void CDX9Renderer::FillGradient(const rect& r, cr_float angle, point hotspot, const color& c1, const color& c2, gradient_direction dir)
		quad q((r - hotspot).rotate_to_quad(angle, r.topleft()));


		color vs[4];

		switch (dir) {
		case dir_up:
			SetVertices(vs, c2, c2, c1, c1);
			Quad(r, vs);
		case dir_down:
			SetVertices(vs, c1, c1, c2, c2);
			Quad(r, vs);
		case dir_left:
			SetVertices(vs, c2, c1, c2, c1);
			Quad(r, vs);
		case dir_right:
			SetVertices(vs, c1, c2, c1, c2);
			Quad(r, vs);
	void CDX9Renderer::FillGradient(const rect& r, const color& c1, const color& c2, gradient_direction dir)

		color vs[4];

		switch (dir) {
		case dir_up:
			SetVertices(vs, c2, c2, c1, c1);
			Quad(r, vs);
		case dir_down:
			SetVertices(vs, c1, c1, c2, c2);
			Quad(r, vs);
		case dir_left:
			SetVertices(vs, c2, c1, c2, c1);
			Quad(r, vs);
		case dir_right:
			SetVertices(vs, c1, c2, c1, c2);
			Quad(r, vs);
Пример #3
MapGridNode::MapGridNode(const vn::vector2i &index) {
    vn::color_t color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x20);
    Quad *p = vnnew Quad();
    *p << vn::aabox2f(0, 0, 38, 2) << color << vn::Render2DInterface::kAlphaAdditive;
    addRenderable(p, false);
    p = vnnew Quad();
    *p << vn::aabox2f(0, 2, 2, 40) << color << vn::Render2DInterface::kAlphaAdditive;
    addRenderable(p, false);
    p = vnnew Quad();
    *p << vn::aabox2f(38, 0, 40, 38) << color << vn::Render2DInterface::kAlphaAdditive;
    addRenderable(p, false);
    p = vnnew Quad();
    *p << vn::aabox2f(2, 38, 40, 40) << color << vn::Render2DInterface::kAlphaAdditive;
    addRenderable(p, false);

    Text *t = vnnew Text();
    vn::c8 buf[32];
    sprintf(buf, "%u,%u", index.x + 1, index.y + 1);
    *t << vn::color_t(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80) << vn::Render2DInterface::kAlphaAdditive << vn::RenderText::kCenter;
    *t << vn::FontManager::instance().defaultFont() << buf;
    SceneNode *node = vnnew SceneNode();
    node->setPosition(vn::vector2f(20, 20));
    node->setScale(vn::vector2f(0.6f, 0.6f));
    node->addRenderable(t, false);
    addChild(node, false);
    setPosition(index * 40);
    setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(0, 0, 40, 40));
smReal Distance(QPointF p1, QPointF p2)
 return sqrt(
        Quad( p1.x() - p2.x() ) +
        Quad( p1.y() - p2.y() )
	void CDX9Renderer::Quad(const rect& r, cr_float angle, point hotspot, const color& filter, const rect* _uv)
		// Avoid math for unrotated rects
		if (angle == 0.0)
			Quad(r - hotspot, filter, _uv);
			Quad((r - hotspot).rotate_to_quad(angle, r.topleft()), filter, _uv);
Пример #6
		void begin()
			rot = 0.0;
		    square = Quad(1,1,ColorRGBA(0,0,0,1));
		    square2 = Quad(1,1,ColorRGBA(0,0,0,1));
		    square3 = Quad(1,1,ColorRGBA(0,0,0,1));
		}                                            // Execute when game state starts.
Пример #7
local void walktree(nodeptr *aptr, nodeptr *nptr, cellptr cptr, cellptr bptr,
                    nodeptr p, real psize, vector pmid)
  nodeptr *np, *ap, q;
  int actsafe;
  matrix trQM;
  if (Update(p)) {				// new forces needed in node?
    np = nptr;					// start new active list
    actsafe = actmax - NSUB;			// leave room for NSUB more
    for (ap = aptr; ap < nptr; ap++) {		// loop over active nodes
      if (Type(*ap) == CELL) {			// is this node a cell?
	if (accept(*ap, psize, pmid)) {		// does it pass the test?
	  if (Mass(*ap) > 0.0) {		// and contribute to field?
	    Mass(cptr) = Mass(*ap);		// copy to interaction list
	    SETV(Pos(cptr), Pos(*ap));
#if defined(SOFTCORR)
	    TRACEM(Trace(cptr), Quad(*ap));	// save trace in copy
	    MULMS(trQM, trQM, Trace(cptr)/3);
	    SUBM(Quad(cptr), Quad(*ap), trQM);	// store traceless moment
	    SETM(Quad(cptr), Quad(*ap));	// copy traceless moment
	    cptr++;				// and bump cell array ptr
	} else {				// this cell fails the test
	  if (np - active >= actsafe)		// make sure list has room
	    fatal("%s.walktree: active list overflow\n", getprog());
	  for (q = More(*ap); q != Next(*ap); q = Next(q))
						// loop over all subcells
	    *np++= q;				// put them on active list
      } else					// else this node is a body
	if (*ap != p && Mass(*ap) > 0.0) {	// not self-interaction?
	  --bptr;				// bump body array ptr
	  Mass(bptr) = Mass(*ap);		// and copy data to array
	  SETV(Pos(bptr), Pos(*ap));
    acttot = MAX(acttot, np - active);		// keep track of max active
    if (np != nptr) {				// if new actives were added
      walksub(nptr, np, cptr, bptr, p, psize, pmid);
						// then visit next level
    } else {					// else no actives left
      if (Type(p) != BODY)			// make sure we got a body
	fatal("%s.walktree: recursion terminated with cell\n"
	      "  p = 0x%x  psize   = %.8f  Mass(p) = %g\n"
	      "  pmid =   (%.8f,%.8f,%.8f)\n  Pos(p) = (%.8f,%.8f,%.8f)\n",
	      getprog(), (int) p, psize, Mass(p),
	      pmid[0], pmid[1], pmid[2], Pos(p)[0], Pos(p)[1], Pos(p)[2]);
      gravsum((bodyptr) p, cptr, bptr);		// sum force on this body
Пример #8
void cubicToQuads (const Cubic &cu, std::vector< Quad > &out)
  //Generic recursive subdivision
  Cubic c1,c2;
  subdivCubic( cu, c1,c2 );
  Cubic cubics[4];
  subdivCubic( c1, cubics[0], cubics[1] );
  subdivCubic( c2, cubics[2], cubics[3] );

