Пример #1
// drawEllipsoid
void ScnDebugRenderComponent::drawEllipsoid( const MaVec3d& Position, const MaVec3d& Size, const RsColour& Colour, BcU32 Layer )
	// Draw outer circles for all axis.
	BcU32 LOD = 16;
	BcF32 Angle = 0.0f;
	BcF32 AngleInc = ( BcPI * 2.0f ) / BcF32( LOD );

	// Draw axis lines.
	for( BcU32 i = 0; i < LOD; ++i )
		MaVec2d PosA( BcCos( Angle ), -BcSin( Angle ) );
		MaVec2d PosB( BcCos( Angle + AngleInc ), -BcSin( Angle + AngleInc ) );

		MaVec3d XAxisA = MaVec3d( 0.0f,                 PosA.x() * Size.y(), PosA.y() * Size.z() );
		MaVec3d YAxisA = MaVec3d( PosA.x() * Size.x(), 0.0f,                 PosA.y() * Size.z() );
		MaVec3d ZAxisA = MaVec3d( PosA.x() * Size.x(), PosA.y() * Size.y(), 0.0f                 );
		MaVec3d XAxisB = MaVec3d( 0.0f,                 PosB.x() * Size.y(), PosB.y() * Size.z() );
		MaVec3d YAxisB = MaVec3d( PosB.x() * Size.x(), 0.0f,                 PosB.y() * Size.z() );
		MaVec3d ZAxisB = MaVec3d( PosB.x() * Size.x(), PosB.y() * Size.y(), 0.0f                 );

		drawLine( XAxisA + Position, XAxisB + Position, Colour, 0 );
		drawLine( YAxisA + Position, YAxisB + Position, Colour, 0 );
		drawLine( ZAxisA + Position, ZAxisB + Position, Colour, 0 );

		Angle += AngleInc;

	// Draw a cross down centre.
	MaVec3d XAxis = MaVec3d( Size.x(), 0.0f, 0.0f );
	MaVec3d YAxis = MaVec3d( 0.0f, Size.y(), 0.0f );
	MaVec3d ZAxis = MaVec3d( 0.0f, 0.0f, Size.z() );
	drawLine( Position - XAxis, Position + XAxis, Colour, Layer );
	drawLine( Position - YAxis, Position + YAxis, Colour, Layer );
	drawLine( Position - ZAxis, Position + ZAxis, Colour, Layer );
Пример #2
void hackgrav(bodyptr p, bool intree)
    pskip = p;					/* exclude p from f.c.      */
    SETV(pos0, PosB(p));				/* set field point          */
    phi0 = 0.0;					/* init total potential     */
    CLRV(acc0);					/* and total acceleration   */
    n2bterm = nbcterm = 0;			/* count body & cell terms  */
    skipself = FALSE;				/* watch for tree-incest    */
    treescan((nodeptr) &root->cellnode);			/* scan tree from root	    */
    if (intree && ! skipself) {			/* did tree-incest occur?   */
	if (! scanopt(options, "allow-incest"))	/*   treat as catastrophic? */
	    error("hackgrav: tree-incest detected\n");
	if (! treeincest)			/*   for the first time?    */
	    eprintf("\n[hackgrav: tree-incest detected]\n");
	treeincest = TRUE;			/*   don't repeat warning   */
    Phi(p) = phi0;				/* store total potential    */
    SETV(Acc(p), acc0);				/* and acceleration         */
Пример #3
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_be_beeles_1place_jambiLight_utils_screenCapture_impl_ScreenCapperJNIMock_captureViaJNI(JNIEnv *env, jobject javaObject) {

	// get a new bitmap
	hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hMemoryDC, hBitmap);

	BitBlt(hMemoryDC, 0, 0, width, height, hScreenDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
	hBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hMemoryDC, hOldBitmap);

	GetDIBits(hScreenDC, hBitmap, 0, height, ScreenData, (BITMAPINFO*)&bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);

	jintArray pixelValues = env->NewIntArray(pixels);
	jint *narr = env->GetIntArrayElements(pixelValues, NULL);

	int count = 0;
	for(int i = height-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {
		for(int j = 0 ; j < width ; j++) {
			narr[count] =  ((PosR(j,i) & 0xff) << 16) + ((PosG(j,i) & 0xff) << 8) + (PosB(j,i) & 0xff);


    r = (int)(sin(frequency * rbCount + 0) * 127 + 128);
    g = (int)(sin(frequency * rbCount + 2) * 127 + 128);
    b = (int)(sin(frequency * rbCount + 4) * 127 + 128);

	if (rbCount < 32) {
	} else {
        rbCount = 0;

	for (int i=0; i < pixels; i++) {
		narr[i] = ((r & 0xff) << 16) + ((g & 0xff) << 8) + (b & 0xff);
	env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(pixelValues, narr, NULL);
	return pixelValues;
Пример #4
// D3DSkyNode11::VOnRestore						- Chapter 16, page 556
HRESULT D3DSkyNode11::VOnRestore(Scene *pScene)


	m_camera = pScene->GetCamera();

