Пример #1
PyResult Command_fit(Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args )
	if( args.argCount() < 2 ) {
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /fit [typeID] ") );
	uint32 typeID = 0;

	if( args.argCount() == 3)
		if( !args.isNumber( 2 ) )
			throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 must be type ID." ) );
		typeID = atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() );
	else if( args.argCount() == 2 )
		if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) )
			throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 must be type ID." ) );
		typeID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() );

	uint32 qty = 1;

	_log( COMMAND__MESSAGE, "Create %s %u times", typeID, qty );

	EVEItemFlags flag;
	uint32 powerSlot;
	uint32 useableSlot;
	std::string affectName = "online";

    if( typeID == 0 )
        throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to create item of type %u.", typeID ) );
        return new PyString( "Creation FAILED." );
    	//Get Range of slots for item
	    InventoryDB::GetModulePowerSlotByTypeID( typeID, powerSlot );

	    //Get open slots available on ship
	    InventoryDB::GetOpenPowerSlots(powerSlot, who->GetShip(), useableSlot);			
	    ItemData idata(
		    0, //temp location
		    flag = (EVEItemFlags)useableSlot,

	    InventoryItemRef i = services->item_factory.SpawnItem( idata );
	    if( !i )
		    throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to create item of type %u.", typeID ) );

	    who->MoveItem( i->itemID(), who->GetShipID(), flag );

	    return new PyString( "Creation successful." );
Пример #2
PyResult Command_giveskill( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args )

	uint32 typeID;
	uint8 level;
	CharacterRef character;
	EVEItemFlags flag;
	uint32 gty = 1;
	//uint8 oldSkillLevel = 0;
    EvilNumber oldSkillLevel(0);
	uint32 ownerID = 0;

	if( args.argCount() == 4 )
		if( args.isNumber( 1 ) )
			ownerID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() );
			character = services->entity_list.FindCharacter( ownerID )->GetChar();
		else if( args.arg( 1 ) == "me" )
			ownerID = who->GetCharacterID();
			character = who->GetChar();
		else if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) )
			const char *name = args.arg( 1 ).c_str();
			Client *target = services->entity_list.FindCharacter( name );
			if(target == NULL)
				throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Cannot find Character by the name of %s", name ) );
			ownerID = target->GetCharacterID();
			throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 must be Character ID or Character Name ") );

		if( !args.isNumber( 2 ) )
			throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 2 must be type ID." ) );
		typeID = atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() );
		if( !args.isNumber( 3 ) )
			throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 3 must be level" ) );
		level = atoi( args.arg( 3 ).c_str() );
		//levels don't go higher than 5
		if( level > 5 )
			level = 5;
	} else
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /giveskill [Character Name or ID] [skillID] [desired level]") );

    SkillRef skill;

	if(character->HasSkill( typeID ) )
        // Character already has this skill, so let's get the current level and check to see
        // if we need to update its level to what's required:
		SkillRef oldSkill = character->GetSkill( typeID );
        oldSkillLevel = oldSkill->GetAttribute( AttrSkillLevel );

        // Now check the current level to the required level and update it 
        if( oldSkillLevel < level )
            character->InjectSkillIntoBrain( oldSkill, level);
            return new PyString ( "Gifting skills complete" );
        // Character DOES NOT have this skill, so spawn a new one and then add this
        // to the character with required level and skill points:
	    ItemData idata(
		    0, //temp location
		    flag = (EVEItemFlags)flagSkill,

	    InventoryItemRef item = services->item_factory.SpawnItem( idata );
	    skill = SkillRef::StaticCast( item );

	    if( !item )
		    throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to create item of type %s.", item->typeID() ) );

        character->InjectSkillIntoBrain( skill, level);
		return new PyString ( "Gifting skills complete" );

	return new PyString ("Skill Gifting Failure");
Пример #3
PyResult Command_spawnn( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args )
    uint32 typeID = 0;
    uint32 actualTypeID = 0;
    std::string actualTypeName = "";
    uint32 actualGroupID = 0;
    uint32 actualCategoryID = 0;
    double actualRadius = 0.0;
    InventoryItemRef item;
    ShipRef ship;
    // "/spawnn" arguments:
    // #1 = quantity ?
    // #2 = some double value ?
    // #3 = typeID

	if( (args.argCount() < 4) || (args.argCount() > 4) )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError("LOL, we don't know the correct usage of /spawnn, sorry you're S.O.L., BUT it should have 4 arguments.") );

