Пример #1
// Use the specified storage object to find a print file and return an
// appropriate PrintData instance, placing the print data in the specified
// dataParentDirectory. The print data is renamed to or placed in a directory
// named according to specified newName.
PrintData* PrintData::CreateFromNewData(const PrintFileStorage& storage,
        const std::string& dataParentDirectory, const std::string& newName)
    // avoid naming collisions by clearing the specified data parent directory

    // create a destination path for the print data
    // for a tar.gz, the archive is extracted into a directory at this path
    // for a zip, the archive is renamed to this path
    std::string printDataDestination = dataParentDirectory + "/" + newName;

    if (storage.HasTarGz())
        // make a directory to extract to
        mkdir(printDataDestination.c_str(), 0755);
        // extract the archive
        bool extractSuccessful = TarGzFile::Extract(storage.GetFilePath(),

        // remove the print file regardless of extraction success

        if (!extractSuccessful)
            // cleanup if extract failed
            return NULL;
        return new PrintDataDirectory(printDataDestination);
    else if (storage.HasZip())
        // move the zip file to the specified parent directory
        rename(storage.GetFilePath().c_str(), printDataDestination.c_str());
            return new PrintDataZip(printDataDestination);
        catch (const zppError& e)
            // not a valid zip file
            // remove unusable file
            return NULL;
        // did not find a recognized file
        return NULL;
Пример #2
 * vislib::sys::Path::DeleteDirectory
void vislib::sys::Path::DeleteDirectory(const StringA& path, bool recursive) {
    if (!File::Exists(path)) return; // we don't delete non-existing stuff
    StringA fullPath = Resolve(path);
    if (!fullPath.EndsWith(SEPARATOR_A)) fullPath += SEPARATOR_A;

    if (recursive) {
        // remove files and directory
        PurgeDirectory(fullPath, true);

#ifdef _WIN32
    if (RemoveDirectoryA(fullPath) == 0) {
#else /* _WIN32 */
    if (rmdir(fullPath) != 0) {
#endif /* _WIN32 */
        throw vislib::sys::SystemException(__FILE__, __LINE__);


 * vislib::sys::Path::DeleteDirectory
void vislib::sys::Path::DeleteDirectory(const StringW& path, bool recursive) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    if (!File::Exists(path)) return; // we don't delete non-existing stuff
    StringW fullPath = Resolve(path);
    if (!fullPath.EndsWith(SEPARATOR_W)) fullPath += SEPARATOR_W;

    if (recursive) {
        // remove files and directory
        PurgeDirectory(fullPath, true);

    if (RemoveDirectoryW(fullPath) == 0) {
        throw vislib::sys::SystemException(__FILE__, __LINE__);

#else /* _WIN32 */
    // linux is stupid
    DeleteDirectory(W2A(path), recursive);

#endif /* _WIN32 */

 * vislib::sys::Path::FindExecutablePath
vislib::StringA vislib::sys::Path::FindExecutablePath(
        const vislib::StringA& filename) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    bool found = false;
    DWORD bufSize = MAX_PATH;
    char *buffer = new char[bufSize];

    // first try: "SearchPath"
    DWORD rv = ::SearchPathA(NULL, filename.PeekBuffer(), NULL, bufSize,
        buffer, NULL);
    if (rv > 0) {
        found = true;
        if (rv + 1 > bufSize) {
            bufSize = rv + 1;
            delete[] buffer;
            buffer = new char[bufSize];
            rv = ::SearchPathA(NULL, filename.PeekBuffer(), NULL, bufSize,
                buffer, NULL);
            if (rv == 0) { // failed
                found = false;

    if (!found) {
        // second try: "AssocQueryString"
        // NOTE:
        //  AssocQueryString does not work as specified! It is not possible to ask
        // for the size of the string buffer holding the value returned. Therefore
        // this implementation increases the buffersize until the returned strings
        // no longer grow.
        DWORD bufLen = MAX_PATH;
        HRESULT hr;
        bufSize = MAX_PATH;
        do {
                filename.PeekBuffer(), NULL, buffer, &bufSize);
            if ((hr != E_POINTER) && (hr != S_OK)) { // error
            if (bufSize == bufLen) {
                bufLen += MAX_PATH;
                bufSize = bufLen;
                delete[] buffer;
                buffer = new char[bufSize];
            } else {
                found = true;
        } while (bufSize == bufLen);

    if (found) {
        vislib::StringA retval(buffer);
        delete[] buffer;
        return retval;
    } else {
        return "";
#else /* _WIN32 */

