Пример #1
PsychError SCREENLoadCLUT(void) 
    int		i, screenNumber, numEntries, inM, inN, inP, start, bits;
    float 	*outRedTable, *outGreenTable, *outBlueTable, *inRedTable, *inGreenTable, *inBlueTable;
    double	 *inTable, *outTable, maxval;	
    psych_bool     isclutprovided;

    start = 0;
    bits = 8;

    //all subfunctions should have these two lines
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);


    // Read in the screen number:
    PsychCopyInScreenNumberArg(1, TRUE, &screenNumber);
    // Read in optional start index:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(3, FALSE, &start);
    if (start<0 || start>255) {
      PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Argument startEntry must be between zero and 255.");

    // Read in optional bits argument:
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(4, FALSE, &bits);
    if (bits<1 || bits>16) {
      PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Argument 'bits' must be between 1 and 16.");

    // Compute allowable maxval:
    maxval=(double) ((1 << bits) - 1);

    // First read the existing gamma table so we can return it.  
    PsychReadNormalizedGammaTable(screenNumber, &numEntries, &outRedTable, &outGreenTable, &outBlueTable);

    // Load and sanity check the input matrix, and convert from float to doubles:
    isclutprovided = PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(2, FALSE, &inM,  &inN, &inP, &inTable);

    if (isclutprovided) {
      if((inM > 256 - start) || (inM < 1) || (inN != 3) || (inP != 1))
        PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The provided CLUT table must have a size between 1 and (256 - startEntry) rows and 3 columns.");
      inRedTable=PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(float) * 256);
      inGreenTable=PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(float) * 256);
      inBlueTable=PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(float) * 256);

      // Copy the table into the new inTable array:
      for(i=0; i<numEntries; i++) {
	inRedTable[i] = outRedTable[i];
	inGreenTable[i] = outGreenTable[i];
	inBlueTable[i] = outBlueTable[i];

    // Allocate output array:
    PsychAllocOutDoubleMatArg(1, FALSE, numEntries, 3, 0, &outTable);

    // Copy read table into output array, scale it by maxval to map range 0.0-1.0 to 0-maxval:
      outTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(numEntries, 3, 0, i, 0, 0)]=(double) outRedTable[i] * maxval;
      outTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(numEntries, 3, 0, i, 1, 0)]=(double) outGreenTable[i] * maxval;
      outTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(numEntries, 3, 0, i, 2, 0)]=(double) outBlueTable[i] * maxval;

    if (isclutprovided) {
      // Now we can overwrite entries 'start' to start+inM of inTable with the user provided table values. We
      // need to scale the users values down from 0-maxval to 0.0-1.0:
      for(i=start; (i<256) && (i-start < inM); i++){
	inRedTable[i]   = (float) (inTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(inM, 3, 0, i-start, 0, 0)] / maxval);
	inGreenTable[i] = (float) (inTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(inM, 3, 0, i-start, 1, 0)] / maxval);
	inBlueTable[i]  = (float) (inTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(inM, 3, 0, i-start, 2, 0)] / maxval);
	// Range check:
	if(inRedTable[i]>1 || inRedTable[i]< 0 || inGreenTable[i] > 1 || inGreenTable[i] < 0 || inBlueTable[i] >1 || inBlueTable[i] < 0) {
	  printf("PTB-ERROR: At least one of the CLUT values in row %i is outside the valid range of 0 to %i!\n", i-start+1, ((1 << bits) - 1));
	  PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Tried to set a CLUT with invalid entries.");
      // Now set the new gamma table
      PsychLoadNormalizedGammaTable(screenNumber, numEntries, inRedTable, inGreenTable, inBlueTable);

PsychError SCREENLoadNormalizedGammaTable(void) 
    int i, screenNumber, numEntries, inM, inN, inP, loadOnNextFlip, physicalDisplay, outputId;
    float *outRedTable, *outGreenTable, *outBlueTable, *inRedTable, *inGreenTable, *inBlueTable;
    double *inTable, *outTable;	
    PsychWindowRecordType *windowRecord;

    //all subfunctions should have these two lines
    PsychPushHelp(useString, synopsisString, seeAlsoString);


    // Get optional physicalDisplay argument - It defaults to zero on OS/X, -1 on Linux:
    physicalDisplay = -1;
    PsychCopyInIntegerArg(4, FALSE, &physicalDisplay);

    // Read in the screen number:
    // On OS/X we also accept screen indices for physical displays (as opposed to active dispays).
    // This only makes a difference in mirror-mode, where there is only 1 active display, but that
    // corresponds to two physical displays which can have different gamma setting requirements:
    if ((PSYCH_SYSTEM == PSYCH_OSX) && (physicalDisplay > 0)) {
        PsychCopyInIntegerArg(1, TRUE, &screenNumber);
        if (screenNumber < 1) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "A 'screenNumber' that is smaller than one provided, although 'physicalDisplay' flag set. This is not allowed!");

	// Invert screenNumber as a sign its a physical display, not an active display:
	screenNumber = -1 * screenNumber;
    else {
        PsychCopyInScreenNumberArg(1, TRUE, &screenNumber);

    if ((PSYCH_SYSTEM == PSYCH_LINUX) && (physicalDisplay > -1)) {
	// Affect one specific display output for given screen:
	outputId = physicalDisplay;
    else {
	// Other OS'es, and Linux with default setting: Affect all outputs
	// for a screen.
	outputId = -1;

    // Load and sanity check the input matrix:
    inM = -1; inN = -1; inP = -1;
    if (!PsychAllocInDoubleMatArg(2, FALSE, &inM,  &inN, &inP, &inTable)) {
        // Special case: Allow passing in an empty gamma table argument. This
        // triggers auto-load of identity LUT and setup of GPU for identity passthrough:
        inM = 0; inN = 3; inP = 1;

    // Sanity check dimensions:
    if((inN != 3) || (inP != 1)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The gamma table must have 3 columns (Red, Green, Blue).");
    // Identity passthrouh setup requested?
    if (inM == 0) {
        // Yes. Try to enable it, return its status code:
        PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, TRUE, &windowRecord);
        i = PsychSetGPUIdentityPassthrough(windowRecord, screenNumber, TRUE);
        PsychCopyOutDoubleArg(1, FALSE, (double) i);
        // Done.