    // Since we don't know what args 1 and 2 are, we don't care about them right now...

	if( !(args.isNumber( 3 )) )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 3 should be an item type ID" ) );

    typeID = atoi( args.arg( 3 ).c_str() );

	if( !who->IsInSpace() )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "You must be in space to spawn things." ) );

    // Search for item type using typeID:
    if( !(db->ItemSearch(typeID, actualTypeID, actualTypeName, actualGroupID, actualCategoryID, actualRadius) ) )
        return new PyString( "Unknown typeID or typeName returned no matches." );

	GPoint loc( who->GetPosition() );
    // Calculate a random coordinate on the sphere centered on the player's position with
    // a radius equal to the radius of the ship/celestial being spawned times 10 for really good measure of separation:
    double radius = (actualRadius * 5.0) * (double)(MakeRandomInt( 1, 3));     // Scale the distance from player that the object will spawn to between 10x and 15x the object's radius
    loc.MakeRandomPointOnSphere( radius );

    // Spawn the item:
	ItemData idata(
		1, // owner is EVE System

    item = services->item_factory.SpawnItem( idata );
	if( !item )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to spawn item of type %u.", typeID ) );

    DBSystemDynamicEntity entity;

    entity.allianceID = 0;
    entity.categoryID = actualCategoryID;
    entity.corporationID = 0;
    entity.flag = 0;
    entity.groupID = actualGroupID;
    entity.itemID = item->itemID();
    entity.itemName = actualTypeName;
    entity.locationID = who->GetLocationID();
    entity.ownerID = 1;
    entity.typeID = actualTypeID;
    entity.x = loc.x;
    entity.y = loc.y;
    entity.z = loc.z;

    // Actually do the spawn using SystemManager's BuildEntity:
    if( !(who->System()->BuildDynamicEntity( who, entity )) )
        return new PyString( "Spawn Failed: typeID or typeName not supported." );

    sLog.Log( "Command", "%s: Spawned %u.", who->GetName(), typeID );

	return new PyString( "Spawn successful." );
Пример #4
PyResult Command_spawn( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args )
    uint32 typeID = 0;
    uint32 actualTypeID = 0;
    std::string actualTypeName = "";
    uint32 actualGroupID = 0;
    uint32 actualCategoryID = 0;
    double actualRadius = 0.0;
    InventoryItemRef item;
    ShipRef ship;
    double radius;
    bool offsetLocationSet = false;
	if( args.argCount() < 2 ) {
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /spawn [typeID(int)/typeName(string)]  with optional X Y Z coordinate as in /spawn [typeID(int/typeName(string)] [x(float)] [y(float)] [z(float)]") );
	if( !(args.isNumber( 1 )) )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be an item type ID" ) );

    typeID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() );

	if( !who->IsInSpace() )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "You must be in space to spawn things." ) );

    // Search for item type using typeID:
    if( !(db->ItemSearch(typeID, actualTypeID, actualTypeName, actualGroupID, actualCategoryID, actualRadius) ) )
        return new PyString( "Unknown typeID or typeName returned no matches." );

    // Check to see if the X Y Z optional coordinates were supplied with the command:
    GPoint offsetLocation;
    if( args.argCount() > 2 )
        if( !(args.isNumber(2)) )
            throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 2 should be the X distance from your ship in meters you want the item spawned" ) );
        if( !(args.isNumber(3)) )
            throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 3 should be the Y distance from your ship in meters you want the item spawned" ) );
        if( !(args.isNumber(4)) )
            throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 4 should be the Z distance from your ship in meters you want the item spawned" ) );

        offsetLocation.x = atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() );
        offsetLocation.y = atoi( args.arg( 3 ).c_str() );
        offsetLocation.z = atoi( args.arg( 4 ).c_str() );
        offsetLocationSet = true;

