QTSS_Error DoSetup(QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params* inParams)
    ReflectorSession* theSession = NULL;
	UInt32 len = sizeof(theSession);
	QTSS_GetValue(inParams->inRTSPSession, sRTSPBroadcastSessionAttr, 0, &theSession, &len);

	if(theSession == NULL)
		return QTSS_RequestFailed;

    Bool16 foundSession = false;
    UInt32 theLen = 0;
    RTPSessionOutput** theOutput = NULL;
    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_GetValuePtr(inParams->inClientSession, sOutputAttr, 0, (void**)&theOutput, &theLen);
    if (theLen != sizeof(RTPSessionOutput*))
        if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
            RTPSessionOutput* theNewOutput = NEW RTPSessionOutput(inParams->inClientSession, theSession, sServerPrefs, sStreamCookieAttr );
            (void)QTSS_SetValue(inParams->inClientSession, sOutputAttr, 0, &theNewOutput, sizeof(theNewOutput));

    //unless there is a digit at the end of this path (representing trackID), don't
    //even bother with the request
    char* theDigitStr = NULL;
    (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(inParams->inRTSPRequest, qtssRTSPReqFileDigit, 0, &theDigitStr);
    QTSSCharArrayDeleter theDigitStrDeleter(theDigitStr);
    if (theDigitStr == NULL)
        return QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(inParams->inRTSPRequest, qtssClientBadRequest,sExpectedDigitFilenameErr);
    UInt32 theTrackID = ::strtol(theDigitStr, NULL, 10);
    // Get info about this trackID
    SourceInfo::StreamInfo* theStreamInfo = theSession->GetSourceInfo()->GetStreamInfoByTrackID(theTrackID);
    // If theStreamInfo is NULL, we don't have a legit track, so return an error
    if (theStreamInfo == NULL)
        return QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(inParams->inRTSPRequest, qtssClientBadRequest,
    StrPtrLen* thePayloadName = &theStreamInfo->fPayloadName;
    QTSS_RTPPayloadType thePayloadType = theStreamInfo->fPayloadType;

    StringParser parser(thePayloadName);
    parser.GetThru(NULL, '/');
    theStreamInfo->fTimeScale = parser.ConsumeInteger(NULL);
    if (theStreamInfo->fTimeScale == 0)
        theStreamInfo->fTimeScale = 90000;
    QTSS_RTPStreamObject newStream = NULL;
        // Ok, this is completely crazy but I can't think of a better way to do this that's
        // safe so we'll do it this way for now. Because the ReflectorStreams use this session's
        // stream queue, we need to make sure that each ReflectorStream is not reflecting to this
        // session while we call QTSS_AddRTPStream. One brutal way to do this is to grab each
        // ReflectorStream's mutex, which will stop every reflector stream from running.
        for (UInt32 x = 0; x < theSession->GetNumStreams(); x++)
        theErr = QTSS_AddRTPStream(inParams->inClientSession, inParams->inRTSPRequest, &newStream, 0);

        for (UInt32 y = 0; y < theSession->GetNumStreams(); y++)
        if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
            return theErr;
    // Set up dictionary items for this stream
    theErr = QTSS_SetValue(newStream, qtssRTPStrPayloadName, 0, thePayloadName->Ptr, thePayloadName->Len);
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    theErr = QTSS_SetValue(newStream, qtssRTPStrPayloadType, 0, &thePayloadType, sizeof(thePayloadType));
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    theErr = QTSS_SetValue(newStream, qtssRTPStrTrackID, 0, &theTrackID, sizeof(theTrackID));
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    theErr = QTSS_SetValue(newStream, qtssRTPStrTimescale, 0, &theStreamInfo->fTimeScale, sizeof(theStreamInfo->fTimeScale));
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);

    // We only want to allow over buffering to dynamic rate clients   
    SInt32  canDynamicRate = -1;
    theLen = sizeof(canDynamicRate);
    (void) QTSS_GetValue(inParams->inRTSPRequest, qtssRTSPReqDynamicRateState, 0, (void*) &canDynamicRate, &theLen);
    if (canDynamicRate < 1) // -1 no rate field, 0 off
        (void)QTSS_SetValue(inParams->inClientSession, qtssCliSesOverBufferEnabled, 0, &sFalse, sizeof(sFalse));

    // Place the stream cookie in this stream for future reference
    void* theStreamCookie = theSession->GetStreamCookie(theTrackID);
    Assert(theStreamCookie != NULL);
    theErr = QTSS_SetValue(newStream, sStreamCookieAttr, 0, &theStreamCookie, sizeof(theStreamCookie));
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);

