Пример #1
OpenRAVE::BaseXMLReader::ProcessElement kdata_parser::startElement(const std::string& name, const OpenRAVE::AttributesList& atts)
   if (name == "spheres")
      if (this->inside_spheres) RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have <spheres> inside <spheres>!\n");
      this->inside_spheres = true;
      return PE_Support;
   if (name == "sphere")
      struct sphere * s;
      struct sphereelem * e;
      if (!this->inside_spheres) { RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have <sphere> not inside <spheres>!\n"); return PE_Pass; }
      s = (struct sphere *) malloc(sizeof(struct sphere));
      for(OpenRAVE::AttributesList::const_iterator itatt = atts.begin(); itatt != atts.end(); ++itatt)
         if (itatt->first=="link")
            strcpy(s->linkname, itatt->second.c_str());
         else if (itatt->first=="radius")
            s->radius = strtod(itatt->second.c_str(), 0);
         else if (itatt->first=="pos")
            sscanf(itatt->second.c_str(), "%lf %lf %lf", &s->pos[0], &s->pos[1], &s->pos[2]);
            RAVELOG_ERROR("unknown attribute %s=%s!\n",itatt->first.c_str(),itatt->second.c_str());
      /* insert at head of kdata list */
      e = (struct sphereelem *) malloc(sizeof(struct sphereelem));
      e->s = s;
      e->next = this->d->sphereelems;
      this->d->sphereelems = e;
      return PE_Support;
   return PE_Pass;
Пример #2
bool kdata_parser::endElement(const std::string& name)
   if (name == "orchomp"){ return true; }
   if ( name == "ignorables" ){
      if (this->inside_spheres){
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have </ignorables>"
                        " inside <spheres>!\n");
      if (!this->inside_ignorables){
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have </ignorables>"
                        " without matching <ignorables>!\n");
      this->inside_ignorables = false;
   else if (name == "ignore")
      if (this->inside_spheres){
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have </ignore> inside <spheres>!\n");

      if (!this->inside_ignorables){
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have </ignore> not"
                        " inside <ignorables>!\n");

   else if (name == "spheres")
      if (this->inside_ignorables){
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have </spheres> "
                        "inside <ignorables>!\n");

      if (!this->inside_spheres){
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have </spheres> "
                        "without matching <spheres>!\n");
      this->inside_spheres = false;
   else if (name == "sphere")
      if (!this->inside_spheres){
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have </sphere> inside <ignorables>!\n");

      if (!this->inside_spheres){
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have </sphere> not inside <spheres>!\n");
      RAVELOG_ERROR("unknown field %s\n", name.c_str());
   return false;
Пример #3
bool kdata_parser::endElement(const std::string& name)
   if (name == "orgpmp2") return true;
   if (name == "spheres")
      if (!this->inside_spheres) RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have </spheres> without matching <spheres>!\n");
      this->inside_spheres = false;
   else if (name == "sphere")
      if (!this->inside_spheres) RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have </sphere> not inside <spheres>!\n");
      RAVELOG_ERROR("unknown field %s\n", name.c_str());
   return false;
 static bool _ViewerCallback(object fncallback, PyEnvironmentBasePtr pyenv, KinBody::LinkPtr plink,RaveVector<float> position,RaveVector<float> direction)
     object res;
     PyGILState_STATE gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
     try {
         res = fncallback(openravepy::toPyKinBodyLink(plink,pyenv),toPyVector3(position),toPyVector3(direction));
     catch(...) {
         RAVELOG_ERROR("exception occured in python viewer callback:\n");
     extract<bool> xb(res);
     if( xb.check() ) {
         return (bool)xb;
     extract<int> xi(res);
     if( xi.check() ) {
         return (int)xi;
     extract<double> xd(res);
     if( xd.check() ) {
         return (double)xd>0;
     return true;
OpenRAVE::InterfaceBasePtr CreateInterfaceValidated(OpenRAVE::InterfaceType type,
    std::string const &interface_name, std::istream &sinput, OpenRAVE::EnvironmentBasePtr env)

    if (type == OpenRAVE::PT_Sensor && interface_name == "bhtactilesensor") {
        std::string node_name, owd_namespace, robot_name, link_prefix;
        sinput >> node_name >> owd_namespace >> robot_name >> link_prefix;

        // Initialize the ROS node.
        RAVELOG_DEBUG("name = %s  namespace = %s\n", node_name.c_str(), owd_namespace.c_str());
        if (sinput.fail()) {
            RAVELOG_ERROR("BHTactileSensor is missing the node_name, owd_namespace, robot_name, or link_prefix parameter(s).\n");
            return OpenRAVE::InterfaceBasePtr();

        if (!ros::isInitialized()) {
            int argc = 0;
            ros::init(argc, NULL, node_name, ros::init_options::AnonymousName);
            RAVELOG_DEBUG("Starting ROS node '%s'.\n", node_name.c_str());
        } else {
            RAVELOG_DEBUG("Using existing ROS node '%s'\n", ros::this_node::getName().c_str());

        OpenRAVE::RobotBasePtr robot = env->GetRobot(robot_name);
        if (!robot) {
            throw OPENRAVE_EXCEPTION_FORMAT("There is no robot named '%s'.",
                                            robot_name.c_str(), OpenRAVE::ORE_InvalidArguments);
        return boost::make_shared<BHTactileSensor>(env, robot, owd_namespace, link_prefix);
    } else {
Пример #6
    virtual void demothread(int argc, char ** argv) {
        string scenefilename = "data/pa10grasp2.env.xml";

        vector<RobotBasePtr> vrobots;
        RobotBasePtr probot = vrobots.at(0);

