Пример #1
Conserved RiemannSolver(const Primitive *Pl,
                        const Primitive *Pr, int dimension)
  Conserved Ul = PrimToCons(Pl);
  Conserved Ur = PrimToCons(Pr);

  Conserved Fl = FluxFunction(Pl, dimension);
  Conserved Fr = FluxFunction(Pr, dimension);

  double lamL[5]={0,0,0,0,0}, lamR[5]={0,0,0,0,0};
  Eigenvalues(Pl, dimension, lamL);
  Eigenvalues(Pr, dimension, lamR);

  const double am = minval3(lamL[0], lamR[0], 0.0); // left going wave speed
  const double ap = maxval3(lamL[4], lamR[4], 0.0); // right
  MaxWavespeed = maxval3(fabs(ap), fabs(am), MaxWavespeed);

  Conserved F;

  F.D   = (ap*Fl.D   - am*Fr.D   + ap*am*(Ur.D   - Ul.D  )) / (ap - am);
  F.tau = (ap*Fl.tau - am*Fr.tau + ap*am*(Ur.tau - Ul.tau)) / (ap - am);
  F.Sx  = (ap*Fl.Sx  - am*Fr.Sx  + ap*am*(Ur.Sx  - Ul.Sx )) / (ap - am);
  F.Sy  = (ap*Fl.Sy  - am*Fr.Sy  + ap*am*(Ur.Sy  - Ul.Sy )) / (ap - am);
  F.Sz  = (ap*Fl.Sz  - am*Fr.Sz  + ap*am*(Ur.Sz  - Ul.Sz )) / (ap - am);

  return F;
Пример #2
/* ********************************************************************** */
void AUSMp_Solver (const State_1D *state, real *cmax, Grid *grid)
 *   - Solve riemann problem for the Euler equations using the AUSM+ 
 *     scheme given in 
 *  "A Sequel to AUSM: AUSM+"
 *  Liou, M.S., JCP (1996), 129, 364
 *   July 17th 2006, by Andrea Mignone  ([email protected])
 ************************************************************************ */
  int  i, nv, beg, end;
  real aL, asL2, asL, atL,  phiL[NFLX];
  real aR, asR2, asR, atR,  phiR[NFLX];
  real ML, Mp1L, Mp2L, Mm2L, Mp4L, Pp5L;
  real MR, Mm1R, Mp2R, Mm2R, Mm4R, Pm5R;
  real a, m;
  real Ku, Kp, sigma, fa, Mm2, Mo2, Mo, M, scrh;
  real *vL, *vR, *uL, *uR;
  real alpha = 3.0/16.0, beta = 0.125;
  static real  **fl, **fr, **ul, **ur;

  beg = grid[g_dir].lbeg - 1;
  end = grid[g_dir].lend;

  if (fl == NULL){
    fl = array_2D(NMAX_POINT, NFLX);
    fr = array_2D(NMAX_POINT, NFLX);
    ul = array_2D(NMAX_POINT, NVAR);
    ur = array_2D(NMAX_POINT, NVAR);

  PrimToCons (state->vL, ul, beg, end);
  PrimToCons (state->vR, ur, beg, end);

  Ku = 0.75; Kp = 0.25; sigma = 1.0;

  for (i = beg; i <= end; i++)  {

    vL = state->vL[i];
    vR = state->vR[i];

    uL = ul[i];
    uR = ur[i];

    phiL[RHO] = 1.0;
    EXPAND(phiL[MX1] = vL[VX1];  ,
           phiL[MX2] = vL[VX2];  ,
Пример #3
Conserved FluxFunction(const Primitive *P, int dimension)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function returns the flux of the conserved variables in the cartesian
// direction specified by the input parameter 'dimension' = 0,1,2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Conserved U = PrimToCons(P);
  Conserved F = { 0,0,0,0,0 };

