtoryInfoExtraction(wstring(Find.GetFilePath() + L"\\*.*"), rPathInfolist); else { if(Find.IsSystem()) continue; MESHPATH* pFilePath = new MESHPATH; ZeroMemory(pFilePath, sizeof(MESHPATH)); TCHAR szPathBuf[MAX_PATH] = L""; lstrcpy(szPathBuf, wstrPath.c_str()); //szPathBuf = 0x0013dd98 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1\*.*" PathRemoveFileSpec(szPathBuf); // szPathBuf = 0x0013dd98 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1\*.*" wstring wstrFileName = szPathBuf; //szPathBuf = 0x0013dd98 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1" wstrFileName = PathFindFileName(wstrFileName.c_str()); //wstrFileName = "Bush1" pFilePath->wstrObjTag = wstrFileName.c_str(); // pFilePath = 0x11c5ff50 {wstrFileName="Bush1" wstrFilePath="" wstrFullPath="" ...} // 파일 이름 다시 정한다. while(true) { wstrFileName = Find.GetFilePath().operator LPCWSTR(); //wstrFileName = "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1\Bush1.X" wstring wstrFileTag = wstrFileName.substr( wstrPath.find_last_of(L"\\") + 1 ); //wstrFileTag = "Bush1.X" wstrFileTag = wstrFileTag.substr(wstrFileTag.length() - 2, wstrFileTag.length()); //wstrFileTag = ".X" if(wstrFileTag == L".X" || wstrFileTag == L".x") // 대 소문자 구분하니까, 구분해서 찾아주기 { wstrFileName = wstrFileName.substr( wstrPath.find_last_of(L"\\") + 1 ); //wstrFileName = "Bush1.X" pFilePath->wstrFileTag = wstrFileName.c_str(); // 파일이름 //pFilePath->wstrType = "Bush1.X" break; } Find.FindNextFile(); } // wstrFileName = wstrFileName + L".X"; // lstrcpy(pFilePath->szFileTag, wstrFileName.c_str()); // 파일이름 TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH] = L""; lstrcpy(szBuf, (LPWSTR)Find.GetFilePath().operator LPCWSTR()); //szBuf = 0x0013db38 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1\Bush1.X" PathRemoveFileSpec(szBuf); //szBuf = 0x0013db38 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1" PathCombine(szBuf, szBuf, (LPWSTR)wstrFileName.c_str()); //szBuf = 0x0013db38 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1\Bush1.X" PathRemoveFileSpec(szBuf); //szBuf = 0x0013db38 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush\Bush1" //PathRemoveFileSpec(szBuf); pFilePath->wstrFullPath = ConvertRelativePath(szBuf).c_str(); //pFilePath->wstrFullPath = "..\..\..\..\Export\Bush\Bush1" // 마지막 파일 이름 없애야 함 PathRemoveFileSpec(szBuf); //szBuf = 0x0013db38 "C:\Users\Administrator.JUSIN-20150429V\Desktop\Export\Bush" pFilePath->wstrGroupTag = PathFindFileName(szBuf); //pFilePath->wstrFilePath = "Bush" pFilePath->wstrFullPath += L"\\"; // 마지막에 하나 붙여주자 //pFilePath->wstrFullPath = "..\..\..\..\Export\Bush\Bush1\" rPathInfolist.push_back(pFilePath); //pFilePath = 0x11c5ff50 {wstrFileName="Bush1" wstrFilePath="Bush" wstrFullPath="..\..\..\..\Export\Bush\Bush1\" ...} Find.FindFile(Find.GetFilePath()); Find.FindNextFile(); } } }
int InstallMissingPrerequisites(const WCHAR* BaseDirectory) { // Look for missing prerequisites WCHAR MissingPrerequisites[1024] = { 0, }; if(LoadLibrary(L"MSVCP120.DLL") == NULL || LoadLibrary(L"MSVCR120.DLL") == NULL) { wcscat_s(MissingPrerequisites, TEXT("Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Runtime\n")); } if(LoadLibrary(L"MSVCP140.DLL") == NULL || LoadLibrary(L"ucrtbase.dll") == NULL) { wcscat_s(MissingPrerequisites, TEXT("Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Runtime\n")); } if(LoadLibrary(L"XINPUT1_3.DLL") == NULL) { wcscat_s(MissingPrerequisites, TEXT("DirectX Runtime\n")); } // Check if there's anything missing if(MissingPrerequisites[0] != 0) { WCHAR MissingPrerequisitesMsg[1024]; wsprintf(MissingPrerequisitesMsg, L"The following component(s) are required to run this program:\n\n%s", MissingPrerequisites); // If we don't have the installer, just notify the user and quit WCHAR PrereqInstaller[MAX_PATH]; #ifdef _M_X64 PathCombine(PrereqInstaller, BaseDirectory, L"Engine\\Extras\\Redist\\en-us\\UE4PrereqSetup_x64.exe"); #else PathCombine(PrereqInstaller, BaseDirectory, L"Engine\\Extras\\Redist\\en-us\\UE4PrereqSetup_x86.exe"); #endif if(GetFileAttributes(PrereqInstaller) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { MessageBox(NULL, MissingPrerequisitesMsg, NULL, MB_OK); return 9001; } // Otherwise ask them if they want to install them wcscat_s(MissingPrerequisitesMsg, L"\nWould you like to install them now?"); if(MessageBox(NULL, MissingPrerequisitesMsg, NULL, MB_YESNO) == IDNO) { return 9002; } // Start the installer SHELLEXECUTEINFO ShellExecuteInfo; ZeroMemory(&ShellExecuteInfo, sizeof(ShellExecuteInfo)); ShellExecuteInfo.cbSize = sizeof(ShellExecuteInfo); ShellExecuteInfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; ShellExecuteInfo.