Пример #1
 * Compute desired velocity from the current position
 * Takes in @ref PositionActual and compares it to @ref PositionDesired 
 * and computes @ref VelocityDesired
void updateEndpointVelocity()
	float dT = guidanceSettings.UpdatePeriod / 1000.0f;

	PositionActualData positionActual;
	VelocityDesiredData velocityDesired;
	float northError;
	float eastError;
	float downError;
	float northCommand;
	float eastCommand;
	float northPos = positionActual.North;
	float eastPos = positionActual.East;
	float downPos = positionActual.Down;

	// Compute desired north command velocity from position error
	northError = pathDesired.End[PATHDESIRED_END_NORTH] - northPos;
	northCommand = pid_apply_antiwindup(&vtol_pids[NORTH_POSITION], northError,
	    -guidanceSettings.HorizontalVelMax, guidanceSettings.HorizontalVelMax, dT);

	// Compute desired east command velocity from position error
	eastError = pathDesired.End[PATHDESIRED_END_EAST] - eastPos;
	eastCommand = pid_apply_antiwindup(&vtol_pids[EAST_POSITION], eastError,
	    -guidanceSettings.HorizontalVelMax, guidanceSettings.HorizontalVelMax, dT);

	// Limit the maximum velocity any direction (not north and east separately)
	float total_vel = sqrtf(powf(northCommand,2) + powf(eastCommand,2));
	float scale = 1;
	if(total_vel > guidanceSettings.HorizontalVelMax)
		scale = guidanceSettings.HorizontalVelMax / total_vel;

	velocityDesired.North = northCommand * scale;
	velocityDesired.East = eastCommand * scale;

	// Compute the desired velocity from the position difference
	downError = pathDesired.End[PATHDESIRED_END_DOWN] - downPos;
	velocityDesired.Down = pid_apply_antiwindup(&vtol_pids[DOWN_POSITION], downError,
	    -guidanceSettings.VerticalVelMax, guidanceSettings.VerticalVelMax, dT);

	// Indicate whether we are in radius of this endpoint
	uint8_t path_status = PATHSTATUS_STATUS_INPROGRESS;
	float distance2 = powf(northError, 2) + powf(eastError, 2);
	if (distance2 < (guidanceSettings.EndpointRadius * guidanceSettings.EndpointRadius)) {
Пример #2
 * Controller to maintain/seek a position and optionally descend.
 * @param[in] dT time since last eval
 * @param[in] hold_pos_ned a position to hold
 * @param[in] landing whether to descend
 * @param[in] update_status does this update path_status, or does somoene else?
static int32_t vtol_follower_control_simple(const float dT,
	const float *hold_pos_ned, bool landing, bool update_status) {
	PositionActualData positionActual;
	VelocityDesiredData velocityDesired;
	VelocityActualData velocityActual;


	/* Where would we be in ___ second at current rates? */	
	const float cur_pos_ned[3] = {
		positionActual.North +
		    velocityActual.North * guidanceSettings.PositionFeedforward,
		positionActual.East +
		    velocityActual.East * guidanceSettings.PositionFeedforward,
		positionActual.Down };

	float errors_ned[3];

	/* Calculate the difference between where we want to be and the
	 * above position */
	vtol_calculate_difference(cur_pos_ned, hold_pos_ned, errors_ned, false);

	float horiz_error_mag = vtol_magnitude(errors_ned, 2);
	float scale_horiz_error_mag = 0;

	/* Apply a cubic deadband; if we are already really close don't work
	 * as hard to fix it as if we're far away.  Prevents chasing high
	 * frequency noise in direction of correction.
	 * That is, when we're far, noise in estimated position mostly results
	 * in noise/dither in how fast we go towards the target.  When we're
	 * close, there's a large directional / hunting component.  This
	 * attenuates that.
	if (horiz_error_mag > 0.00001f) {
		scale_horiz_error_mag = vtol_deadband(horiz_error_mag,
			vtol_end_m, vtol_end_r) / horiz_error_mag;

	float damped_ne[2] = { errors_ned[0] * scale_horiz_error_mag,
			errors_ned[1] * scale_horiz_error_mag };

	float commands_ned[3];

	// Compute desired north command velocity from position error
	commands_ned[0] = pid_apply_antiwindup(&vtol_pids[NORTH_POSITION], damped_ne[0],
	    -guidanceSettings.HorizontalVelMax, guidanceSettings.HorizontalVelMax, dT);

	// Compute desired east command velocity from position error
	commands_ned[1] = pid_apply_antiwindup(&vtol_pids[EAST_POSITION], damped_ne[1],
	    -guidanceSettings.HorizontalVelMax, guidanceSettings.HorizontalVelMax, dT);

	if (!landing) {
		// Compute desired down comand velocity from the position difference
		commands_ned[2] = pid_apply_antiwindup(&vtol_pids[DOWN_POSITION], errors_ned[2],
		    -guidanceSettings.VerticalVelMax, guidanceSettings.VerticalVelMax, dT);
	} else {
		// Just use the landing rate.
		commands_ned[2] = guidanceSettings.LandingRate;
	// Limit the maximum horizontal velocity any direction (not north and east separately)
	vtol_limit_velocity(commands_ned, guidanceSettings.HorizontalVelMax);

	velocityDesired.North = commands_ned[0];
	velocityDesired.East = commands_ned[1];
	velocityDesired.Down = commands_ned[2];


	if (update_status) {
		uint8_t path_status = PATHSTATUS_STATUS_INPROGRESS;

		if (!landing) {
			const bool criterion_altitude =
				(errors_ned[2]> -guidanceSettings.WaypointAltitudeTol) || (!guidanceSettings.ThrottleControl);

			// Indicate whether we are in radius of this endpoint
			// And at/above the altitude requested
			if ((vtol_magnitude(errors_ned, 2) < guidanceSettings.EndpointRadius) && criterion_altitude) {
		}  // landing never terminates.


	return 0;