		// OS-X and Linux allow tables with other than 256 slots:
		// OS/X either passes them to hw if in native size, or performs
		// software interpolation to convert it into native size. We allow any table size with 1 - x slots.
		// A table size of 1 row will have a special meaning. It interprets the 1 row of the table as gamma formula
		// min, max, gamma and lets the OS compute a corresponding gamma correction table.
		// A table size of zero rows will trigger an internal upload of an identity table via byte transfer.
		// On Linux we need to interpolate ourselves on non-matching table sizes.
		// Windows requires 256 slots:
		if((inM != 256) && (inM != 0)) {
			PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "The gamma table must have 256 rows.");
	 // Copy in optional loadOnNextFlip - flag. It defaults to zero. If provided
	 // with a non-zero value, we will defer actual update of the gamma table to
	 // the next bufferswap as initiated via Screen('Flip').
	 loadOnNextFlip = 0;
	 PsychCopyInIntegerArg(3, FALSE, &loadOnNextFlip);

	 if (loadOnNextFlip>0) {
		 if ((PSYCH_SYSTEM == PSYCH_OSX) && (physicalDisplay > 0)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Non-zero 'loadOnNextFlip' flag not allowed if 'physicalDisplays' flag is non-zero!");
		 if ((PSYCH_SYSTEM == PSYCH_LINUX) && (physicalDisplay > -1)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Non-zero 'loadOnNextFlip' flag not allowed if 'physicalDisplays' setting is positive!");

		 // Allocate tables in associated windowRecord: We will update during next
		 // Flip operation for specified windowRecord.
		 PsychAllocInWindowRecordArg(1, TRUE, &windowRecord);
		 // Sanity checks:
		 if (!PsychIsOnscreenWindow(windowRecord)) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Target window for gamma table upload is not an onscreen window!");
		 if (windowRecord->inRedTable && loadOnNextFlip!=2) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "This window has already a new gamma table assigned for upload on next Flip!");
		 if (windowRecord->inRedTable && windowRecord->inTableSize != inM) {
			free(windowRecord->inRedTable); windowRecord->inRedTable = NULL;
			free(windowRecord->inGreenTable); windowRecord->inGreenTable = NULL;
			free(windowRecord->inBlueTable); windowRecord->inBlueTable = NULL;
		 if (windowRecord->inRedTable == NULL) {
			 // Allocate persistent memory:
			 inRedTable=malloc(sizeof(float) * inM);
			 inGreenTable=malloc(sizeof(float) * inM);
			 inBlueTable=malloc(sizeof(float) * inM);
			 // Assign the pointers to the windowRecord:
			 windowRecord->inRedTable = inRedTable;
			 windowRecord->inGreenTable = inGreenTable;
			 windowRecord->inBlueTable = inBlueTable;
			 windowRecord->inTableSize = inM;
		 else {
			inRedTable = windowRecord->inRedTable;
			inGreenTable = windowRecord->inGreenTable;
			inBlueTable = windowRecord->inBlueTable;
		 windowRecord->loadGammaTableOnNextFlip = (loadOnNextFlip == 1) ? 1 : 0;
	 else {
		 // Allocate temporary tables: We will update immediately.
		 inRedTable=PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(float) * inM);
		 inGreenTable=PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(float) * inM);
		 inBlueTable=PsychMallocTemp(sizeof(float) * inM);
        inRedTable[i]=(float)inTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(inM, 3, 0, i, 0, 0)];
        inGreenTable[i]=(float)inTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(inM, 3, 0, i, 1, 0)];
        inBlueTable[i]=(float)inTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(inM, 3, 0, i, 2, 0)];

        if(inRedTable[i]>1 || inRedTable[i]< 0 || inGreenTable[i] > 1 || inGreenTable[i] < 0 || inBlueTable[i] >1 || inBlueTable[i] < 0)
            PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Gamma Table Values must be in interval 0 =< x =< 1");

    if (loadOnNextFlip < 2) {
        //first read the existing gamma table so we can return it.  
        PsychReadNormalizedGammaTable(screenNumber, outputId, &numEntries, &outRedTable, &outGreenTable, &outBlueTable);
        PsychAllocOutDoubleMatArg(1, FALSE, numEntries, 3, 0, &outTable);
            outTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(numEntries, 3, 0, i, 0, 0)]=(double)outRedTable[i];
            outTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(numEntries, 3, 0, i, 1, 0)]=(double)outGreenTable[i];
            outTable[PsychIndexElementFrom3DArray(numEntries, 3, 0, i, 2, 0)]=(double)outBlueTable[i];
    //Now set the new gamma table
    if (loadOnNextFlip == 0) PsychLoadNormalizedGammaTable(screenNumber, outputId, inM, inRedTable, inGreenTable, inBlueTable);