  for (int j=0; j<4; ++j)
    Cubic cj = cubics[j];
    Quad quad;
    quad.p0 = cj.p0;
    quad.p2 = cj.p3;

    if (! intersectLines( cj.p0, cj.p1, cj.p2, cj.p3, quad.p1 ))
      quad.p1 = (cj.p1 + cj.p2) * 0.5f;

    out.push_back( quad );

  //Fixed subdivision into 4 quads
  Vec2 p01 = (cu.p0 + cu.p1) * 0.5f;
  Vec2 p12 = (cu.p1 + cu.p2) * 0.5f;
  Vec2 p23 = (cu.p2 + cu.p3) * 0.5f;

  Vec2 p001 = (cu.p0 + p01) * 0.5f;
  Vec2 a = (p001 + p01) * 0.5f;

  Vec2 p233 = (p23 + cu.p3) * 0.5f;
  Vec2 d = (p23 + p233) * 0.5f;

  Vec2 p0112 = (p01 + p12) * 0.5f;
  Vec2 p1223 = (p12 + p23) * 0.5f;
  Vec2 B = (p0112 + p1223) * 0.5f;

  Vec2 p0112B = (p0112 + B) * 0.5f;
  Vec2 b = (p0112 + p0112B) * 0.5f;

  Vec2 pB1223 = (B + p1223) * 0.5f;
  Vec2 c = (pB1223 + p1223) * 0.5f;

  Vec2 A = (a + b) * 0.5f;
  Vec2 C = (c + d) * 0.5f;

  out.push_back( Quad( cu.p0, a, A ) );
  out.push_back( Quad( A, b, B ) );
  out.push_back( Quad( B, c, C ) );
  out.push_back( Quad( C, d, cu.p3 ) );
Пример #9
GridTopology::Quad GridTopology::getQuad(int x, int y, int z)
    if (n.getValue()[2] == 1)
        return Quad(point(x, y, 1), point(x+1, y, 1),
                point(x+1, y+1, 1), point(x, y+1, 1));
    else if (n.getValue()[1] == 1)
        return Quad(point(x, 1, z), point(x+1, 1, z),
                point(x+1, 1, z+1), point(x, 1, z+1));
        return Quad(point(1, y, z),point(1, y+1, z),
                point(1, y+1, z+1),point(1, y, z+1));
Пример #10
local void gravsub(nodeptr q)
    real drab, phii, mor3;
    vector ai, quaddr;
    real dr5inv, phiquad, drquaddr;