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; ShellExecuteInfo.lpFile = PrereqInstaller; if(!ShellExecuteExW(&ShellExecuteInfo)) { return 9003; } // Wait for the process to complete, then get its exit code DWORD ExitCode = 0; WaitForSingleObject(ShellExecuteInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(ShellExecuteInfo.hProcess, &ExitCode); CloseHandle(ShellExecuteInfo.hProcess); if(ExitCode != 0) { return 9004; } } return 0; }
QString LegacyInstance::texturePacksDir() const { return PathCombine(minecraftRoot(), "texturepacks"); }
void CmdService::Run() { CLog* log=LogManager::OpenLog(m_szLogFile,CLog::LL_INFO); int i; DWORD nBufferSize=GetFileSize(m_szConfigFile); if(!nBufferSize) { nBufferSize = 32767; } PEXECPARAM tmpExecParam=NULL,ptrExecParam; PTCHAR pBuffer= (PTCHAR)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(TCHAR)*nBufferSize),ptrBuffer,tmpBuffer; DWORD ret = GetPrivateProfileSection("Command", pBuffer, nBufferSize, m_szConfigFile); // ¶ÁÈ¡ËùÓÐÅäÖõÄÃüÁî if(ret>0) { TCHAR *p; TCHAR tmpDirectory[MAX_PATH]={0}; TCHAR configFileDirectory[MAX_PATH]={0}; strncpy(configFileDirectory,m_szConfigFile,strrchr(m_szConfigFile,'\\')-m_szConfigFile+1); for(ptrBuffer=pBuffer;*ptrBuffer;ptrBuffer+=strlen(ptrBuffer)+1) { ptrExecParam = (PEXECPARAM)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(EXECPARAM)); tmpBuffer=strchr(ptrBuffer,'='); strcpy(ptrExecParam->cmdLine,tmpBuffer+1); *tmpBuffer='\0'; strcpy(ptrExecParam->keyName,ptrBuffer); sprintf(ptrExecParam->logFile, "%s-%s", m_szLogFile, ptrExecParam->keyName); GetPrivateProfileString("Directory", ptrExecParam->keyName, ".\\", tmpDirectory, MAX_PATH-1,m_szConfigFile); p=tmpDirectory; while(*p) { if(*p == '/') { *p='\\'; } p++; } PathCombine(ptrExecParam->curDirectory,configFileDirectory, tmpDirectory); #ifdef _DEBUG log->WriteLog(CLog::LL_INFO,"keyName(%s), curDirectory(%s), cmdLine(%s), logFile(%s)", ptrExecParam->keyName, ptrExecParam->curDirectory, ptrExecParam->cmdLine, ptrExecParam->logFile); #endif ptrExecParam->next = NULL; if(tmpExecParam) { tmpExecParam->next = ptrExecParam; } else { pHeadExecParam = ptrExecParam; } tmpExecParam = ptrExecParam; nCmdSize++; ptrBuffer=strchr(tmpBuffer+1,'\0'); } } else { log->WriteLog("Not found [Command] section in config file."); log->CloseLogFile(); return; } TCHAR domain[100], userName[100], passWord[100]; HANDLE hToken = NULL; GetPrivateProfileString("Account", "Domain", ".", domain, sizeof(domain)-1, m_szConfigFile); GetPrivateProfileString("Account", "User", "Administrator", userName, sizeof(userName)-1, m_szConfigFile); GetPrivateProfileString("Account", "Password", "", passWord, sizeof(passWord)-1, m_szConfigFile); ret = LogonUser(userName, domain, passWord, LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &hToken); if(ret) { log->WriteLog(CLog::LL_INFO, "Login success(Domain=%s, User=%s, Password=%s)", domain, userName, passWord); } else { log->WriteLog(CLog::LL_WARN, "Login fail(Domain=%s, User=%s, Password=%s)", domain, userName, passWord); } dwThreadId = (PDWORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(DWORD)*nCmdSize); hThread = (PHANDLE)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(HANDLE)*nCmdSize); m_bRunning = true; while (m_bRunning) { if (m_bPaused) { Sleep(200); continue; } ptrExecParam=pHeadExecParam; i=0; while(ptrExecParam) { ptrExecParam->hToken = hToken; hThread[i]=CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadProc, ptrExecParam, 0, &dwThreadId[i]); if(hThread[i]==NULL) { log->WriteLog(CLog::LL_ERROR, "[%s] create thread fail", ptrExecParam->keyName); } else { #ifdef _DEBUG log->WriteLog(CLog::LL_INFO, "[%d] = %s", i, ptrExecParam->keyName); #endif i++; } ptrExecParam = ptrExecParam->next; } WaitForMultipleObjects(i, hThread, TRUE, INFINITE); ptrExecParam=pHeadExecParam; i = 0; while(ptrExecParam) { CloseHandle(hThread[i]); i++; ptrExecParam = ptrExecParam->next; } Sleep(1000); } log->CloseLogFile(); }
