Пример #1
PQRYRES CSVColumns(PGLOBAL g, const char *fn, char sep, char q,
                   int hdr, int mxr, bool info)
  static int  buftyp[] = {TYPE_STRING, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_STRING,
                          TYPE_INT,   TYPE_INT, TYPE_SHORT};
  static XFLD fldtyp[] = {FLD_NAME, FLD_TYPE,   FLD_TYPENAME,
                          FLD_PREC, FLD_LENGTH, FLD_SCALE};
  static unsigned int length[] = {6, 6, 8, 10, 10, 6};
  char   *p, *colname[MAXCOL], dechar, filename[_MAX_PATH], buf[4096];
  int     i, imax, hmax, n, nerr, phase, blank, digit, dec, type;
  int     ncol = sizeof(buftyp) / sizeof(int);
  int     num_read = 0, num_max = 10000000;     // Statistics
  int     len[MAXCOL], typ[MAXCOL], prc[MAXCOL];
  FILE   *infile;
  PQRYRES qrp;
  PCOLRES crp;

  if (info) {
    imax = hmax = 0;
    length[0] = 128;
    goto skipit;
    } // endif info

//      num_max = atoi(p+1);             // Max num of record to test
#if defined(WIN32)
  if (sep == ',' || strnicmp(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL), "French", 6))
    dechar = '.';
    dechar = ',';
#else   // !WIN32
  dechar = '.';
#endif  // !WIN32

  if (trace)
    htrc("File %s sep=%c q=%c hdr=%d mxr=%d\n",
          SVP(fn), sep, q, hdr, mxr);

  if (!fn) {
    strcpy(g->Message, MSG(MISSING_FNAME));
    return NULL;
    } // endif fn

  imax = hmax = nerr = 0;
  mxr = MY_MAX(0, mxr);

  for (i = 0; i < MAXCOL; i++) {
    colname[i] = NULL;
    len[i] = 0;
    typ[i] = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
    prc[i] = 0;
    } // endfor i

  /*  Open the input file.                                             */
  PlugSetPath(filename, fn, PlgGetDataPath(g));

  if (!(infile= global_fopen(g, MSGID_CANNOT_OPEN, filename, "r")))
    return NULL;

  if (hdr) {
    /*  Make the column names from the first line.                     */
    phase = 0;

    if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), infile)) {
      n = strlen(buf) + 1;
      buf[n - 2] = '\0';
#if defined(UNIX)
      // The file can be imported from Windows 
      if (buf[n - 3] == '\r')
        buf[n - 3] = 0;
#endif   // UNIX
      p = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, n);
      memcpy(p, buf, n);

      //skip leading blanks
      for (; *p == ' '; p++) ;

      if (q && *p == q) {
        // Header is quoted
        phase = 1;
        } // endif q

      colname[0] = p;
    } else {
      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(FILE_IS_EMPTY), fn);
      goto err;
    } // endif's

    for (i = 1; *p; p++)
      if (phase == 1 && *p == q) {
        *p = '\0';
        phase = 0;
      } else if (*p == sep && !phase) {
        *p = '\0';

        //skip leading blanks
        for (; *(p+1) == ' '; p++) ;

        if (q && *(p+1) == q) {
          // Header is quoted
          phase = 1;
          } // endif q

        colname[i++] = p + 1;
        } // endif sep

    imax = hmax = i;

    for (i = 0; i < hmax; i++)
      length[0] = MY_MAX(length[0], strlen(colname[i]));

    } // endif hdr

  for (num_read++; num_read <= num_max; num_read++) {
    /*  Now start the reading process. Read one line.                  */
    if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), infile)) {
      n = strlen(buf);
      buf[n - 1] = '\0';
#if defined(UNIX)
      // The file can be imported from Windows 
      if (buf[n - 2] == '\r')
        buf[n - 2] = 0;
#endif   // UNIX
    } else if (feof(infile)) {
      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(EOF_AFTER_LINE), num_read -1);
    } else {
      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(ERR_READING_REC), num_read, fn);
      goto err;
    } // endif's

    /*  Make the test for field lengths.                               */
    i = n = phase = blank = digit = dec = 0;

    for (p = buf; *p; p++)
      if (*p == sep) {
        if (phase != 1) {
          if (i == MAXCOL - 1) {
            sprintf(g->Message, MSG(TOO_MANY_FIELDS), num_read, fn);
            goto err;
            } // endif i

          if (n) {
            len[i] = MY_MAX(len[i], n);
            type = (digit || (dec && n == 1)) ? TYPE_STRING
                 : (dec) ? TYPE_DOUBLE : TYPE_INT;
            typ[i] = MY_MIN(type, typ[i]);
            prc[i] = MY_MAX((typ[i] == TYPE_DOUBLE) ? (dec - 1) : 0, prc[i]);
            } // endif n

          n = phase = blank = digit = dec = 0;
        } else          // phase == 1

      } else if (*p == ' ') {
        if (phase < 2)

        if (blank)
          digit = 1;

