Пример #1
main (int argc, char **argv)
	double      start, stop;
	dstring_t  *portalfile = dstring_new ();
	QFile      *f;

	start = Sys_DoubleTime ();

	this_program = argv[0];

	DecodeArgs (argc, argv);

	if (!options.bspfile) {
		usage (1);
		Sys_Error ("%s: no bsp file specified.", this_program);

	QFS_SetExtension (options.bspfile, ".bsp");

	f = Qopen (options.bspfile->str, "rb");
	if (!f)
		Sys_Error ("couldn't open %s for reading.", options.bspfile->str);
	bsp = LoadBSPFile (f, Qfilesize (f));
	Qclose (f);

	visdata = dstring_new ();

	dstring_copystr (portalfile, options.bspfile->str);
	QFS_SetExtension (portalfile, ".prt");
	LoadPortals (portalfile->str);

	uncompressed = calloc (bitbytes_l, portalclusters);

	CalcVis ();

	if (options.verbosity >= 0)
		printf ("c_chains: %i%s\n", c_chains,
				options.threads > 1 ? " (not reliable)" :"");

	BSP_AddVisibility (bsp, (byte *) visdata->str, visdata->size);
	if (options.verbosity >= 0)
		printf ("visdatasize:%ld  compressed from %ld\n",
				(long) bsp->visdatasize, (long) originalvismapsize);

	CalcAmbientSounds ();

	f = Qopen (options.bspfile->str, "wb");
	if (!f)
		Sys_Error ("couldn't open %s for writing.", options.bspfile->str);
	WriteBSPFile (bsp, f);
	Qclose (f);

	stop = Sys_DoubleTime ();

	if (options.verbosity >= 0)
		printf ("%5.1f seconds elapsed\n", stop - start);

	return 0;
Пример #2
process_wad_script (const char *name)
	char       *buf;
	QFile      *file;
	int         bytes;
	script_t   *script;

	file = Qopen (name, "rt");
	if (!file)
		Sys_Error ("couldn't open %s. %s", name, strerror(errno));
	bytes = Qfilesize (file);
	buf = malloc (bytes + 1);
	bytes = Qread (file, buf, bytes);
	buf[bytes] = 0;
	Qclose (file);

	dstring_copystr (&destfile, name);
	dstring_appendstr (&destfile, ".wad");

	script = Script_New ();
	Script_Start (script, name, buf);

	parse_script (script);

	if (wadfile)
		wad_close (wadfile);
Пример #3
int Sys_FileOpenRead (char *path, int *hndl)
    QFile    *f;
    int             i;
    i = findhandle ();
    f = Qopen(path, "rb");
    if (!f)
	*hndl = -1;
	return -1;
    sys_handles[i].hFile = f;
    sys_handles[i].nLen = filelength(f);
    sys_handles[i].nPos = 0;
    sys_handles[i].pMap = mmap( 0, sys_handles[i].nLen, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fileno( sys_handles[i].hFile ), 0 );
    if (!sys_handles[i].pMap || (sys_handles[i].pMap == (char *)-1))
	printf( "mmap %s failed!", path );
	sys_handles[i].pMap = NULL;

    *hndl = i;
    return( sys_handles[i].nLen );
Пример #4
SNDDMA_Init (void)
	shm = &sn;
	memset ((dma_t *) shm, 0, sizeof (*shm));
	shm->splitbuffer = 0;
	shm->channels = 2;
	shm->submission_chunk = 1;			// don't mix less than this #
	shm->samplepos = 0;					// in mono samples
	shm->samplebits = 16;
	shm->samples = 16384;				// mono samples in buffer
	shm->speed = 44100;
	shm->buffer = malloc (shm->samples * shm->channels * shm->samplebits / 8);