    if (q != (long) qmem) {              /* cant use memorized data? */
        SUBV(dr, Pos(q), pos0);                 /*   then compute sep.      */
	DOTVP(drsq, dr, dr);			/*   and sep. squared       */
    drsq += eps*eps;                            /* use standard softening   */
    drab = rsqrt(drsq);
    phii = Mass(q) / drab;
    mor3 = phii / drsq;
    MULVS(ai, dr, mor3);
    phi0 -= phii;                               /* add to total grav. pot.  */
    ADDV(acc0, acc0, ai);                       /* ... and to total accel.  */
    if (usequad && Type(q) == CELL) {           /* if cell, add quad term   */
      cellptr SAFE c= TC(q);
        dr5inv = 1.0/(drsq * drsq * drab);      /*   form dr^-5             */
        MULMV(quaddr, Quad(c), dr);             /*   form Q * dr            */
        DOTVP(drquaddr, dr, quaddr);            /*   form dr * Q * dr       */
        phiquad = -0.5 * dr5inv * drquaddr;     /*   get quad. part of phi  */
        phi0 = phi0 + phiquad;                  /*   increment potential    */
        phiquad = 5.0 * phiquad / drsq;         /*   save for acceleration  */
        MULVS(ai, dr, phiquad);                 /*   components of acc.     */
        SUBV(acc0, acc0, ai);                   /*   increment              */
        MULVS(quaddr, quaddr, dr5inv);   
        SUBV(acc0, acc0, quaddr);               /*   acceleration           */
Пример #11
local void sumcell(cellptr start, cellptr finish, vector pos0,
		   real *phi0, vector acc0)
  real eps2, eps2thrd, dr2, dr2i, dr1i, mdr1i, mdr3i, qdr2, dr5i, phi_q;
  vector dr, qdr;
  eps2 = eps * eps;				// premultiply softening
  eps2thrd = eps2 / 3.0;			// predivide for soft corr
  for (cellptr p = start; p < finish; p++) {	// loop over node list
    DOTPSUBV(dr2, dr, Pos(p), pos0);		// do mono part of force
    dr2i = ((real) 1.0) / (dr2 + eps2);		// perform only division
    dr1i = rsqrt(dr2i);				// set inverse soft distance
    mdr1i = Mass(p) * dr1i;			// form mono potential
    mdr3i = mdr1i * dr2i;			// get scale factor for dr
    DOTPMULMV(qdr2, qdr, Quad(p), dr);		// do quad part of force
#if defined(SOFTCORR)
    qdr2 -= eps2thrd * Trace(p);		// apply Keigo's correction
    dr5i = ((real) 3.0) * dr2i * dr2i * dr1i;	// factor 3 saves a multiply
    phi_q = ((real) 0.5) * dr5i * qdr2;		// form quad potential
    mdr3i += ((real) 5.0) * phi_q * dr2i;	// adjust radial term
    *phi0 -= mdr1i + phi_q;			// sum mono and quad pot
    ADDMULVS2(acc0, dr, mdr3i, qdr, - dr5i);	// sum mono and quad acc
	void CDX9Renderer::Fill(const rect& r, cr_float angle, point hotspot, const color& c)
		quad q((r - hotspot).rotate_to_quad(angle, r.topleft()));

		Quad(q, c, NULL);
Пример #13
Snake::Snake(const glm::vec3& position) : _allowMove(true), _isAlive(true)
	int direction = rand() % 4;


	switch (direction) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 2:
		case 3:
Пример #14
void Jogo::executar()
	while(!gTeclado.soltou[TECLA_ESC] && !gEventos.sair)

		//	Se pressionou R, restaura o painel de debug
		if (gTeclado.pressionou[TECLA_R])

		//	Depurar variaveis
		gDebug.depurar("FPS", (int)gTempo.getFPS());
		gDebug.depurar("deltaTempo", gTempo.getDeltaTempo());
		gDebug.depurar("mouse", Vetor2D(gMouse.x, gMouse.y));
		gDebug.depurar("retanguloTela", Quad(0, 0, gJanela.getLargura(), gJanela.getAltura()));