	GPoint loc( who->GetPosition() );

    if( offsetLocationSet )
        // An X, Y, Z coordinate offset was specified along with the command, so use this to calculate
        // the final cooridnate of the newly spawned item:
        loc.x += offsetLocation.x;
        loc.y += offsetLocation.y;
        loc.z += offsetLocation.z;
        // Calculate a random coordinate on the sphere centered on the player's position with
        // a radius equal to the radius of the ship/celestial being spawned times 10 for really good measure of separation:
        radius = (actualRadius * 5.0) * (double)(MakeRandomInt( 1, 3));     // Scale the distance from player that the object will spawn to between 10x and 15x the object's radius
        loc.MakeRandomPointOnSphere( radius );

    // Spawn the item:
	ItemData idata(
		1, // owner is EVE System

    item = services->item_factory.SpawnItem( idata );
	if( !item )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to spawn item of type %u.", typeID ) );

    DBSystemDynamicEntity entity;

    entity.allianceID = 0;
    entity.categoryID = actualCategoryID;
    entity.corporationID = 0;
    entity.flag = 0;
    entity.groupID = actualGroupID;
    entity.itemID = item->itemID();
    entity.itemName = actualTypeName;
    entity.locationID = who->GetLocationID();
    entity.ownerID = 1;
    entity.typeID = actualTypeID;
    entity.x = loc.x;
    entity.y = loc.y;
    entity.z = loc.z;

    // Actually do the spawn using SystemManager's BuildEntity:
    if( !(who->System()->BuildDynamicEntity( who, entity )) )
        return new PyString( "Spawn Failed: typeID or typeName not supported." );

    // TEST FOR FUN:  If this is a drone, make its destiny manager orbit the ship that spawned it like a little lost puppy...
    if( item->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Drone )
        ((DroneEntity *)(who->System()->get( entity.itemID )))->Destiny()->SetSpeedFraction( 1.0, true );
        ((DroneEntity *)(who->System()->get( entity.itemID )))->Destiny()->Orbit( who, 1000.0, true );

    sLog.Log( "Command", "%s: Spawned %u.", who->GetName(), typeID );

	return new PyString( "Spawn successful." );
Пример #5
ModuleManager::ModuleManager(Ship *const ship)
    // Create ModuleContainer object and initialize with sizes for all slot banks for this ship:
    m_Modules = new ModuleContainer((uint32) ship->getAttribute(AttrLowSlots).get_int(),
                                    (uint32) ship->getAttribute(AttrMedSlots).get_int(),
                                    (uint32) ship->getAttribute(AttrHiSlots).get_int(),
                                    (uint32) ship->getAttribute(AttrRigSlots).get_int(),
                                    (uint32) ship->getAttribute(AttrSubSystemSlot).get_int(),
                                    (uint32) ship->getAttribute(AttrTurretSlotsLeft).get_int(),
                                    (uint32) ship->getAttribute(AttrLauncherSlotsLeft).get_int(),

    // Store reference to the Ship object to which the ModuleManager belongs:
    m_Ship = ship;

	// Initialize the log file for this Module Manager instance
	std::string logsubdirectory = "ModuleManagers";
	//std::string logfilename = "On_Ship_" + m_Ship->itemName();		// This method using ship's name string may NOT be path friendly as players naming ships may use path-unfriendly characters - need function to convert to path-friendly ship name string

	std::string logfilename = "On_Ship_" + m_Ship->itemName() + "_(" + std::string(itoa(m_Ship->itemID())) + ")";

	m_pLog = new Task_Log( EVEServerConfig::files.logDir, logsubdirectory, logfilename );

	m_pLog->InitializeLogging( EVEServerConfig::files.logDir, logsubdirectory, logfilename );