	Con_Printf ("%5d stereo\n", shm->channels - 1);
	Con_Printf ("%5d samples\n", shm->samples);
	Con_Printf ("%5d samplepos\n", shm->samplepos);
	Con_Printf ("%5d samplebits\n", shm->samplebits);
	Con_Printf ("%5d submission_chunk\n", shm->submission_chunk);
	Con_Printf ("%5d speed\n", shm->speed);
	Con_Printf ("0x%x dma buffer\n", (int) shm->buffer);
	Con_Printf ("%5d total_channels\n", total_channels);

	if (!(snd_file = Qopen ("qf.raw", "wb")))
		return 0;

	snd_inited = 1;
	return 1;
Пример #5
wad_extract (wad_t *wad, lumpinfo_t *pf)
	const char *name = pf->name;
	size_t      count;
	int         len;
	QFile      *file;
	char        buffer[16384];

	if (make_parents (name) == -1)
		return -1;
	if (!(file = Qopen (name, "wb")))
		return -1;
	Qseek (wad->handle, pf->filepos, SEEK_SET);
	len = pf->size;
	while (len) {
		count = len;
		if (count > sizeof (buffer))
			count = sizeof (buffer);
		count = Qread (wad->handle, buffer, count);
		Qwrite (file, buffer, count);
		len -= count;
	Qclose (file);
	return 0;
Пример #6
static void
write_pcx (image_t *image)
	pcx_t      *pcx;
	int         pcx_len, i;
	byte        palette[768];
	QFile      *outfile;

	outfile = Qopen (options.outf_name, "wb");
	if (outfile == NULL) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Error opening output file %s.\n", options.outf_name);

		exit (1);

	// quick and dirty greyscale palette
	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
		palette[i * 3 + 0] = i;
		palette[i * 3 + 1] = i;
		palette[i * 3 + 2] = i;

	Sys_Init ();

	Memory_Init (malloc (MEMSIZE), MEMSIZE);
	pcx = EncodePCX (image->image, image->width, image->height,
					 image->width, palette, false, &pcx_len);
	if (Qwrite (outfile, pcx, pcx_len) != pcx_len) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Error writing to %s\n", options.outf_name);
		exit (1);
	Qclose (outfile);
Пример #7
Cmd_Exec_File (cbuf_t *cbuf, const char *path, int qfs)
	char       *f;
	int         len;
	QFile      *file;

	if (!path || !*path)
	if (qfs) {
		QFS_FOpenFile (path, &file);
	} else {
		char *newpath = Sys_ExpandSquiggle (path);
		file = Qopen (newpath, "r");
		free (newpath);
	if (file) {
		len = Qfilesize (file);
		f = (char *) malloc (len + 1);
		if (f) {
			f[len] = 0;
			Qread (file, f, len);
			Cbuf_InsertText (cbuf, f);
			free (f);
		Qclose (file);
Пример #8
static QFile *
open_file (const char *path, int *len)
	QFile      *file = Qopen (path, "rbz");

	if (!file)
		return 0;
	*len = Qfilesize (file);
	return file;
Пример #9
wad_add (wad_t *wad, const char *filename, const char *lumpname, byte type)
	lumpinfo_t *pf;
	lumpinfo_t  dummy;
	QFile      *file;
	char        buffer[16384];
	int         bytes;

	strncpy (dummy.name, lumpname, 16);
	dummy.name[15] = 0;

	pf = Hash_FindElement (wad->lump_hash, &dummy);
	if (pf)
		return -1;
	if (wad->numlumps == wad->lumps_size) {
		lumpinfo_t *f;
		wad->lumps_size += 64;

		f = realloc (wad->lumps, wad->lumps_size * sizeof (lumpinfo_t));
		if (!f)
			return -1;
		wad->lumps = f;

	file = Qopen (filename, "rb");
	if (!file)
		return -1;

	wad->modified = 1;

	pf = &wad->lumps[wad->numlumps++];

	strncpy (pf->name, lumpname, sizeof (pf->name));
	pf->name[sizeof (pf->name) - 1] = 0;

