Пример #1
 * Name: main
 * Description: Gets the ball rolling...
int main(void) {
  signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
  signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN);
  signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);

  Command cmd;
  int n;
  while (!done) {

    char *line;
    line = readline("> ");

    if (!line) {
      /* Encountered EOF at top level *///
      done = 1;
    else {
        if(*line) {
            /* execute it */
            n = parse(line, &cmd);
            PrintCommand(n, &cmd);
            if (! Builtexec(&cmd)) {

            /* If not a builtin cmd, fork */
                pid_t child_pid;
                int child_status;
                child_pid = fork();

                if(child_pid == 0){
                    Startexec(&cmd); // Child code, recursive helper function
                  pid_t tpid;       // Parent code, to wait or not to wait for child
                      tpid = waitpid(child_pid, &child_status, 0);
        /* Check for builtin command and execute it */
    if(line) {
  return 0;
Пример #2
int main()
	 char s[200];

	 printf("Enter a string: \n");
	 fgets(s, sizeof s, stdin);

	 Command command;
	 command.num_sub_commands = 0;

	 ReadCommand(s, &command);

	 return 0;
Пример #3
 * Name: main
 * Description: Gets the ball rolling...
int main(void) {
    Command cmd;
    int n;

    while (!done) {

        char *line;
        line = readline("> ");

        if (!line) {
            /* Encountered EOF at top level */
            done = 1;
        } else {
             * Remove leading and trailing whitespace from the line
             * Then, if there is anything left, add it to the history list
             * and execute it.

            if (*line) {
                /* execute it */
                n = parse(line, &cmd);
                PrintCommand(n, &cmd);

        /* Own stuff testing */

         * Traverse through linked list, and fork process child per program
         * Sets up pipeline between child processes.
        runCommand(0, cmd.pgm);

        /* Own stuff testing - END*/
        if (line) {
    return 0;
Пример #4
int main()
    char line[200];

    /* Read a string from the user */
    printf("Enter a string: ");
    fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin);

    /* Remove newline character from input */
    line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';

    /* Parse string into subcommands and print */
    struct Command command; 
    ReadCommand(line, &command);

    return 0;
Пример #5
 * Name: main
 * Description: Gets the ball rolling...
int main(void)
  Command cmd;
  int n;

  while (!done) {

    char *line;
    line = readline("> ");

    if (!line) {
      /* Encountered EOF at top level */
      done = 1;
    else {
       * Remove leading and trailing whitespace from the line
       * Then, if there is anything left, add it to the history list
       * and execute it.