    // Load modules, rigs and subsystems from Ship's inventory into ModuleContainer:
	m_pLog->Log("ModuleManager", "Loading modules...");
    uint32 flagIndex;
    for(flagIndex=flagLowSlot0; flagIndex<=flagLowSlot7; flagIndex++)
        InventoryItemRef moduleRef;
		InventoryItemRef chargeRef;
		std::vector<InventoryItemRef>::iterator cur, end;
        std::vector<InventoryItemRef> items;
		m_Ship->FindByFlag( (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex, items );        // Operator assumed to be Client *
		cur = items.begin();
		end = items.end();
		if( items.size() > 0 )
			while( (cur != end) ) {
				if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Charge )
					chargeRef = (*cur);
				if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module )
					moduleRef = (*cur);
			if( moduleRef )
				if( _fitModule( moduleRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex ) )
					//_fitModule( moduleRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex );
                    if (moduleRef->getAttribute(AttrIsOnline).get_int() == 1)
					if( chargeRef )
						((ActiveModule *)GetModule((EVEItemFlags)flagIndex))->load(chargeRef);
					SysLog::Error( "ModuleManager::ModuleManager()", "ERROR: Cannot fit Low Slot module '%s' (id %u)", moduleRef->itemName().c_str(), moduleRef->itemID() );
					throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "ERROR! Cannot fit Low Slot module '%s'", moduleRef->itemName().c_str() ) );

    for(flagIndex=flagMedSlot0; flagIndex<=flagMedSlot7; flagIndex++)
        InventoryItemRef moduleRef;
		InventoryItemRef chargeRef;
		std::vector<InventoryItemRef>::iterator cur, end;
        std::vector<InventoryItemRef> items;
		m_Ship->FindByFlag( (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex, items );        // Operator assumed to be Client *
		cur = items.begin();
		end = items.end();
		if( items.size() > 0 )
			while( (cur != end) ) {
				if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Charge )
					chargeRef = (*cur);
				if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module )
					moduleRef = (*cur);
			if( moduleRef )
				if( _fitModule( moduleRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex ) )
					//_fitModule( moduleRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex );
                    if (moduleRef->getAttribute(AttrIsOnline).get_int() == 1)
					if( chargeRef )
						((ActiveModule *)GetModule((EVEItemFlags)flagIndex))->load(chargeRef);
					SysLog::Error( "ModuleManager::ModuleManager()", "ERROR: Cannot fit Med Slot module '%s' (id %u)", moduleRef->itemName().c_str(), moduleRef->itemID() );
					throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "ERROR! Cannot fit Med Slot module '%s'", moduleRef->itemName().c_str() ) );

    for(flagIndex=flagHiSlot0; flagIndex<=flagHiSlot7; flagIndex++)
        InventoryItemRef moduleRef;
		InventoryItemRef chargeRef;
		std::vector<InventoryItemRef>::iterator cur, end;
        std::vector<InventoryItemRef> items;
		m_Ship->FindByFlag( (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex, items );        // Operator assumed to be Client *
		cur = items.begin();
		end = items.end();
		if( items.size() > 0 )
			while( (cur != end) ) {
				if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Charge )
					chargeRef = (*cur);
				if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module )
					moduleRef = (*cur);
			if( moduleRef )
				if( _fitModule( moduleRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex ) )
                    if (moduleRef->getAttribute(AttrIsOnline).get_int() == 1)
					if( chargeRef )
						((ActiveModule *)GetModule((EVEItemFlags)flagIndex))->load(chargeRef);
					SysLog::Error( "ModuleManager::ModuleManager()", "ERROR: Cannot fit High Slot module '%s' (id %u)", moduleRef->itemName().c_str(), moduleRef->itemID() );
					throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "ERROR! Cannot fit High Slot module '%s'", moduleRef->itemName().c_str() ) );