    // Set the number of quality levels.
    static UInt32 sNumQualityLevels = ReflectorSession::kNumQualityLevels;
    theErr = QTSS_SetValue(newStream, qtssRTPStrNumQualityLevels, 0, &sNumQualityLevels, sizeof(sNumQualityLevels));
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    //send the setup response
    (void)QTSS_AppendRTSPHeader(inParams->inRTSPRequest, qtssCacheControlHeader,
                                kCacheControlHeader.Ptr, kCacheControlHeader.Len);
    (void)QTSS_SendStandardRTSPResponse(inParams->inRTSPRequest, newStream, qtssSetupRespDontWriteSSRC);
    return QTSS_NoErr;
Пример #2
QTSS_Error  DoRequestPreProcessing(ProxyClientInfo* inProxyClientInfo,
                                    QTSS_RTSPRequestObject inRequest,
                                    QTSS_ClientSessionObject inSession)
    QTSS_RTSPMethod* theMethod = NULL;
    UInt32 theLen = 0;
    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_GetValuePtr(inRequest, qtssRTSPReqMethod, 0,
                                                                (void**)&theMethod, &theLen);
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    char theTransportHeaderBuf[128];
    StrPtrLen theTransportHeader(theTransportHeaderBuf, 0);

    // The session ID passed to us is this server's session ID. Make sure to replace it
    // with the session ID passed to us by the upstream server, or else the upstream
    // server will not be able to properly handle this request.
    StrPtrLen* theProxyClientSessionIDPtr = inProxyClientInfo->GetRTSPClient()->GetSessionID();
    // Truncate the \r\n at the end of this
    StrPtrLen theProxyClientSessionID(*theProxyClientSessionIDPtr);
    if (theProxyClientSessionID.Len > 0)
        Assert(theProxyClientSessionID.Len >= 2);
        // Truncate off the EOL
        if ((theProxyClientSessionID.Ptr[theProxyClientSessionID.Len - 1] == '\r') ||
            (theProxyClientSessionID.Ptr[theProxyClientSessionID.Len - 1] == '\n'))
        if ((theProxyClientSessionID.Ptr[theProxyClientSessionID.Len - 1] == '\r') ||
            (theProxyClientSessionID.Ptr[theProxyClientSessionID.Len - 1] == '\n'))
        // Truncate off "Session: "
        Assert(theProxyClientSessionID.Len > 9);
        theProxyClientSessionID.Ptr += 9;
        theProxyClientSessionID.Len -= 9;
    StrPtrLen theRequest;
    theErr = QTSS_GetValuePtr(inRequest, qtssRTSPReqFullRequest, 0,
            (void**)&theRequest.Ptr, &theRequest.Len);
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    if (*theMethod == qtssSetupMethod)
        // If this is a SETUP, we need to do some special processing,
        // and rewrite the Transport header before sending it on.

        // First, tell the server to setup a new QTSS_RTPStreamObject
        // The proxy only supports UDP transport right now, so make sure that that is what we get
        QTSS_RTPStreamObject theStream = NULL;
        theErr = QTSS_AddRTPStream(inSession, inRequest, &theStream, qtssASFlagsForceUDPTransport);
        if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
            Assert(theErr == QTSS_RequestFailed);   // if any other error is returned,
                                                    // our error handling logic will get confused.
            return theErr;
        // Tell the ProxyClientInfo object about this new stream.
        // This will also allocate client ports on this proxy.
        ProxyDemuxerTask* theProxyDemuxerTask = inProxyClientInfo->AddStream(theStream);
        // Build a new Transport header
        UInt16 theRTPPort = theProxyDemuxerTask->GetSockets()->GetSocketA()->GetLocalPort();
        qtss_sprintf(theTransportHeaderBuf, "Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=%d-%d\r\n", theRTPPort, theRTPPort + 1);
        theTransportHeader.Len = ::strlen(theTransportHeaderBuf);
    // Build the new request and send it
    iovec theNewRequest[5];
    UInt32 totalResponseLen = 0;
    UInt32 theNumVecs = ReplaceSessionAndTransportHeaders(&theRequest, theNewRequest, &theProxyClientSessionID, &theTransportHeader, &totalResponseLen);

    return inProxyClientInfo->GetRTSPClient()->SendRTSPRequest(theNewRequest, theNumVecs);
Пример #3
QTSS_Error DoSetup(QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params* inParamBlock)
    //setup this track in the file object 
    FileSession* theFile = NULL;
    UInt32 theLen = sizeof(FileSession*);
    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_GetValue(inParamBlock->inClientSession, sFileSessionAttr, 0, (void*)&theFile, &theLen);
    if ((theErr != QTSS_NoErr) || (theLen != sizeof(FileSession*)))
        // This is possible, as clients are not required to send a DESCRIBE. If we haven't set
        // anything up yet, set everything up
		char* theFullPathStr = NULL;
        theErr = QTSS_GetValueAsString(inParamBlock->inRTSPRequest, qtssRTSPReqLocalPath, 0, &theFullPathStr);
        Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
		QTSSCharArrayDeleter theFullPathDeleter(theFullPathStr);
		StrPtrLen theFullPath(theFullPathStr);
        if ((theFullPath.Len <= sRTPSuffix.Len) ||
            (!sRTPSuffix.NumEqualIgnoreCase(&theFullPath.Ptr[theFullPath.Len - sRTPSuffix.Len], sRTPSuffix.Len)))
            return QTSS_RequestFailed;

        theErr = CreateRTPFileSession(inParamBlock, theFullPath, &theFile);
        if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
            return theErr;