        // find a manipulator chain to move
        for(size_t i = 0; i < probot->GetManipulators().size(); ++i) {
            if( probot->GetManipulators()[i]->GetName().find("arm") != string::npos ) {
        RobotBase::ManipulatorPtr pmanip = probot->GetActiveManipulator();

        // load inverse kinematics using ikfast
        ModuleBasePtr pikfast = RaveCreateModule(penv,"ikfast");
        stringstream ssin,ssout;
        vector<dReal> vsolution;
        ssin << "LoadIKFastSolver " << probot->GetName() << " " << (int)IKP_Transform6D;
        if( !pikfast->SendCommand(ssout,ssin) ) {
            RAVELOG_ERROR("failed to load iksolver\n");
        if( !pmanip->GetIkSolver()) {
            throw OPENRAVE_EXCEPTION_FORMAT0("need ik solver",ORE_Assert);

        ModuleBasePtr pbasemanip = RaveCreateModule(penv,"basemanipulation"); // create the module
        penv->Add(pbasemanip,true,probot->GetName()); // load the module

        while(IsOk()) {
                EnvironmentMutex::scoped_lock lock(penv->GetMutex()); // lock environment

                // find a new manipulator position and feed that into the planner. If valid, robot will move to it safely.
                Transform t = pmanip->GetEndEffectorTransform();
                t.trans += Vector(RaveRandomFloat()-0.5f,RaveRandomFloat()-0.5f,RaveRandomFloat()-0.5f);
                t.rot = quatMultiply(t.rot,quatFromAxisAngle(Vector(RaveRandomFloat()-0.5f,RaveRandomFloat()-0.5f,RaveRandomFloat()-0.5f)*0.2f));
                ssin << "MoveToHandPosition pose " << t;
                // start the planner and run the robot
                if( !pbasemanip->SendCommand(ssout,ssin) ) {

            // unlock the environment and wait for the robot to finish
            while(!probot->GetController()->IsDone() && IsOk()) {
Пример #7
void QtOSGViewer::_Refresh()
    //  _posgWidget->update();

        std::list<UserDataWeakPtr> listRegisteredViewerThreadCallbacks;
            boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(_mutexCallbacks);
            listRegisteredViewerThreadCallbacks = _listRegisteredViewerThreadCallbacks;
        FOREACH(it,listRegisteredViewerThreadCallbacks) {
            ViewerThreadCallbackDataPtr pdata = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ViewerThreadCallbackData>(it->lock());
            if( !!pdata ) {
                try {
                catch(const std::exception& e) {
                    RAVELOG_ERROR(str(boost::format("Viewer Thread Callback Failed with error %s")%e.what()));
Пример #8
kdata_parser::startElement(const std::string& name, 
                           const OpenRAVE::AttributesList& atts)

   if (name == "ignorables"){
      if (this->inside_spheres) {
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have <ignorables> inside <spheres>!\n");
      if (this->inside_ignorables) {
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have <ignorables> inside <ignorables>!\n");

      this->inside_ignorables = true;
      return PE_Support;

   else if (name == "ignore"){
      if (!this->inside_ignorables) {
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have <ignore> "
                        "not inside <ignorables>!\n");
          return PE_Pass;
      if (this->inside_spheres) {
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have <ignore> "
                        "inside <spheres>!\n");
          return PE_Pass;
      //increase the size of the vector,
      //    add an ignorable pair to the end.
      d->ignorables.resize( d->ignorables.size() + 1 );

      //iterate through the arguments, and assign things to the to
      for(OpenRAVE::AttributesList::const_iterator itatt = atts.begin();
          itatt != atts.end();
         if (itatt->first=="link1"){
            d->ignorables.back().first = itatt->second;
         }else if (itatt->first=="link2"){
            d->ignorables.back().second = itatt->second;
            RAVELOG_ERROR("unknown attribute %s=%s!\n",

      return PE_Support;

   else if (name == "spheres")
      if (this->inside_spheres) {
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have <spheres> inside <spheres>!\n");
      if (this->inside_ignorables) {
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have <spheres> inside <ignorables>!\n");

      this->inside_spheres = true;
      return PE_Support;
   else if (name == "sphere")

      if (!this->inside_spheres) {
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have <sphere> not inside <spheres>!\n");
          return PE_Pass;
      if (this->inside_ignorables) {
          RAVELOG_ERROR("you can't have <sphere> inside <ignorables>!\n");
          return PE_Pass;
      //increase the size of the vector, add a sphere to the end.
      d->spheres.resize( d->spheres.size() + 1 );
      Sphere & current_sphere = d->spheres.back();

      //iterate through the arguments, and assign things to the to
      for(OpenRAVE::AttributesList::const_iterator itatt = atts.begin();
          itatt != atts.end();
         if (itatt->first=="link"){
            current_sphere.linkname = itatt->second;
         }else if (itatt->first=="radius"){
            current_sphere.radius = strtod(itatt->second.c_str(), 0);
         }else if (itatt->first=="pos"){
            double pose[3];
            sscanf(itatt->second.c_str(), "%lf %lf %lf",    
                   &pose[0], &pose[1], &pose[2] );
            current_sphere.position = OpenRAVE::Vector( pose );
         }else if (itatt->first =="inactive"){
             if ( itatt->second =="true" ){
                current_sphere.inactive = true;
            RAVELOG_ERROR("unknown attribute %s=%s!\n",

      return PE_Support;

   return PE_Pass;