    for(flagIndex=flagRigSlot0; flagIndex<=flagRigSlot7; flagIndex++)
        InventoryItemRef itemRef;
		std::vector<InventoryItemRef>::iterator cur, end;
        std::vector<InventoryItemRef> items;
		m_Ship->FindByFlag( (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex, items );        // Operator assumed to be Client *
		cur = items.begin();
		end = items.end();
		if( items.size() > 0 )
			while( (cur->get()->categoryID() != EVEDB::invCategories::Module) && (cur != end) ) {
			if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module )
				itemRef = (*cur);
			if( itemRef )
				_fitModule( itemRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex );
				// We don't think Rigs need the Online attribute set, but keep this code here in case we do:
				//if( itemRef->GetAttribute(AttrIsOnline).get_int() == 1 )
				//	Online(itemRef->itemID());
				//	Offline(itemRef->itemID());

    for(flagIndex=flagSubSystem0; flagIndex<=flagSubSystem7; flagIndex++)
        InventoryItemRef itemRef;
		std::vector<InventoryItemRef>::iterator cur, end;
        std::vector<InventoryItemRef> items;
		m_Ship->FindByFlag( (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex, items );        // Operator assumed to be Client *
		cur = items.begin();
		end = items.end();
		if( items.size() > 0 )
			while( (cur->get()->categoryID() != EVEDB::invCategories::Module) && (cur != end) ) {
			if( cur->get()->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module )
				itemRef = (*cur);
			if( itemRef )
				_fitModule( itemRef, (EVEItemFlags)flagIndex );
				// We don't think Subsystems need the Online attribute set, but keep this code here in case we do:
				//if( itemRef->GetAttribute(AttrIsOnline).get_int() == 1 )
				//	Online(itemRef->itemID());
				//	Offline(itemRef->itemID());

	m_pLog->Log("ModuleManager", "Module loading complete!");

Пример #6
void ModuleManager::LoadCharge(InventoryItemRef chargeRef, EVEItemFlags flag)
    ActiveModule * mod = (ActiveModule *)(m_Modules->GetModule(flag));			// Should not be dangrous to assume ALL modules where charges are loaded are ACTIVE modules
    if( mod != NULL )
		// Scenarios to handle:
		// + no charge loaded: check capacity >= volume of charge to add, if true, LOAD
		//     - ELSE: if charge to load is qty > 1, calculate smallest integer qty that will EQUAL capacity, SPLIT remainder off, then LOAD!
		// + some charge loaded: check capacity >= volume of charge to add, if true, MERGE new charge to existing
		//     - ELSE: if charge to load is qty > 1, calculate smallest integer qty that added to existing charge qty will EQUAL capacity, SPLIT remainder off, then LOAD!

		// Key facts to get:
		// * existing charge ref -> qty and volume/unit
		// * module ref -> capacity of module
		// * charge to add ref -> qty and volume/unit

        EvilNumber modCapacity = mod->getItem()->getAttribute(AttrCapacity);
        EvilNumber chargeToLoadVolume = chargeRef->getAttribute(AttrVolume);
		EvilNumber chargeToLoadQty = EvilNumber(chargeRef->quantity());

		// chargeRef->Split();
		// chargeRef->Merge();
		// mod->Load(chargeRef);
		// chargeRef->Move(m_Ship->itemID(), flag);		// used to be (m_pOperator->GetLocationID(), flag)

		//m_Ship->GetOperator()->Client()->MoveItem(chargeRef->itemID(), m_Ship->itemID(), flag);

		if( mod->isLoaded() )
			// Module is loaded, let's check available capacity:
			InventoryItemRef loadedChargeRef = mod->getLoadedChargeRef();
            EvilNumber loadedChargeVolume = loadedChargeRef->getAttribute(AttrVolume);
			EvilNumber loadedChargeQty = EvilNumber(loadedChargeRef->quantity());
			modCapacity -= (loadedChargeVolume * loadedChargeQty);		// Calculate remaining capacity
			if( chargeRef->typeID() != loadedChargeRef->typeID() )
				// Different charge type is being swapped into this module, so unload what's loaded
				if( IsStation(m_Ship->GetOperator()->GetLocationID()) )
					loadedChargeRef->Move(m_Ship->locationID(), flagHangar);
					loadedChargeRef->Move(m_Ship->itemID(), flagCargoHold);

