Пример #1
void PrintXYZ( HWND hDlgWnd, int iDistortion, tdXYZ * ptXYZ, 
                  int iID_X, int iID_Y, int iID_Z ){
  // Print coordinates
  if(iDistortion < DIST_LEVEL_MAX ){
    PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, ptXYZ->X, iID_X);
    PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, ptXYZ->Y, iID_Y);
    PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, ptXYZ->Z, iID_Z);
    SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlgWnd, iID_X), "N/A");
    SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlgWnd, iID_Y ), "N/A");
    SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlgWnd, iID_Z ), "N/A");
Пример #2
PRIVATE inline void PrintFdcl(GBUF *out, Node *node, fdclNode *u, int offset, UNUSED(Bool norecurse))
     gbprintf(out, "Fdcl:");
     PrintCoord(out, &node->coord);
     gbprintf(out, " ");
     PrintTQ(out, u->tq, offset, norecurse);
     PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
     gbputs("List: Args: ", out);
     PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 4);
     PrintList(out, u->args, offset + 4);
     PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
     gbputs("Returns: ", out);
     PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 4);
     PrintNode(out, u->returns, offset + 4);
Пример #3
PRIVATE inline void PrintCast(GBUF *out, UNUSED(Node *node), castNode *u, int offset, UNUSED(Bool norecurse))
     gbputs("Cast: ", out);
     PrintCoord(out, &node->coord);
     if (u->value) {
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
	  gbputs("Value: ", out);
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 4);
	  PrintNode(out, u->value, offset + 4);
     PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
     PrintNode(out, u->type, offset + 2);
     PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
     PrintNode(out, u->expr, offset + 2);
Пример #4
PRIVATE inline void PrintId(GBUF *out, Node *node, idNode *u, int offset, UNUSED(Bool norecurse))
     gbprintf(out, "Id: %s", u->text);
     PrintCoord(out, &node->coord);
     if (u->value) {
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
	  gbputs("Value: ", out);
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 4);
	  PrintNode(out, u->value, offset + 4);
     PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
     gbputs("decl: ", out);
     PrintNode(out, u->decl, offset+4);
     /* PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);*/
     /* PrintNode(out, u->decl, offset + 2); KHR */
Пример #5
PRIVATE inline void PrintTdef(GBUF *out, Node *node, tdefNode *u, UNUSED(int offset), UNUSED(Bool norecurse))
     /* temp fix for core dump when printing ast  -Angelina */
     if( u->type == NULL ) 
          gbprintf(out, "Tdef: %s (%d) (type=NULL)  ", u->name, node->print_uid);
          gbprintf(out, "Tdef: %s (%d) (type=%d)  ", u->name, node->print_uid, u->type->print_uid); 
     PrintCoord(out, &node->coord);
     PrintTQ(out, u->tq, offset, norecurse);
#if 0
     if (!norecurse) {
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
	  PrintNode(out, u->type, offset + 2);
Пример #6
PRIVATE inline void PrintUnary(GBUF *out, Node *node, unaryNode *u, int offset, UNUSED(Bool norecurse))
     gbprintf(out, "Unary: ");
     PrintOp(out, u->op);
     PrintCoord(out, &node->coord);
     if (u->type) {
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
	  PrintNode(out, u->type, offset + 2);
     if (u->value) {
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
	  gbputs("Value: ", out);
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 4);
	  PrintNode(out, u->value, offset + 4);
     PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
     PrintNode(out, u->expr, offset + 2);
Пример #7
PRIVATE inline void PrintBinop(GBUF *out, Node *node, binopNode *u, int offset, UNUSED(Bool norecurse))
     gbprintf(out, "Binop: ");
     PrintOp(out, u->op);
     PrintCoord(out, &node->coord);
     if (u->type) {
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
	  PrintNode(out, u->type, offset + 2);
     if (u->value) {
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
	  gbputs("Value: ", out);
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 4);
	  PrintNode(out, u->value, offset + 4);
     PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
     PrintNode(out, u->left, offset + 2);
     PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
     PrintNode(out, u->right, offset + 2);
Пример #8
PRIVATE inline void PrintDecl(GBUF *out, Node *node, declNode *u, int offset, Bool norecurse)
     gbprintf(out, "Decl: %s (%d)", u->name ? u->name : "", node->print_uid);
     PrintCoord(out, &node->coord);
     gbprintf(out, " ");
     PrintTQ(out, u->tq, offset+2, norecurse);

     if (norecurse)
	  gbprintf(out, "\n");
     else {
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
	  PrintNode(out, u->type, offset + 2);
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
	  PrintNode(out, u->init, offset + 2);
	  PrintCRSpaces(out, offset + 2);
	  PrintNode(out, u->bitsize, offset + 2);
	  if (u->attribs) {
	      PrintCRSpaces(out, offset+2);
	      PrintList(out, u->attribs, offset+2);
Пример #9
// Display current sensor position
void OnTimer( HWND hDlgWnd ){
  int iFrame;
  double dT_ms;
  int aiDistortion[N_DISPL_SENSORS];
  HWND hPic;
  HDC hDC, hBitmapDC;
  HBITMAP hBitmap;
  RECT recClnt;
  int iSensor;
  int iOffsetX, iOffsetY;
  int iW, iH;
  int nSensors;
  double dSensX, dSensY;
  double dX, dY;
  char szTmp[100];