		//	Cria um erro
		gDebug.erro("Erro Teste", this);

		//	Opcionalmente, passa-se uma cor para a depuração
		gDebug.depurar("Verde", "Este é um texto Verde", Cor(0, 255, 0));

		//	Desenhar fundo, para poder ver melhor a transparência do painel
		sprFundo.desenhar(gJanela.getLargura() / 2, gJanela.getAltura() / 2);

Пример #15
void Snake::eat()
Пример #16
void Proof::set_trace_pair(const Vertex & v1, const Vertex & v2,
		const Tag & t1, const Tag & t2) {
	assert( vertices.find(v1) != vertices.end() );
	assert( vertices.find(v2) != vertices.end() );
	assert( tag_map[v1].find(t1) != tag_map[v1].end() );
	assert( tag_map[v2].find(t2) != tag_map[v2].end() );
	trace_pairs.insert( Quad(v1, v2, t1, t2) );
smReal normalCurve(smReal x, smReal mu, smReal sigma)
    smReal factor1,factor2;
    if (mu == 0.0 && sigma == 1.0) {
        factor1 = 0.3989422804014327;
        factor2 = 2;
    else {
        factor1 = 1.0/(sigma*sqrt(2*PI));
        factor2 = 2*Quad(sigma);
    smReal exponential = -(Quad(x-mu)/factor2);
    return factor1 * exp(exponential);
Пример #18
void EtageQuad::split() {
	if (nbEtages > 1 && etage == 0 && ((w[N] && w[S]) || (w[E] && w[W])) && c.minLengthEW() > 800 && proba(seed, 0, 0.8)) {
		Quad q = c << ((w[N] && w[S]) ? 0 : 1);
		Quad qh = ch << ((w[N] && w[S]) ? 0 : 1);
		Vertex n = (q[NW] + q[NE]) / 2.f;
		Vertex s = (q[SE] + q[SW]) / 2.f;
		Vertex nh = (qh[NW] + qh[NE]) / 2.f;
		Vertex sh = (qh[SE] + qh[SW]) / 2.f;
		Quad e = Quad(q[NE], q[SE], s, n).inset(W, 200);
		Quad w = Quad(n, s, q[SW], q[NW]).inset(E, 200);
		Quad eh = Quad(qh[NE], qh[SE], sh, nh).inset(W, 200);
		Quad wh = Quad(nh, sh, qh[SW], qh[NW]).inset(E, 200);
		Quad ei = e.insetNESW(28, 28, 28, 0);
		Quad wi = w.insetNESW(28, 0, 28, 28);
		Quad eih = eh.insetNESW(28, 28, 28, 0);
		Quad wih = wh.insetNESW(28, 0, 28, 28);
		// TODO : ArcheQuad(Quad, Quad);
		addChild(new ArcheQuad(Quad(e[NW], e[SW], w[SE], w[NE]), Segment(qh[NE], q[NE]).length()));
		// Mur sur e[N], e[E], e[S], w[S], w[W], w[N];
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			addChild(new MurQuad(Quad(e[NE+i], ei[NE+i], ei[NW+i], e[NW+i]), Quad(eh[NE+i], eih[NE+i], eih[NW+i], eh[NW+i])));
			addChild(new MurQuad(Quad(w[SE+i], w[SW+i], wi[SW+i], wi[SE+i]), Quad(wh[SE+i], wh[SW+i], wih[SW+i], wih[SE+i])));
	} else {
		Quad me = c.insetOpp(E,28);
		Quad ms = c.inset(E,28).inset(W,28).insetOpp(S,28);
		Quad mw = c.insetOpp(W,28);
		Quad mn = c.inset(E,28).inset(W,28).insetOpp(N,28);
		Quad meh = ch.insetOpp(E,28);
		Quad msh = ch.inset(E,28).inset(W,28).insetOpp(S,28);
		Quad mwh = ch.insetOpp(W,28);
		Quad mnh = ch.inset(E,28).inset(W,28).insetOpp(N,28);

