Пример #1
bool CRegistry::Query ( std::string strQuery, CLuaArguments *pArgs, CRegistryResult* pResult )
    std::string strParsedQuery = "";

    if ( m_bOpened == false ) {
        m_strLastError = "SQLite3 was not opened, cannot perform query!";
        return false;

    // Walk through the query and replace the variable placeholders with the actual variables
    unsigned int uiLen = strQuery.length ();
    unsigned int a = 0, type = 0;
    const char *szContent = NULL;
    char szBuffer[32] = {0};
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < uiLen; i++ )
        if ( strQuery.at(i) == SQL_VARIABLE_PLACEHOLDER ) {
            // If the placeholder is found, replace it with the variable
            CLuaArgument *pArgument = (*pArgs)[a++];

            // Check the type of the argument and convert it to a string we can process
            if ( pArgument ) {
                type = pArgument->GetType ();
                if ( type == LUA_TBOOLEAN ) {
                    szContent = ( pArgument->GetBoolean() ) ? "true" : "false";
                } else if ( type == LUA_TNUMBER ) {
                    _snprintf ( szBuffer, 31, "%f", pArgument->GetNumber () );
                    szContent = szBuffer;
                } else if ( type == LUA_TSTRING ) {
                    szContent = pArgument->GetString ().c_str ();

                    // If we have a string, add a quote at the beginning too
                    strParsedQuery += '\'';

            // Copy the string into the query, and escape the single quotes as well
            if ( szContent ) {
                for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < strlen ( szContent ); k++ ) {
                    if ( szContent[k] == '\'' )
                        strParsedQuery += '\'';
                    strParsedQuery += szContent[k];
                // If we have a string, add a quote at the end too
                if ( type == LUA_TSTRING ) strParsedQuery += '\'';
            } else {
                // If we don't have any content, put just output 2 quotes to indicate an empty variable
                strParsedQuery += "\'\'";

        } else {
            // If we found a normal character, copy it into the destination buffer
            strParsedQuery += strQuery[i];

    return QueryInternal ( strParsedQuery.c_str (), pResult );
// CDatabaseConnectionSqlite::Query
bool CDatabaseConnectionSqlite::Query ( const SString& strQuery, CRegistryResult& registryResult )
    // VACUUM query does not work with transactions
    if ( strQuery.BeginsWithI( "VACUUM" ) )
        EndAutomaticTransaction ();
        BeginAutomaticTransaction ();
    return QueryInternal ( strQuery, registryResult );
// CDatabaseConnectionSqlite::EndAutomaticTransaction
void CDatabaseConnectionSqlite::EndAutomaticTransaction ( void )
    if ( m_bInAutomaticTransaction )
        m_bInAutomaticTransaction = false;
        CRegistryResult dummy;
        QueryInternal ( "END TRANSACTION", dummy );
Пример #4
void CRegistry::EndAutomaticTransaction ( void )
    if ( m_bInAutomaticTransaction )
        m_bInAutomaticTransaction = false;
        CRegistryResult dummy;
        QueryInternal ( "END TRANSACTION", &dummy );
// CDatabaseConnectionSqlite::BeginAutomaticTransaction
void CDatabaseConnectionSqlite::BeginAutomaticTransaction ( void )
    if ( m_bInAutomaticTransaction )
        // If it's been a little while since this transaction was started, consider renewing it
        if ( ( CTickCount::Now () - m_AutomaticTransactionStartTime ).ToLongLong () > 1500 )
            EndAutomaticTransaction ();
    if ( !m_bInAutomaticTransaction && m_bAutomaticTransactionsEnabled )
        m_bInAutomaticTransaction = true;
        m_AutomaticTransactionStartTime = CTickCount::Now ();
        CRegistryResult dummy;
        QueryInternal ( "BEGIN TRANSACTION", dummy );
Пример #6
void CRegistry::BeginAutomaticTransaction ( void )
    if ( !m_bInAutomaticTransaction )
        if ( m_llSuspendBatchingEndTime )
            if ( m_llSuspendBatchingEndTime > GetTickCount64_ () )
            m_llSuspendBatchingEndTime = 0;

        m_bInAutomaticTransaction = true;
        CRegistryResult dummy;
        QueryInternal ( "BEGIN TRANSACTION", &dummy );
Пример #7
bool CRegistry::Select ( std::string strColumns, std::string strTable, std::string strWhere, unsigned int uiLimit, CRegistryResult* pResult )
    char szBuffer[32] = {0};

    if ( m_bOpened == false ) {
        m_strLastError = "SQLite3 was not opened, cannot get value!";
        return false;

    std::string strQuery = "SELECT " + strColumns + " FROM " + strTable;
    if ( !strWhere.empty () )
        strQuery += " WHERE " + strWhere;
    if ( uiLimit > 0 )
        strQuery += " LIMIT " + std::string ( itoa ( uiLimit, szBuffer, 10 ) );