    // Note:
    //  Do not use "Console::Run" or "Process" methods because they might use
    // this method to determine the full path of their binaries. So we avoid
    // calling cycles by just using "popen" directly
    vislib::StringA cmd("which ");
    vislib::StringA ret;
    cmd += filename;
    cmd += " 2> /dev/null";
    const int bufferSize = 1024;
    char buffer[bufferSize];
    FILE *which = ::popen(cmd.PeekBuffer(), "r");
    if (which == NULL) {
        return "";
    while (!::feof(which)) {
        ret += fgets(buffer, bufferSize, which);

    vislib::StringA::Size end = ret.Find('\n');
    if (end != vislib::StringA::INVALID_POS) {
    if (ret.EndsWith(filename)) {
        return ret;
    } else {
        return "";

#endif /* _WIN32 */
// Remove the print data and the directory containing it
bool PrintDataDirectory::Remove()
    return PurgeDirectory(_directoryPath) && 
           (rmdir(_directoryPath.c_str()) == 0);
Пример #4
// Constructor.
Settings::Settings(const std::string& path) :
    // The default values of all settings are defined here.
    // Printer settings are common to all prints.
    // Z_MICRONS_PER_REV == 2000 (2 mm lead screw pitch at 1:1  gear ratio)
    // R_MILLIDEGREES_PER_REV == 180000 (2:1 gear ratio for rotation)
    std::ostringstream printerSettings;
    printerSettings <<
            "\"" << DOWNLOAD_DIR           << "\":\"" << ROOT_DIR << "/download\"," <<
            "\"" << STAGING_DIR            << "\":\"" << ROOT_DIR << "/staging\"," <<
            "\"" << PRINT_DATA_DIR         << "\":\"" << ROOT_DIR << "/print_data\"," <<
            "\"" << HARDWARE_REV           << "\": 1," <<
            "\"" << LAYER_OVERHEAD         << "\": 0.660," <<
            "\"" << MAX_TEMPERATURE        << "\": 80.0," <<
            "\"" << INSPECTION_HEIGHT      << "\": 60000," <<
            "\"" << MAX_Z_TRAVEL           << "\": 160000," <<
            "\"" << DETECT_JAMS            << "\": 1," <<
            "\"" << MAX_UNJAM_TRIES        << "\": 5," <<
            "\"" << MOTOR_TIMEOUT_FACTOR   << "\": 1.1," <<
            "\"" << MIN_MOTOR_TIMEOUT_SEC  << "\": 15.0," <<
            "\"" << PROJECTOR_LED_CURRENT  << "\": -1," <<
            "\"" << MICRO_STEPS_MODE       << "\": 6," <<
            "\"" << Z_STEP_ANGLE           << "\": 1800," <<
            "\"" << Z_MICRONS_PER_REV      << "\": 2000," <<
            "\"" << R_STEP_ANGLE           << "\": 1800," <<
            "\"" << R_MILLIDEGREES_PER_REV << "\": 180000," <<
            "\"" << Z_HOMING_JERK          << "\": 500000," <<
            "\"" << Z_HOMING_SPEED         << "\": 4500," <<
            "\"" << R_HOMING_JERK          << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << R_HOMING_SPEED         << "\": 5," <<
            "\"" << R_HOMING_ANGLE         << "\": -60000," <<
            "\"" << Z_START_PRINT_JERK     << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << Z_START_PRINT_SPEED    << "\": 4500," <<
            "\"" << Z_START_PRINT_POSITION << "\": -165000," <<
            "\"" << R_START_PRINT_JERK     << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << R_START_PRINT_SPEED    << "\": 5," <<
            "\"" << R_START_PRINT_ANGLE    << "\": 60000," <<
            "\"" << FRONT_PANEL_AWAKE_TIME << "\": 30," <<
            "\"" << IMAGE_SCALE_FACTOR     << "\": 1.0," <<
            "\"" << USB_DRIVE_DATA_DIR     << "\": \"/EmberUSB\"," << 
            "\"" << FW_VERSION             << "\": \"\""; 