	Qseek (wad->handle, 0, SEEK_END);
	pf->filepos = Qtell (wad->handle);
	pf->type = type;
	pf->size = 0;
	while ((bytes = Qread (file, buffer, sizeof (buffer)))) {
		Qwrite (wad->handle, buffer, bytes);
		pf->size += bytes;
	Qclose (file);
	if (wad->pad && pf->size & 3) {
		static char buf[4];
		Qwrite (wad->handle, buf, 4 - (pf->size & 3));
	Hash_AddElement (wad->lump_hash, pf);
	return 0;
Пример #10
int     Sys_FileTime (char *path)
	QFile    *f;
	f = Qopen(path, "rb");
	if (f)
		return 1;
	return -1;
Пример #11
static void
write_file (void)
	QFile      *file;
	const char *name;

	name = va ("%s/%s.lmp", destfile.str, lumpname->str);
	if (!(file = Qopen (name, "wb")))
		Sys_Error ("couldn't open %s. %s", name, strerror(errno));
	Qwrite (file, lumpbuffer, lump_p - lumpbuffer);
	Qclose (file);
	free (lumpbuffer);
	lumpbuffer = lump_p = 0;
Пример #12
int Sys_FileOpenWrite (char *path)
	QFile    *f;
	int             i;
	i = findhandle ();

	f = Qopen(path, "wb");
	if (!f)
		Sys_Error ("Error opening %s: %s", path,strerror(errno));
	sys_handles[i] = f;
	return i;
Пример #13
main (int argc, char *argv[])
	QFile      *bspfile;
	bsp_t      *bsp;
	image_t    *image;

	/* Enough args? */
	if (argc < 3) {
		show_help ();
		return 1;

	/* Setup options */
	def_options (&options);
	get_options (&options, argc, argv);
	show_options (&options);

	bspfile = Qopen (options.bspf_name, "rbz");
	if (bspfile == NULL) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Error opening bsp file %s.\n", options.bspf_name);
		return 1;
	bsp = LoadBSPFile (bspfile, Qfilesize (bspfile));
	Qclose (bspfile);

	image = render_map (bsp);
	BSP_Free (bsp);

	/* Write image */

	switch (options.outf_type) {
		case 0:
			write_pcx (image);
		case 1:
			write_png (image);

	printf ("File written to %s.\n", options.outf_name);

	/* Close, done! */

	free (image->image);
	free (image);

	return 0;
Пример #14
wad_t *
wad_open (const char *name)
	wad_t     *wad = wad_new (name);
	int         i;

	if (!wad)
		return 0;
	wad->handle = Qopen (name, "rbz");
	if (!wad->handle) {
		goto error;
	if (Qread (wad->handle, &wad->header, sizeof (wad->header))
		!= sizeof (wad->header)) {
		fprintf (stderr, "%s: not a wad file\n", name);
		errno = 0;
		goto error;
	if (strncmp (wad->header.id, "WAD2", 4)) {
		fprintf (stderr, "%s: not a wad file\n", name);
		errno = 0;
		goto error;

	wad->header.infotableofs = LittleLong (wad->header.infotableofs);
	wad->header.numlumps = LittleLong (wad->header.numlumps);

	wad->numlumps = wad->header.numlumps;
	wad->old_numlumps = wad->lumps_size = wad->numlumps;

	wad->lumps = malloc (wad->lumps_size * sizeof (lumpinfo_t));
	if (!wad->lumps) {
		//fprintf (stderr, "out of memory\n");
		goto error;
	Qseek (wad->handle, wad->header.infotableofs, SEEK_SET);
	Qread (wad->handle, wad->lumps, wad->numlumps * sizeof (wad->lumps[0]));

	for (i = 0; i < wad->numlumps; i++) {
		wad->lumps[i].filepos = LittleLong (wad->lumps[i].filepos);
		wad->lumps[i].size = LittleLong (wad->lumps[i].size);
		//Hash_AddElement (wad->lump_hash, &wad->lumps[i]);
	return wad;
	wad_del (wad);
	return 0;
Пример #15
int Sys_FileOpenWrite (char *path)
    QFile    *f;
    int             i;
    i = findhandle ();

