Пример #1
HRESULT CMenuToolbarBase::ProcessClick(INT iItem)
    if (m_disableMouseTrack)
        TRACE("Item click prevented by DisableMouseTrack\n");
        return S_OK;

    // If a button is clicked while a submenu was open, cancel the submenu.
    if (!(m_initFlags & SMINIT_VERTICAL) && m_isTrackingPopup)
        TRACE("OnCommand cancelled because it was tracking submenu.\n");
        return S_FALSE;

    if (PopupItem(iItem, FALSE) == S_OK)
        TRACE("PopupItem returned S_OK\n");
        return S_FALSE;


    return m_menuBand->_MenuItemSelect(MPOS_EXECUTE);
Пример #2
HRESULT CMenuToolbarBase::OnPopupTimer(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
    if (wParam != TIMERID_HOTTRACK)
        bHandled = FALSE;
        return 0;


    if (!m_timerEnabled)
        return 0;

    m_timerEnabled = FALSE;

    if (m_hotItem < 0)
        return 0;

    // Returns S_FALSE if the current item did not show a submenu
    HRESULT hr = PopupItem(m_hotItem, FALSE);
    if (hr != S_FALSE)
        return 0;

    // If we didn't switch submenus, cancel the current popup regardless
    if (m_popupBar)
        HRESULT hr = CancelCurrentPopup();
        if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hr))
            return 0;

    return 0;
Пример #3
HRESULT CMenuToolbarBase::ChangeHotItem(CMenuToolbarBase * toolbar, INT item, DWORD dwFlags)
    // Ignore the change if it already matches the stored info
    if (m_hotBar == toolbar && m_hotItem == item)
        return S_FALSE;

    // Prevent a change of hot item if the change was triggered by the mouse,
    // and mouse tracking is disabled.
    if (m_disableMouseTrack && dwFlags & HICF_MOUSE)
        TRACE("Hot item change prevented by DisableMouseTrack\n");
        return S_OK;

    // Notify the toolbar if the hot-tracking left this toolbar
    if (m_hotBar == this && toolbar != this)

    TRACE("Hot item changed from %p %p, to %p %p\n", m_hotBar, m_hotItem, toolbar, item);
    m_hotBar = toolbar;
    m_hotItem = item;

    if (m_hotBar == this)
        if (m_isTrackingPopup && !(m_initFlags & SMINIT_VERTICAL))
            // If the menubar has an open submenu, switch to the new item's submenu immediately
            PopupItem(m_hotItem, FALSE);
        else if (dwFlags & HICF_MOUSE)
            // Vertical menus show/hide the submenu after a delay,
            // but only with the mouse.
            if (m_initFlags & SMINIT_VERTICAL)
                DWORD elapsed = 0;
                SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETMENUSHOWDELAY, 0, &elapsed, 0);
                SetTimer(TIMERID_HOTTRACK, elapsed);
                m_timerEnabled = TRUE;
                TRACE("SetTimer called with m_hotItem=%d\n", m_hotItem);
            TBBUTTONINFO info;
            info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
            info.dwMask = 0;

            int index = GetButtonInfo(item, &info);


    return S_OK;
Пример #4
static void
/*FCN*/FillFeatPopup (
  Boolean needHide
  Int2    i;
  CharPtr name;

  if ( needHide ){
    Hide( featPopup );
    Reset ( featPopup );
  for ( i=1; i<=totalGroups; i++ ){
    if ( i== groupAr[curGroupInd] ) continue;
    name = (CharPtr)Nlm_GetMuskCParamEd(MSM_GROUPS, i, MSM_STRING);
    if ( (name == NULL) || (*name == 0) ) PopupItem ( featPopup,unknownName );
    else PopupItem ( featPopup, name );
  SetValue ( featPopup, 1 );
  if ( needHide ) {
    Show ( featPopup );
Пример #5
extern void ShowNetConfigForm (WndActnProc activate, FormMessageFunc messages,
                               VoidProc accepted, VoidProc cancelled,
                               VoidProc turnedOff, Boolean netCurrentlyOn)
  ButtoN        b;
  GrouP         c;
  GrouP         g;
  GrouP         h;
  GrouP         j;
  Int2          len;
  NetConfigPtr  ncp;
  PrompT        ppt0, ppt1;
  ButtoN        rb;
  Char          str [256];
  WindoW        w;
  GrouP         x;
  GrouP         z;

  w = NULL;
  ncp = (NetConfigPtr) MemNew (sizeof (NetConfigData));
  if (ncp != NULL) {

    w = FixedWindow (-50, -33, -10, -10, "Network Configuration",
    SetObjectExtra (w, ncp, StdCleanupFormProc);
    ncp->form = (ForM) w;
    ncp->formmessage = ConfigMessageProc;

    ncp->appmessage = messages;
    ncp->activate = activate;
    SetActivate (w, ConfigFormActivate);

