Пример #1
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * writes netlist data
static void
WritePCBNetlistData (FILE * FP)
  /* write out the netlist if it exists */
  if (PCB->NetlistLib.MenuN)
      int n, p;
      fprintf (FP, "NetList()\n(\n");

      for (n = 0; n < PCB->NetlistLib.MenuN; n++)
	  LibraryMenuType *menu = &PCB->NetlistLib.Menu[n];
	  fprintf (FP, "\tNet(");
	  PrintQuotedString(FP, &menu->Name[2]);
	  fprintf (FP, " ");
	  PrintQuotedString(FP, (char *)UNKNOWN (menu->Style));
	  fprintf (FP, ")\n\t(\n");
	  for (p = 0; p < menu->EntryN; p++)
	      LibraryEntryType *entry = &menu->Entry[p];
	      fprintf (FP, "\t\tConnect(");
	      PrintQuotedString (FP, entry->ListEntry);
	      fprintf (FP, ")\n");
	  fprintf (FP, "\t)\n");
      fprintf (FP, ")\n");
Пример #2
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * writes via data
static void
WriteViaData (FILE * FP, DataType *Data)
  GList *iter;
  /* write information about vias */
  for (iter = Data->Via; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
      PinType *via = iter->data;
      pcb_fprintf (FP, "Via[%mr %mr %mr %mr %mr %mr ", via->X, via->Y,
                   via->Thickness, via->Clearance, via->Mask, via->DrillingHole);
      PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (via->Name));
      fprintf (FP, " %s]\n", F2S (via, VIA_TYPE));
Пример #3
Файл: file.c Проект: thequux/pcb
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * writes via data
static void
WriteViaData (FILE * FP, DataTypePtr Data)
  int n;
  /* write information about vias */
  for (n = 0; n < Data->ViaN; n++)
      PinTypePtr via = &Data->Via[n];
      fprintf (FP, "Via[%i %i %i %i %i %i ",
	       via->X, via->Y,
	       via->Thickness, via->Clearance, via->Mask, via->DrillingHole);
      PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (via->Name));
      fprintf (FP, " %s]\n", F2S (via, VIA_TYPE));
Пример #4
Файл: file.c Проект: thequux/pcb
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * writes data header
 * the name of the PCB, cursor location, zoom and grid
 * layergroups and some flags
static void
WritePCBDataHeader (FILE * FP)
  Cardinal group;

   * ************************** README *******************
   * ************************** README *******************
   * If the file format is modified in any way, update
   * PCB_FILE_VERSION in file.h
   * ************************** README *******************
   * ************************** README *******************

  fprintf (FP, "\n# To read pcb files, the pcb version (or the git source date) must be >= the file version\n");
  fprintf (FP, "FileVersion[%i]\n", PCB_FILE_VERSION);

  fputs ("\nPCB[", FP);
  PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (PCB->Name));
  fprintf (FP, " %i %i]\n\n", (int) PCB->MaxWidth, (int) PCB->MaxHeight);
  fprintf (FP, "Grid[%s %i %i %i]\n",
	   c_dtostr (PCB->Grid), (int) PCB->GridOffsetX,
	   (int) PCB->GridOffsetY, (int) Settings.DrawGrid);
  fprintf (FP, "Cursor[%i %i %s]\n", (int) TO_PCB_X (Output.Width / 2),
	   (int) TO_PCB_Y (Output.Height / 2), c_dtostr (PCB->Zoom));
  fprintf (FP, "PolyArea[%s]\n", c_dtostr (PCB->IsleArea));
  fprintf (FP, "Thermal[%s]\n", c_dtostr (PCB->ThermScale));
  fprintf (FP, "DRC[%i %i %i %i %i %i]\n", PCB->Bloat, PCB->Shrink,
	   PCB->minWid, PCB->minSlk, PCB->minDrill, PCB->minRing);
  fprintf (FP, "Flags(%s)\n", pcbflags_to_string(PCB->Flags));
  fprintf (FP, "Groups(\"%s\")\n", LayerGroupsToString (&PCB->LayerGroups));
  fputs ("Styles[\"", FP);
  for (group = 0; group < NUM_STYLES - 1; group++)
    fprintf (FP, "%s,%i,%i,%i,%i:", PCB->RouteStyle[group].Name,
	     PCB->RouteStyle[group].Hole, PCB->RouteStyle[group].Keepaway);
  fprintf (FP, "%s,%i,%i,%i,%i\"]\n\n", PCB->RouteStyle[group].Name,
	   PCB->RouteStyle[group].Hole, PCB->RouteStyle[group].Keepaway);
Пример #5
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * writes data header
 * the name of the PCB, cursor location, zoom and grid
 * layergroups and some flags
static void
WritePCBDataHeader (FILE * FP)
  Cardinal group;