				// Loading of charge will be performed below
				if( modCapacity > chargeToLoadVolume )
					// Great!  We can load at least one, let's top off the loaded charges:
					uint32 quantityWeCanLoad = floor((modCapacity / chargeToLoadVolume).get_float());
					if( quantityWeCanLoad > 0 )
						if( quantityWeCanLoad < chargeToLoadQty.get_int() )
							// Split chargeRef to qty 'quantityWeCanLoad'
							// Merge new smaller qty 'quantityWeCanLoad' with loadedChargeRef
							// Load this merged charge Ref into module
							InventoryItemRef loadableChargeQtyRef = chargeRef->Split( quantityWeCanLoad );
							loadableChargeQtyRef->ChangeOwner( chargeRef->ownerID() );
							loadedChargeRef->Merge( loadableChargeQtyRef );
							mod->load( loadedChargeRef );
							loadedChargeRef->Move(m_Ship->itemID(), flag);		// used to be (m_pOperator->GetLocationID(), flag)
							// Merge chargeRef with loadedChargeRef
							// Load this merged charge Ref into module
							loadedChargeRef->Merge( chargeRef );
							mod->load( loadedChargeRef );
							loadedChargeRef->Move(m_Ship->itemID(), flag);		// used to be (m_pOperator->GetLocationID(), flag)
						throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Cannot load even one unit of this charge!" ) );
					throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Charge is full!" ) );

		// Refresh ammo capacity of module in case it was modified in previous code block ahead of a load action:
        modCapacity = mod->getItem()->getAttribute(AttrCapacity);

		// Load charge supplied if this module was either never loaded, or just unloaded from a different type right above:
		if( !(mod->isLoaded()) )
			// Module is not loaded at all, let's check total volume of charge to load against available capacity:
			if( modCapacity >= (chargeToLoadVolume * chargeToLoadQty) )
				// We can insert entire stack of chargeRef into module
				// Load chargeRef as-is into module
				mod->load( chargeRef );
				chargeRef->Move(m_Ship->itemID(), flag);		// used to be (m_pOperator->GetLocationID(), flag)
				// We need to split off only as many charge units as can fit into this module
				// Split chargeRef
				uint32 quantityWeCanLoad = floor((modCapacity / chargeToLoadVolume).get_float());
				if( quantityWeCanLoad > 0 )
					// Split chargeRef to qty 'quantityWeCanLoad'
					// Merge new smaller qty 'quantityWeCanLoad' with loadedChargeRef
					// Load this merged charge Ref into module
					InventoryItemRef loadableChargeQtyRef = chargeRef->Split( quantityWeCanLoad );
					loadableChargeQtyRef->ChangeOwner( chargeRef->ownerID() );
					mod->load( loadableChargeQtyRef );
					loadableChargeQtyRef->Move(m_Ship->itemID(), flag);		// used to be (m_pOperator->GetLocationID(), flag)
		            throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Cannot load even one unit of this charge!" ) );
Пример #7
bool ModuleManager::_fitModule(InventoryItemRef item, EVEItemFlags flag)
    bool verifyFailed = false;
	GenericModule * mod;

	// First, check to see if this module item is already fitted, and if so, let's instruct ModuleContainer to move the module
	GenericModule * existingMod = m_Modules->GetModule(item->itemID());

	if( existingMod != NULL )
		if( m_Modules->isSlotOccupied(flag) )
			throw PyException( MakeUserError( "SlotAlreadyOccupied" ) );
			verifyFailed = true;

		m_Modules->RemoveModule( existingMod->flag() );		// Remove this module from existing slot
		existingMod->getItem()->SetFlag( flag );			// Change item's flag to the NEW slot flag
		m_Modules->AddModule( flag, existingMod );			// Add this module back to the container at the NEW slot location
		mod = ModuleFactory(item, ShipRef(m_Ship));