    ncp->accepted = accepted;
    ncp->cancelled = cancelled;
    ncp->turnedOff = turnedOff;

    h = HiddenGroup (w, -1, 0, NULL);
    SetGroupSpacing (h, 5, 10);

    j = HiddenGroup (h, 2, 0, NULL);
    ppt0 = StaticPrompt (j, "Connection", 0, 0, programFont, 'l');
    ncp->srvConnMode = HiddenGroup (j, 4, 0, ChangeConnection);
    SetObjectExtra (ncp->srvConnMode, ncp, NULL);
    rb = RadioButton (ncp->srvConnMode, "None");
    RadioButton (ncp->srvConnMode, "Normal");
    RadioButton (ncp->srvConnMode, "Firewall");
    /* RadioButton (ncp->srvConnMode, "Stateless"); */
    SetValue (ncp->srvConnMode, 2);
    if (turnedOff == NULL) {
      Disable (rb);
    AlignObjects (ALIGN_MIDDLE, (HANDLE) ppt0, (HANDLE) ncp->srvConnMode, NULL);

    ncp->netGroup = HiddenGroup (h, -1, 0, NULL);
    SetGroupSpacing (ncp->netGroup, 5, 10);
    SelectFont (programFont);
    len = StringWidth ("HTTP Proxy Server ") + 2;
    SelectFont (systemFont);

    z = HiddenGroup (ncp->netGroup, -2, 0, NULL);
    StaticPrompt (z, "HTTP Proxy Server", len, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
    ncp->proxyHost = DialogText (z, "", 12, ChangeProxy);
    SetObjectExtra (ncp->proxyHost, ncp, NULL);
    StaticPrompt (z, "", 0, 0, programFont, 'l');
    StaticPrompt (z, "", 0, 0, programFont, 'l');
    ppt0 = StaticPrompt (z, "HTTP Proxy Port ", len, dialogTextHeight, programFont, 'l');
    ncp->proxyPort = DialogText (z, "", 3, NULL);
    x = MultiLinePrompt (z, "Non-transparent Proxy Server", len, programFont);
    ncp->firewallProxy = DialogText (z, "", 12, NULL);
    AlignObjects (ALIGN_MIDDLE, (HANDLE) x, (HANDLE) ncp->firewallProxy, NULL);
    AlignObjects (ALIGN_MIDDLE, (HANDLE) ppt0, (HANDLE) ncp->proxyPort,
                  (HANDLE) ncp->firewallProxy, NULL);
    AlignObjects (ALIGN_RIGHT, (HANDLE) ncp->proxyHost, (HANDLE) ncp->firewallProxy, NULL);
    AlignObjects (ALIGN_LEFT, (HANDLE) ncp->proxyHost, (HANDLE) ncp->firewallProxy, NULL);

    g = HiddenGroup (ncp->netGroup, 5, 0, NULL);
    ppt0 = StaticPrompt (g, "Domain name server", 0, 0, programFont, 'l');
    ncp->dnsAvailable = CheckBox (g, "Available", NULL);
    ncp->dnsAvailable = CheckBox (g, "Domain Name Server", NULL);
    SetStatus (ncp->dnsAvailable, TRUE);
    /* StaticPrompt (g, " ", 0, 0, programFont, 'l'); */
    ppt1 = StaticPrompt (g, "Timeout", 0, popupMenuHeight, programFont, 'l');
    ncp->timeOut = PopupList (g, TRUE, NULL);
    PopupItem (ncp->timeOut, "10 seconds");
    PopupItem (ncp->timeOut, "30 seconds");
    PopupItem (ncp->timeOut, "60 seconds");
    PopupItem (ncp->timeOut, " 5 minutes");
    SetValue (ncp->timeOut, 2);
    AlignObjects (ALIGN_MIDDLE, /* (HANDLE) ppt0, */ (HANDLE) ncp->dnsAvailable,
                  (HANDLE) ppt1, (HANDLE) ncp->timeOut, NULL);

    c = HiddenGroup (w, 4, 0, NULL);
    SetGroupSpacing (c, 10, 2);
    ncp->accept = PushButton (c, "Accept", AcceptNetConfigForm);
    SetObjectExtra (ncp->accept, ncp, NULL);
    b = PushButton (c, "Cancel", StdSendCancelButtonMessageProc);
    SetObjectExtra (b, ncp, NULL);

    AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) h, (HANDLE) c, NULL);
    AlignObjects (ALIGN_CENTER, (HANDLE) j, (HANDLE) z, (HANDLE) g, (HANDLE) c, NULL);

