Пример #1
/* Given a unit quaternion, q, and a scale vector, k, find a unit quaternion, p,
 * which permutes the axes and turns freely in the plane of duplicate scale
 * factors, such that q p has the largest possible w component, i.e. the
 * smallest possible angle. Permutes k's components to go with q p instead of q.
 * See Ken Shoemake and Tom Duff. Matrix Animation and Polar Decomposition.
 * Proceedings of Graphics Interface 1992. Details on p. 262-263.
Quat snuggle(Quat q, HVect *k)
#define SQRTHALF (0.7071067811865475244)
#define sgn(n,v)    ((n)?-(v):(v))
#define swap(a,i,j) {a[3]=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=a[3];}
#define cycle(a,p)  if (p) {a[3]=a[0]; a[0]=a[1]; a[1]=a[2]; a[2]=a[3];}\
		    else   {a[3]=a[2]; a[2]=a[1]; a[1]=a[0]; a[0]=a[3];}
    Quat p;
    double ka[4];
    int i, turn = -1;
    ka[X] = k->x; ka[Y] = k->y; ka[Z] = k->z;
    if (ka[X]==ka[Y]) {if (ka[X]==ka[Z]) turn = W; else turn = Z;}
    else {if (ka[X]==ka[Z]) turn = Y; else if (ka[Y]==ka[Z]) turn = X;}
    if (turn>=0) {
	Quat qtoz, qp;
	unsigned neg[3], win;
	double mag[3], t;
	static Quat qxtoz = {0,SQRTHALF,0,SQRTHALF};
	static Quat qytoz = {SQRTHALF,0,0,SQRTHALF};
	static Quat qppmm = { 0.5, 0.5,-0.5,-0.5};
	static Quat qpppp = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5};
	static Quat qmpmm = {-0.5, 0.5,-0.5,-0.5};
	static Quat qpppm = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,-0.5};
	static Quat q0001 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
	static Quat q1000 = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
	switch (turn) {
	default: return (Qt_Conj(q));
	case X: q = Qt_Mul(q, qtoz = qxtoz); swap(ka,X,Z) break;
	case Y: q = Qt_Mul(q, qtoz = qytoz); swap(ka,Y,Z) break;
	case Z: qtoz = q0001; break;
	q = Qt_Conj(q);
	mag[0] = (double)q.z*q.z+(double)q.w*q.w-0.5;
	mag[1] = (double)q.x*q.z-(double)q.y*q.w;
	mag[2] = (double)q.y*q.z+(double)q.x*q.w;
	for (i=0; i<3; i++) if (neg[i] = (mag[i]<0.0)) mag[i] = -mag[i];
	if (mag[0]>mag[1]) {if (mag[0]>mag[2]) win = 0; else win = 2;}
	else		   {if (mag[1]>mag[2]) win = 1; else win = 2;}
	switch (win) {
	case 0: if (neg[0]) p = q1000; else p = q0001; break;
	case 1: if (neg[1]) p = qppmm; else p = qpppp; cycle(ka,0) break;
	case 2: if (neg[2]) p = qmpmm; else p = qpppm; cycle(ka,1) break;
	qp = Qt_Mul(q, p);
	t = sqrt(mag[win]+0.5);
	p = Qt_Mul(p, Qt_(0.0,0.0,-qp.z/t,qp.w/t));
	p = Qt_Mul(qtoz, Qt_Conj(p));
    } else {
Пример #2
ArcBall_Update (void)
  int setSize = setSizes[axisSet];
  HVect *set = (HVect *)(sets[axisSet]);

  vFrom = MouseOnSphere(vDown, center, radius);
  vTo = MouseOnSphere(vNow, center, radius);
  if (dragging)
      if (axisSet!=NoAxes)
          vFrom = ConstrainToAxis(vFrom, set[axisIndex]);
          vTo = ConstrainToAxis(vTo, set[axisIndex]);
      qDrag = Qt_FromBallPoints(vFrom, vTo);
      qNow = Qt_Mul(qDrag, qDown);
      if (axisSet!=NoAxes) axisIndex = NearestConstraintAxis(vTo, set, setSize);
  Qt_ToBallPoints(qDown, &vrFrom, &vrTo);
  Qt_ToMatrix(Qt_Conj(qNow), mNow); /* Gives transpose for GL. */