   * ************************** README *******************
   * ************************** README *******************
   * If the file format is modified in any way, update
   * PCB_FILE_VERSION in file.h as well as PCBFileVersionNeeded()
   * at the top of this file.
   * ************************** README *******************
   * ************************** README *******************

  fprintf (FP, "\n# To read pcb files, the pcb version (or the git source date) must be >= the file version\n");
  fprintf (FP, "FileVersion[%i]\n", PCBFileVersionNeeded ());

  fputs ("\nPCB[", FP);
  PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (PCB->Name));
  pcb_fprintf (FP, " %mr %mr]\n\n", PCB->MaxWidth, PCB->MaxHeight);
  pcb_fprintf (FP, "Grid[%.1mr %mr %mr %d]\n", PCB->Grid, PCB->GridOffsetX, PCB->GridOffsetY, Settings.DrawGrid);
  pcb_fprintf (FP, "Cursor[%mr %mr %s]\n",
               Crosshair.X, Crosshair.Y, c_dtostr (PCB->Zoom));
  /* PolyArea should be output in square cmils, no suffix */
  fprintf (FP, "PolyArea[%s]\n", c_dtostr (COORD_TO_MIL (COORD_TO_MIL (PCB->IsleArea) * 100) * 100));
  pcb_fprintf (FP, "Thermal[%s]\n", c_dtostr (PCB->ThermScale));
  pcb_fprintf (FP, "DRC[%mr %mr %mr %mr %mr %mr]\n", PCB->Bloat, PCB->Shrink,
	       PCB->minWid, PCB->minSlk, PCB->minDrill, PCB->minRing);
  fprintf (FP, "Flags(%s)\n", pcbflags_to_string(PCB->Flags));
  fprintf (FP, "Groups(\"%s\")\n", LayerGroupsToString (&PCB->LayerGroups));
  fputs ("Styles[\"", FP);
  for (group = 0; group < NUM_STYLES - 1; group++)
    pcb_fprintf (FP, "%s,%mr,%mr,%mr,%mr:", PCB->RouteStyle[group].Name,
	         PCB->RouteStyle[group].Hole, PCB->RouteStyle[group].Keepaway);
  pcb_fprintf (FP, "%s,%mr,%mr,%mr,%mr\"]\n\n", PCB->RouteStyle[group].Name,
	       PCB->RouteStyle[group].Hole, PCB->RouteStyle[group].Keepaway);
Пример #6
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * writes layer data
static void
WriteLayerData (FILE * FP, Cardinal Number, LayerType *layer)
  GList *n;
  /* write information about non empty layers */
  if (layer->LineN || layer->ArcN || layer->TextN || layer->PolygonN ||
      (layer->Name && *layer->Name))
      fprintf (FP, "Layer(%i ", (int) Number + 1);
      PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (layer->Name));
      fputs (")\n(\n", FP);
      WriteAttributeList (FP, &layer->Attributes, "\t");