      if(*line) {
        /* execute it */
        n = parse(line, &cmd);
        PrintCommand(n, &cmd);
    if(line) {
  return 0;
Пример #6
void ConsolidateCommands(unsigned char *szCommand, int cntCommand)
	In this function,
	Read string from the serial port, that contains many different packets.
	Parse the string received, segregate each packet and create a thread that calls the parseCommand() function for each packet.
	int i, copyToFrameArr;
	int cntTotalPacketsRead = 0;
	int cntLengthPacket = 0;
	int startFrame = 0, endFrame = 0;
	unsigned char data[260]; //data can be of maximum 251 bytes.
	unsigned char Frame[300];
	unsigned char lengthPacket = 0;
	int frameCnt = 0;
	int dataCnt = 0;
	i = 0;
	while (i<cntCommand)
		switch (szCommand[i])
		case 0x9C:
			if (0 == startFrame)
				//we have come across the start byte, we call the start frame.
				// mark this as the beginning of the packet.
				startFrame = 1;
				cntLengthPacket = 0; //indicates that we are counting bytes of a new packet. Will be over-written.
				copyToFrameArr = 1;
				//this indicates that the we have already initially encountered the start frame and whatever byte we are encountering now is a part of data mostly
				//i am using the word 'mostly' because, this should not be occuring as the 2nd,3rd,4th byte ( cntLengthPacket should be > 4 )
				if (cntLengthPacket >= 4)
					//now 0x9C is a part of data.
					//copy it into the data array
					data[dataCnt++] = szCommand[i];
		case 0xC9:
			//this should happen only if startFrame is previously 1
			if ((lengthPacket - 1 == cntLengthPacket) && (1 == startFrame))
				//indicates end of one packet. This byte is the end Frame.
				endFrame = 1;
				startFrame = 0;
				//this is a part where this byte has occurred as data.
			if (3 == cntLengthPacket + 1)
				//indicates that we have reached the byte which gives us the length of the whole packet.
				lengthPacket = szCommand[i];
		}//switch case ends here
		if (copyToFrameArr)
			Frame[frameCnt++] = szCommand[i];
		if (1 == endFrame)
			//create a thread for this packet and send this for processing.
			//for sending this for processing, don't terminate it with \0 and send both the count and array to the parseCommand thread.	
			//But for the time-being just print the Frame.
			printf("\n\nDatagram read -> ");
			PrintCommand(Frame, frameCnt);
			//ParseFrame(Frame, frameCnt - 1);  //sending the total number of elements in the Frame array as the 2nd parameter.
			frameCnt = 0; //reset the frame count to read the next frame.
			cntLengthPacket = 0;//reset for counting the bytes of next frame.
			lengthPacket = 0;//reset this for the next packet.
			copyToFrameArr = 0;
			endFrame = 0; //no need to keep the flag set once you have processed this particular frame.
	if ((1 == startFrame) || (0 == cntTotalPacketsRead))
		//send a negative acknowledgement as the user has sent a command that is not in accordance with the length and other protocol standards.
		printf("\nErroneous bytes encountered! Sending NACK!");
Пример #7
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
  if (!MD5Hash::Test())
    return 2;
  if (!SHA256Hash::Test())
    return 1;
  if (argc >= 3) {
    if (!_wcsicmp(argv[1], L"-p")) {
      const wchar_t *path = argv[2];
      const wchar_t *logpath = 0;
      if (argc > 4 && !_wcsicmp(argv[3], L"-o")) {
        logpath = argv[4];
      if (path && *path) {
        MappingFileClass map;
        int inner_argc = 0;
        if (map.Parse(path)) {
          wchar_t cmd[MAX_PATH];
          do {
            wprintf_s(L"Command > ");
            if (ReadCmdFromCin(cmd, _countof(cmd))) {
              PrintCommand(logpath, cmd);
              LPWSTR *inner_argv = CommandLineToArgvW(cmd, &inner_argc);
              if (inner_argc && inner_argv) {
                if (inner_argc > 3) {
                  if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--consumerinstance")) { // --consumerinstance namespace type instancename
                    ConsumerParserClass cp(map);
                    if (cp.ParseConsumerInstance(path, inner_argv[1], inner_argv[2], inner_argv[3])) {
                      cp.Print(logpath, path, inner_argv[1], inner_argv[2], inner_argv[3]);
                  else if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--instance")) { //--instance namespace classname instancename
                    InstanceDeclarationParser instParser(path, inner_argv[1], map);
                    instParser.Parse(inner_argv[2], inner_argv[3], logpath);
                else if (inner_argc > 2) {
                  if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--consumerinstance")) { // --consumerinstance namespace type
                    ConsumerParserClass cp(map);
                    if (cp.ParseAllConsumersByType(path, inner_argv[1], inner_argv[2])) {
                      cp.Print(logpath, inner_argv[1], inner_argv[2]);
                  else if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--filterinstance")) { // --filterinstance namespace filtername
                    EventFilterParserClass fl(map);
                    if (fl.ParseFilterInstance(path, inner_argv[1], inner_argv[2])) {
                      fl.Print(logpath, inner_argv[1], inner_argv[2]);
                  else if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--classdef")) { //--classdef namespace classname
                    ClassDefinitionParser::Print(path, inner_argv[1], inner_argv[2], map, logpath);
                  else if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--instance")) { //--instance namespace classname
                    InstanceDeclarationParser instParser(path, inner_argv[1], map);
                    instParser.Parse(inner_argv[2], logpath);
                else if (inner_argc > 1) {
                  if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--classdef")) { //--classdef namespace
                    ClassDefinitionParser::Print(path, inner_argv[1], map, logpath);
                  else if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--specified_classdef")) { //--specified_classdef classname
                    ClassDefinitionParser::PrintAllClasses(path, inner_argv[1], map, logpath);
                  else if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--consumerinstance")) { //--consumerinstance namespace
                    ConsumerParserClass cp(map);
                    if (cp.ParseAllConsumers(path, inner_argv[1])) {
                      cp.Print(logpath, inner_argv[1]);
                  else if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--filterinstance")) { //--filterinstance namespace
                    EventFilterParserClass fl(map);
                    if (fl.ParseAllFilterInstances(path, inner_argv[1])) {
                      fl.Print(logpath, inner_argv[1]);
                  else if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--bindinginstance")) { //--bindinginstance namespace
                    FilterToConsumerBindingParserClass bd(map);
                    if (bd.ParseAllBindings(path, inner_argv[1])) {
                      bd.Print(inner_argv[1], logpath);
                  else if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--instance")) { //--instance classname
                    InstanceDeclarationParser instParser(path, L"", map);
                    instParser.ParseInAllNS(inner_argv[1], logpath);
                else if (inner_argc) {
                  if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--namespaceinstance"))
                    ParseNamespace(path, map, logpath);
                  else if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--classdef")) { //--classdef
                    ClassDefinitionParser::Print(path, map, logpath);
                  else if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--index")) {
                    ParseAllIndexFile(path, map, logpath);
                  else if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--help")) {
                  else if (!_wcsicmp(inner_argv[0], L"--quit"))
          } while (true);
    wprintf(L"Usage : WMIParser.exe -p $path_to_objects_data$ [-o $output_file_path$]\r\n");
  return 0;