Пример #1
/* unconditional discrete sampling. */
void rbn_discrete_root(SEXP result, int cur, SEXP cpt, int *num, int ordinal,
    SEXP fixed) {

int np = LENGTH(cpt), *gen = NULL, *workplace = NULL;
double *p = NULL;
SEXP generated, class, lvls;

  /* get the levels of the curent variable .*/
  lvls = VECTOR_ELT(getAttrib(cpt, R_DimNamesSymbol), 0);
  /* allocate the memory for the generated observations. */
  PROTECT(generated = allocVector(INTSXP, *num));
  gen = INTEGER(generated);

  if (fixed != R_NilValue) {

    int constant = INTEGER(match(lvls, fixed, 0))[0];

    for (int i = 0; i < *num; i++)
      gen[i] = constant;

  else {

    workplace = alloc1dcont(np);

    /* duplicate the probability table to save the original copy from tampering. */
    p = alloc1dreal(np);
    memcpy(p, REAL(cpt), np * sizeof(double));

    /* perform the random sampling. */
    ProbSampleReplace(np, p, workplace, *num, gen);


  /* set up all the attributes for the newly generated observations. */
  setAttrib(generated, R_LevelsSymbol, lvls);
  if (ordinal) {

    PROTECT(class = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));
    SET_STRING_ELT(class, 0, mkChar("ordered"));
    SET_STRING_ELT(class, 1, mkChar("factor"));

  else {
Пример #2
// modificato il prototipo per aumentare l'efficienza
VETTOREi *sample1(VETTOREi *ris, int n, int k, int replace, double *p)
    int *x;
    int i, nc = 0;

    CREAv_i(ris, k);
    // g_x mi serve comunque (e sempre di dim. n)
    // OTTIMIZZATA da me!
    CREAv_i(g_x, n); // cosi` non ho problemi nel caso sia troppo piccolo
    x = g_x->dati;
    if (p != NULL) {
        FixupProb(p, n, k, replace);
        if (replace) {
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                if (n * p[i] > 0.1)
            if (nc > 200)
                walker_ProbSampleReplace(n, p, x, k, ris->dati);
                ProbSampleReplace(n, p, x, k, ris->dati);
            ProbSampleNoReplace(n, p, x, k, ris->dati);
    else {
        /* avoid allocation for a single sample */
        if (replace || k < 2)
            SampleReplace(k, n, ris->dati);
        else { // ho gia` allocato g_x
            SampleNoReplace(k, n, ris->dati, x);
    return ris;