      for (n = layer->Line; n != NULL; n = g_list_next (n))
	  LineType *line = n->data;
          pcb_fprintf (FP, "\tLine[%mr %mr %mr %mr %mr %mr %s]\n",
                       line->Point1.X, line->Point1.Y,
                       line->Point2.X, line->Point2.Y,
                       line->Thickness, line->Clearance,
                       F2S (line, LINE_TYPE));
      for (n = layer->Arc; n != NULL; n = g_list_next (n))
	  ArcType *arc = n->data;
          pcb_fprintf (FP, "\tArc[%mr %mr %mr %mr %mr %mr %ma %ma %s]\n",
                       arc->X, arc->Y, arc->Width,
                       arc->Height, arc->Thickness,
                       arc->Clearance, arc->StartAngle,
                       arc->Delta, F2S (arc, ARC_TYPE));
      for (n = layer->Text; n != NULL; n = g_list_next (n))
	  TextType *text = n->data;
          pcb_fprintf (FP, "\tText[%mr %mr %d %d ",
                       text->X, text->Y,
                       text->Direction, text->Scale);
	  PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (text->TextString));
	  fprintf (FP, " %s]\n", F2S (text, TEXT_TYPE));
      for (n = layer->Polygon; n != NULL; n = g_list_next (n))
	  PolygonType *polygon = n->data;
	  int p, i = 0;
	  Cardinal hole = 0;
	  fprintf (FP, "\tPolygon(%s)\n\t(", F2S (polygon, POLYGON_TYPE));
	  for (p = 0; p < polygon->PointN; p++)
	      PointType *point = &polygon->Points[p];

	      if (hole < polygon->HoleIndexN &&
		  p == polygon->HoleIndex[hole])
		  if (hole > 0)
		    fputs ("\n\t\t)", FP);
		  fputs ("\n\t\tHole (", FP);
		  i = 0;

	      if (i++ % 5 == 0)
		  fputs ("\n\t\t", FP);
		  if (hole)
		    fputs ("\t", FP);
              pcb_fprintf (FP, "[%mr %mr] ", point->X, point->Y);
	  if (hole > 0)
	    fputs ("\n\t\t)", FP);
	  fputs ("\n\t)\n", FP);
      fputs (")\n", FP);
Пример #7
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * writes element data
static void
WriteElementData (FILE * FP, DataType *Data)
  GList *n, *p;
  for (n = Data->Element; n != NULL; n = g_list_next (n))
      ElementType *element = n->data;

