Пример #1
bool Comb::lineSegmentCollidesWithBoundary(Point startPoint, Point endPoint)
    Point diff = endPoint - startPoint;

    transformation_matrix = PointMatrix(diff);
    transformed_startPoint = transformation_matrix.apply(startPoint);
    transformed_endPoint = transformation_matrix.apply(endPoint);
    for(unsigned int n=0; n<boundary.size(); n++)
        if (boundary[n].size() < 1)
        Point p0 = transformation_matrix.apply(boundary[n][boundary[n].size()-1]);
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<boundary[n].size(); i++)
            Point p1 = transformation_matrix.apply(boundary[n][i]);
            if ((p0.Y > transformed_startPoint.Y && p1.Y < transformed_startPoint.Y) || (p1.Y > transformed_startPoint.Y && p0.Y < transformed_startPoint.Y))
                int64_t x = p0.X + (p1.X - p0.X) * (transformed_startPoint.Y - p0.Y) / (p1.Y - p0.Y);
                if (x > transformed_startPoint.X && x < transformed_endPoint.X)
                    return true;
            p0 = p1;
    return false;
Пример #2
bool LinePolygonsCrossings::lineSegmentCollidesWithBoundary()
    Point diff = endPoint - startPoint;

    transformation_matrix = PointMatrix(diff);
    transformed_startPoint = transformation_matrix.apply(startPoint);
    transformed_endPoint = transformation_matrix.apply(endPoint);

    for(PolygonRef poly : boundary)
        Point p0 = transformation_matrix.apply(poly.back());
        for(Point p1_ : poly)
            Point p1 = transformation_matrix.apply(p1_);
            if ((p0.Y > transformed_startPoint.Y && p1.Y < transformed_startPoint.Y) || (p1.Y > transformed_startPoint.Y && p0.Y < transformed_startPoint.Y))
                int64_t x = p0.X + (p1.X - p0.X) * (transformed_startPoint.Y - p0.Y) / (p1.Y - p0.Y);
                if (x > transformed_startPoint.X && x < transformed_endPoint.X)
                    return true;
            p0 = p1;
    return false;
Пример #3
bool Comb::collisionTest(Point startPoint, Point endPoint)
    Point diff = endPoint - startPoint;

    matrix = PointMatrix(diff);
    sp = matrix.apply(startPoint);
    ep = matrix.apply(endPoint);
    for(unsigned int n=0; n<boundery.size(); n++)
        if (boundery[n].size() < 1)
        Point p0 = matrix.apply(boundery[n][boundery[n].size()-1]);
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<boundery[n].size(); i++)
            Point p1 = matrix.apply(boundery[n][i]);
            if ((p0.Y > sp.Y && p1.Y < sp.Y) || (p1.Y > sp.Y && p0.Y < sp.Y))
                int64_t x = p0.X + (p1.X - p0.X) * (sp.Y - p0.Y) / (p1.Y - p0.Y);
                if (x > sp.X && x < ep.X)
                    return true;
            p0 = p1;
    return false;
Пример #4
bool polygonCollidesWithlineSegment(Polygons& polys, Point& startPoint, Point& endPoint)
    Point diff = endPoint - startPoint;

    PointMatrix transformation_matrix = PointMatrix(diff);
    Point transformed_startPoint = transformation_matrix.apply(startPoint);
    Point transformed_endPoint = transformation_matrix.apply(endPoint);

    return polygonCollidesWithlineSegment(polys, transformed_startPoint, transformed_endPoint, transformation_matrix);
Пример #5
void SubDivCube::precomputeOctree(SliceMeshStorage& mesh)
    radius_addition = mesh.getSettingInMicrons("sub_div_rad_add");
    double infill_angle = M_PI / 4.0;

    coord_t furthest_dist_from_origin = std::sqrt(square(mesh.getSettingInMicrons("machine_height")) + square(mesh.getSettingInMicrons("machine_depth") / 2) + square(mesh.getSettingInMicrons("machine_width") / 2));
    coord_t max_side_length = furthest_dist_from_origin * 2;

    int curr_recursion_depth = 0;
    const int64_t infill_line_distance = mesh.getSettingInMicrons("infill_line_distance");
    if (infill_line_distance > 0)
        for (int64_t curr_side_length = infill_line_distance * 2; curr_side_length < max_side_length * 2; curr_side_length *= 2)
            CubeProperties& cube_properties_here = cube_properties_per_recursion_step.back();
            cube_properties_here.side_length = curr_side_length;
            cube_properties_here.height = sqrt(3) * curr_side_length;
            cube_properties_here.square_height = sqrt(2) * curr_side_length;
            cube_properties_here.max_draw_z_diff = ONE_OVER_SQRT_3 * curr_side_length;
            cube_properties_here.max_line_offset = ONE_OVER_SQRT_6 * curr_side_length;
    Point3 center(0, 0, 0);

    Point3Matrix tilt; // rotation matrix to get from axis aligned cubes to cubes standing on their tip
    // The Z axis is transformed to go in positive Y direction
    //  cross section in a horizontal plane      horizontal plane showing
    //  looking down at the origin O             positive X and positive Y
    //                 Z                                                        .
    //                /:\                              Y                        .
    //               / : \                             ^                        .
    //              /  :  \                            |                        .
    //             /  .O.  \                           |                        .
    //            /.~'   '~.\                          O---->X                  .
    //          X """"""""""" Y                                                 .
    tilt.matrix[0] = -ONE_OVER_SQRT_2;  tilt.matrix[1] = ONE_OVER_SQRT_2; tilt.matrix[2] = 0;
    tilt.matrix[3] = -ONE_OVER_SQRT_6; tilt.matrix[4] = -ONE_OVER_SQRT_6; tilt.matrix[5] = SQRT_TWO_THIRD ;
    tilt.matrix[6] = ONE_OVER_SQRT_3;  tilt.matrix[7] = ONE_OVER_SQRT_3;  tilt.matrix[8] = ONE_OVER_SQRT_3;

    infill_rotation_matrix = PointMatrix(infill_angle);
    Point3Matrix infill_angle_mat(infill_rotation_matrix);

    rotation_matrix = infill_angle_mat.compose(tilt);

    mesh.base_subdiv_cube = new SubDivCube(mesh, center, curr_recursion_depth - 1);