Пример #1
PointProcess Sound_Pitch_to_PointProcess_peaks (Sound sound, Pitch pitch, int includeMaxima, int includeMinima) {
	PointProcess point = PointProcess_create (sound -> xmin, sound -> xmax, 10);
	double t = pitch -> xmin;
	double addedRight = -1e300;
	 * Cycle over all voiced intervals.

	for (;;) {
		double tleft, tright, tmiddle, f0middle, tmax, tsave;
		if (! Pitch_getVoicedIntervalAfter (pitch, t, & tleft, & tright)) break;
		 * Go to the middle of the voiced interval.
		tmiddle = (tleft + tright) / 2;
		if (! Melder_progress1 ((tmiddle - sound -> xmin) / (sound -> xmax - sound -> xmin), L"Sound & Pitch to PointProcess"))
			goto end;
		f0middle = Pitch_getValueAtTime (pitch, tmiddle, kPitch_unit_HERTZ, Pitch_LINEAR);

		 * Our first point is near this middle.
		Melder_assert (NUMdefined (f0middle));
		tmax = Sound_findExtremum (sound, tmiddle - 0.5 / f0middle, tmiddle + 0.5 / f0middle, includeMaxima, includeMinima);
		Melder_assert (NUMdefined (tmax));
		if (! PointProcess_addPoint (point, tmax)) goto end;

		tsave = tmax;
		for (;;) {
			double f0 = Pitch_getValueAtTime (pitch, tmax, kPitch_unit_HERTZ, Pitch_LINEAR);
			if (f0 == NUMundefined) break;
			tmax = Sound_findExtremum (sound, tmax - 1.25 / f0, tmax - 0.8 / f0, includeMaxima, includeMinima);
			if (tmax < tleft) {
				if (tmax - addedRight > 0.8 / f0)
					if (! PointProcess_addPoint (point, tmax)) goto end;
			if (tmax - addedRight > 0.8 / f0)   /* Do not fill in a short originally unvoiced interval twice. */
				if (! PointProcess_addPoint (point, tmax)) goto end;
		tmax = tsave;
		for (;;) {
			double f0 = Pitch_getValueAtTime (pitch, tmax, kPitch_unit_HERTZ, Pitch_LINEAR);
			if (f0 == NUMundefined) break;
			tmax = Sound_findExtremum (sound, tmax + 0.8 / f0, tmax + 1.25 / f0, includeMaxima, includeMinima);
			if (tmax > tright) {
				if (! PointProcess_addPoint (point, tmax)) goto end;
				addedRight = tmax;
			if (! PointProcess_addPoint (point, tmax)) goto end;
			addedRight = tmax;
		t = tright;
	Melder_progress1 (1.0, NULL);
	iferror forget (point);
	return point;
Пример #2
static void menu_cb_addPointAtCursor (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (PointEditor);
	Editor_save (me, L"Add point");
	PointProcess_addPoint ((PointProcess) my data, 0.5 * (my d_startSelection + my d_endSelection));
	FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
	my broadcastDataChanged ();
PointProcess PitchTier_to_PointProcess (PitchTier me) {
	try {
		autoPointProcess thee = PointProcess_create (my xmin, my xmax, 1000);
		double area = 0.5;   // imagine an event half a period before the beginning
		long size = my points -> size;
		if (size == 0) return thee.transfer();
		for (long interval = 0; interval <= size; interval ++) {
			double t1 = interval == 0 ? my xmin : ((RealPoint) my points -> item [interval]) -> number;
			Melder_assert (NUMdefined (t1));
			double t2 = interval == size ? my xmax : ((RealPoint) my points -> item [interval + 1]) -> number;
			Melder_assert (NUMdefined (t2));
			double f1 = ((RealPoint) my points -> item [interval == 0 ? 1 : interval]) -> value;
			Melder_assert (NUMdefined (f1));
			double f2 = ((RealPoint) my points -> item [interval == size ? size : interval + 1]) -> value;
			Melder_assert (NUMdefined (f2));
			area += (t2 - t1) * 0.5 * (f1 + f2);
			while (area >= 1.0) {
				double slope = (f2 - f1) / (t2 - t1), discriminant;
				area -= 1.0;
				discriminant = f2 * f2 - 2.0 * area * slope;
				if (discriminant < 0.0) discriminant = 0.0;   // catch rounding errors
				PointProcess_addPoint (thee.peek(), t2 - 2.0 * area / (f2 + sqrt (discriminant)));
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": not converted to PointProcess.");
Пример #4
autoPointProcess Matrix_to_PointProcess (Matrix me) {
	try {
		autoPointProcess thee = PointProcess_create (my z [1] [1], my z [1] [my nx], my nx);
		for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
			PointProcess_addPoint (thee.peek(), my z [1] [i]);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not converted to PointProcess.");
Пример #5
static void menu_cb_addPointAt (PointEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_FORM) {
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Add point", nullptr)
		REAL (U"Position", U"0.0");
		SET_REAL (U"Position", 0.5 * (my startSelection + my endSelection));
		Editor_save (me, U"Add point");
		PointProcess_addPoint ((PointProcess) my data, GET_REAL (U"Position"));
		FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Пример #6
void PointProcess_fill (PointProcess me, double tmin, double tmax, double period) {
	try {
		if (tmax <= tmin) tmin = my xmin, tmax = my xmax;   // autowindowing
		long n = (long) floor ((tmax - tmin) / period);
		double t = 0.5 * (tmin + tmax - n * period);
		for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++, t += period) {
			PointProcess_addPoint (me, t);
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not filled.");
Пример #7
static void menu_cb_addPointAt (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (PointEditor);
	EDITOR_FORM (L"Add point", 0)
		REAL (L"Position", L"0.0");
		SET_REAL (L"Position", 0.5 * (my d_startSelection + my d_endSelection));
		Editor_save (me, L"Add point");
		PointProcess_addPoint ((PointProcess) my data, GET_REAL (L"Position"));
		FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
		my broadcastDataChanged ();
Пример #8
autoPointProcess PointProcesses_union (PointProcess me, PointProcess thee) {
	try {
		autoPointProcess him = Data_copy (me);
		if (thy xmin < my xmin) his xmin = thy xmin;
		if (thy xmax > my xmax) his xmax = thy xmax;
		for (long i = 1; i <= thy nt; i ++) {
			PointProcess_addPoint (him.get(), thy t [i]);
		return him;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U" & ", thee, U": union not computed.");
PointProcess PitchTier_Point_to_PointProcess (PitchTier me, PointProcess vuv, double maxT) {
	try {
		autoPointProcess fullPoint = PitchTier_to_PointProcess (me);
		autoPointProcess thee = PointProcess_create (my xmin, my xmax, fullPoint -> maxnt);
		 * Copy only voiced parts to result.
		for (long i = 1; i <= fullPoint -> nt; i ++) {
			double t = fullPoint -> t [i];
			if (PointProcess_isVoiced_t (vuv, t, maxT)) {
				PointProcess_addPoint (thee.peek(), t);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, " & ", vuv, ": not converted to PointProcess.");
Пример #10
static void menu_cb_addPointAtCursor (PointEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) {
	Editor_save (me, U"Add point");
	PointProcess_addPoint ((PointProcess) my data, 0.5 * (my startSelection + my endSelection));
	FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Пример #11
PointProcess Sound_Pitch_to_PointProcess_cc (Sound sound, Pitch pitch) {
	PointProcess point = PointProcess_create (sound -> xmin, sound -> xmax, 10);
	double t = pitch -> xmin;
	double addedRight = -1e300;
	double globalPeak = Vector_getAbsoluteExtremum (sound, sound -> xmin, sound -> xmax, 0), peak;
	 * Cycle over all voiced intervals.
	for (;;) {
		double tleft, tright, tmiddle, f0middle, tmax, tsave;
		if (! Pitch_getVoicedIntervalAfter (pitch, t, & tleft, & tright)) break;
		 * Go to the middle of the voice stretch.
		tmiddle = (tleft + tright) / 2;
		if (! Melder_progress1 ((tmiddle - sound -> xmin) / (sound -> xmax - sound -> xmin), L"Sound & Pitch to PointProcess"))
			goto end;
		f0middle = Pitch_getValueAtTime (pitch, tmiddle, kPitch_unit_HERTZ, Pitch_LINEAR);

