Пример #1
 * CacheInvalidateRelcacheAll
 *		Register invalidation of the whole relcache at the end of command.
 * This is used by alter publication as changes in publications may affect
 * large number of tables.

	RegisterRelcacheInvalidation(InvalidOid, InvalidOid);
Пример #2
 * CacheInvalidateRelcacheByRelid
 *		As above, but relation is identified by passing its OID.
 *		This is the least efficient of the three options; use one of
 *		the above routines if you have a Relation or pg_class tuple.
CacheInvalidateRelcacheByRelid(Oid relid)
	HeapTuple	tup;


	tup = SearchSysCache1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
	if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
		elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", relid);
Пример #3
 * CacheInvalidateCatalog
 *		Register invalidation of the whole content of a system catalog.
 * This is normally used in VACUUM FULL/CLUSTER, where we haven't so much
 * changed any tuples as moved them around.  Some uses of catcache entries
 * expect their TIDs to be correct, so we have to blow away the entries.
 * Note: we expect caller to verify that the rel actually is a system
 * catalog.  If it isn't, no great harm is done, just a wasted sinval message.
CacheInvalidateCatalog(Oid catalogId)
	Oid			databaseId;


	if (IsSharedRelation(catalogId))
		databaseId = InvalidOid;
		databaseId = MyDatabaseId;

	RegisterCatalogInvalidation(databaseId, catalogId);
Пример #4
 * CacheInvalidateRelcacheByTuple
 *		As above, but relation is identified by passing its pg_class tuple.
CacheInvalidateRelcacheByTuple(HeapTuple classTuple)
	Form_pg_class classtup = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(classTuple);
	Oid			databaseId;
	Oid			relationId;


	relationId = HeapTupleGetOid(classTuple);
	if (classtup->relisshared)
		databaseId = InvalidOid;
		databaseId = MyDatabaseId;
	RegisterRelcacheInvalidation(databaseId, relationId);
Пример #5
 * CacheInvalidateRelcache
 *		Register invalidation of the specified relation's relcache entry
 *		at end of command.
 * This is used in places that need to force relcache rebuild but aren't
 * changing any of the tuples recognized as contributors to the relcache
 * entry by CacheInvalidateHeapTuple.  (An example is dropping an index.)
CacheInvalidateRelcache(Relation relation)
	Oid			databaseId;
	Oid			relationId;


	relationId = RelationGetRelid(relation);
	if (relation->rd_rel->relisshared)
		databaseId = InvalidOid;
		databaseId = MyDatabaseId;

	RegisterRelcacheInvalidation(databaseId, relationId);
Пример #6
 * CacheInvalidateHeapTuple
 *		Register the given tuple for invalidation at end of command
 *		(ie, current command is creating or outdating this tuple).
 *		Also, detect whether a relcache invalidation is implied.
 * For an insert or delete, tuple is the target tuple and newtuple is NULL.
 * For an update, we are called just once, with tuple being the old tuple
 * version and newtuple the new version.  This allows avoidance of duplicate
 * effort during an update.
CacheInvalidateHeapTuple(Relation relation,
						 HeapTuple tuple,
						 HeapTuple newtuple)
	Oid			tupleRelId;
	Oid			databaseId;
	Oid			relationId;

	/* Do nothing during bootstrap */
	if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode())

	 * We only need to worry about invalidation for tuples that are in system
	 * catalogs; user-relation tuples are never in catcaches and can't affect
	 * the relcache either.
	if (!IsCatalogRelation(relation))

	 * IsCatalogRelation() will return true for TOAST tables of system
	 * catalogs, but we don't care about those, either.
	if (IsToastRelation(relation))

	 * If we're not prepared to queue invalidation messages for this
	 * subtransaction level, get ready now.

	 * First let the catcache do its thing
	tupleRelId = RelationGetRelid(relation);
	if (RelationInvalidatesSnapshotsOnly(tupleRelId))
		databaseId = IsSharedRelation(tupleRelId) ? InvalidOid : MyDatabaseId;
		RegisterSnapshotInvalidation(databaseId, tupleRelId);
		PrepareToInvalidateCacheTuple(relation, tuple, newtuple,

	 * Now, is this tuple one of the primary definers of a relcache entry?
	 * Note we ignore newtuple here; we assume an update cannot move a tuple
	 * from being part of one relcache entry to being part of another.
	if (tupleRelId == RelationRelationId)
		Form_pg_class classtup = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple);

		relationId = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);
		if (classtup->relisshared)
			databaseId = InvalidOid;
			databaseId = MyDatabaseId;
	else if (tupleRelId == AttributeRelationId)
		Form_pg_attribute atttup = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple);

		relationId = atttup->attrelid;

		 * KLUGE ALERT: we always send the relcache event with MyDatabaseId,
		 * even if the rel in question is shared (which we can't easily tell).
		 * This essentially means that only backends in this same database
		 * will react to the relcache flush request.  This is in fact
		 * appropriate, since only those backends could see our pg_attribute
		 * change anyway.  It looks a bit ugly though.  (In practice, shared
		 * relations can't have schema changes after bootstrap, so we should
		 * never come here for a shared rel anyway.)
		databaseId = MyDatabaseId;
	else if (tupleRelId == IndexRelationId)
		Form_pg_index indextup = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(tuple);

		 * When a pg_index row is updated, we should send out a relcache inval
		 * for the index relation.  As above, we don't know the shared status
		 * of the index, but in practice it doesn't matter since indexes of
		 * shared catalogs can't have such updates.
		relationId = indextup->indexrelid;
		databaseId = MyDatabaseId;

	 * Yes.  We need to register a relcache invalidation event.
	RegisterRelcacheInvalidation(databaseId, relationId);