        QuadBool d = QuadBool(false,false,false,false);

        if(etage == 0) {
            if(w[E])        d[E] = true;
            else if(w[W])   d[W] = true;
            else if(w[N])   d[N] = true;
            else if(w[S])   d[S] = true;

		addChild(new MurQuad(me << 1,meh << 1,w[E]^d[E],false,false,d[E]));
		addChild(new MurQuad(mw >> 1,mwh >> 1,w[W]^d[W],false,false,d[W]));
		addChild(new MurQuad(mn,mnh,w[N]^d[N],false,false,d[N]));
		addChild(new MurQuad(ms >> 2,msh >> 2,w[S]^d[S],false,false,d[S]));
	addChild(new PlancherPlafond(c, PlancherPlafond::PLANCHER));
	addChild(new PlancherPlafond(ch.offsetNormal(-10), PlancherPlafond::PLAFOND));
	// This function draws a texture at a single given point - a texture has to be set otherwise it can't get the width and height to draw
	void CDX9Renderer::Quad(const point& p, cr_float angle, point hotspot, const color& filter, const rect* _uv)
		// Check a texture is set
		if (current_texture == NULL)
			throw error(_T("Can't draw a quad using this overload with no texture set"), E_FAIL);

		const rect r(p.x, p.y, p.x + current_texture->image_widthf, p.y + current_texture->image_heightf);
		Quad(r, angle, origin, filter, _uv);
void GUIallyResourceBar::PrivateDraw()
	int numAllies=0;
	for(int a=0;a<gs->activeTeams;++a){
		if(gs->allies[gs->team2allyteam[a]][gu->myAllyTeam] && a!=gu->myTeam)


	glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);

	Quad(0, 0, w, h);
	int yoff=0;
	for(int a=0;a<gs->activeTeams;++a){
		if(gs->allies[gs->team2allyteam[a]][gu->myAllyTeam] && a!=gu->myTeam){
			glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
			guifont->Print(2, yoff+10, gs->players[gs->teams[a]->leader]->playerName.c_str());
			guifont->Print(65, yoff+2, "%.0f",gs->teams[a]->metal);
			guifont->Print(65, yoff+18, "%.0f",gs->teams[a]->energy);
			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);

			glColor4f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.3f, 0.8f);

			glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f, 0.8f);

			glColor4f(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.1f, 0.8f);

			glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.8f);

Пример #21
void ObjectFlatten::quadTo (const Vec2 &p1, const Vec2 &p2, int space)
  if (!penDown) return;

  Vec2 t0 = transform( getPen() );
  Vec2 t1 = transform( p1 );
  Vec2 t2 = transform( p2 );

  getObject()->quads.push_back( Quad( t0.x,t0.y, t1.x,t1.y, t2.x,t2.y ));
  getObject()->contourPoints.push_back( t2 );
Пример #22
void EtageTri::split() {
	Triangle small = c.insetLTR(28);
	Triangle smallh = ch.insetLTR(28);

	TriBool d(false,false,false);

	if(etage == 0) {
		if(w[LEFTSIDE])       d[LEFTSIDE] = true;
		else if(w[RIGHTSIDE]) d[RIGHTSIDE] = true;
		else if(w[BASE])      d[BASE] = true;

	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		Quad q = Quad(c[TOP+i], small[TOP+i], small[LEFT+i], c[LEFT+i]);
		Quad qh = Quad(ch[TOP+i], smallh[TOP+i], smallh[LEFT+i], ch[LEFT+i]);
		addChild(new MurQuad(q, qh, w[LEFTSIDE+i]^d[LEFTSIDE+i],false,false,d[LEFTSIDE+i]));