    f = Qopen(path, "wb");
    if (!f)
	Sys_Error ("Error opening %s: %s", path,strerror(errno));
    sys_handles[i].hFile = f;
    sys_handles[i].nLen = 0;
    sys_handles[i].nPos = 0;
    sys_handles[i].pMap = NULL;
    return i;
Пример #16
int Sys_FileOpenRead (char *path, int *hndl)
	QFile    *f;
	int             i;
	i = findhandle ();

	f = Qopen(path, "rb");
	if (!f)
		*hndl = -1;
		return -1;
	sys_handles[i] = f;
	*hndl = i;
	return filelength(f);
Пример #17
wad_t *
wad_create (const char *name)
	wad_t     *wad = wad_new (name);

	if (!wad)
		return 0;

	wad->handle = Qopen (name, "wb");
	if (!wad->handle) {
		wad_del (wad);
		return 0;
	strncpy (wad->header.id, "WAD2", sizeof (wad->header.id));

	Qwrite (wad->handle, &wad->header, sizeof (wad->header));

	return wad;
Пример #18
void Sys_DebugLog(char *file, char *fmt, ...)
	va_list argptr;
	static char data[1024];
	QFile *stream;
	unsigned char *p;
	//int fd;

	va_start(argptr, fmt);
	vsnprintf(data, sizeof(data), fmt, argptr);
//	fd = open(file, O_WRONLY | O_BINARY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0666);
	stream = Qopen(file, "a");
	for (p = (unsigned char *) data; *p; p++) {
		Qputc(stream, trans_table[*p]);
	fd = open(file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0666);
	write(fd, data, strlen(data));
Пример #19
LoadTriangleList (char *filename, triangle_t **pptri, int *numtriangles)
	QFile       *input;
	char        name[256], tex[256];
	float       start, exitpattern, t;
	int         count, iLevel, magic, i;
	tf_triangle	tri;
	triangle_t	*ptri;

	*((unsigned char *) &exitpattern + 0) = *((unsigned char *) &t + 3);
	*((unsigned char *) &exitpattern + 1) = *((unsigned char *) &t + 2);
	*((unsigned char *) &exitpattern + 2) = *((unsigned char *) &t + 1);
	*((unsigned char *) &exitpattern + 3) = *((unsigned char *) &t + 0);

	if ((input = Qopen(filename, "rb")) == 0) {
		fprintf (stderr,"reader: could not open file '%s'\n", filename);
		exit (0);

	iLevel = 0;

	Qread(input, &magic, sizeof(int));
	if (BigLong (magic) != MAGIC) {
		fprintf (stderr,"File is not a Alias object separated triangle file, "
				 "magic number is wrong.\n");
		exit (0);

	ptri = malloc (MAXTRIANGLES * sizeof (triangle_t));

	*pptri = ptri;

	while (Qeof(input) == 0) {
		Qread(input, &start,  sizeof (float));
		start = BigFloat (start);
		if (start != exitpattern) {
			if (start == FLOAT_START) {
				// Start of an object or group of objects.
				i = -1;
				do {
					// There are probably better ways to read a string from
					// a file, but this does allow you to do error checking
					// (which I'm not doing) on a per character basis.
					Qread(input, &(name[i]), sizeof (char));
				} while (name[i] != '\0');

//				indent ();
//				fprintf(stdout,"OBJECT START: %s\n",name);
				Qread (input, &count, sizeof (int));
				count = BigLong (count);
				if (count != 0) {
//					indent();
//					fprintf (stdout, "NUMBER OF TRIANGLES: %d\n", count);
					i = -1;
					do {
						Qread (input, &(tex[i]), sizeof (char));
					} while (tex[i] != '\0');