		 * Our first point is near this middle.
		if (f0middle == NUMundefined) {
			Melder_fatal ("Sound_Pitch_to_PointProcess_cc: tleft %ls, tright %ls, f0middle %ls",
				Melder_double (tleft), Melder_double (tright), Melder_double (f0middle));
		tmax = Sound_findExtremum (sound, tmiddle - 0.5 / f0middle, tmiddle + 0.5 / f0middle, TRUE, TRUE);
		Melder_assert (NUMdefined (tmax));
		if (! PointProcess_addPoint (point, tmax)) goto end;

		tsave = tmax;
		for (;;) {
			double f0 = Pitch_getValueAtTime (pitch, tmax, kPitch_unit_HERTZ, Pitch_LINEAR), correlation;
			if (f0 == NUMundefined) break;
			correlation = Sound_findMaximumCorrelation (sound, tmax, 1.0 / f0, tmax - 1.25 / f0, tmax - 0.8 / f0, & tmax, & peak);
			if (correlation == -1) /*break*/ tmax -= 1.0 / f0;   /* This one period will drop out. */
			if (tmax < tleft) {
				if (correlation > 0.7 && peak > 0.023333 * globalPeak && tmax - addedRight > 0.8 / f0)
					if (! PointProcess_addPoint (point, tmax)) goto end;
			if (correlation > 0.3 && (peak == 0.0 || peak > 0.01 * globalPeak)) {
				if (tmax - addedRight > 0.8 / f0)   /* Do not fill in a short originally unvoiced interval twice. */
					if (! PointProcess_addPoint (point, tmax)) goto end;
		tmax = tsave;
		for (;;) {
			double f0 = Pitch_getValueAtTime (pitch, tmax, kPitch_unit_HERTZ, Pitch_LINEAR), correlation;
			if (f0 == NUMundefined) break;
			correlation = Sound_findMaximumCorrelation (sound, tmax, 1.0 / f0, tmax + 0.8 / f0, tmax + 1.25 / f0, & tmax, & peak);
			if (correlation == -1) /*break*/ tmax += 1.0 / f0;
			if (tmax > tright) {
				if (correlation > 0.7 && peak > 0.023333 * globalPeak) {
					if (! PointProcess_addPoint (point, tmax)) goto end;
					addedRight = tmax;
			if (correlation > 0.3 && (peak == 0.0 || peak > 0.01 * globalPeak)) {
				if (! PointProcess_addPoint (point, tmax)) goto end;
				addedRight = tmax;
		t = tright;
	Melder_progress1 (1.0, NULL);
	iferror forget (point);
	return point;