        // Store this newly created file object in the RTP session.
        theErr = QTSS_SetValue(inParamBlock->inClientSession, sFileSessionAttr, 0, &theFile, sizeof(theFile));

    //unless there is a digit at the end of this path (representing trackID), don't
    //even bother with the request
    char* theDigitStr = NULL;
    (void)QTSS_GetValueAsString(inParamBlock->inRTSPRequest, qtssRTSPReqFileDigit, 0, &theDigitStr);
    QTSSCharArrayDeleter theDigitStrDeleter(theDigitStr);
	if (theDigitStr == NULL)
        return QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(inParamBlock->inRTSPRequest,
                                                    qtssClientBadRequest, sExpectedDigitFilenameErr);
    UInt32 theTrackID = ::strtol(theDigitStr, NULL, 10);
    RTPFileSession::ErrorCode qtfileErr = theFile->fFile.AddTrack(theTrackID);
    //if we get an error back, forward that error to the client
    if (qtfileErr == RTPFileSession::errTrackDoesntExist)
        return QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(inParamBlock->inRTSPRequest,
                                                    qtssClientNotFound, sTrackDoesntExistErr);
    else if (qtfileErr != RTPFileSession::errNoError)
        return QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(inParamBlock->inRTSPRequest,
                                                    qtssUnsupportedMediaType, sBadQTFileErr);

    //find the payload for this track ID (if applicable)
    StrPtrLen* thePayload = NULL;
    UInt32 thePayloadType = qtssUnknownPayloadType;
    Float32 bufferDelay = (Float32) 3.0; // FIXME need a constant defined for 3.0 value. It is used multiple places
    for (UInt32 x = 0; x < theFile->fFile.GetSourceInfo()->GetNumStreams(); x++)
        SourceInfo::StreamInfo* theStreamInfo = theFile->fFile.GetSourceInfo()->GetStreamInfo(x);
        if (theStreamInfo->fTrackID == theTrackID)
            thePayload = &theStreamInfo->fPayloadName;
            thePayloadType = theStreamInfo->fPayloadType;
            bufferDelay = theStreamInfo->fBufferDelay;

    //Create a new RTP stream           
    QTSS_RTPStreamObject newStream = NULL;
    theErr = QTSS_AddRTPStream(inParamBlock->inClientSession, inParamBlock->inRTSPRequest, &newStream, 0);
    if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
        return theErr;
    // Set the payload type, payload name & timescale of this track
    SInt32 theTimescale = theFile->fFile.GetTrackTimeScale(theTrackID);
    theErr = QTSS_SetValue(newStream, qtssRTPStrBufferDelayInSecs, 0, &bufferDelay, sizeof(bufferDelay));
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    theErr = QTSS_SetValue(newStream, qtssRTPStrPayloadName, 0, thePayload->Ptr, thePayload->Len);
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    theErr = QTSS_SetValue(newStream, qtssRTPStrPayloadType, 0, &thePayloadType, sizeof(thePayloadType));
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    theErr = QTSS_SetValue(newStream, qtssRTPStrTimescale, 0, &theTimescale, sizeof(theTimescale));
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    theErr = QTSS_SetValue(newStream, qtssRTPStrTrackID, 0, &theTrackID, sizeof(theTrackID));
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    // Set the number of quality levels. Allow up to 6
    static UInt32 sNumQualityLevels = 0;
    theErr = QTSS_SetValue(newStream, qtssRTPStrNumQualityLevels, 0, &sNumQualityLevels, sizeof(sNumQualityLevels));
    Assert(theErr == QTSS_NoErr);
    // Get the SSRC of this track
    UInt32* theTrackSSRC = NULL;
    UInt32 theTrackSSRCSize = 0;
    (void)QTSS_GetValuePtr(newStream, qtssRTPStrSSRC, 0, (void**)&theTrackSSRC, &theTrackSSRCSize);

    // The RTP stream should ALWAYS have an SSRC assuming QTSS_AddStream succeeded.
    Assert((theTrackSSRC != NULL) && (theTrackSSRCSize == sizeof(UInt32)));
    //give the file some info it needs.
    theFile->fFile.SetTrackSSRC(theTrackID, *theTrackSSRC);
    theFile->fFile.SetTrackCookie(theTrackID, newStream);
    // Our array has now been updated to reflect the fields requested by the client.
    //send the setup response
    //(void)QTSS_AppendRTSPHeader(inParamBlock->inRTSPRequest, qtssLastModifiedHeader,
    //                          theFile->fFile.GetQTFile()->GetModDateStr(), DateBuffer::kDateBufferLen);
    (void)QTSS_AppendRTSPHeader(inParamBlock->inRTSPRequest, qtssCacheControlHeader,
                                kCacheControlHeader.Ptr, kCacheControlHeader.Len);

    //send the setup response
    (void)QTSS_SendStandardRTSPResponse(inParamBlock->inRTSPRequest, newStream, 0);
    return QTSS_NoErr;