    RealizeWindow (w);

    if (! netCurrentlyOn) {
      SafeSetValue (ncp->srvConnMode, 1);
      Hide (ncp->netGroup);
    } else if (GetAppParam ("NCBI", "CONN", "FIREWALL", NULL, str, sizeof (str))) {
      if (StringICmp (str, "TRUE") == 0) {
        SafeSetValue (ncp->srvConnMode, 3);
    if (GetAppParam ("NCBI", "CONN", "HTTP_PROXY_HOST", NULL, str, sizeof (str))) {
      if (! StringHasNoText (str)) {
        SafeSetTitle (ncp->proxyHost, str);
        if (GetValue (ncp->srvConnMode) == 2) {
          SafeSetValue (ncp->srvConnMode, 3);
    if (GetAppParam ("NCBI", "CONN", "HTTP_PROXY_PORT", NULL, str, sizeof (str))) {
      if (! StringHasNoText (str)) {
        SafeSetTitle (ncp->proxyPort, str);
    if (GetAppParam ("NCBI", "CONN", "PROXY_HOST", NULL, str, sizeof (str))) {
      if (! StringHasNoText (str)) {
        SafeSetTitle (ncp->firewallProxy, str);
    if (GetAppParam ("NCBI", "CONN", "HOST", NULL, str, sizeof (str))) {
      if (StringICmp (str, "") == 0) {
        SafeSetStatus (ncp->dnsAvailable, FALSE);
    if (GetAppParam ("NCBI", "CONN", "TIMEOUT", "30", str, sizeof (str))) {
      if (StringICmp (str, "10") == 0) {
        SafeSetValue (ncp->timeOut, 1);
      } else if (StringICmp (str, "60") == 0) {
        SafeSetValue (ncp->timeOut, 3);
      } else if (StringICmp (str, "300") == 0) {
        SafeSetValue (ncp->timeOut, 4);
      } else {
        SafeSetValue (ncp->timeOut, 2);

    ChangeConfigControls (ncp);

    Show (w);
    Select (w);
    Select (ncp->proxyHost);
Пример #6
Int2 LIBCALLBACK VSMGenericBinAsnOpen ( Pointer data )
    Char filename[255];
    AsnIoPtr aip;
    Pointer ptr;
    Uint2 entityID;
    Int2 ct, i, retval = OM_MSG_RET_OK;
    ObjMgrPtr omp;
    ObjMgrTypePtr omtp = NULL;
    OMProcControlPtr ompcp;
    WindoW w;
    GrouP g;
    ButtoN b;
    VSMReadBinStr vrb;
    VSeqMgrPtr vsmp;

    ompcp = (OMProcControlPtr)data;
    vsmp = VSeqMgrGet();
    omp = vsmp->omp;

    filename[0] = '\0';
    if (GetInputFileName(filename, (size_t)254, NULL, NULL))
        vrb.do_it = FALSE;
        vrb.window_done = FALSE;
        vrb.the_type = 0;
        w = ModalWindow (-50, -33, -10, -10, NULL);
        SetWindowExtra(w, &vrb, NULL);
        g = HiddenGroup(w, 0, 2, NULL);
        StaticPrompt(g, "Select ASN.1 type:", 0,0,systemFont,'l');
        vrb.p = PopupList(g, TRUE, NULL);
        i = 0;
        ct = 0;
        omtp = NULL;
        while ((omtp = ObjMgrTypeFindNext(omp, omtp)) != NULL)
            if (omtp->asnname != NULL)
                PopupItem(vrb.p, omtp->asnname);
                if (! StringCmp(vsmp->lastASNtype, omtp->asnname))
                    ct = i;
        if (! i)
            ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0, "No ASN.1 types are registered");
            return OM_MSG_RET_ERROR;
        if (! ct)
            ct = 1;
        SetValue(vrb.p, ct);
        g = HiddenGroup(w, 2, 0, NULL);
        DefaultButton(g, "Accept", AsnBinAcceptProc);
        b = PushButton(g, "Cancel", AsnBinCancelProc);
        Nlm_WaitForCondition (! vrb.window_done);
        if (! vrb.do_it)
            return retval;
        i = 0;
        omtp = NULL;
        while ((omtp = ObjMgrTypeFindNext(omp, omtp)) != NULL)
            if (i == vrb.the_type)
        if (omtp == NULL)
            ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"Couldn't find vrb.the_type");
            return OM_MSG_RET_ERROR;
        StringMove(vsmp->lastASNtype, omtp->asnname);    
        aip = AsnIoOpen(filename, "rb");
        ptr = (*(omtp->asnread))(aip, NULL);
        if (ptr == NULL)
            ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"Couldn't read [%s], type [%s]", filename, omtp->asnname);
            retval = OM_MSG_RET_ERROR;
            entityID = ObjMgrRegister(omtp->datatype, ptr);
            ompcp->output_data = ptr;
            ompcp->output_entityID = entityID;
            PromoteToSeqEntry (entityID, omtp->datatype, ptr);

            retval = OM_MSG_RET_DONE;
        retval = OM_MSG_RET_OK;

    return retval;