Пример #1
void macro()
	bool save = true;

        TFile* CRAFT  = new TFile("file:../SiStripCalib.root");


        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "MPV_Vs_EtaTEC";                   legend.push_back("TEC");                    Files[0] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[1] = "MPV_Vs_EtaTIB";                   legend.push_back("TIB");                    Files[1] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[2] = "MPV_Vs_EtaTID";                   legend.push_back("TID");                    Files[2] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[3] = "MPV_Vs_EtaTOB";                   legend.push_back("TOB");                    Files[3] = CRAFT;
        DrawTH2D(Files, Histos_Name,legend, "", "module #eta", "MPV (ADC/mm)", -3.0,3.0, 0,500,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_MPV_Vs_EtaSubDet.png");
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;    

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "MPV_Vs_PhiTEC";                   legend.push_back("TEC");                    Files[0] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[1] = "MPV_Vs_PhiTIB";                   legend.push_back("TIB");                    Files[1] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[2] = "MPV_Vs_PhiTID";                   legend.push_back("TID");                    Files[2] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[3] = "MPV_Vs_PhiTOB";                   legend.push_back("TOB");                    Files[3] = CRAFT;
        DrawTH2D(Files, Histos_Name,legend, "", "module #phi", "MPV (ADC/mm)", -3.2,3.2, 0,500,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_MPV_Vs_PhiSubDet.png");
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "APV_MPV";                         legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name, legend, 1, "",  "APV Pair Index", "MPV (ADC/mm)", 0, 0, 0, 500, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_APV_MPV.png",true);

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "APV_Gain";                        legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name, legend, 1, "",  "APV Pair Index", "Gain", 0, 0, 0.0, 2.0, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_APV_Gain.png",true);

        DrawTH2DZ(CRAFT, "APV_Charge" ,"", "", "APV Pair Index", "Charge", 0,0,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_APV_Charge.png", false);

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "MPVs320";                         legend.push_back("320 #mum");               Files[0] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[1] = "MPVs500";                         legend.push_back("500 #mum");               Files[1] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[2] = "MPVs";                            legend.push_back("320 + 500 #mum");         Files[2] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name, legend, 1, "",  "MPV (ADC/mm)", "a.u.", 0, 500, 0, 0, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_MPVs.png",false);
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "MPV_Vs_PathLength";               legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name, legend, 1, "",  "Pathlength", "MPV (ADC/mm)", 0, 0, 0, 400, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_MPV_Vs_PathLength.png",false);
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;     
        DrawTH2DZ(CRAFT, "Charge_Vs_PathLength" ,"", "", "PathLength", "Charge", 0,0,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_Charge_Vs_PathLength.png", false);

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "MPV_Vs_PathLength320";            legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name, legend, 1, "",  "Pathlength", "MPV (ADC/mm)", 0, 0, 0, 400, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_MPV_Vs_PathLength320.png",false);
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;
        DrawTH2DZ(CRAFT, "Charge_Vs_PathLength320" ,"", "", "PathLength", "Charge", 0,0,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_Charge_Vs_PathLength320.png", false);

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "MPV_Vs_PathLength500";            legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name, legend, 1, "",  "Pathlength", "MPV (ADC/mm)", 0, 0, 0, 400, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_MPV_Vs_PathLength500.png",false);
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;
        DrawTH2DZ(CRAFT, "Charge_Vs_PathLength500" ,"", "", "PathLength", "Charge", 0,0,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_Charge_Vs_PathLength500.png", false);

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "MPV_Vs_PathTIB";                  legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name, legend, 1, "",  "Pathlength", "MPV (ADC/mm)", 0, 0, 0, 400, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_MPV_Vs_PathLengthTIB.png",false);
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;
        DrawTH2DZ(CRAFT, "Charge_Vs_PathTIB" ,"", "", "PathLength", "Charge", 0,0,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_Charge_Vs_PathLengthTIB.png", false);

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "MPV_Vs_PathTID";                  legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name, legend, 1, "",  "Pathlength", "MPV (ADC/mm)", 0, 0, 0, 400, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_MPV_Vs_PathLengthTID.png",false);
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;
        DrawTH2DZ(CRAFT, "Charge_Vs_PathTID" ,"", "", "PathLength", "Charge", 0,0,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_Charge_Vs_PathLengthTID.png", false);