  ZeroMemory(adXYZ, sizeof(adXYZ));
  if( g_GetLatestCoordinates( &nSensors, &iFrame, &dT_ms, adXYZ ) ) return; 
  g_GetSignalDistortion( aiDistortion );

  hPic = GetDlgItem(hDlgWnd, IDC_PICTURE);
  GetClientRect( hPic, &recClnt );

  iW = (recClnt.right - recClnt.left);
  iH = (recClnt.bottom - recClnt.top);
  iOffsetX = (iW - WIN_SIZE_X)/2;
  iOffsetY = (iH - WIN_SIZE_Y)/2;
  hDC = GetDC(hPic);

  // to avoid flicker we draw on the off-screen bitmap and then copy it to the screen
  hBitmapDC = CreateCompatibleDC ( hDC );
  hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap ( hDC, iW, iH );
  SelectObject ( hBitmapDC, hBitmap ); // map DC to the off-screen bitmap
  // Black backgound
  SelectObject( hBitmapDC, GetStockObject( BLACK_BRUSH ));
  Rectangle( hBitmapDC, recClnt.left, recClnt.top, 
                        recClnt.right, recClnt.bottom);
  // White box
  SelectObject( hBitmapDC, GetStockObject( WHITE_PEN ));
  Rectangle( hBitmapDC, iOffsetX, iOffsetY, 
                        WIN_SIZE_X+iOffsetX, WIN_SIZE_Y+iOffsetY );

  for( iSensor = 0; iSensor < nSensors; iSensor++){
    dSensX = adXYZ[iSensor][0];
    dSensY = adXYZ[iSensor][1];
    // normalize coordinates to 0-1 
    dX = (dSensX - RAW_MIN_X)/ (RAW_MAX_X - RAW_MIN_X);  
    dY = (RAW_MAX_Y - dSensY)/ (RAW_MAX_Y - RAW_MIN_Y);  // make Y axis bottom->top

    // clip coordinates
    if(dX < 0) dX = 0;
    if(dX > 1) dX = 1;
    if(dY < 0) dY = 0;
    if(dY > 1) dY = 1;

    DrawCross( hBitmapDC, x_atMarkerColors[iSensor],
              (int)(dX*WIN_SIZE_X) + iOffsetX,  
              (int)(dY*WIN_SIZE_Y) + iOffsetY  );
  } // for all sensors

  // Draw bitmap
  BitBlt(hDC, recClnt.left, recClnt.top, iW, iH, 
         hBitmapDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

  ReleaseDC(hPic, hDC); 

  DrawDistortionBox( hDlgWnd, x_atDistortionColors[aiDistortion[0]],  IDC_PIC_SENS1);
  DrawDistortionBox( hDlgWnd, x_atDistortionColors[aiDistortion[1]],  IDC_PIC_SENS2);
  DrawDistortionBox( hDlgWnd, x_atDistortionColors[aiDistortion[2]],  IDC_PIC_SENS3);
  DrawDistortionBox( hDlgWnd, x_atDistortionColors[aiDistortion[3]],  IDC_PIC_SENS4);

  // Print timestamp
  sprintf(szTmp, "%.2f", dT_ms/1000.0);
  SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlgWnd, IDC_LBL_TIME ), szTmp);
  // Print frame
  sprintf(szTmp, "%d", iFrame);
  SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlgWnd, IDC_LBL_IFRAME ), szTmp);

  // Print coordinates
  PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, adXYZ[0][0], IDC_LBL_X1);
  PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, adXYZ[0][1], IDC_LBL_Y1);
  PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, adXYZ[0][2], IDC_LBL_Z1);

  PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, adXYZ[1][0], IDC_LBL_X2);
  PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, adXYZ[1][1], IDC_LBL_Y2);
  PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, adXYZ[1][2], IDC_LBL_Z2);

  PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, adXYZ[2][0], IDC_LBL_X3);
  PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, adXYZ[2][1], IDC_LBL_Y3);
  PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, adXYZ[2][2], IDC_LBL_Z3);

  PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, adXYZ[3][0], IDC_LBL_X4);
  PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, adXYZ[3][1], IDC_LBL_Y4);
  PrintCoord(hDlgWnd, adXYZ[3][2], IDC_LBL_Z4);

Пример #10
PRIVATE inline void PrintPrim(GBUF *out, Node *node, UNUSED(primNode *u), UNUSED(int offset), UNUSED(Bool norecurse))
     gbprintf(out, "Prim: ");
     output_prim_type_to_GBUF(out, node, 0);
     PrintCoord(out, &node->coord);