      /* only non empty elements */
      if (!element->LineN && !element->PinN && !element->ArcN
	  && !element->PadN)
      /* the coordinates and text-flags are the same for
       * both names of an element
      fprintf (FP, "\nElement[%s ", F2S (element, ELEMENT_TYPE));
      PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (DESCRIPTION_NAME (element)));
      fputc (' ', FP);
      PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (NAMEONPCB_NAME (element)));
      fputc (' ', FP);
      PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (VALUE_NAME (element)));
      pcb_fprintf (FP, " %mr %mr %mr %mr %d %d %s]\n(\n",
                   element->MarkX, element->MarkY,
                   DESCRIPTION_TEXT (element).X - element->MarkX,
                   DESCRIPTION_TEXT (element).Y - element->MarkY,
                   DESCRIPTION_TEXT (element).Direction,
                   DESCRIPTION_TEXT (element).Scale,
                   F2S (&(DESCRIPTION_TEXT (element)), ELEMENTNAME_TYPE));
      WriteAttributeList (FP, &element->Attributes, "\t");
      for (p = element->Pin; p != NULL; p = g_list_next (p))
	  PinType *pin = p->data;
          pcb_fprintf (FP, "\tPin[%mr %mr %mr %mr %mr %mr ",
                       pin->X - element->MarkX,
                       pin->Y - element->MarkY,
                       pin->Thickness, pin->Clearance,
                       pin->Mask, pin->DrillingHole);
	  PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (pin->Name));
	  fprintf (FP, " ");
	  PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (pin->Number));
	  fprintf (FP, " %s]\n", F2S (pin, PIN_TYPE));
      for (p = element->Pad; p != NULL; p = g_list_next (p))
	  PadType *pad = p->data;
          pcb_fprintf (FP, "\tPad[%mr %mr %mr %mr %mr %mr %mr ",
                       pad->Point1.X - element->MarkX,
                       pad->Point1.Y - element->MarkY,
                       pad->Point2.X - element->MarkX,
                       pad->Point2.Y - element->MarkY,
                       pad->Thickness, pad->Clearance, pad->Mask);
	  PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (pad->Name));
	  fprintf (FP, " ");
	  PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (pad->Number));
	  fprintf (FP, " %s]\n", F2S (pad, PAD_TYPE));
      for (p = element->Line; p != NULL; p = g_list_next (p))
	  LineType *line = p->data;
          pcb_fprintf (FP, "\tElementLine [%mr %mr %mr %mr %mr]\n",
                       line->Point1.X - element->MarkX,
                       line->Point1.Y - element->MarkY,
                       line->Point2.X - element->MarkX,
                       line->Point2.Y - element->MarkY,
      for (p = element->Arc; p != NULL; p = g_list_next (p))
	  ArcType *arc = p->data;
          pcb_fprintf (FP, "\tElementArc [%mr %mr %mr %mr %ma %ma %mr]\n",
                       arc->X - element->MarkX,
                       arc->Y - element->MarkY,
                       arc->Width, arc->Height,
                       arc->StartAngle, arc->Delta,
      fputs ("\n\t)\n", FP);
Пример #8
Файл: file.c Проект: thequux/pcb
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * writes layer data
static void
WriteLayerData (FILE * FP, Cardinal Number, LayerTypePtr layer)
  int n;
  /* write information about non empty layers */
  if (layer->LineN || layer->ArcN || layer->TextN || layer->PolygonN ||
      (layer->Name && *layer->Name))
      fprintf (FP, "Layer(%i ", (int) Number + 1);
      PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (layer->Name));
      fputs (")\n(\n", FP);
      WriteAttributeList (FP, &layer->Attributes, "\t");

      for (n = 0; n < layer->LineN; n++)
	  LineTypePtr line = &layer->Line[n];
	  fprintf (FP, "\tLine[%i %i %i %i %i %i %s]\n",
		   (int) line->Point1.X, (int) line->Point1.Y,
		   (int) line->Point2.X, (int) line->Point2.Y,
		   (int) line->Thickness, (int) line->Clearance,
		   F2S (line, LINE_TYPE));
      for (n = 0; n < layer->ArcN; n++)
	  ArcTypePtr arc = &layer->Arc[n];
	  fprintf (FP, "\tArc[%i %i %i %i %i %i %i %i %s]\n",
		   (int) arc->X, (int) arc->Y, (int) arc->Width,
		   (int) arc->Height, (int) arc->Thickness,
		   (int) arc->Clearance, (int) arc->StartAngle,
		   (int) arc->Delta, F2S (arc, ARC_TYPE));
      for (n = 0; n < layer->TextN; n++)
	  TextTypePtr text = &layer->Text[n];
	  fprintf (FP, "\tText[%i %i %i %i ",
		   (int) text->X, (int) text->Y,
		   (int) text->Direction, (int) text->Scale);
	  PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (text->TextString));
	  fprintf (FP, " %s]\n", F2S (text, TEXT_TYPE));
      for (n = 0; n < layer->PolygonN; n++)
	  PolygonTypePtr polygon = &layer->Polygon[n];
	  int p, i = 0;
	  Cardinal hole = 0;
	  fprintf (FP, "\tPolygon(%s)\n\t(", F2S (polygon, POLYGON_TYPE));
	  for (p = 0; p < polygon->PointN; p++)
	      PointTypePtr point = &polygon->Points[p];

	      if (hole < polygon->HoleIndexN &&
		  p == polygon->HoleIndex[hole])
		  if (hole > 0)
		    fputs ("\n\t\t)", FP);
		  fputs ("\n\t\tHole (", FP);
		  i = 0;