QString LegacyInstance::runnableJar() const { return PathCombine(binDir(), "minecraft.jar"); }
void StartCmder(std::wstring path, bool is_single_mode) { #if USE_TASKBAR_API wchar_t appId[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; #endif wchar_t exeDir[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; wchar_t icoPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; wchar_t cfgPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; wchar_t oldCfgPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; wchar_t conEmuPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; wchar_t args[MAX_PATH * 2 + 256] = { 0 }; GetModuleFileName(NULL, exeDir, sizeof(exeDir)); #if USE_TASKBAR_API wcscpy_s(appId, exeDir); #endif PathRemoveFileSpec(exeDir); PathCombine(icoPath, exeDir, L"icons\\cmder.ico"); // Check for machine-specific config file. PathCombine(oldCfgPath, exeDir, L"config\\ConEmu-%COMPUTERNAME%.xml"); ExpandEnvironmentStrings(oldCfgPath, oldCfgPath, sizeof(oldCfgPath) / sizeof(oldCfgPath[0])); if (!PathFileExists(oldCfgPath)) { PathCombine(oldCfgPath, exeDir, L"config\\ConEmu.xml"); } // Check for machine-specific config file. PathCombine(cfgPath, exeDir, L"vendor\\conemu-maximus5\\ConEmu-%COMPUTERNAME%.xml"); ExpandEnvironmentStrings(cfgPath, cfgPath, sizeof(cfgPath) / sizeof(cfgPath[0])); if (!PathFileExists(cfgPath)) { PathCombine(cfgPath, exeDir, L"vendor\\conemu-maximus5\\ConEmu.xml"); } PathCombine(conEmuPath, exeDir, L"vendor\\conemu-maximus5\\ConEmu.exe"); if (FileExists(oldCfgPath) && !FileExists(cfgPath)) { if (!CopyFile(oldCfgPath, cfgPath, FALSE)) { MessageBox(NULL, (GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) ? L"Failed to copy ConEmu.xml file to new location! Restart cmder as administrator." : L"Failed to copy ConEmu.xml file to new location!", MB_TITLE, MB_ICONSTOP); exit(1); } } if (is_single_mode) { swprintf_s(args, L"/single /Icon \"%s\" /Title Cmder", icoPath); } else { swprintf_s(args, L"/Icon \"%s\" /Title Cmder", icoPath); } SetEnvironmentVariable(L"CMDER_ROOT", exeDir); if (!streqi(path.c_str(), L"")) { if (!SetEnvironmentVariable(L"CMDER_START", path.c_str())) { MessageBox(NULL, _T("Error trying to set CMDER_START to given path!"), _T("Error"), MB_OK); } } // Ensure EnvironmentVariables are propagated. SendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, (LPARAM)"Environment", SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 5000, NULL); SendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, (LPARAM) L"Environment", SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 5000, NULL); // For Windows >= 8 STARTUPINFO si = { 0 }; si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); #if USE_TASKBAR_API si.lpTitle = appId; si.dwFlags = STARTF_TITLEISAPPID; #endif PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; if (!CreateProcess(conEmuPath, args, NULL, NULL, false, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { MessageBox(NULL, _T("Unable to create the ConEmu Process!"), _T("Error"), MB_OK); return; } }
QString LegacyInstance::modListFile() const { return PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "modlist"); }
void LegacyUpdate::extractLwjgl() { // make sure the directories are there bool success = ensureFolderPathExists(lwjglNativesPath); if (!success) { emitFailed("Failed to extract the lwjgl libs - error when creating required folders."); return; } QuaZip zip(""); if (! { emitFailed("Failed to extract the lwjgl libs - not a valid archive."); return; } // and now we are going to access files inside it QuaZipFile file(&zip); const QString jarNames[] = {"jinput.jar", "lwjgl_util.jar", "lwjgl.jar"}; for (bool more = zip.goToFirstFile(); more; more = zip.goToNextFile()) { if (! { zip.close(); emitFailed("Failed to extract the lwjgl libs - error while reading archive."); return; } QuaZipFileInfo info; QString name = file.getActualFileName(); if (name.endsWith('/')) { file.close(); continue; } QString destFileName; // Look for the jars for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (name.endsWith(jarNames[i])) { destFileName = PathCombine(lwjglTargetPath, jarNames[i]); } } // Not found? look for the natives if (destFileName.isEmpty()) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 QString nativesDir = "windows"; #else #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QString nativesDir = "macosx"; #else QString nativesDir = "linux"; #endif #endif if (name.contains(nativesDir)) { int lastSlash = name.lastIndexOf('/'); int lastBackSlash = name.lastIndexOf('\\'); if (lastSlash != -1) name = name.mid(lastSlash + 1); else if (lastBackSlash != -1) name = name.mid(lastBackSlash + 1); destFileName = PathCombine(lwjglNativesPath, name); } } // Now if destFileName is still empty, go to the next file. if (!destFileName.isEmpty()) { setStatus(tr("Installing new LWJGL - extracting ") + name + "..."); QFile output(destFileName);; output.write(file.readAll()); // FIXME: wste of memory!? output.close(); } file.close(); // do not forget to close! } zip.close(); m_reply.reset(); QFile doneFile(PathCombine(lwjglTargetPath, "done"));; doneFile.write("done."); doneFile.close(); }
QString LegacyInstance::instanceConfigFolder() const { return PathCombine(minecraftRoot(), "config"); }
HRESULT CDropHandler::CopyDIBV5Data(IDataObject *pDataObject, list<PastedFile_t> *pPastedFileList) { STGMEDIUM stg; HRESULT hr; hr = pDataObject->GetData(&m_ftcDIBV5,&stg); if(hr == S_OK) { BITMAPINFO *pbmp = static_cast<BITMAPINFO *>(GlobalLock(stg.hGlobal)); if(pbmp != NULL) { SYSTEMTIME st; FILETIME ft; FILETIME lft; TCHAR szTime[512]; GetLocalTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st,&ft); LocalFileTimeToFileTime(&ft,&lft); CreateFileTimeString(&lft,szTime,SIZEOF_ARRAY(szTime),FALSE); for(int i = 0;i < lstrlen(szTime);i++) { if(szTime[i] == '/') { szTime[i] = '-'; } else if(szTime[i] == ':') { szTime[i] = '.'; } } TCHAR szFullFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; /* TODO: Move text into string table. */ StringCchPrintf(szFileName,SIZEOF_ARRAY(szFileName), _T("Clipboard Image (%s).bmp"),szTime); PathCombine(szFullFileName,m_szDestDirectory, szFileName); HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(szFullFileName, GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); if(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwSize = static_cast<DWORD>(sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (GlobalSize(stg.hGlobal) - sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER))); LPBYTE pData = new BYTE[dwSize]; BITMAPFILEHEADER *pbfh = (BITMAPFILEHEADER *)pData; /* 'BM'. */ pbfh->bfType = 0x4D42; pbfh->bfSize = pbmp->bmiHeader.biSize; pbfh->bfReserved1 = 0; pbfh->bfReserved2 = 0; pbfh->bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER); BITMAPINFOHEADER *pb5h = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)(pData + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); memcpy(pb5h,&pbmp->bmiHeader,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); RGBQUAD *prgb = (RGBQUAD *)(pData + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); memcpy(prgb,pbmp->bmiColors,GlobalSize(stg.hGlobal) - sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); DWORD nBytesWritten; WriteFile(hFile,(LPCVOID)pData, dwSize, &nBytesWritten,NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); delete[] pData; PastedFile_t pf; StringCchCopy(pf.szFileName,SIZEOF_ARRAY(pf.szFileName),szFullFileName); PathStripPath(pf.szFileName); pPastedFileList->push_back(pf); } GlobalUnlock(stg.hGlobal); } /* Must release the storage medium. */ ReleaseStgMedium(&stg); } return hr; }
QString LegacyInstance::defaultCustomBaseJar() const { return PathCombine(binDir(), "mcbackup.jar"); }
void MainWindow::on_actionAddInstance_triggered() { if (!MMC->minecraftlist()->isLoaded() && m_versionLoadTask && m_versionLoadTask->isRunning()) { QEventLoop waitLoop; waitLoop.connect(m_versionLoadTask, SIGNAL(failed(QString)), SLOT(quit())); waitLoop.connect(m_versionLoadTask, SIGNAL(succeeded()), SLOT(quit())); waitLoop.exec(); } NewInstanceDialog newInstDlg(this); if (!newInstDlg.exec()) return; BaseInstance *newInstance = NULL; QString instancesDir = MMC->settings()->get("InstanceDir").toString(); QString instDirName = DirNameFromString(newInstDlg.instName(), instancesDir); QString instDir = PathCombine(instancesDir, instDirName); auto &loader = InstanceFactory::get(); auto error = loader.createInstance(newInstance, newInstDlg.selectedVersion(), instDir); QString errorMsg = QString("Failed to create instance %1: ").arg(instDirName); switch (error) { case InstanceFactory::NoCreateError: newInstance->setName(newInstDlg.instName()); newInstance->setIconKey(newInstDlg.iconKey()); MMC->instances()->add(InstancePtr(newInstance)); break; case InstanceFactory::InstExists: { errorMsg += "An instance with the given directory name already exists."; CustomMessageBox::selectable(this, tr("Error"), errorMsg, QMessageBox::Warning)->show(); return; } case InstanceFactory::CantCreateDir: { errorMsg += "Failed to create the instance directory."; CustomMessageBox::selectable(this, tr("Error"), errorMsg, QMessageBox::Warning)->show(); return; } default: { errorMsg += QString("Unknown instance loader error %1").arg(error); CustomMessageBox::selectable(this, tr("Error"), errorMsg, QMessageBox::Warning)->show(); return; } } if (MMC->accounts()->anyAccountIsValid()) { ProgressDialog loadDialog(this); auto update = newInstance->doUpdate(false); connect(update.get(), &Task::failed, [this](QString reason) { QString error = QString("Instance load failed: %1").arg(reason); CustomMessageBox::selectable(this, tr("Error"), error, QMessageBox::Warning) ->show(); }); loadDialog.exec(update.get()); } else { CustomMessageBox::selectable( this, tr("Error"), tr("MultiMC cannot download Minecraft or update instances unless you have at least " "one account added.\nPlease add your Mojang or Minecraft account."), QMessageBox::Warning)->show(); } }
MinecraftProcess *LegacyInstance::prepareForLaunch(MojangAccountPtr account) { MinecraftProcess *proc = new MinecraftProcess(this); QIcon icon = MMC->icons()->getIcon(iconKey()); auto pixmap = icon.pixmap(128, 128);, "icon.png"), "PNG"); // extract the legacy launcher QFile(":/java/launcher.jar").copy(PathCombine(minecraftRoot(), LAUNCHER_FILE)); // set the process arguments { QStringList args; // window size QString windowSize; if (settings().get("LaunchMaximized").toBool()) windowSize = "max"; else windowSize = QString("%1x%2").arg(settings().get("MinecraftWinWidth").toInt()).arg( settings().get("MinecraftWinHeight").toInt()); // window title QString windowTitle; windowTitle.append("MultiMC: ").append(name()); // Java arguments args.append(Util::Commandline::splitArgs(settings().get("JvmArgs").toString())); #ifdef OSX // OSX dock icon and name args << "-Xdock:icon=icon.png"; args << QString("-Xdock:name=\"%1\"").arg(windowTitle); #endif QString lwjgl = QDir(MMC->settings()->get("LWJGLDir").toString() + "/" + lwjglVersion()) .absolutePath(); // launcher arguments args << QString("-Xms%1m").arg(settings().get("MinMemAlloc").toInt()); args << QString("-Xmx%1m").arg(settings().get("MaxMemAlloc").toInt()); args << QString("-XX:PermSize=%1m").arg(settings().get("PermGen").toInt()); /** * HACK: Stupid hack for Intel drivers. * See: */ #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 args << QString("-XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_" "minecraft.exe.heapdump"); #endif args << "-jar" << LAUNCHER_FILE; args << account->currentProfile()->name(); args << account->sessionId(); args << windowTitle; args << windowSize; args << lwjgl; proc->setArguments(args); } // set the process work path proc->setWorkdir(minecraftRoot()); return proc; }
INT tagLogInfo::nSetConfigData(xmlNodePtr pNodePtr) { //pNodePtr = pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode; vClear(); //To give Initial Values INT nRetValue = S_OK; m_sLogTrigger.startId = -1; m_sLogTrigger.stopId = -1; while (pNodePtr != NULL) { if ( pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode != NULL ) { if ((!xmlStrcmp((const xmlChar*)pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"IsEnabled"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { m_bEnabled = xmlUtils::getBooleanValue((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } else if ((!xmlStrcmp((const xmlChar*)pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"Time_Mode"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { m_eLogTimerMode = xmlUtils::eGetTimerMode((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } else if ((!xmlStrcmp((const xmlChar*)pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"Numeric_Mode"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { m_eNumFormat = xmlUtils::eGetNumericMode((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } else if ((!xmlStrcmp((const