      } else if (*p == q) {
        if (phase == 0) {
          if (blank)
            if (++nerr > mxr) {
              sprintf(g->Message, MSG(MISPLACED_QUOTE), num_read);
              goto err;
            } else
              goto skip;

          n = 0;
          phase = digit = 1;
        } else if (phase == 1) {
          if (*(p+1) == q) {
            // This is currently not implemented for CSV tables
//          if (++nerr > mxr) {
//            sprintf(g->Message, MSG(QUOTE_IN_QUOTE), num_read);
//            goto err;
//          } else
//            goto skip;

          } else
            phase = 2;

        } else if (++nerr > mxr) {      // phase == 2
          sprintf(g->Message, MSG(MISPLACED_QUOTE), num_read);
          goto err;
        } else
          goto skip;

      } else {
        if (phase == 2)
          if (++nerr > mxr) {
            sprintf(g->Message, MSG(MISPLACED_QUOTE), num_read);
            goto err;
          } else
            goto skip;

        // isdigit cannot be used here because of debug assert
        if (!strchr("0123456789", *p)) {
          if (!digit && *p == dechar)
            dec = 1;                    // Decimal point found
          else if (blank || !(*p == '-' || *p == '+'))
            digit = 1;

        } else if (dec)
          dec++;                        // More decimals

        blank = 1;
      } // endif's *p

    if (phase == 1)
      if (++nerr > mxr) {
        sprintf(g->Message, MSG(UNBALANCE_QUOTE), num_read);
        goto err;
      } else
        goto skip;

    if (n) {
      len[i] = MY_MAX(len[i], n);
      type = (digit || n == 0 || (dec && n == 1)) ? TYPE_STRING
           : (dec) ? TYPE_DOUBLE : TYPE_INT;
      typ[i] = MY_MIN(type, typ[i]);
      prc[i]  = MY_MAX((typ[i] == TYPE_DOUBLE) ? (dec - 1) : 0, prc[i]);
      } // endif n

    imax = MY_MAX(imax, i+1);
   skip: ;                  // Skip erroneous line
    } // endfor num_read

  if (trace) {
    htrc("imax=%d Lengths:", imax);

    for (i = 0; i < imax; i++)
      htrc(" %d", len[i]);

  } // endif trace


  if (trace)
    htrc("CSVColumns: imax=%d hmax=%d len=%d\n",
                      imax, hmax, length[0]);

  /*  Allocate the structures used to refer to the result set.         */
  qrp = PlgAllocResult(g, ncol, imax, IDS_COLUMNS + 3,
                          buftyp, fldtyp, length, false, false);
  if (info || !qrp)
    return qrp;

  qrp->Nblin = imax;

  /*  Now get the results into blocks.                                 */
  for (i = 0; i < imax; i++) {
    if (i >= hmax) {
      sprintf(buf, "COL%.3d", i+1);
      p = buf;
    } else
      p = colname[i];

    if (typ[i] == TYPE_UNKNOWN)            // Void column
      typ[i] = TYPE_STRING;

    crp = qrp->Colresp;                    // Column Name
    crp->Kdata->SetValue(p, i);
    crp = crp->Next;                       // Data Type
    crp->Kdata->SetValue(typ[i], i);
    crp = crp->Next;                       // Type Name
    crp->Kdata->SetValue(GetTypeName(typ[i]), i);
    crp = crp->Next;                       // Precision
    crp->Kdata->SetValue(len[i], i);
    crp = crp->Next;                       // Length
    crp->Kdata->SetValue(len[i], i);
    crp = crp->Next;                       // Scale (precision)
    crp->Kdata->SetValue(prc[i], i);
    } // endfor i

  /*  Return the result pointer for use by GetData routines.           */
  return qrp;

  return NULL;
  } // end of CSVCColumns
Пример #2
PQRYRES DBFColumns(PGLOBAL g, const char *fn, BOOL info)
                   TYPE_INT,    TYPE_INT,   TYPE_SHORT};
                   FLD_PREC, FLD_LENGTH, FLD_SCALE};
  unsigned int length[] = {11, 6, 8, 10, 10, 6};
  char       buf[2], filename[_MAX_PATH];
  int        ncol = sizeof(buftyp) / sizeof(int);
  int        rc, type, len, field, fields;
  BOOL       bad;
  DBFHEADER  mainhead;
  DESCRIPTOR thisfield;
  FILE      *infile = NULL;
  PQRYRES    qrp;
  PCOLRES    crp;

  if (trace)
    htrc("DBFColumns: File %s\n", SVP(fn));

  if (!info) {
    if (!fn) {
      strcpy(g->Message, MSG(MISSING_FNAME));
      return NULL;
      } // endif fn