//					indent();
//					fprintf(stdout,"  Object texture name: '%s'\n",tex);

				/* Else (count == 0) this is the start of a group, and */
				/* no texture name is present. */
			} else if (start == FLOAT_END) {
				/* End of an object or group. Yes, the name should be */
				/* obvious from context, but it is in here just to be */
				/* safe and to provide a little extra information for */
				/* those who do not wish to write a recursive reader. */
				/* Mia culpa. */
				i = -1;
				do {
					Qread (input, &(name[i]), sizeof (char));
				} while (name[i] != '\0');

	//			indent();
	//			fprintf(stdout,"OBJECT END: %s\n",name);

// read the triangles
		for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
			int		j;

			Qread (input, &tri, sizeof (tf_triangle));
			ByteSwapTri (&tri);
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
				int		k;

				for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
					ptri->verts[j][k] = tri.pt[j].p.v[k];


			if ((ptri - *pptri) >= MAXTRIANGLES)
				Sys_Error ("Error: too many triangles; increase MAXTRIANGLES\n");

	*numtriangles = ptri - *pptri;

	Qclose (input);
Пример #20
static void
LoadPortals (char *name)
	const char *line;
	char       *err;
	int         numpoints, i, j, k;
	int         read_leafs = 0;
	int         clusternums[2];
	cluster_t  *cluster;
	plane_t     plane;
	portal_t   *portal;
	winding_t  *winding;
	QFile	   *f;

	if (!strcmp (name, "-"))
		f = Qdopen (0, "rt"); // create a QFile of stdin
	else {
		f = Qopen (name, "r");
		if (!f) {
			printf ("LoadPortals: couldn't read %s\n", name);
			printf ("No vising performed.\n");
			exit (1);

	line = Qgetline (f);

	if (line && (!strcmp (line, PORTALFILE "\n")
				 || !strcmp (line, PORTALFILE "\r\n"))) {
		line = Qgetline (f);
		if (!line || sscanf (line, "%i\n", &portalclusters) != 1)
			Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: failed to read header");
		line = Qgetline (f);
		if (!line || sscanf (line, "%i\n", &numportals) != 1)
			Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: failed to read header");
		numrealleafs = portalclusters;
	} else if (line && (!strcmp (line, PORTALFILE_AM "\n")
						|| !strcmp (line, PORTALFILE_AM "\r\n"))) {
		line = Qgetline (f);
		if (!line || sscanf (line, "%i\n", &portalclusters) != 1)
			Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: failed to read header");
		line = Qgetline (f);
		if (!line || sscanf (line, "%i\n", &numportals) != 1)
			Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: failed to read header");
		line = Qgetline (f);
		if (!line || sscanf (line, "%i\n", &numrealleafs) != 1)
			Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: failed to read header");
		read_leafs = 1;
	} else {
		Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: not a portal file");

	if (options.verbosity >= 0) {
		printf ("%4i portalclusters\n", portalclusters);
		printf ("%4i numportals\n", numportals);
		printf ("%4i numrealleafs\n", numrealleafs);

	bitbytes = ((portalclusters + 63) & ~63) >> 3;
	bitlongs = bitbytes / sizeof (long);

	bitbytes_l = ((numrealleafs + 63) & ~63) >> 3;

	// each file portal is split into two memory portals, one for each
	// direction
	portals = calloc (2 * numportals, sizeof (portal_t));

	clusters = calloc (portalclusters, sizeof (cluster_t));

	originalvismapsize = numrealleafs * ((numrealleafs + 7) / 8);

	for (i = 0, portal = portals; i < numportals; i++) {
		line = Qgetline (f);
		if (!line)
			Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: reading portal %i", i);

		numpoints = strtol (line, &err, 10);
		if (err == line)
			Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: reading portal %i", i);
		line = err;
		for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
			clusternums[j] = strtol (line, &err, 10);
			if (err == line)
				Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: reading portal %i", i);
			line = err;

		if (numpoints > MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING)
			Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: portal %i has too many points", i);
		if ((unsigned) clusternums[0] > (unsigned) portalclusters
			|| (unsigned) clusternums[1] > (unsigned) portalclusters)
			Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: reading portal %i", i);

		winding = portal->winding = NewWinding (numpoints);
		winding->original = true;
		winding->numpoints = numpoints;

		for (j = 0; j < numpoints; j++) {
			// (%ld %ld %ld)
			while (isspace ((byte) *line))
			if (*line++ != '(')
				Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: reading portal %i", i);

