Пример #1
// Purpose: 
IMaterial *CreateTempMaterialForPlayerLogo( int iPlayerIndex, player_info_t *info, char *texname, int nchars )
	// Doesn't have a logo?
	if ( !info->customFiles[0] )	
		return NULL;

	IMaterial *logo = materials->FindMaterial( VarArgs("decals/playerlogo%2.2d", iPlayerIndex), TEXTURE_GROUP_DECAL );
	if ( IsErrorMaterial( logo ) )
		return NULL;

	char logohex[ 16 ];
	Q_binarytohex( (byte *)&info->customFiles[0], sizeof( info->customFiles[0] ), logohex, sizeof( logohex ) );

	// See if logo has been downloaded.
	Q_snprintf( texname, nchars, "temp/%s", logohex );
	char fulltexname[ 512 ];
	Q_snprintf( fulltexname, sizeof( fulltexname ), "materials/temp/%s.vtf", logohex );

	if ( !filesystem->FileExists( fulltexname ) )
		char custname[ 512 ];
		Q_snprintf( custname, sizeof( custname ), "download/user_custom/%c%c/%s.dat", logohex[0], logohex[1], logohex );
		// it may have been downloaded but not copied under materials folder
		if ( !filesystem->FileExists( custname ) )
			return NULL; // not downloaded yet

		// copy from download folder to materials/temp folder
		// this is done since material system can access only materials/*.vtf files

		if ( !engine->CopyLocalFile( custname, fulltexname) )
			return NULL;

	return logo;
Пример #2
static cell_t GetPlayerDecalFile(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
	IGamePlayer *player = playerhelpers->GetGamePlayer(params[1]);
	if (player == NULL)
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid client index %d", params[1]);
	if (!player->IsInGame())
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not in game", params[1]);

	player_info_t info;
	char *buffer;

	if (!GetPlayerInfo(params[1], &info) || !info.customFiles[0])
		return 0;

	pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &buffer);
	Q_binarytohex((byte *)&info.customFiles[0], sizeof(info.customFiles[0]), buffer, params[3]);

	return 1;
Пример #3
// Purpose: 
// Output : const char
const char *CExpression::GetBitmapCheckSum()
	CRC32_t crc = GetBitmapCRC();	

	// Create string name out of binary data
	static char hex[ 9 ];
	Q_binarytohex( (byte *)&crc, sizeof( crc ), hex, sizeof( hex ) );
	return hex;
const char *IFaceposerModels::CFacePoserModel::GetBitmapChecksum( int sequence )
	CRC32_t crc = GetBitmapCRC( sequence );

	// Create string name out of binary data
	static char filename[ 512 ];

	char hex[ 16 ];
	Q_binarytohex( (byte *)&crc, sizeof( crc ), hex, sizeof( hex ) );

	Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s", hex );
	return filename;
void CPlayerLogoProxy::OnBind( void *pC_BaseEntity )
	// Decal's are bound with the player index as the passed in paramter
	int playerindex = (int)pC_BaseEntity;

	if ( playerindex <= 0 )

	if ( playerindex > gpGlobals->maxClients )

	if ( !m_pBaseTextureVar )

	// Find player
	player_info_t info;
	engine->GetPlayerInfo( playerindex, &info );

	if ( !info.customFiles[0] ) 

	// So we don't trash this too hard

	ITexture *texture = NULL;

	PlayerLogo logo;
	logo.crc = (unsigned int)info.customFiles[0];
	logo.texture = NULL;

	int lookup = m_Logos.Find( logo );
	if ( lookup == m_Logos.InvalidIndex() )
		char crcfilename[ 512 ];
		char logohex[ 16 ];
		Q_binarytohex( (byte *)&info.customFiles[0], sizeof( info.customFiles[0] ), logohex, sizeof( logohex ) );

		Q_snprintf( crcfilename, sizeof( crcfilename ), "temp/%s", logohex );

		texture = materials->FindTexture( crcfilename, TEXTURE_GROUP_DECAL, false );
		if ( texture )
			// Make sure it doesn't get flushed
			logo.texture = texture;

		m_Logos.Insert( logo );
		texture = m_Logos[ lookup ].texture;

	if ( texture )
		m_pBaseTextureVar->SetTextureValue( texture );
	else if ( m_pDefaultTexture )
		m_pBaseTextureVar->SetTextureValue( m_pDefaultTexture );

	if ( ToolsEnabled() )
		ToolFramework_RecordMaterialParams( GetMaterial() );
Пример #6
// Purpose: 
// Input  : filter - 
//			delay - 
//			pos - 
//			player - 
//			entity - 
void TE_PlayerDecal( IRecipientFilter& filter, float delay,
	const Vector* pos, int player, int entity  )
	if ( cl_playerspraydisable.GetBool() )

	// No valid target?
	C_BaseEntity *ent = cl_entitylist->GetEnt( entity );
	if ( !ent )

	// Find player logo for shooter
	player_info_t info;
	engine->GetPlayerInfo( player, &info );

	// Doesn't have a logo
	 if ( !info.customFiles[0] )	

	IMaterial *logo = materials->FindMaterial( VarArgs("decals/playerlogo%2.2d", player), TEXTURE_GROUP_DECAL );
	if ( IsErrorMaterial( logo ) )

	char logohex[ 16 ];
	Q_binarytohex( (byte *)&info.customFiles[0], sizeof( info.customFiles[0] ), logohex, sizeof( logohex ) );

	// See if logo has been downloaded.
	char texname[ 512 ];
	Q_snprintf( texname, sizeof( texname ), "temp/%s", logohex );
	char fulltexname[ 512 ];
	Q_snprintf( fulltexname, sizeof( fulltexname ), "materials/temp/%s.vtf", logohex );

	if ( !filesystem->FileExists( fulltexname ) )
		char custname[ 512 ];
		Q_snprintf( custname, sizeof( custname ), "downloads/%s.dat", logohex );
		// it may have been downloaded but not copied under materials folder
		if ( !filesystem->FileExists( custname ) )
			return; // not downloaded yet

		// copy from download folder to materials/temp folder
		// this is done since material system can access only materials/*.vtf files

		if ( !engine->CopyFile( custname, fulltexname) )

	ITexture *texture = materials->FindTexture( texname, TEXTURE_GROUP_DECAL );
	if ( IsErrorTexture( texture ) ) 
		return; // not found 

	// Update the texture used by the material if need be.
	bool bFound = false;
	IMaterialVar *pMatVar = logo->FindVar( "$basetexture", &bFound );
	if ( bFound && pMatVar )
		if ( pMatVar->GetTextureValue() != texture )
			pMatVar->SetTextureValue( texture );

	color32 rgbaColor = { 255, 255, 255, 255 };
		(void *)player,
		rgbaColor );