  switch (dimension) {
  case 0:
    F.D   = U.D  * P->vx;
    F.Sx  = U.Sx * P->vx + P->p;
    F.Sy  = U.Sy * P->vx;
    F.Sz  = U.Sz * P->vx;
    F.tau = (U.tau + P->p) * P->vx;
  case 1:
    F.D   = U.D  * P->vy ;
    F.Sx  = U.Sx * P->vy ;
    F.Sy  = U.Sy * P->vy + P->p;
    F.Sz  = U.Sz * P->vy ;
    F.tau = (U.tau + P->p) * P->vy;
  case 2:
    F.D   = U.D  * P->vz;
    F.Sx  = U.Sx * P->vz;
    F.Sy  = U.Sy * P->vz;
    F.Sz  = U.Sz * P->vz + P->p;
    F.tau = (U.tau + P->p) * P->vz;
  return F;
Пример #4
/* ********************************************************************** */
void States (const State_1D *state, int beg, int end, Grid *grid)
 * \param [in]      state pointer to State_1D structure
 * \param [in]      beg   initial index of computation
 * \param [in]      end   final   index of computation
 * \param [in]      grid  pointer to an array of Grid structures
 ************************************************************************ */
  int   i, nv;
  double dv, **v;
  double dvp, cp, *wp, *hp, **vp;
  double dvm, cm, *wm, *hm, **vm;
  PPM_Coeffs ppm_coeffs;
  PLM_Coeffs plm_coeffs;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
   1. Set pointers, compute geometrical coefficients
   --------------------------------------------------------- */

  v  = state->v;
  vm = state->vm;
  vp = state->vp;

  PPM_CoefficientsGet(&ppm_coeffs, g_dir);
   PLM_CoefficientsGet(&plm_coeffs, g_dir);

  hp = ppm_coeffs.hp;
  hm = ppm_coeffs.hm;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------
   2. Define unlimited left and right interface values and
      make sure they lie between adjacent cell averages.
   --------------------------------------------------------- */

   for (i = beg; i <= end; i++) {
     wp = ppm_coeffs.wp[i];
     wm = ppm_coeffs.wm[i];
       #if PPM_VERSION == PPM3
        vp[i][nv] = wp[-1]*v[i-1][nv] + wp[0]*v[i][nv] + wp[1]*v[i+1][nv];
        vm[i][nv] = wm[-1]*v[i-1][nv] + wm[0]*v[i][nv] + wm[1]*v[i+1][nv];
       #elif PPM_VERSION == PPM5
        vp[i][nv] = wp[-2]*v[i-2][nv] + wp[-1]*v[i-1][nv] +  
                    wp[ 0]*v[i][nv]   + wp[ 1]*v[i+1][nv] + wp[ 2]*v[i+2][nv]; 

        vm[i][nv] =  wm[-2]*v[i-2][nv] + wm[-1]*v[i-1][nv] + wm[0]*v[i][nv]
                   + wm[ 1]*v[i+1][nv] + wm[ 2]*v[i+2][nv];
       dvp = vp[i][nv] - v[i][nv];
       dvm = vm[i][nv] - v[i][nv];

       dv  = v[i+1][nv] - v[i][nv];
       vp[i][nv] = v[i][nv] + MINMOD(dvp, dv);

       dv  = v[i][nv] - v[i-1][nv];
       vm[i][nv] = v[i][nv] + MINMOD(dvm, -dv);
  #elif PPM_VERSION == PPM4  /* -- set a unique interface value -- */
   for (i = beg-1; i <= end; i++) {
     wp = ppm_coeffs.wp[i];
       vp[i][nv] =  wp[-1]*v[i-1][nv] + wp[0]*v[i][nv]
                  + wp[ 1]*v[i+1][nv] + wp[2]*v[i+2][nv];

       dv  = v[i+1][nv] - v[i][nv];
       dvp = vp[i][nv] - v[i][nv];
       vp[i][nv] = v[i][nv] + MINMOD(dvp, dv);
   for (i = beg; i <= end; i++) VAR_LOOP(nv) vm[i][nv] = vp[i-1][nv];

/* ---------------------------------------------------------
   3. Apply parabolic limiter: no new extrema should appear
      in the parabola defined by vp, vm and v.
   --------------------------------------------------------- */

  for (i = beg; i <= end; i++) {
     if (CheckZone (i, FLAG_MINMOD)) {
       wp = plm_coeffs.wp;
       wm = plm_coeffs.wm;
       VAR_LOOP(nv) {
         dvp = (v[i+1][nv] - v[i][nv])*wp[i];
         dvm = (v[i][nv] - v[i-1][nv])*wm[i];
         dv  = MINMOD(dvp, dvm);
         vp[i][nv] = v[i][nv] + dv*plm_coeffs.dp[i];
         vm[i][nv] = v[i][nv] - dv*plm_coeffs.dm[i];
       #if PHYSICS == RHD || PHYSICS == RMHD
        VelocityLimiter (v[i], vp[i], vm[i]);