xmlChar*)pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"IsAppendLog_Enabled"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { BOOL bValue = xmlUtils::getBooleanValue((char*)key); m_eFileMode = OVERWRITE_MODE; if(bValue == TRUE) { m_eFileMode = APPEND_MODE; } xmlFree(key); } } else if ((!xmlStrcmp((const xmlChar*)pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"Reset_Absolute_Time"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { m_bResetAbsTimeStamp = xmlUtils::getBooleanValue((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } else if ((!xmlStrcmp((const xmlChar*)pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"Channel"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { m_ChannelSelected = atoi((char*)key); if(m_ChannelSelected < 0 || m_ChannelSelected > CHANNEL_ALLOWED ) { m_ChannelSelected = CAN_CHANNEL_ALL; } xmlFree(key); } } else if ((!xmlStrcmp((const xmlChar*)pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"File_Path"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { if(PathIsRelative((char*)key) == TRUE) { std::string omStrConfigFolder; std::string omPath; char configPath[MAX_PATH]; AfxGetMainWnd()->SendMessage(MSG_GET_CONFIGPATH, (WPARAM)configPath, 0); CUtilFunctions::nGetBaseFolder(configPath, omStrConfigFolder ); char chAbsPath[MAX_PATH]; PathCombine(chAbsPath, omStrConfigFolder.c_str(), (char*)key); strcpy_s(m_sLogFileName, MAX_PATH, chAbsPath); } else { strcpy_s(m_sLogFileName, _MAX_PATH, (char*)key); } xmlFree(key); nRetValue = S_OK; } else { nRetValue = S_FALSE; } } else if ((!xmlStrcmp((const xmlChar*)pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"Trigger_Start_ID"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { m_sLogTrigger.startId = atoi((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } else if ((!xmlStrcmp((const xmlChar*)pNodePtr->name, (const xmlChar*)"Trigger_Stop_ID"))) { xmlChar* key = xmlNodeListGetString(pNodePtr->doc, pNodePtr->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(NULL != key) { m_sLogTrigger.stopId = atoi((char*)key); xmlFree(key); } } }//if Conditions pNodePtr = pNodePtr->next; }//While if (strlen(m_sLogFileName) == 0) { nRetValue = S_FALSE; } //0 - None, 1 - Start, 2 - Stop, 3 - Both m_sLogTrigger.triggerType = NONE; int nStartID = m_sLogTrigger.startId; int nStopID = m_sLogTrigger.stopId; if( nStartID >= 0 && nStopID < 0 ) { m_sLogTrigger.triggerType = START; } else if( nStartID < 0 && nStopID >= 0 ) { m_sLogTrigger.triggerType = STOP; } else if( nStartID < 0 && nStopID < 0 ) { m_sLogTrigger.triggerType = NONE; } else if( nStartID >= 0 && nStopID >= 0 ) { m_sLogTrigger.triggerType = BOTH; } return nRetValue; }
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int) { DWORD tick = GetTickCount(); (void)tick; unsigned cmd_line_flags = 0; int argc; LPWSTR *argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc); for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { const FlagsName *f; for (f = g_flags_names; f->name; ++f) { if (_wcsicmp(argv[i], f->wname) == 0) { cmd_line_flags |= f->flags; break; } } if (!f->name) { Help(argv[i]); return 1; } } GTC; char exe[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(0), exe, sizeof exe); PathRemoveFileSpec(exe); PathCombine(g_ini_path, exe, g_ini_file_name); ODS(strprintf("dispswitch: %s: INI path is \"%s\".\n", __FUNCTION__, g_ini_path)); // STARTUPINFO si; // GetStartupInfo(&si); GTC; std::vector<MonitorInfo> monitors; EnumDisplayMonitors(0, 0, &GetAllMonitorsMonitorEnumProc, LPARAM(&monitors)); if (monitors.size() <= 1) return 0; std::sort(monitors.begin(), monitors.end(), [](const MonitorInfo &a, const MonitorInfo &b) { return <; }); for (unsigned i = 0; i < monitors.size(); ++i) { const MonitorInfo *mi = &monitors[i]; (void)mi; ODS(strprintf("dispswitch: monitor %u/%u:\n", 1 + i, monitors.size())); ODS(strprintf(" Original index: %u\n", (unsigned)mi->original_index)); ODS(strprintf(" Device=\"%s\"\n", mi->info.szDevice)); ODS(strprintf(" MonitorRect=(%ld,%ld)-(%ld,%ld)\n", mi->info.rcMonitor.left, mi->, mi->info.rcMonitor.right, mi->info.rcMonitor.bottom)); ODS(strprintf(" WorkRect=(%ld,%ld)-(%ld,%ld)\n", mi->info.rcWork.left, mi->, mi->info.rcWork.right, mi->info.rcWork.bottom)); } // std::vector<PROCESSENTRY32> processes; EnumProcesses(&processes); GTC; // HWND fg = GetForegroundWindow(); WindowDetails fg_details; GetWindowDetails(processes, fg, &fg_details); ODS(strprintf("exe=%s\n", fg_details.exe_file)); std::vector<HWND> hwnds; if (fg_details.flags&F_TAKE_EXE) { EnumWindows(&GetAllVisibleWindowsWindowEnumProc, LPARAM(&hwnds)); ODS(strprintf("%u hwnds.