Пример #1
    Creates an OpenCL program object from the list of \a binaries
    for \a devices.  The \a binaries and \a devices lists must have
    the same number of elements.

    \sa createProgramFromBinaryCode(), createProgramFromBinaryFile()
QCLProgram QCLContext::createProgramFromBinaries
    (const QList<QCLDevice> &devices, const QList<QByteArray> &binaries)
    if (devices.size() != binaries.size() || devices.isEmpty()) {
        reportError("QCLContext::createProgramFromBinaries:", CL_INVALID_VALUE);
        return QCLProgram();
    QVarLengthArray<cl_device_id> devs;
    QVarLengthArray<const uchar *> bins;
    QVarLengthArray<size_t> lens;
    for (int index = 0; index < devices.size(); ++index) {
        bins.append(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>
    cl_int error = CL_INVALID_CONTEXT;
    cl_program prog = clCreateProgramWithBinary
        (d->id, devs.size(), devs.data(), lens.data(), bins.data(), 0, &error);
    reportError("QCLContext::createProgramFromBinaries:", error);
    if (prog)
        return QCLProgram(this, prog);
        return QCLProgram();
Пример #2
    Returns the OpenCL program that this kernel is associated with.
QCLProgram QCLKernel::program() const
    Q_D(const QCLKernel);
    if (!d->id)
        return QCLProgram();
    cl_program prog = 0;
    if (clGetKernelInfo(d->id, CL_KERNEL_PROGRAM,
                        sizeof(prog), &prog, 0) != CL_SUCCESS)
        return QCLProgram();
    return QCLProgram(d->context, prog);
Пример #3
    Creates an OpenCL program object from the supplied \a sourceCode.

    \sa createProgramFromSourceFile(), buildProgramFromSourceCode()
QCLProgram QCLContext::createProgramFromSourceCode(const QByteArray &sourceCode)
    cl_int error = CL_INVALID_CONTEXT;
    const char *code = sourceCode.constData();
    size_t length = sourceCode.size();
    cl_program prog = clCreateProgramWithSource
        (d->id, 1, &code, &length, &error);
    reportError("QCLContext::createProgramFromSourceCode:", error);
    if (prog)
        return QCLProgram(this, prog);
        return QCLProgram();
Пример #4
    Creates an OpenCL program object from the binary contents of the supplied
    \a fileName for defaultDevice() and then builds it.  Returns a null
    QCLProgram if the program could not be built.

    \sa createProgramFromBinaryFile(), buildProgramFromBinaryCode()
QCLProgram QCLContext::buildProgramFromBinaryFile(const QString &fileName)
    QCLProgram program = createProgramFromBinaryFile(fileName);
    if (program.isNull() || program.build())
        return program;
    return QCLProgram();
Пример #5
    Creates an OpenCL program object from the supplied \a binary
    for defaultDevice() and then builds it.  Returns a null QCLProgram
    if the program could not be built.

    This function can only load the binary for a single device.  For multiple
    devices, use createProgramFromBinaries() instead.

    \sa createProgramFromBinaryCode(), buildProgramFromBinaryFile()
    \sa buildProgramFromBinaries()
QCLProgram QCLContext::buildProgramFromBinaryCode(const QByteArray &binary)
    QCLProgram program = createProgramFromBinaryCode(binary);
    if (program.isNull() || program.build())
        return program;
    return QCLProgram();
Пример #6
    Creates an OpenCL program object from the supplied \a sourceCode
    and then builds it.  Returns a null QCLProgram if the program
    could not be built.

    \sa createProgramFromSourceCode(), buildProgramFromSourceFile()
QCLProgram QCLContext::buildProgramFromSourceCode(const QByteArray &sourceCode)
    QCLProgram program = createProgramFromSourceCode(sourceCode);
    if (program.isNull() || program.build())
        return program;
    return QCLProgram();
Пример #7
    Creates an OpenCL program object from \a binary for defaultDevice().

    This function can only load the binary for a single device.  For multiple
    devices, use createProgramFromBinaries() instead.

    \sa createProgramFromBinaryFile(), createProgramFromBinaries()
QCLProgram QCLContext::createProgramFromBinaryCode(const QByteArray &binary)
    cl_int error = CL_INVALID_CONTEXT;
    const uchar *code = reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(binary.constData());
    size_t length = binary.size();
    cl_device_id device = defaultDevice().deviceId();
    cl_program prog = clCreateProgramWithBinary
        (d->id, 1, &device, &length, &code, 0, &error);
    reportError("QCLContext::createProgramFromBinaryCode:", error);
    if (prog)
        return QCLProgram(this, prog);
        return QCLProgram();
Пример #8
    Creates an OpenCL program object from the list of \a binaries for
    \a devices and then builds the program.  Returns a null QCLProgram if
    the program could not be built.  The \a binaries and \a devices lists
    must have the same number of elements.

    \sa createProgramFromBinaries(), buildProgramFromBinaryCode()
QCLProgram QCLContext::buildProgramFromBinaries
    (const QList<QCLDevice> &devices, const QList<QByteArray> &binaries)
    QCLProgram program = createProgramFromBinaries(devices, binaries);
    if (program.isNull() || program.build())
        return program;
    return QCLProgram();
Пример #9
    Creates an OpenCL program object from the binary data in \a fileName
    for defaultDevice().

    \sa createProgramFromBinaryCode(), createProgramFromBinaries()
QCLProgram QCLContext::createProgramFromBinaryFile(const QString &fileName)
    QFile file(fileName);
    if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
        qWarning() << "QCLContext::createProgramFromBinaryFile: Unable to open file" << fileName;
        return QCLProgram();
    qint64 size = file.size();
    uchar *data;
    if (size > 0 && size <= 0x7fffffff && (data = file.map(0, size)) != 0) {
        QByteArray array = QByteArray::fromRawData
            (reinterpret_cast<char *>(data), int(size));
        QCLProgram program = createProgramFromBinaryCode(array);
        return program;
    QByteArray contents = file.readAll();
    return createProgramFromBinaryCode(contents.constData());