    #if PPM_VERSION == PPM0
     cm = cp = 2.0;
     cm = (hm[i] + 1.0)/(hp[i] - 1.0);
     cp = (hp[i] + 1.0)/(hm[i] - 1.0);

    for (nv = 0; nv < NVAR; nv++){
      dvp = vp[i][nv] - v[i][nv];
      dvm = vm[i][nv] - v[i][nv];

      if (dvp*dvm >= 0.0) dvp = dvm = 0.0;
        if      (fabs(dvp) >= cm*fabs(dvm)) dvp = -cm*dvm;
        else if (fabs(dvm) >= cp*fabs(dvp)) dvm = -cp*dvp;
      vp[i][nv] = v[i][nv] + dvp; 
      vm[i][nv] = v[i][nv] + dvm;
     VelocityLimiter (v[i], vp[i], vm[i]);

/* --------------------------------------------------------
          1D shock flattening
   -------------------------------------------------------- */

   Flatten (state, beg, end, grid);

/*  -------------------------------------------
      Assign face-centered magnetic field
    -------------------------------------------  */

   for (i = beg-1; i <= end; i++) {
     state->vR[i][BXn] = state->vL[i][BXn] = state->bn[i];

   CharTracingStep(state, beg, end, grid);

/* -------------------------------------------
    compute states in conservative variables
   ------------------------------------------- */

  PrimToCons (state->vp, state->up, beg, end);
  PrimToCons (state->vm, state->um, beg, end);
Пример #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// =============================================================================
//                                 Main program
// =============================================================================

  FILE *OutputFile = fopen("euler.dat", "w");

  double *x = (double*) malloc((Nx+2*Ng)*sizeof(double));
  Conserved *U = (Conserved*) malloc((Nx+2*Ng)*sizeof(Conserved));
  int i;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Initial conditions setup.
  for (i=0; i<Nx+2*Ng; ++i) {

    // Here we initialize the array of x coordinates, and set the initial
    // conditions on the conserved array.

    x[i] = -0.5 + (i-Ng+0.5) / Nx;

    Primitive P = testProblem->InitialCondition(x[i]);
    U[i] = PrimToCons(&P);

  int CycleCounter = 0;
  double CurrentTime = 0.0;
  double EndTime = OutputTime;
  double dt = 0.0;
  double dx = 1.0 / Nx;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // This is the main iteration loop.
  while (CurrentTime < EndTime) {

    MaxWavespeed = 0.0;
    integrationMethod->AdvanceSolution(U, dt);

    CurrentTime += dt;
    dt = CFL * dx / MaxWavespeed;

    printf("\r[%s]", ProgressBar(CurrentTime/EndTime));

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Output solution.
  for (i=Ng; i<Nx+Ng; ++i) {

    // This loop prints an ASCII table of x-coordinate values with their
    // associated primitive variables.

    Primitive P = ConsToPrim(&U[i]);
    fprintf(OutputFile, "%+8.6e %+8.6e %+8.6e %+8.6e %+8.6e %+8.6e\n",
            x[i], P.rho, P.p, P.vx, P.vy, P.vz);


  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Create a simple GNUplot script.
  FILE *gnuplot = fopen("plot.gp", "w");
  fprintf(gnuplot, "set title \"%s %s t=%3.2f PLM=%3.2f\"\n",
          testProblem->Name, integrationMethod->Name, OutputTime, PlmTheta);
  fprintf(gnuplot, "set xlabel \"x\"\n");
  fprintf(gnuplot, "plot \\\n");
  fprintf(gnuplot, "\"euler.dat\" u 1:2 title \"Density \",\\\n");
  fprintf(gnuplot, "\"euler.dat\" u 1:3 title \"Pressure\",\\\n");
  fprintf(gnuplot, "\"euler.dat\" u 1:4 title \"Velocity\"   \n");
  fprintf(gnuplot, "pause(-1)\\\n");

  printf("All done. Data is in euler.dat, but if you have gnuplot simply run\n"
	 "$> gnuplot plot.gp\n\n");

  return 0;