	V_RETURN (m_D3D11VertexShader.OnRestore(pScene));
	V_RETURN (m_D3D11PixelShader.OnRestore(pScene));

	// Create the vertex buffer
	m_numVerts = 24;
	m_sides = 5;

    // Fill the vertex buffer. We are setting the tu and tv texture
    // coordinates, which range from 0.0 to 1.0
    D3D11VertexPosTexture *m_Vertices = AC_NEW D3D11VertexPosTexture[m_numVerts];
	AC_ASSERT(m_Vertices && "Out of memory in D3DSkyNode11::VOnRestore()");
	if (!m_Vertices)
		return E_FAIL;

	float dim = 50.0f;

	// create Pos vectors centered
	Vec3 PosA(-dim/2.0f, dim/2.0f, -dim/2.0f);
	Vec3 PosB(dim/2.0f, dim/2.0f, -dim/2.0f);
	Vec3 PosC(-dim/2.0f, -dim/2.0f, -dim/2.0f);
	Vec3 PosD(dim/2.0f, -dim/2.0f, -dim/2.0f);
	Vec3 PosE(dim/2.0f, dim/2.0f, dim/2.0f);
	Vec3 PosF(-dim/2.0f, dim/2.0f, dim/2.0f);
	Vec3 PosG(dim/2.0f,-dim/2.0f, dim/2.0f);
	Vec3 PosH(-dim/2.0f, -dim/2.0f, dim/2.0f);

	// create Texture vectors
	Vec2 UvA(0.0f, 1.0f);
	Vec2 UvB(1.0f, 1.0f);
	Vec2 UvC(0.0f, 0.0f);
	Vec2 UvD(1.0f, 0.0f);

	// N
	m_Vertices[0] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosH, UvA);
	m_Vertices[1] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosG, UvB);
	m_Vertices[2] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosF, UvC);
	m_Vertices[3] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosE, UvD);
	// E
	m_Vertices[4] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosE, UvC);
	m_Vertices[5] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosG, UvA);
	m_Vertices[6] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosB, UvD);
	m_Vertices[7] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosD, UvB);
	// S
	m_Vertices[8] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosA, UvD);
	m_Vertices[9] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosB, UvC);
	m_Vertices[10] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosC, UvB);
	m_Vertices[11] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosD, UvA);
	// W
	m_Vertices[12] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosH, UvB);
	m_Vertices[13] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosF, UvD);
	m_Vertices[14] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosC, UvA);
	m_Vertices[15] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosA, UvC);
	// U
	m_Vertices[16] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosC, UvA);
	m_Vertices[17] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosD, UvB);
	m_Vertices[18] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosH, UvC);
	m_Vertices[19] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosG, UvD);
	// D
	m_Vertices[20] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosF, UvA);
	m_Vertices[21] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosE, UvB);
	m_Vertices[22] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosA, UvC);
	m_Vertices[23] = D3D11VertexPosTexture(PosB, UvD);

	WORD *m_Indices = AC_NEW WORD[m_sides * 6];

	m_Indices[0] = 2;
	m_Indices[1] = 1;
	m_Indices[2] = 0;
	m_Indices[3] = 2;
	m_Indices[4] = 3;
	m_Indices[5] = 1;

	m_Indices[6] = 6;
	m_Indices[7] = 5;
	m_Indices[8] = 4;
	m_Indices[9] = 6;
	m_Indices[10] = 7;
	m_Indices[11] = 5;

	m_Indices[12] = 10;
	m_Indices[13] = 9;
	m_Indices[14] = 8;
	m_Indices[15] = 10;
	m_Indices[16] = 11;
	m_Indices[17] = 9;

	m_Indices[18] = 14;
	m_Indices[19] = 13;
	m_Indices[20] = 12;
	m_Indices[21] = 14;
	m_Indices[22] = 15;
	m_Indices[23] = 13;

	m_Indices[24] = 22;
	m_Indices[25] = 21;
	m_Indices[26] = 20;
	m_Indices[27] = 22;
	m_Indices[28] = 23;
	m_Indices[29] = 21;

	//m_Indices[30] = 18;
	//m_Indices[31] = 17;
	//m_Indices[32] = 16;
	//m_Indices[33] = 18;
	//m_Indices[34] = 19;
	//m_Indices[35] = 17;

	V_RETURN (m_D3D11VertexBuffer.OnRestore(m_Vertices, m_numVerts, m_Indices, m_sides * 2));


	return S_OK;