    // Print settings are specific to a print, rather than the printer as a whole
    std::ostringstream printSpecificSettings;
    printSpecificSettings <<
            "\"" << JOB_NAME_SETTING       << "\": \"\"," <<
            "\"" << USER_NAME_SETTING      << "\": \"\"," <<
            "\"" << JOB_ID_SETTING         << "\": \"\"," <<
            "\"" << PRINT_FILE_SETTING     << "\": \"\"," <<
            "\"" << LAYER_THICKNESS        << "\": 25," <<
            "\"" << FIRST_EXPOSURE         << "\": 5.0," <<
            "\"" << BURN_IN_LAYERS         << "\": 1," <<
            "\"" << BURN_IN_EXPOSURE       << "\": 4.0," <<
            "\"" << MODEL_EXPOSURE         << "\": 2.5," <<
            "\"" << HOME_ON_APPROACH       << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << FL_SEPARATION_R_JERK   << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << FL_SEPARATION_R_SPEED  << "\": 6," <<
            "\"" << FL_APPROACH_R_JERK     << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << FL_APPROACH_R_SPEED    << "\": 6," <<
            "\"" << FL_Z_LIFT              << "\": 2000," <<
            "\"" << FL_SEPARATION_Z_JERK   << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << FL_SEPARATION_Z_SPEED  << "\": 4500," <<
            "\"" << FL_APPROACH_Z_JERK     << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << FL_APPROACH_Z_SPEED    << "\": 4500," <<
            "\"" << FL_ROTATION            << "\": 60000," <<
            "\"" << FL_EXPOSURE_WAIT       << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << FL_SEPARATION_WAIT     << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << FL_APPROACH_WAIT       << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << FL_PRESS               << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << FL_PRESS_SPEED         << "\": 4500," <<
            "\"" << FL_PRESS_WAIT          << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << FL_UNPRESS_SPEED       << "\": 4500," <<
            "\"" << BI_SEPARATION_R_JERK   << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << BI_SEPARATION_R_SPEED  << "\": 11," <<
            "\"" << BI_APPROACH_R_JERK     << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << BI_APPROACH_R_SPEED    << "\": 11," <<
            "\"" << BI_Z_LIFT              << "\": 2000," <<
            "\"" << BI_SEPARATION_Z_JERK   << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << BI_SEPARATION_Z_SPEED  << "\": 4500," <<
            "\"" << BI_APPROACH_Z_JERK     << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << BI_APPROACH_Z_SPEED    << "\": 4500," <<
            "\"" << BI_ROTATION            << "\": 60000," <<
            "\"" << BI_EXPOSURE_WAIT       << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << BI_SEPARATION_WAIT     << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << BI_APPROACH_WAIT       << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << BI_PRESS               << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << BI_PRESS_SPEED         << "\": 4500," <<
            "\"" << BI_PRESS_WAIT          << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << BI_UNPRESS_SPEED       << "\": 4500," <<
            "\"" << ML_SEPARATION_R_JERK   << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << ML_SEPARATION_R_SPEED  << "\": 12," <<
            "\"" << ML_APPROACH_R_JERK     << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << ML_APPROACH_R_SPEED    << "\": 12," <<
            "\"" << ML_Z_LIFT              << "\": 2000," <<
            "\"" << ML_SEPARATION_Z_JERK   << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << ML_SEPARATION_Z_SPEED  << "\": 4500," <<
            "\"" << ML_APPROACH_Z_JERK     << "\": 100000," <<
            "\"" << ML_APPROACH_Z_SPEED    << "\": 4500," <<
            "\"" << ML_ROTATION            << "\": 60000," <<
            "\"" << ML_EXPOSURE_WAIT       << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << ML_SEPARATION_WAIT     << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << ML_APPROACH_WAIT       << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << ML_PRESS               << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << ML_PRESS_SPEED         << "\": 4500," <<
            "\"" << ML_PRESS_WAIT          << "\": 0," <<
            "\"" << ML_UNPRESS_SPEED       << "\": 4500";

    std::ostringstream JSONPrefix;
    JSONPrefix << "{\"" << SETTINGS_ROOT_KEY << "\":{";

    // define the default value for each of the settings
    std::ostringstream defaultJSON;
    defaultJSON << JSONPrefix.str() << printerSettings.str() << "," <<
            printSpecificSettings.str() << "}}";
    _defaultJSON = defaultJSON.str();

    // create a JSON string containing the default print specific settings
    std::ostringstream defaultPrintSpecificJSON;
    defaultPrintSpecificJSON << JSONPrefix.str() << printSpecificSettings.str()
            << "}}";
    _defaultPrintSpecificJSON = defaultPrintSpecificJSON.str();
    // create the set of valid setting names
    Document doc;
    const Value& root = doc[SETTINGS_ROOT_KEY];
    for (Value::ConstMemberIterator itr = root.MemberBegin(); 
                                    itr != root.MemberEnd(); ++itr)

    // Make sure the parent directory of the settings file exists

    if (!Load(path, true))
        // clear any print data, since it probably doesn't use default settings,
        // but don't call any code that uses Settings!