\n", hwnds.size())); std::vector<HWND>::iterator hwnd = hwnds.begin(); while (hwnd != hwnds.end()) { char exe_file[MAX_PATH]; GetExeFileForWindow(processes, *hwnd, exe_file); if (strcmp(exe_file, fg_details.exe_file) == 0) ++hwnd; else hwnd = hwnds.erase(hwnd); } } else { HWND h = fg; do { hwnds.push_back(h); h = GetParent(h); } while (h && (fg_details.flags&F_TAKE_PARENT)); } GTC; ODS(strprintf("%u hwnds.\n", hwnds.size())); for (unsigned i = 0; i < hwnds.size(); ++i) { HWND fg_wnd = hwnds[i]; bool was_zoomed = false; if (IsZoomed(fg_wnd)) { was_zoomed = true; ShowWindow(fg_wnd, SW_RESTORE); } RECT fg_rect; GetWindowRect(fg_wnd, &fg_rect); ODS(strprintf("dispswitch: old rect=(%ld,%ld)->(%ld,%ld).\n", fg_rect.left,, fg_rect.right, fg_rect.bottom)); HMONITOR fg_monitor = MonitorFromRect(&fg_rect, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY); size_t monitor_idx; for (monitor_idx = 0; monitor_idx < monitors.size(); ++monitor_idx) { if (monitors[monitor_idx].hmonitor == fg_monitor) break; } if (monitor_idx >= monitors.size()) { // Oh dear. continue; } const MONITORINFOEX *old_info = &monitors[monitor_idx].info; ++monitor_idx; monitor_idx %= monitors.size(); const MONITORINFOEX *new_info = &monitors[monitor_idx].info; // RECT dr; dr.left = fg_rect.left - old_info->rcWork.left; = - old_info->; dr.right = fg_rect.right - old_info->rcWork.right; dr.bottom = fg_rect.bottom - old_info->rcWork.bottom; if (fg_details.flags&F_DONT_RESIZE) { LONG cx = (fg_rect.left + fg_rect.right) / 2 - old_info->rcWork.left; LONG cy = ( + fg_rect.bottom) / 2 - old_info->; float tcx = cx / (float)GetRectWidth(old_info->rcWork); float tcy = cy / (float)GetRectHeight(old_info->rcWork); LONG fg_w = GetRectWidth(fg_rect); LONG fg_h = GetRectHeight(fg_rect); fg_rect.left = new_info->rcWork.left + LONG(tcx*GetRectWidth(new_info->rcWork) + .5f) - fg_w / 2; = new_info-> + LONG(tcy*GetRectHeight(new_info->rcWork) + .5f) - fg_h / 2; fg_rect.right = fg_rect.left + fg_w; fg_rect.bottom = + fg_h; // don't let it go outside the work rect. LONG dx = new_info->rcWork.left - fg_rect.left; if (dx < 0) dx = 0; LONG dy = new_info-> -; if (dy < 0) dy = 0; OffsetRect(&fg_rect, dx, dy); } else { float left_frac, top_frac, right_frac, bottom_frac; { RECT local_rect = fg_rect; OffsetRect(&local_rect, -old_info->rcWork.left, -old_info->; left_frac = local_rect.left / float(GetRectWidth(old_info->rcWork)); top_frac = / float(GetRectHeight(old_info->rcWork)); right_frac = local_rect.right / float(GetRectWidth(old_info->rcWork)); bottom_frac = local_rect.bottom / float(GetRectHeight(old_info->rcWork)); } if (fg_details.flags&F_SIDE_RELATIVE) { fg_rect.left = new_info->rcWork.left + dr.left; = new_info-> +; fg_rect.right = new_info->rcWork.right + dr.right; fg_rect.bottom = new_info->rcWork.bottom + dr.bottom; } else { // round to nearest instead of round to zero, prevents window // floating towards the origin with repeated invocations (or at // least it did with the test window). fg_rect.left = new_info->rcWork.left + LONG(left_frac*GetRectWidth(new_info->rcWork) + .5f); = new_info-> + LONG(top_frac*GetRectHeight(new_info->rcWork) + .5f); fg_rect.right = new_info->rcWork.left + LONG(right_frac*GetRectWidth(new_info->rcWork) + .5f); fg_rect.bottom = new_info-> + LONG(bottom_frac*GetRectHeight(new_info->rcWork) + .5f); } // Work out a minimum size for this window. LONG min_width, min_height; { // Include a small client area RECT rect = { 0, 0, 100, 100 }; DWORD style = GetWindowLong(fg_wnd, GWL_STYLE); DWORD ex_style = GetWindowLong(fg_wnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); BOOL menu = !!GetMenu(fg_wnd); AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, style, menu, ex_style); min_width = GetRectWidth(rect); min_height = GetRectHeight(rect); ODS(strprintf("dispswitch: min size=%ldx%ld\n", min_width, min_height)); } // Clamp size, rather crudely. if (GetRectWidth(fg_rect) < min_width) fg_rect.right = fg_rect.left + min_width; if (GetRectHeight(fg_rect) < min_height) fg_rect.bottom = + min_height; } ODS(strprintf("dispswitch: new rect=(%ld,%ld)->(%ld,%ld).\n", fg_rect.left,, fg_rect.right, fg_rect.bottom)); // BOOL ok=MoveWindow(fg_wnd,fg_rect.left,,fg_rect.right-fg_rect.left, //,TRUE); BOOL ok = SetWindowPos(fg_wnd, 0, fg_rect.left,, fg_rect.right - fg_rect.left, fg_rect.bottom -, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOCOPYBITS); if (!ok) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); (void)err; ODS(strprintf("dispswitch: move failed. Error: 0x%08lX\n", err)); } if (was_zoomed) ShowWindow(fg_wnd, SW_MAXIMIZE); } return 0; }