			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
				winding->points[j][k] = strtod (line, &err);
				if (err == line)
					Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: reading portal %i", i);
				line = err;

			while (isspace ((byte) *line))
			if (*line++ != ')')
				Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: reading portal %i", i);

		// calc plane
		PlaneFromWinding (winding, &plane);

		// create forward portal
		cluster = &clusters[clusternums[0]];
		if (cluster->numportals == MAX_PORTALS_ON_CLUSTER)
			Sys_Error ("Cluster with too many portals");
		cluster->portals[cluster->numportals] = portal;

		portal->winding = winding;
		VectorNegate (plane.normal, portal->plane.normal);
		portal->plane.dist = -plane.dist;
		portal->cluster = clusternums[1];

		// create backwards portal
		cluster = &clusters[clusternums[1]];
		if (cluster->numportals == MAX_PORTALS_ON_CLUSTER)
			Sys_Error ("Cluster with too many portals");
		cluster->portals[cluster->numportals] = portal;

		portal->winding = winding;
		portal->plane = plane;
		portal->cluster = clusternums[0];

	leafcluster = calloc (numrealleafs, sizeof (int));
	if (read_leafs) {
		for (i = 0; i < numrealleafs; i++) {
			line = Qgetline (f);
			if (sscanf (line, "%i\n", &leafcluster[i]) != 1)
				Sys_Error ("LoadPortals: parse error in leaf->cluster "
	} else {
		for (i = 0; i < numrealleafs; i++)
			leafcluster[i] = i;
	Qclose (f);
Пример #21
static void
load_image (const char *name)
	QFile      *file;
	tex_t      *tex;
	int         i, pixels;
	byte       *s, *d;

	if (!(file = Qopen (name, "rb")))
		Sys_Error ("couldn't open %s. %s", name, strerror(errno));
	if (!(tex = LoadPNG (file)))
		Sys_Error ("couldn't read %s as PNG", name);

	pixels = tex->width * tex->height;
	image = malloc (pixels * 4 + sizeof (tex_t));
	image->width = tex->width;
	image->height = tex->height;
	image->format = tex_rgba;
	image->palette = 0;
	switch (tex->format) {
		case tex_palette:
			for (i = 0, s = tex->data, d = image->data; i < pixels; i++) {
				byte        *v = tex->palette + *s++ * 3;
				*d++ = *v++;
				*d++ = *v++;
				*d++ = *v++;
				*d++ = 255;
		case tex_l:
			for (i = 0, s = tex->data, d = image->data; i < pixels; i++) {
				byte        l = *s++;
				*d++ = l;
				*d++ = l;
				*d++ = l;
				*d++ = 255;
		case tex_a:
			for (i = 0, s = tex->data, d = image->data; i < pixels; i++) {
				*d++ = 255;
				*d++ = 255;
				*d++ = 255;
				*d++ = *s++;
		case tex_la:
			for (i = 0, s = tex->data, d = image->data; i < pixels; i++) {
				byte        l = *s++;
				*d++ = l;
				*d++ = l;
				*d++ = l;
				*d++ = *s++;
		case tex_rgb:
			for (i = 0, s = tex->data, d = image->data; i < pixels; i++) {
				*d++ = *s++;
				*d++ = *s++;
				*d++ = *s++;
				*d++ = 255;
		case tex_rgba:
			memcpy (image->data, tex->data, pixels * 4);
			Sys_Error ("unknown texture type");