    // Execute the query
    return QueryInternal ( strQuery.c_str (), pResult );
Пример #8
bool CRegistry::Query ( CRegistryResult* pResult, const char* szQuery, va_list vl )
    // Clear result
    if ( pResult )
        *pResult = CRegistryResult ();

    if ( m_bOpened == false )
        SetLastErrorMessage ( "SQLite3 was not opened, cannot perform query!", szQuery );
        return false;

    SString strParsedQuery;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; szQuery[i] != '\0'; i++ )
        if ( szQuery[i] != SQL_VARIABLE_PLACEHOLDER )
            strParsedQuery += szQuery[i];
            switch ( va_arg( vl, int ) )
                case SQLITE_INTEGER:
                    int iValue = va_arg( vl, int );
                    strParsedQuery += SString ( "%d", iValue );

                case SQLITE_FLOAT:
                    double fValue = va_arg( vl, double );
                    strParsedQuery += SString ( "%f", fValue );

                case SQLITE_TEXT:
                    const char* szValue = va_arg( vl, const char* );
                    assert ( szValue );
                    strParsedQuery += SString ( "'%s'", SQLEscape ( szValue, true, false ).c_str () );

                case SQLITE_BLOB:
                    strParsedQuery += "CANT_DO_BLOBS_M8";

                case SQLITE_NULL:
                    strParsedQuery += "NULL";

                    // someone passed a value without specifying its type
                    assert ( 0 );
    va_end ( vl );
    // VACUUM query does not work with transactions
    if ( strParsedQuery.BeginsWithI( "VACUUM" ) )
        EndAutomaticTransaction ();
        BeginAutomaticTransaction ();
    return QueryInternal ( strParsedQuery.c_str (), pResult );
Пример #9
bool CRegistry::Query ( const std::string& strQuery, CLuaArguments *pArgs, CRegistryResult* pResult )
    std::string strParsedQuery = "";

    if ( m_bOpened == false )
        SetLastErrorMessage ( "SQLite3 was not opened, cannot perform query!", strQuery );
        return false;

    // Walk through the query and replace the variable placeholders with the actual variables
    unsigned int uiLen = strQuery.length ();
    unsigned int a = 0, type = 0;
    const char *szContent = NULL;
    char szBuffer[32] = {0};
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < uiLen; i++ )
        if ( strQuery.at(i) == SQL_VARIABLE_PLACEHOLDER ) {
            // If the placeholder is found, replace it with the variable
            CLuaArgument *pArgument = (*pArgs)[a++];

            // Check the type of the argument and convert it to a string we can process
            if ( pArgument ) {
                type = pArgument->GetType ();
                if ( type == LUA_TBOOLEAN ) {
                    szContent = ( pArgument->GetBoolean() ) ? "true" : "false";
                } else if ( type == LUA_TNUMBER ) {
                    snprintf ( szBuffer, 31, "%f", pArgument->GetNumber () );
                    szContent = szBuffer;
                } else if ( type == LUA_TSTRING ) {
                    szContent = pArgument->GetString ().c_str ();

                    // If we have a string, add a quote at the beginning too
                    strParsedQuery += '\'';

            // Copy the string into the query, and escape the single quotes as well
            if ( szContent ) {
                for ( unsigned int k = 0; szContent[k] != '\0'; k++ ) {
                    if ( szContent[k] == '\'' )
                        strParsedQuery += '\'';
                    strParsedQuery += szContent[k];
                // If we have a string, add a quote at the end too
                if ( type == LUA_TSTRING ) strParsedQuery += '\'';
            } else {
                // If we don't have any content, put just output 2 quotes to indicate an empty variable
                strParsedQuery += "\'\'";

        } else {
            // If we found a normal character, copy it into the destination buffer
            strParsedQuery += strQuery[i];

    // Catch BEGIN/END/COMMIT TRANSACTION and ignore
    SString strTest = SString ( strParsedQuery ).ToUpper ();
    if ( strTest.find ( "TRANSACTION" ) != std::string::npos )
        strTest = strTest.Replace ( "\t", " " ).Replace ( "  ", " ", true ).TrimStart ( " " ).TrimEnd ( " " );
        if ( strTest.find ( "BEGIN" ) == 0 || strTest.find ( "END" ) == 0 || strTest.find ( "COMMIT" ) == 0 )
            return true;

    BeginAutomaticTransaction ();
    return QueryInternal ( strParsedQuery.c_str (), pResult );