	addChild(new PlancherPlafondTri(c, PlancherPlafondTri::PLANCHER));
	addChild(new PlancherPlafondTri(ch.offsetNormal(-10), PlancherPlafondTri::PLAFOND));
Пример #23
local void walkgrav(nodeptr *aptr, nodeptr *nptr, cellptr cptr, cellptr bptr,
                    nodeptr p, real psize, vector pmid)
    nodeptr *np, *ap, q;
    int actsafe;
    if (Update(p)) {				/* are new forces needed?   */
	np = nptr;				/* start new active list    */
	actsafe = actlen - NSUB;                /* leave room for NSUB more */
	for (ap = aptr; ap < nptr; ap++)        /* loop over active nodes   */
	    if (Cell(*ap)) {                    /* is this node a cell?     */
		if (accept(*ap, psize, pmid)) {	/* does it pass the test?   */
		    Mass(cptr) = Mass(*ap);	/* copy to interaction list */
		    SETV(Pos(cptr), Pos(*ap));
		    SETM(Quad(cptr), Quad(*ap));
		    cptr++;			/* and bump cell array ptr  */
		} else {			/* else it fails the test   */
		    if (np - active >= actsafe) /* check list has room      */
			error("walkgrav: active list overflow\n");
		    for (q = More(*ap); q != Next(*ap); q = Next(q))
						/* loop over all subcells   */
			*np++= q;               /* put on new active list   */
	    } else                              /* else this node is a body */
		if (*ap != p) {                 /* if not self-interaction  */
		    --bptr;			/* bump body array ptr      */
		    Mass(bptr) = Mass(*ap);	/* and copy data to array   */
		    SETV(Pos(bptr), Pos(*ap));
	actmax = MAX(actmax, np - active);	/* keep track of max active */
	if (np != nptr)                         /* if new actives listed    */
	    walksub(nptr, np, cptr, bptr, p, psize, pmid);
						/* then visit next level    */
	else {                                  /* else no actives left, so */
	    if (! Body(p))                      /* must have found a body   */
		error("walkgrav: recursion terminated with cell\n");
	    gravsum((bodyptr) p, cptr, bptr);   /* sum force on the body    */
Пример #24
QList<Quad> MeshTextureGraphicsItem::_split(const Quad& quad)
  QList<Quad> quads;

  QPointF a = quad.getVertex(0);
  QPointF b = quad.getVertex(1);
  QPointF c = quad.getVertex(2);
  QPointF d = quad.getVertex(3);

  QPointF ab = (a + b) * 0.5f;
  QPointF bc = (b + c) * 0.5f;
  QPointF cd = (c + d) * 0.5f;
  QPointF ad = (a + d) * 0.5f;

  QPointF abcd = (ab + cd) * 0.5f;

  quads.append(Quad(a, ab, abcd, ad));
  quads.append(Quad(ab, b, bc, abcd));
  quads.append(Quad(abcd, bc, c, cd));
  quads.append(Quad(ad, abcd, cd, d));

  return quads;
Пример #25
char* showCell(const NBodyCell* c)
    char* buf;
    char* posBuf;

    if (!c)
        return NULL;

    posBuf = showVector(Pos(c));

    if (0 > asprintf(&buf,
                     "NBodyCell = {\n"
                     "  cellnode = {\n"
                     "    pos  = %s\n"
                     "    next = %p\n"
                     "    mass = %f\n"
                     "    type = %d\n"
                     "  }\n"
                     "  rcrit2   = %f\n"
                     "  more     = %p\n"
                     "  stuff    = {\n"
                     "    .quad = {\n"
                     "      .xx = %f, .xy = %f, .xz = %f,\n"
                     "      .yy = %f, .yz = %f,\n"
                     "      .zz = %f\n"
                     "    },\n"
                     "    .subp = {\n"
                     "      %p, %p, %p, %p,\n"
                     "      %p, %p, %p, %p\n"
                     "    }\n"
                     "  }\n"
                     (void*) Next(c),

                     (void*) More(c),

                     Quad(c).xx, Quad(c).xy, Quad(c).xz,
                     Quad(c).yy, Quad(c).yz,

                     (void*) Subp(c)[0], (void*) Subp(c)[1], (void*) Subp(c)[2], (void*) Subp(c)[3],
                     (void*) Subp(c)[5], (void*) Subp(c)[5], (void*) Subp(c)[6], (void*) Subp(c)[7]
        mw_fail("asprintf() failed\n");


    return buf;
Пример #26
int main(){
	Point target = Point(1,1,0);
	Quad q = Quad(Point(2,4,1),Point(0,0,2),Point(5,0,3),Point(4,3,4));
	//compute local coordinates.
	std::cout << "Computing Local Coordinates...\n";
	LocaleCoordinats lc = newtonIteration(target, q);

	//interpolate value with computed local coordinates
	std::cout << "Interpolating Value...\n";
	target.value = interpolateValue(lc, q);
    std::cout << "Target:\n  x: " << target.x << "\n  y: " << target.y << "\n  value: " << target.value <<"\n\n"; 

	return 0;
Пример #27
bool SpriteSheet::carregar(string arquivo, int num_animacoes, int num_max_frames, EnumQualidadeEscala qualidade_escala)
		gDebug.erro("Sem uniInicializar() antes de tentar carregar: '" + arquivo + "'.");
		return false;

		gDebug.erro("Arquivo '" + arquivo + "' nao pode ser carregado, pois SpriteSheet ja carregou o arquivo " + tex.getCaminhoDoArquivo() + ".");
		return false;