QString LegacyInstance::jarModsDir() const { return PathCombine(instanceRoot(), "instMods"); }
InstanceList::InstListError InstanceList::loadList() { QDir dir(m_instDir); QDirIterator iter(dir); QString groupFileName = m_instDir + "/instgroups.json"; // temporary map from instance ID to group name QMap<QString, QString> groupMap; // HACK: this is really an if. breaks after one iteration. while (QFileInfo(groupFileName).exists()) { QFile groupFile(groupFileName); if (! { // An error occurred. Ignore it. qDebug("Failed to read instance group file."); break; } QTextStream in(&groupFile); QString jsonStr = in.readAll(); groupFile.close(); QJsonParseError error; QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonStr.toUtf8(), &error); if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { qWarning(QString("Failed to parse instance group file: %1 at offset %2"). arg(error.errorString(), QString::number(error.offset)).toUtf8()); break; } if (!jsonDoc.isObject()) { qWarning("Invalid group file. Root entry should be an object."); break; } QJsonObject rootObj = jsonDoc.object(); // Make sure the format version matches. if (rootObj.value("formatVersion").toVariant().toInt() == GROUP_FILE_FORMAT_VERSION) { // Get the group list. if (!rootObj.value("groups").isObject()) { qWarning("Invalid group list JSON: 'groups' should be an object."); break; } // Iterate through the list. QJsonObject groupList = rootObj.value("groups").toObject(); for (QJsonObject::iterator iter = groupList.begin(); iter != groupList.end(); iter++) { QString groupName = iter.key(); // If not an object, complain and skip to the next one. if (!iter.value().isObject()) { qWarning(QString("Group '%1' in the group list should " "be an object.").arg(groupName).toUtf8()); continue; } QJsonObject groupObj = iter.value().toObject(); /* // Create the group object. InstanceGroup *group = new InstanceGroup(groupName, this); groups.push_back(group); // If 'hidden' isn't a bool value, just assume it's false. if (groupObj.value("hidden").isBool() && groupObj.value("hidden").toBool()) { group->setHidden(groupObj.value("hidden").toBool()); } */ if (!groupObj.value("instances").isArray()) { qWarning(QString("Group '%1' in the group list is invalid. " "It should contain an array " "called 'instances'.").arg(groupName).toUtf8()); continue; } // Iterate through the list of instances in the group. QJsonArray instancesArray = groupObj.value("instances").toArray(); for (QJsonArray::iterator iter2 = instancesArray.begin(); iter2 != instancesArray.end(); iter2++) { groupMap[(*iter2).toString()] = groupName; } } } break; } m_instances.clear(); while (iter.hasNext()) { QString subDir =; if (QFileInfo(PathCombine(subDir, "instance.cfg")).exists()) { Instance *instPtr = NULL; InstanceLoader::InstTypeError error = InstanceLoader::get(). loadInstance(instPtr, subDir); if (error != InstanceLoader::NoError && error != InstanceLoader::NotAnInstance) { QString errorMsg = QString("Failed to load instance %1: "). arg(QFileInfo(subDir).baseName()).toUtf8(); switch (error) { case InstanceLoader::TypeNotRegistered: errorMsg += "Instance type not found."; break; default: errorMsg += QString("Unknown instance loader error %1"). arg(error); break; } qDebug(errorMsg.toUtf8()); } else if (!instPtr) { qDebug(QString("Error loading instance %1. Instance loader returned null."). arg(QFileInfo(subDir).baseName()).toUtf8()); } else { QSharedPointer<Instance> inst(instPtr); auto iter = groupMap.find(inst->id()); if(iter != groupMap.end()) { inst->setGroup((*iter)); } qDebug(QString("Loaded instance %1").arg(inst->name()).toUtf8()); inst->setParent(this); m_instances.append(inst); connect(instPtr, SIGNAL(propertiesChanged(Instance*)),this, SLOT(propertiesChanged(Instance*))); } } }