void FLightSceneInfo::AddToScene()
	const FLightSceneInfoCompact& LightSceneInfoCompact = Scene->Lights[Id];

	// Only need to create light interactions for lights that can cast a shadow, 
	// As deferred shading doesn't need to know anything about the primitives that a light affects
	if (Proxy->CastsDynamicShadow() 
		|| Proxy->CastsStaticShadow() 
		// Lights that should be baked need to check for interactions to track unbuilt state correctly
		|| Proxy->HasStaticLighting()
		// ES2 path supports dynamic point lights in the base pass using forward rendering, so we need to know the primitives
		|| (Scene->GetFeatureLevel() < ERHIFeatureLevel::SM4 && Proxy->GetLightType() == LightType_Point && Proxy->IsMovable()))
		// Add the light to the scene's light octree.

		// TODO: Special case directional lights, no need to traverse the octree.

		// Find primitives that the light affects in the primitive octree.
		FMemMark MemStackMark(FMemStack::Get());
		for(FScenePrimitiveOctree::TConstElementBoxIterator<SceneRenderingAllocator> PrimitiveIt(
			CreateLightPrimitiveInteraction(LightSceneInfoCompact, PrimitiveIt.GetCurrentElement());
Пример #2
void FSceneViewState::TrimOcclusionHistory(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, float CurrentTime, float MinHistoryTime, float MinQueryTime, int32 FrameNumber)
	// Only trim every few frames, since stale entries won't cause problems
	if (FrameNumber % 6 == 0)
		int32 NumBufferedFrames = FOcclusionQueryHelpers::GetNumBufferedFrames();

		for(TSet<FPrimitiveOcclusionHistory,FPrimitiveOcclusionHistoryKeyFuncs>::TIterator PrimitiveIt(PrimitiveOcclusionHistorySet);
			// If the primitive has an old pending occlusion query, release it.
			if(PrimitiveIt->LastConsideredTime < MinQueryTime)
				PrimitiveIt->ReleaseQueries(RHICmdList, OcclusionQueryPool, NumBufferedFrames);

			// If the primitive hasn't been considered for visibility recently, remove its history from the set.
			if (PrimitiveIt->LastConsideredTime < MinHistoryTime || PrimitiveIt->LastConsideredTime > CurrentTime)