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "MPV_Vs_PathTOB";                  legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name, legend, 1, "",  "Pathlength", "MPV (ADC/mm)", 0, 0, 0, 400, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_MPV_Vs_PathLengthTOB.png",false);
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;
        DrawTH2DZ(CRAFT, "Charge_Vs_PathTOB" ,"", "", "PathLength", "Charge", 0,0,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_Charge_Vs_PathLengthTOB.png", false);

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "MPV_Vs_PathTEC1";                  legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name, legend, 1, "",  "Pathlength", "MPV (ADC/mm)", 0, 0, 0, 400, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_MPV_Vs_PathLengthTEC320.png",false);
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;
        DrawTH2DZ(CRAFT, "Charge_Vs_PathTEC1" ,"", "", "PathLength", "Charge", 0,0,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_Charge_Vs_PathTEC320.png", false);

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "MPV_Vs_PathTEC2";                  legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name, legend, 1, "",  "Pathlength", "MPV (ADC/mm)", 0, 0, 0, 400, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_MPV_Vs_PathLengthTEC500.png",false);
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;
        DrawTH2DZ(CRAFT, "Charge_Vs_PathTEC2" ,"", "", "PathLength", "Charge", 0,0,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_Charge_Vs_PathTEC500.png", false);

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "FirstStrip";                      legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name, legend, 1, "",  "FirstStrip", "u.a.", 0, 0, 0, 0, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_FirstStrip.png",false);
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "Error_Vs_Entries";                legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawTH2D(Files, Histos_Name,legend, "", "#Entries in Charge Distribution", "Fit Error on the MPV (ADC/mm)", 0,1000,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_Error_Vs_Entries.png");
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "Error_Vs_MPV";                    legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawTH2D(Files, Histos_Name,legend, "", "MPV (ADC/mm)", "Fit Error on the MPV (ADC/mm)", 0,1000,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_Error_Vs_MPV.png");
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "Error_Vs_Eta";                    legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawTH2D(Files, Histos_Name,legend, "", "module #eta", "Fit Error on the MPV (ADC/mm)", 0,0,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_Error_Vs_Eta.png");
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "Error_Vs_Phi";                    legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawTH2D(Files, Histos_Name,legend, "", "module #phi", "Fit Error on the MPV (ADC/mm)", 0,0,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_Error_Vs_Phi.png");
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "NoMPV_Vs_EtaPhi";                 legend.push_back("");                       Files[0] = CRAFT;
        DrawTH2D(Files, Histos_Name,legend, "", "module #eta", "module #phi", 0,0,0,0,save,"Pictures/CRAFT_NoMPV_Vs_EtaPhi.png");
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "Charge_TEC";                      legend.push_back("TEC");                    Files[0] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[1] = "Charge_TIB";                      legend.push_back("TIB");                    Files[1] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[2] = "Charge_TID";                      legend.push_back("TID");                    Files[2] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[3] = "Charge_TOB";                      legend.push_back("TOB");                    Files[3] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name,legend, 1, "", "Normalized Charge (ADC/mm)", "u.a.", 0,800,0,0, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_Charge_Vs_SubDet.png", false);
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;  

        char** Histos_Name = new char*[4];                  std::vector<char*> legend;legend.clear();   TFile** Files = new TFile*[4];
        Histos_Name[0] = "Charge_TEC+";                     legend.push_back("TEC+");                    Files[0] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[1] = "Charge_TEC-";                     legend.push_back("TEC-");                    Files[1] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[2] = "Charge_TID+";                     legend.push_back("TID+");                    Files[2] = CRAFT;
        Histos_Name[3] = "Charge_TID-";                     legend.push_back("TID-");                    Files[3] = CRAFT;
        DrawSuperposedHistos(Files, Histos_Name,legend, 1, "", "Normalized Charge (ADC/mm)", "u.a.", 0,800,0,0, save, "Pictures/CRAFT_Charge_Vs_SubDetSided.png", false);
        delete [] Histos_Name; Histos_Name=NULL;

Пример #2
void JobInfo::Visit( Scheduler &scheduler )
    PrintJobInfo( info_, scheduler, jobId_ );