    /*  Open the input file.                                                */
    PlugSetPath(filename, fn, PlgGetDataPath(g));

    if (!(infile= global_fopen(g, MSGID_CANNOT_OPEN, filename, "rb")))
      return NULL;

    /*  Get the first 32 bytes of the header.                               */
    if ((rc = dbfhead(g, infile, filename, &mainhead)) == RC_FX) {
      return NULL;
      } // endif dbfhead

    /*  Allocate the structures used to refer to the result set.            */
    fields = mainhead.Fields;
  } else
    fields = 0;

  qrp = PlgAllocResult(g, ncol, fields, IDS_COLUMNS + 3,
                          buftyp, fldtyp, length, true, false);

  if (info || !qrp) {
  	if (infile)
    return qrp;
    } // endif info

  if (trace) {
    htrc("Structure of %s\n", filename);
    htrc("headlen=%hd reclen=%hd degree=%d\n",
          mainhead.Headlen, mainhead.Reclen, fields);
    htrc("flags(iem)=%d,%d,%d cp=%d\n", mainhead.Incompleteflag,
          mainhead.Encryptflag, mainhead.Mdxflag, mainhead.Language);
    htrc("%hd records, last changed %02d/%02d/%d\n",
          mainhead.Records, mainhead.Filedate[1], mainhead.Filedate[2],
          mainhead.Filedate[0] + (mainhead.Filedate[0] <= 30) ? 2000 : 1900);
    htrc("Field    Type  Offset  Len  Dec  Set  Mdx\n");
    } // endif trace

  buf[1] = '\0';

  /*  Do it field by field.  We are at byte 32 of file.                     */
  for (field = 0; field < fields; field++) {
    bad = FALSE;

    if (fread(&thisfield, HEADLEN, 1, infile) != 1) {
      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(ERR_READING_REC), field+1, fn);
      goto err;
    } else
      len = thisfield.Length;

    if (trace)
      htrc("%-11s %c  %6ld  %3d   %2d  %3d  %3d\n",
           thisfield.Name, thisfield.Type, thisfield.Offset, len,
           thisfield.Decimals, thisfield.Setfield, thisfield.Mdxfield);

    /*  Now get the results into blocks.                                    */
    switch (thisfield.Type) {
      case 'C':                      // Characters
      case 'L':                      // Logical 'T' or 'F'
        type = TYPE_STRING;
      case 'N':
        type = (thisfield.Decimals) ? TYPE_DOUBLE
             : (len > 10) ? TYPE_BIGINT : TYPE_INT;
      case 'F':
        type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
      case 'D':
        type = TYPE_DATE;            // Is this correct ???
        if (!info) {
          sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_DBF_TYPE), thisfield.Type);
          goto err;
          } // endif info

        type = TYPE_ERROR;
        bad = TRUE;
      } // endswitch Type

    crp = qrp->Colresp;                    // Column Name
    crp->Kdata->SetValue(thisfield.Name, field);
    crp = crp->Next;                       // Data Type
    crp->Kdata->SetValue((int)type, field);
    crp = crp->Next;                       // Type Name

    if (bad) {
      buf[0] = thisfield.Type;
      crp->Kdata->SetValue(buf, field);
    } else
      crp->Kdata->SetValue(GetTypeName(type), field);

    crp = crp->Next;                       // Precision
    crp->Kdata->SetValue((int)thisfield.Length, field);
    crp = crp->Next;                       // Length
    crp->Kdata->SetValue((int)thisfield.Length, field);
    crp = crp->Next;                       // Scale (precision)
    crp->Kdata->SetValue((int)thisfield.Decimals, field);
    } // endfor field

  qrp->Nblin = field;

#if 0
  if (info) {
    /*  Prepare return message for dbfinfo command.                         */
    char buf[64];

      "Ver=%02x ncol=%hu nlin=%u lrecl=%hu headlen=%hu date=%02d/%02d/%02d",
      mainhead.Version, fields, mainhead.Records, mainhead.Reclen,
      mainhead.Headlen, mainhead.Filedate[0], mainhead.Filedate[1],

    strcat(g->Message, buf);
    } // endif info
#endif // 0

  /*  Return the result pointer for use by GetData routines.                */
  return qrp;

  return NULL;
  } // end of DBFColumns