	if(!tex.criarDoArquivo(arquivo, qualidade_escala))
		gDebug.erro("Erro ao carregar arquivo: '" + arquivo + "' - " + SDL_GetError() + ".");
		return false;

	if(num_animacoes < 1)
		num_animacoes = 1;
	if(num_max_frames < 1)
		num_max_frames = 1;

	int largura_frame = tex.getLargura()/num_max_frames;
	int altura_frame = tex.getAltura()/num_animacoes;

	for(int i = 0; i < frames.size(); ++i)
		for(int j = 0; j < num_max_frames; ++j)
			frames[i][j] = Quad(j*largura_frame, i*altura_frame, largura_frame, altura_frame);

	return true;
Пример #28
        Quad Quad::getBoundingBox(const std::vector<arma::vec2>& points) {
            // Check for
            if (points.size() <= 0) {
                throw std::domain_error("Request made for bounding box for empty list of points!");

            double min_x = points[0][0];
            double max_x = points[0][0];
            double min_y = points[0][1];
            double max_y = points[0][1];
            for (uint i = 1; i < points.size(); i++) {
                auto& p = points[i];
                max_x   = std::max(max_x, p[0]);
                min_x   = std::min(min_x, p[0]);
                max_y   = std::max(max_y, p[1]);
                min_y   = std::min(min_y, p[1]);
            return Quad(arma::vec2({min_x, min_y}),
                        arma::vec2({min_x, max_y}),
                        arma::vec2({max_x, max_y}),
                        arma::vec2({max_x, min_y}));
Пример #29
local void sumcell(cellptr start, cellptr finish,
                   vector pos0, real *phi0, vector acc0)
    cellptr p;
    real eps2, dr2, drab, phi_p, mr3i, drqdr, dr5i, phi_q;
    vector dr, qdr;
    eps2 = eps * eps;
    for (p = start; p < finish; p++) {          /* loop over node list      */
        DOTPSUBV(dr2, dr, Pos(p), pos0);        /* do mono part of force    */
        dr2 += eps2;
        drab = rsqrt(dr2);
        phi_p = Mass(p) / drab;
        mr3i = phi_p / dr2;
        DOTPMULMV(drqdr, qdr, Quad(p), dr);     /* do quad part of force    */
        dr5i = ((real) 1.0) / (dr2 * dr2 * drab);
        phi_q = ((real) 0.5) * dr5i * drqdr;
        *phi0 -= phi_p + phi_q;                 /* add mono and quad pot    */
        mr3i += ((real) 5.0) * phi_q / dr2;
        ADDMULVS2(acc0, dr, mr3i, qdr, -dr5i);  /* add mono and quad acc    */
Пример #30
void gravsub(register nodeptr p, long ProcessId)
    real drabs, phii, mor3;
    vector ai;

    if (p != Local[ProcessId].pmem) {
        SUBV(Local[ProcessId].dr, Pos(p), Local[ProcessId].pos0);
        DOTVP(Local[ProcessId].drsq, Local[ProcessId].dr, Local[ProcessId].dr);

    Local[ProcessId].drsq += epssq;
    drabs = sqrt((double) Local[ProcessId].drsq);
    phii = Mass(p) / drabs;
    Local[ProcessId].phi0 -= phii;
    mor3 = phii / Local[ProcessId].drsq;
    MULVS(ai, Local[ProcessId].dr, mor3);
    ADDV(Local[ProcessId].acc0, Local[ProcessId].acc0, ai);
    if(Type(p) != BODY) {                  /* a body-cell/leaf interaction? */
       dr5inv = 1.0/(Local[ProcessId].drsq * Local[ProcessId].drsq * drabs);
       MULMV(quaddr, Quad(p), Local[ProcessId].dr);
       DOTVP(drquaddr, Local[ProcessId].dr, quaddr);
       phiquad = -0.5 * dr5inv * drquaddr;
       Local[ProcessId].phi0 += phiquad;
       phiquad = 5.0 * phiquad / Local[ProcessId].drsq;
       MULVS(ai, Local[ProcessId].dr, phiquad);
       SUBV(Local[ProcessId].acc0, Local[ProcessId].acc0, ai);
       MULVS(quaddr, quaddr, dr5inv);
       SUBV(Local[ProcessId].acc0, Local[ProcessId].acc0, quaddr);
    else {                                      /* a body-body interaction  */