		// Set module's pointer to its owner ModuleManager's log object:

		// Check for max turret modules allowed:
		if( mod->isTurretFitted() && (m_Modules->GetFittedTurretCount() == m_Ship->GetMaxTurrentHardpoints().get_int()) )
			//std::map<std::string, PyRep *> args;
			//args["typename"] = new PyString(item->itemName().c_str());
			//args["portion"] = new PyInt(item->type().portionSize());

			throw PyException( MakeUserError( "NotEnoughTurretSlots" ) );
			verifyFailed = true;
		// Check for max launcher modules allowed:
		if( mod->isLauncherFitted() && (m_Modules->GetFittedLauncherCount() == m_Ship->GetMaxLauncherHardpoints().get_int()) )
			//std::map<std::string, PyRep *> args;
			//args["typename"] = new PyString(item->itemName().c_str());
			//args["portion"] = new PyInt(item->type().portionSize());

			throw PyException( MakeUserError( "NotEnoughLauncherSlots" ) );
			verifyFailed = true;
		// Check for max modules of group allowed:
        else if (mod->isMaxGroupFitLimited() && (m_Modules->GetFittedModuleCountByGroup(item->groupID()) == mod->getItem()->getAttribute(AttrMaxGroupFitted).get_int()))
			//std::map<std::string, PyRep *> args;
			//args["typename"] = new PyString(item->itemName().c_str());
			//args["portion"] = new PyInt(item->type().portionSize());

			throw PyException( MakeUserError( "CantFitTooManyByGroup" ) );
			verifyFailed = true;
			// Fit Module now that all checks have passed:
			m_Modules->AddModule(flag, mod);

    if( verifyFailed )
        if( mod != NULL )
			delete mod;
        return false;
        return true;
Пример #8
 * SQL to remove all asteroids from space in ALL systems.
 * Important, run in this order or the attributes will not be deleted!
DELETE FROM srvEntity_default_attributes WHERE attributeID > 0 and itemID in
(SELECT itemID from srvEntity where ownerID=1 AND typeID in
(SELECT typeID from invTypes where groupID in
(select groupID FROM invGroups where categoryID=25) or groupID=711));
DELETE FROM srvEntity_attributes WHERE attributeID > 0 and itemID in
(SELECT itemID from srvEntity where ownerID=1 AND typeID in
(SELECT typeID from invTypes where groupID in
(select groupID FROM invGroups where categoryID=25) or groupID=711));
DELETE FROM srvEntity WHERE itemID>=140000000 AND ownerID=1 AND typeID in
(SELECT typeID from invTypes where groupID in
(select groupID FROM invGroups where categoryID=25) or groupID=711);
PyResult Command_spawnbelt( Client* who, const Seperator& args )
    if (!who->IsInSpace())
        throw PyException(MakeCustomError("You must be in space to spawn things."));

	bool makeIceBelt = false;
	bool makeRareIce = false;
	uint32 customCount = 0;
    if( args.argCount() >= 2 )
        if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) )
			if( args.arg( 1 ) == "ice" )
				makeIceBelt = true;
			if( atoi(args.arg( 1 ).c_str()) > 15 )
				customCount = atoi(args.arg( 1 ).c_str());
				PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 should be at least 15!" ) );

	if( args.argCount() >= 3 )
		if( args.isNumber( 2 ) )
			if( atoi(args.arg( 2 ).c_str()) > 15 )
				customCount = atoi(args.arg(2).c_str());
				PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 2 should be at least 15!" ) );
			if( args.arg( 2 ) == "ice" )
				makeIceBelt = true;
			if( args.arg( 2 ) == "rareice" )
				makeIceBelt = true;
				makeRareIce = true;

    double beltradius = 25000.0; // 25 KM
        beltradius = 100000.0; // 100 KM
    uint32 pcs = 0;

    if (customCount > 15)
        pcs = customCount + static_cast<uint32> (MakeRandomInt(-10, 10));
        pcs = 200 + static_cast<uint32> (MakeRandomInt(-10, 10));

