Пример #1
void shmalloc_(memindex *index, shminfo *base, const int *n, const int *size)
  base->id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, (*n + 1)**size - 1, IPC_CREAT | 0600);
  assert(base->id != -1);
  base->addr = shmat(base->id, NULL, 0);
  assert(base->addr != (void *)-1);
  *index = PtrDiff(base->addr + *size - 1, base)/(long)*size;
Пример #2
Файл: cache.c Проект: qgp/HERWIG
Integer cachelookup(const Real *para, double *base,
  void (*calc)(const Real *, Real *, const long *),
  const int *pnpara, const int *pnval)

  const long one = 1;
  const Integer C_size = sizeof(Complex);
  const int npara = *pnpara, nval = *pnval;

  typedef struct node {
    struct node *next[2], *succ;
    int serial;
    Real para[2];
  } Node;

#define base_valid (int *)&base[0]
#define base_last (Node ***)&base[1]
#define base_first (Node **)&base[2]

  const int valid = *base_valid;
  Node **last = *base_last;
  Node **next = base_first;
  Node *node;

  if( last == NULL ) last = next;

  if( ltcache.cmpbits > 0 ) {
    dblint mask = -(1ULL << IDim(64 - ltcache.cmpbits));
#if KIND == 2
    dblint (*cmp)(const Real *, const Real *, int, const dblint) = CmpPara;
    if( ltcache.cmpbits >= 64 ) {
      mask = -(1ULL << IDim(128 - ltcache.cmpbits));
      cmp = CmpParaLo;
#define cmp CmpPara

    while( (node = *next) && node->serial < valid ) {
      const dblint i = cmp(para, node->para, npara, mask);
      if( i == 0 ) {
        goto found;
      next = &node->next[SignBit(i)];

  node = *last;

  if( node == NULL ) {
	/* The "Real para[2]" bit in Node is effectively an extra
	   Complex for alignment so that node can be reached with
	   an integer index into base */
    node = malloc(sizeof(Node) + npara*sizeof(Real) + nval*sizeof(Complex));
    if( node == NULL ) {
      fputs("Out of memory for LoopTools cache.\n", stderr);
    node = (Node *)((char *)node +
      (PtrDiff(base, &node->para[npara]) & (sizeof(Complex) - 1)));
    node->succ = NULL;
    node->serial = valid;
    *last = node;

  *next = node;
  *base_last = &node->succ;
  *base_valid = valid + 1;

  node->next[0] = NULL;
  node->next[1] = NULL;

  memcpy(node->para, para, npara*sizeof(Real));
  calc(node->para, &node->para[npara], &one);

  return PtrDiff(&node->para[npara], base)/C_size;