	      if (i++ % 5 == 0)
		  fputs ("\n\t\t", FP);
		  if (hole)
		    fputs ("\t", FP);
	      fprintf (FP, "[%i %i] ", (int) point->X, (int) point->Y);
	  if (hole > 0)
	    fputs ("\n\t\t)", FP);
	  fputs ("\n\t)\n", FP);
      fputs (")\n", FP);
Пример #9
Файл: file.c Проект: thequux/pcb
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * writes element data
static void
WriteElementData (FILE * FP, DataTypePtr Data)
  int n, p;
  for (n = 0; n < Data->ElementN; n++)
      ElementTypePtr element = &Data->Element[n];
      /* only non empty elements */
      if (!element->LineN && !element->PinN && !element->ArcN
	  && !element->PadN)
      /* the coordinates and text-flags are the same for
       * both names of an element
      fprintf (FP, "\nElement[%s ", F2S (element, ELEMENT_TYPE));
      PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (DESCRIPTION_NAME (element)));
      fputc (' ', FP);
      PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (NAMEONPCB_NAME (element)));
      fputc (' ', FP);
      PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (VALUE_NAME (element)));
      fprintf (FP, " %i %i %i %i %i %i %s]\n(\n",
	       (int) element->MarkX, (int) element->MarkY,
	       (int) (DESCRIPTION_TEXT (element).X -
	       (int) (DESCRIPTION_TEXT (element).Y -
	       (int) DESCRIPTION_TEXT (element).Direction,
	       (int) DESCRIPTION_TEXT (element).Scale,
      WriteAttributeList (FP, &element->Attributes, "\t");
      for (p = 0; p < element->PinN; p++)
	  PinTypePtr pin = &element->Pin[p];
	  fprintf (FP, "\tPin[%i %i %i %i %i %i ",
		   (int) (pin->X - element->MarkX),
		   (int) (pin->Y - element->MarkY),
		   (int) pin->Thickness, (int) pin->Clearance,
		   (int) pin->Mask, (int) pin->DrillingHole);
	  PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (pin->Name));
	  fprintf (FP, " ");
	  PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (pin->Number));
	  fprintf (FP, " %s]\n", F2S (pin, PIN_TYPE));
      for (p = 0; p < element->PadN; p++)
	  PadTypePtr pad = &element->Pad[p];
	  fprintf (FP, "\tPad[%i %i %i %i %i %i %i ",
		   (int) (pad->Point1.X - element->MarkX),
		   (int) (pad->Point1.Y - element->MarkY),
		   (int) (pad->Point2.X - element->MarkX),
		   (int) (pad->Point2.Y - element->MarkY),
		   (int) pad->Thickness, (int) pad->Clearance,
		   (int) pad->Mask);
	  PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (pad->Name));
	  fprintf (FP, " ");
	  PrintQuotedString (FP, (char *)EMPTY (pad->Number));
	  fprintf (FP, " %s]\n", F2S (pad, PAD_TYPE));
      for (p = 0; p < element->LineN; p++)
	  LineTypePtr line = &element->Line[p];
	  fprintf (FP,
		   "\tElementLine [%i %i %i %i %i]\n",
		   (int) (line->Point1.X -
		   (int) (line->Point1.Y -
		   (int) (line->Point2.X -
		   (int) (line->Point2.Y -
			  element->MarkY), (int) line->Thickness);
      for (p = 0; p < element->ArcN; p++)
	  ArcTypePtr arc = &element->Arc[p];
	  fprintf (FP,
		   "\tElementArc [%i %i %i %i %i %i %i]\n",
		   (int) (arc->X - element->MarkX),
		   (int) (arc->Y - element->MarkY),
		   (int) arc->Width, (int) arc->Height,
		   (int) arc->StartAngle, (int) arc->Delta,
		   (int) arc->Thickness);
      fputs ("\n\t)\n", FP);