    SystemManager* sys = who->System();
    std::map<double, uint32> roidDist;
    if (makeIceBelt)
        pcs /= 8;
        std::string securityStatus = sys->GetSystemSecurity();
        if (!makeRareIce)
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.60, 16264)); // Blue Ice
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.45, 17975)); // Thick Blue Ice
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.30, 28627)); // Azure Ice
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.20, 16262)); // Clear Icicle
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.10, 16267)); // Dark Glitter
        if (makeRareIce)
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.90, 16263)); // Glacial Mass
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.80, 16265)); // White Glaze
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.70, 16266)); // Glare Crust
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.60, 16268)); // Gelidus
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.50, 16269)); // Krystallos
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.40, 17976)); // Pristine White Glaze
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.30, 17977)); // Smooth Glacial Mass
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.20, 17978)); // Enriched Clear Icicle
            roidDist.insert(std::pair<double, uint32>(0.10, 28628)); // Crystalline Icicle
        if (!CommandDB::GetRoidDist(sys->GetSystemSecurity(), roidDist))
            SysLog::Error("Command", "Couldn't get roid list for system security %s", sys->GetSystemSecurity());

            throw PyException(MakeCustomError("Couldn't get roid list for system security %s", sys->GetSystemSecurity()));

    const GPoint position(who->GetPosition());
    double phi = atan(position.x / position.z);
    if (position.z == 0)
        phi = M_PI / 2;
    if (position.z < 0)
        phi += M_PI;
    GPoint beltOffset;
    if (makeIceBelt)
        beltOffset.x = (beltradius * 0.75) * sin(phi);
        beltOffset.z = (beltradius * 0.75) * cos(phi);
    double alpha;
    GPoint mposition;
    double beltThickness = 3000;
    double height;
    double roidradius;
    const double beltangle = M_PI * 2.0 / 3.0;
    int triesLeft = pcs * 25;
    int pcsLeft = pcs;
    std::vector<std::pair<GPoint, double>> spawned;
    while (triesLeft-- && pcsLeft)
        uint32 typeID = GetAsteroidType(MakeRandomFloat(), roidDist);
        // Generate asteroid parameters.
		if( makeIceBelt)
            height = MakeRandomFloat(-0.2, 1.8);
            alpha = beltangle * ((M_PI / 8) * height);
            roidradius = MakeRandomFloat(4000.0, 10000.0);
            height *= 8;
            alpha = beltangle * MakeRandomFloat(-M_PI / 4, M_PI / 4);
			roidradius = MakeRandomFloat( 100.0, 1000.0 );
            height = MakeRandomFloat(-1, 1);
            const ItemType *type = ItemFactory::GetType(typeID);
            if (type->groupID() == EVEDB::invGroups::Veldspar)
                roidradius *= 2;
        // Calculate new position.
        mposition.y = beltThickness * height;
        mposition.x = beltradius * sin(phi + alpha) + beltThickness * MakeRandomFloat(-1, 1);
        mposition.z = beltradius * cos(phi + alpha) + beltThickness * MakeRandomFloat(-1, 1);
        // Check for collision.
        bool collision = false;
        for (auto pair : spawned)
            GPoint point = pair.first;
            double dist = (mposition - point).length();
            double radii = (roidradius + pair.second);
            if ((dist - radii) < 0)
                collision = true;
        if (collision)
            // There was a collision, try again.
        // Were good, add the asteroid.
        SpawnAsteroid(who->System(), typeID, roidradius, mposition + position - beltOffset);
        // Save the location for collision checks.
        spawned.push_back(std::pair<GPoint, double>(mposition, roidradius));

    return new PyString( "Spawn successsfull." );
Пример #9
PyResult Command_growbelt( Client* who, const Seperator& args )
    throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Not implemented yet." ) );